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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe they wouldn't be if you didn't drive your cars so much, carcuck.

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Hard bump for the thread. No vidya to post. But I agree. I'm sick of the Lance Armstrong wannabe faggots.

Fuck off

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best thread ever!

Fuck you car driving fat fuckers driving your shitbox to the grocery store. Enjoy your early grave, you lazy pussies.

How could you encourage hitting someone with a car. Probably because of the shame.

I hate cyclists mostly due lack of knowledge about traffic law

That's so satisfying. I use to watch biker vlogs like snowcat, after his accident from being fucking retarded blaming a guy because he was entirely impatient and speeding past him i just gave up thinking these idiots have any excuse on the road. I always found it made me cringe really hard when they call normal people "cagers". Sorry not every one wants to spend hours a day dressing up to ride a bike and hoping something doesn't break along the way. Bicyclist are just even more complete scum.

This. Their sidewalk pedestrian/road laws mix is highly illegal and yet they think that can do the things they do. Most of them ride their bikes across the cross walk when the law states you must get off your bike and walk it across.

ass-backwards retarded they are

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A hearty kek

So satisfying. I live off a 2-lane, 55 MPH road which is constantly bogged down to a crawl by some jackhole in a speed cycling outfit loping along at 10 MPH on his Schwinn. Fuck them. Plenty of park and city roads for them to ride on.

This one I dont rly understand because bikes seems to stay on the bike lane.

But in general those fuckers annoy me like crazy... in our country we have many special bike lanes and roads and those fuckers still stay on the fucking road. Sometimes stay driving next to each other and all that shit.. sometimes even on Country roads where cars go by with 70/100 km/h.. dangerous as fuck.. 15 metres next to it. A super pretty bike way in the green..

wat he do?

What if that's their only way to get to their destination you narrow minded carcuck

>highly illegal and yet they think that can do the things they do
they rarely get punished for doing this.

the only asshole here is you, generalizing piece of nazi shit.

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It's not, biketard. And no one goes to work in a speed cycling skinsuit, fuckface.

To all these lazy faggots who start wheezing every time they up a flight a stairs, where you want us to ride? the woods?.

they dont respect sidewalks, roads, traffic lights... yet they expect cars to overtake them with 500 meters of separation or go at 20 km/h behind them, not to mention those 'we go in parallel, fuck you' subhumans. they should be all run over by a truck

How does this work?


Look up "rolling coal"

Brazilian slums, i hope you all die there, you cocksucking worthless whores

Well maybe it's the quickest way, how can you fucking know old sod. And not everyone wears a skinsuit.

What's that smoke exactly? He has a special anti bike smoke launcher or what?

Ha ha, fuck with the bull, ya get the horn!

It reminded me when I put a brick in an empty packet of crisps and left it on the sidewalk in front of the house, I don't know why but cyclists have a strange habit of driving on trash

My girlfriend does. She bikes 25 miles to and from work 5 days a week. Not by necessity but choice. She wears the body condom thing when she's going to and from work

Nerve gas

I don't see what the cyclist did wrong here
The assholes are in the car
According to OP this thread is about cyclist being assholes

Basic hate for fit fuckers

somehow they're responsible for OP being an incel.

they existed

Thank you!

Retards are everywhere.
I bike everyday.
I hate bad drivers.
I hate bad bikers.

that must've felt so satisfying

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This thread comes to show that no one is ready to make changes and use LESS cars.
2019 and car supremacy is still not over ... look at all you fagots complaining about fucking cyclists.
Try getting off your asses for once

Its like forcing them to smoke a cigarette. Dey really hate having their lungs destroyed, and have no one to sue. Guess these people that can't smoke in bars anymore are gett some payback

> by choice
Girlfriend is a huge piece of shit

i hate them because when i ride a bike, i actively make sure i am on the far side of the road. so i do not hamper traffic.
Cyclist think they are vehicles too, and we should share the road.
Do you pay insurance for your bike
do you get a saftey once a year on your bike
is your bike got a plate and a saftey sticker.
No to all the above
THEN STAY THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD, you are not a vehicle that we need to share the road with.

i hope i run you over. You're like one half of satan, the other being vegans and durian rider is satan himself fuck vegan rider faggots

>are gett some payback
at least payback to people who made the law

No road tax either.

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Are you american or living in america?

>Cyclist think they are vehicles too
A bicycle is a vehicle. Not the cyclist. Retard.

Bad biker has in "bike user"
Retard !
The problem is with people not tools, you idiot

no it's not it's legally classed as a mobile dildo

a bicycle is NOT a vehicle. for the mentioned above points.

You don't have to safety your bicycle, you don't need insurance for your bicycle. You don't need a drivers license for your bicycle.
So why the fuck do you think it's a vehicle.

Try any of those things with a REAL vehicle and you will find yourself in court or fined quick fast.

So take your fucking bicycle, stop riding side by side, stay the fuck on the far side of the road. Infact, get a mountain bike so you can stay in the gravel on the far side of the road.
Or fuck off.

I'm a cyclist and that annoys the fuck out of me. Not only they suicidally jump out in front of cars, but later behave like it wasn't their fault when they get run over.

There are places where you can cross on bike, but they are marked accordingly and usually have traffic lights.

In my country one of taxes in fuel is go on cyclists roads.

I swear to god these people are degenerate I hate biking on roads that close to cars. I usually try not take up too much space but this guy actively picked a fight witha car. Like did he think he could win that lmao what a retard.

>Rides a bicycle
>Can't catch a fatass
Must be Vegan.

>So why the fuck do you think it's a vehicle
Because it is by the definition of "vehicle"

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I sort of want to beat the fuck out of.... the driver of that car. What exactly causes a person to use a car to knock over a dude in a bike lane? Tiny dick is only half the answer here.

not legally retard

This is just as pathetic as Yea Forums gets.

Raging little dicked manlets in their big cars.

Same as being a little skinny faget bringing a gun to school.

It's just small inadequate revenge because other people have better lives.

you are not very good in admitting you where wrong, right?

or do you still thing bicycles are not vehicles?

>Owning a bike makes your life better than others

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High bicycle usage is aesthetic and makes cities more liveable

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reddit spacing

Cyclists are annoying. That’s it.

I dont dissagree but they shouldn't impede traffic and business for "style" points

Google: cyclist kills pedestrian

BuT cArS aRe tHe pRoBLeM!

New York. Sam Francisco. This is not an isolated incident. Multiple people KILLED by fucking faggot hippie socialist bike riders.
Fuck them. Fuck them all.

Lol thats why i always have a few throwing rocks in my car, if they sit in the way, i let my passenger throw rocks at them

tbf, without proper infrastructure and a solid culture surrounding bicycle usage they do tend to get in the way

Poor dude

This is the type of white nigger that goes to jail cuz they can't control the red neck in them

Dont know why he thought that was alright to do, saw this shit from a mile away

>invents the word "carcuck"
>uses it in this thread to pretend like he's a cyclist

Well played.

The car had his turning light on. It was the motorcyclist fault for being a dumbass.

Yeah we are replying to one bait for sure but I think the other guy is a legitimate butthurt bikefag

This is not confined to racing cycling. It's crowd mentality. In my country bicycles belong on the road, but yeah, being an ass should have consequences.

piss off back to plebbit, retarded piece of shit

If I could walk after that, I’d fucking kill that guy

>I don't see what the cyclist did wrong here
theyre interrupting the flow of traffic. go 20 in a 60 and youre the asshole

He asked for it, only assholes drive on the yellow Lanes

Never understood why this was legal, you're honestly don't 20+ mph compared to others and you expect others to be able to see you in time? You're like a speck in the dudes mirror when he's looking and you come up on him so quick.
>He crossed the solid yellow line
The fucking nigger was riding on the solid yellow line.

Thanks user. I just did and found the most magical unicorn on the internet: A Vice article that WASN'T a far left hit piece!

Yep, whiney liberal pussys that don't even go to bars.
The exact assholes that sit back and bitch for others to lose freedoms.

You mad?

Hahaha they dont understand the rules of the road, even if you spell it out for them.

if i seen that, i would give the car driver a medal and kick your ass for ignoring traffic laws, ignoring safe practices and attempting to assault someone.

They were riding on the roadside so that cars could overtake them.

>A Vice article that WASN'T a far left hit piece
You're a fucking liar.


Do you really think that the people that wanted to ban porn in the 70's actually purchased porn. Re re

It was his fault he drove too fast but still i feel sorry for him maybe because i own motorcycle. Cars mostly make a tunnel for motorcycles when is traffic jam, that's make it shorter

its still a safety issue. theyre within inches of the road where 2 ton motorized rollinghams are going.

fun fact: a metal is harder than flesh


That light show was cool

I thought the whole, "No, the dictionary meaning is invalid; the word means what I want it to," mentality was exclusive to the left.

Well, it's no TRUE vehicle!

Actually the car drivers are assholes. I don't like cyclists but i think there should be no fucking cars at all on this planet. And all drivers should be shot dead.

It's not my fault if you bring your big manly macho faggot fists to a gunfight.

I blame the Bike.
Lets just ban them already

Lol illegal to ride them on the sidewalk in my state, have to use lanes of the road like OTHER VEHICLES.

Jajajajajajajajaaaaa! He ask for the!

Squeals on wheels.

What a man!

You're a manlet, I can tell.

I see a lot of "motorized". You know why that's that in the law? To distinguish them from unmotorized vehicles. Also, i don't give a fuck about your local law in your hillbilly country.

I know user

Lol it's Cali law dipshit

Still in the US.

Actually the bikers new to pay for...
1) a bike licence
2) insurance
3) road tax on all bicycle sales & parts
4) annual safety inspections

You fuckin' wanna be equal, then lets be fuckin' equal. Until then gtfo

>implying cali laws make language

Yea, verily, I do say unto thee! I hath seen with mine own eyes, a sight so incredible as to defy our understanding of the nature of the world itself!
Liar? Nay! For one might think me mad, truly, and were I in thy place, wouldst think the same of one such as me espousing these words.
I beg of thee, know that I tell thee a tale of the purest truth.

And DragonForce is the hardest metal known to man.

Totally. Because I'm not an idiot when i ride my bike and know how others drive. I don't just do risky things and blame others when i know to expect this shit to happen. Health is better than any insurance payout faggot.

Better than your subhuman country

>make language
What are you trying to say, I really don't get ut, maybe you are projecting?

Have fun being mad

>Health is better than any insurance payout faggot
Not for my car

>You fuckin' wanna be equal
Who said cyclist want to be equal?

I bike in NYC and I understand why most drivers hate most cyclists:

>> Don't obey traffic laws they're subject to
>> Fly through stop signs and stop lights without checking for crossing cars
>> change lanes without signaling, turning without signalling
>> I've never seen this in NYC, but when I lived in the midwest, cyclists would take up the entire fucking street lane, instead of staying within 3 feet of the curb, which is the law.

I try to not do any of the above.

Know what's fucking worse than cyclists, though? The fucking delivery cunts on the electric bicycles. They don't give a shit about anything and I've seen them almost kill both cyclists and motorists multiple times, here in NYC.

>automotive health insurance
brb, disrupting an industry...

Same respect on the road.
Same respect as other vehicles
Same = equal

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Lol acting like a cyclist could hurt me through my car.

Riighhttt. Stay salty you got your spine mangled for being an idiot.
Insurance is only going to pay out the value of the car and it's generally lower than what you want it to be worth. So yes, even for your car.

Motor cycleist was completly in the right, as long as lane splitting is legal.
The lines were solid so the car is inable to turn into the left lane. the car was trying to cuck him.

I can fix the scratch from a biker with paint that I already have

>cycling next to each other on a lane where you can't even go on the other side
What the fuck, completely deserved


I've been bicycle commuting in major cities in the US for 10 years. People in the city are generally pretty cool about cyclists on the road. You see more road rage directed at other cars.

People is the suburbs are just the worst. Fat. Entitled. Lazy. They go into an emotional tailspin at the sight of a bicycle. Yet they constantly stare down at their phones while driving. Just the shittiest people on the planet.

>damage control

>maybe you are projecting?
maybe you are projecting?
or maybe you are too dumb

definitions of words are part of a language
that definitions are not made by laws
they are made by people who speak that language
usually there is broad consensus about what a word means
but if you are not sure about the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a dictionary
or an encyclopedy, like wikipedia

it makes no sense to disagree with a definitions, because if you want to change a definition, you got to convince millions of people that the definition of "vehicle" now excludes unmotorized vehicles. And you have to come up with a new word for "unmotorized vehicles", because with your new definition we no longer can call them "unmotorized vehicles".

In my country car insurance is for repairs but if cyclist hit my car, who is gonna pay?

Imagine trying to prove something this hard on Yea Forums to a shitposter. He's an idiot, just ignore him.

Maybe if you fuckers paid the same fees and taxes it would ease your troubles. Until the you're second class.

>Insurance is only going to pay out the value of the car and it's generally lower than what you want it to be worth. So yes, even for your car.
You can meet with them in court and then they pay. I had that situation

That looks like a California highway. Lane splitting is legal in California. Faggot.

replying just to agree wholeheartedly with your statement. I have a special vitriolic hate for those "swarm cyclists", which ride at night in groups of 20-50, and block main fucking roads, even if the lights are red for them, just to allow their fucking stragglers to catch up.

seriously the most stuck up, entitled assholes in the world.

I'm guessing the people you see seriously cycling, in the suburbs, probably pay more in taxes than most people on the streets with cars.

I've never seen a car get hit by a cyclist. I'm pretty sure this is an extremely rare occurrence. And even if a bike did hit you, your car wouldn't be substantially damaged beyond some scratches.

Don't you know how court works?
I can pull you in for a settlement on any damage to my property. It's why I own go pros

Could you imagine being such a fucking tool that you think it's acceptable to take up the entire road on a bicycle when there is a double solid line.

Seriously fuck that guy, he didn't take anyone but himself into consideration. If he just went behind or ahead of his buddy on the right side then it would have given the other cars plenty of room to squeeze by even with a double solid.

I feel like this kind of behavior is common, I work with a couple faggots who bike constantly and they've told me a couple stories where a car knocked them off their bikes. They are the type of tool to pull this kind of faggotry.

I don't ordinarily condone violence but that car sent the right message.

ITT: Butthurt americans mad at people partaking in physical activity

Fuck. so much cyclist hate, this is why I've switched almost exclusively to mountian biking y'all are blood thirsty.

>he rude, me hurt.
What a fucking brainlet

>And even if a bike did hit you, your car wouldn't be substantially damaged beyond some scratches
It's depend on speed and situation

And 2-ton rollinghams are just a hazard for 20 ton trucks. Does that justify truckers being assholes?

cyclists in general are assholes

My eyes! Did you throw acid at me. This cannot be true. This is actually a pretty good and fair article.

It's illegal to NOT ride them on the road. Learn your own road laws you filthy basement dweller

well deserved I hate them they get on road by pairs thinking they are kings

As an American, this I just don't understand:

>> Someone does something mildly inconveniencing or maybe even a misdemeanor offense

>> Kill them

Kill yourself you degenerate low-life. Dude was flying down a double sided line. If you're going to be dumb enough to do that at least go an acceptable speed. That piece of garbage was going way too fast and got what he deserved.

>I don't ordinarily condone violence but that car sent the right message.

>Go one the street in car
>See someone else not following rules
>Decide to play cop
>Don't fine them, but give them an injury and broken property instead

You know it's illegal to punish someone yourself?
You know it's illegal to give a corporal punishment?
So this car driver is doing unlawful things
By your logic someone is to "sent the right message" to the car driver

nice finnally these assholes get what they deserve

That doesn't mean you go as fast as you can without caution. That piece of shit was going too fast to stop reasonably.

Motorcyclists really are the dumbest faggots on this planet.

The more dangerous transport is, the more it is regulated and taxated.
Btfo until your transport requires as much licensing and taxes as trucks and construction vehicles.

I know your pain. Fuckers breaking all possible traffic laws and regulations, and getting away with it until they are run over ruin all the law-abiding cyclist reputation.

>In my country one of taxes in fuel is go on cyclists roads.

In my country some of the taxes on laundry detergent goes to education. so unfair!

i do not care what the dictionary says
Bike isn't a vehicle.

this argument would be so easy to win in court

"does bike need insurance, safteys and plates" if the answer is no, then it's not a vehicle. Otherwise, if we define a bicycle without these things. Then it's discrimination to need those things against cars or other "vehicles"

i would blow you away in court.

i would challenge that "its a vehicle with the same rights as a car" bullshit all the way up to the supreme. And i would fucking win.

Bottom line, if you do not pay for those same things as a car. you are not really a vehicle with the same rights and responsibilities as anyone in a real vehicle.

Are you retarded?
What are the risks of injuries to others while you ride your bike? Except for freak accidents, it's at most a concussion. You cannot compare the risks of driving a car with the risks of riding a bike.
Safety inspection on a bike? Plenty of cops here will give tickets to bicycles because they do not have brakes (fixie) or stupid stuff like that, but then again, a 3000 hunk of metal that can go at 70+ mph versus a 10 lbs set of wheels? You're just being facetious.

Everyone hates them.
I wish to talk to one of them in person once just to see the insanity in their eyes.

It's not healthy in any shape or form and it's dangerous for the cyclist and the cars on the road.
It's beyond me how shit like this is even allowed.
If you want to race with a motorcycle you go on a race track, why can these idiots fuck everything up for themselves and everybody else and be allowed to continue to do so?

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>You know it's illegal to punish someone yourself?

What is legally right and what is morally right are two different things JR. As I said, that guy sent the right message. Hopefully that faggot will realize that he was being a selfish prick by taking up an entire road for no reason. Talk about a severe lack of consideration for anyone but himself. The road is public property, not his personal bike lane.

>You know it's illegal to give a corporal punishment?

Again, what is legally right and what is morally right are two different things.

>So this car driver is doing unlawful things

For the right reasons.

>By your logic someone is to "sent the right message" to the car driver

This doesn't make sense, you me someone is to "send the right message"? Are you too stupid that you don't know how to use proper grammatical syntax?

Probably a cyclist. More than likely underage.

I meant more the excise tax not normal tax

>No road tax either
So what? Do you think that bicycles could ever damage a road? High-traffic roads get rebuilt and patched up every 3-4 years because overweight trucks and just general wear from cars will smash it to bits. A pedestrian path will last for 40+ years using cheaper techniques. It's pennies to dollars. Will you blame electric vehicles for not contributing to the transportation tax that is included in the price of gas?

Anyhow, taxation is theft.

>Bike isn't a vehicle.

The definitions of "vehicle" does not involve things like insurance and plates.
The first sentence on the wikipedia page says: "A vehicle is a machine that transports people or cargo."
Does a bicycle transport people? Yes. So it's a vehicle.

You really want to excluce unmotorized vehicles from being a vehicle.
But with that, you are disagreeing with a broad consensus about the meaning of "vehicle".
Good luck convincing every English speaking person in the world.

Hey stupid, that guy wasn't killed. He looked like he got a little bruised, big fucking deal.

>fit nigger vs fatass
>fatass wins
I love these webms keep em coming.

okay, so then we must consider ALL modes of transport vehicles then. Roller skates, skateboards.
You either consider all or none.
And you cannot look at speed or weight as a factor. Because a fat guy with a motorized skateboard can go as fast as a car and weight as much as a moped (which must be insured, plated and saftied). So, does that mean he's considered a vehicle like a car?
no. then shut the fuck up.

Legally, if someone were to argue this (reason why no one has, it's not worth the legal fees)
but if they did. They would win, easily in court.

Actually no not at all. You can only lane split at something like 10 or 15mph faster than what traffic is at. For starters

That's legal for bikes you uneducated faggot

Two wrongs don't make a right. This is reckless driving, vehicular assault and criminal negligence. If the driver did that on purpose, they need to be taken off the road for decades. Your driving privilege does not entitle you to run over people for *any* reason.

great, so a skateboard is a vehicle. Roller blades are a vehicle.
so a skateboard has just as much the right of way, as a car.

the reason the law specifies bikes, is because bikes were popular.
but if you truly argue the semantics of what makes a vehicle. Your bike argument is lost.

Tax is tax. And it's raised. And it's spend. Usually there is no relation between charging and spending. The only relation is that the total raised needs to be about the same as the total spend. What about excise duty on liquor. Should it be spend to benefit alcoholics only?

>imagine not being Dutch

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Well thankfully you aren't a judge or in any position to do anything about it.

I'd buy that guy a beer.

He was going 10-15

>doing bike
>can't run after a fatty

Fat guy on motorized skateboard going as fast as a car is definitely endangering himself and others. Skateboards are officially banned from streets pretty much everywhere. Also, if it is motorized, it would likely legally need plates.
Do you even read laws and statutes?

motorized vehicle is the complete term. lurk more faggot

You're just a moron. What if you got run over by someone with a car just because you wear a blue shirt, or because they don't like the breed of dog you are walking?

At this point, arguing with you feels like talking to a 4 year old who calls everyone in sight a doodoo head.

>if all vehicles are all called vehicles they must have the same rights
Nobody said that. Who has the right to use a road is defined by laws. Laws can be different in every state. Most traffic laws don't give the exact same rights to all vehicles. So what is your problem?

It's not legal to split lanes going 50mph when everyone else is going a max of 20mph. He's easily doing 30 more than the traffic around him.

He's at fault, get over it you shit-eating retard.

Lol your ability to judge speed is so bad that's like 15 mph in standing traffic

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Explaining things for retards.

Different means of transportation have different amounts of regulations concerning them being on road. (e.g. cars have more regulations that mopeds but less regulations than trucks and buses)
Usually, the more dangerous and complex transport is, the more it needs to be regulated. Bikes are mechanically simple, easy to control and therefore have bare minimum of regulations (be visible and go in "slow" part of the road if we don't specify the country).

> B-but muh road tax
Road tax for different means of transportation is usually proportional to damage it does to roads (heavy trucks pay more while

>motorized vehicle is the complete term. lurk more faggot
say that to the other faggot

you should not be allowed to split lanes anyways.

If a car cannot do it, just because a bike can. doesn't mean it should be legally allowed. For EXACTLY the reason we see in this video above.

don't worry he's on film. He's had his license revoked permanently for driving to endanger and vehicular assault.

>motorized vehicle is the complete term
yes, that's the complete term for "motorized vehicle"
and it implies that vehicle can be unmotorized too and still be a vehicle

Why, because some dick might try to run you over you mean? Besides nice Steadman argument, that's the same as saying
>guns and swords should have the same rules

you'd deserve it

Did you actually read your country's traffic laws? Usually regulations for different types of vehicles (including cars, trucks, tanks, bikes and horse carriages) are different and specific enough.

hope he broke his fucking neck

>If a car cannot do it, just because a bike can. doesn't mean it should be legally allowed

Can cars eat? Can cars drink? No. So by your logic it's illegal now.

Someone needs to tell you to shut the fuck up, faggot. So shut the fuck up, faggot

Not in most states. Only state I know where weaving like that is legal is Commifornia.

get out of the fucking road - it's not a bike lane

>well maybe
maybe they're just assholes

get out of the fucking road - it's not a bike lane assholes

>hurr some stupid opinion
>durr some stupid reasoning

Doesnt need one retard

Most roads regulate all kinds of vehicles who can use them. Collectively, we ruled that cars, being self-propelled and having brakes, are relatively safe, but because minor accidents with pedestrians and other motorists have a high risk of causing grievous bodily harm, they need insurance and registration to keep driver behavior in check.
Bicycles, being human-powered and having brakes on both wheels, are also relatively safe. Not weighing 3000 lbs factors in very highly in the reason why insurance is usually not required while riding a bike. They are also very handy in urban settings, take up much less space on a road than cars, can be stowed away and don't cause nearly as much traffic as cars: factors that make them valuable to a society, despite
their negative interactions with self-entitled motorists.
Skateboards are not street legal because they do not have brakes (a rider cannot quickly stop in front of a car pulling out of a driveway due to lack of brakes, and if they did they would just fall over). Push scooters legally need a brake and reflectors (and going downhill at 35 mph would probably land you a reckless driving fine).


that's why it's called "road" and not "car lane"

I guess all that bike riding didn't build up any endurance - couldn't catch the old guy

>You're just a moron. What if you got run over by someone with a car just because you wear a blue shirt, or because they don't like the breed of dog you are walking?

You're just some kid that has no life experience and poses hypothetical instead of talking about the subject at hand.

That fact is, this situation would never happen to me because I am able to take other people into consideration. If/when I bike I always stay as far right as I can and use the bike lane when capable. In this particular situation I wouldn't have simply gone ahead of or behind my friend on the right so that cars could pass until we got to a point where there was no longer a double sided line.

The biker was a shit-stain. If you think what they were doing was acceptable then it is highly likely you are a shit-stain as well.

>At this point, arguing with you feels like talking to a 4 year old who calls everyone in sight a doodoo head.

Pot meet kettle.

then get run the fuck over dumbfuck

>Should it be spend to benefit alcoholics only?
Yes, he should be spent on alcoholism treatment and preventing it

I said max of 20 dipshit, doesn't mean most were only going 10-15.

Reading comprehension is hard.

want to play chicken with me on the road asshole - I'm game

>I am able to take other people into consideration.
>The biker was a shit-stain.

Nice way of "taking other people into consideration". Please kys.

Cyclists don't pay road taxes.
Cars/drivers do.
Cyclists are guests.
If they cannot ride single file, they get fucked up.
Simple as that.

>the road asshole
what is a road asshole?


Roads are paid for out of general revenue. There are no road taxes you fucking inbred.

I’ve done thousands of miles on my bicycle, even from New York to Miami. In no situation did I hinder cars, endanger pedestrians or myself. This is abkut speed cyclist wannabe Tour the France Faggot wannabe motherfuckers who don’t have any bit of respect for others or their safety. May they hit a tree and burn in hell.

>Nice way of "taking other people into consideration".

That's precisely why I'm able to a confidently say he got what was coming to him. You don't purposefully inconvenience people in a two ton metal box on wheels.

Sure, you might be legally right, you might also be dead.

Reminds me of the idiots down in NYC who'll walk out in front of you regardless of what traffic is doing. Sure, legally they might be right that cars have to yield to pedestrians, doesn't really matter if they end up getting killed.

Imagine being this underage.

This is how entitlement looks like. Please kys.

This cyclist probably paid the same road taxes, because they have a car too. Or do you think people have a racing bike as a full replacement for a car?

There is. You pay it when buying a car/parts and also on regular basis if you own one (not sure if in all countries). But they are not the only source of road creation and maintenance.

Not sure what half-assed shithole you live in, but in the civilized world, roads and infrastructure are paid for via gas tax and tolls. CAR tolls. Perhaps not in shitghanistan or wherever the fuck you live.

>That fact is, this situation would never happen to me because I am able to take other people into consideration. If/when I bike I always stay as far right as I can and use the bike lane when capable. In this particular situation I wouldn't have simply gone ahead of or behind my friend on the right so that cars could pass until we got to a point where there was no longer a double sided line
We can completely agree on this. It is a perfectly reasonable way of riding a bike. Riding side-by-side is terrible cyclist etiquette, single file being the norm (and in many places, the law). Alas, I have seen webms of drivers pushing off the road cyclists riding the way you described just because they hate them in general.

>If you think what they were doing was acceptable then it is highly likely you are a shit-stain as well.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The cyclist was exhibiting abhorrent, unacceptable behavior. Still, it does not warrant someone with a driver license to suddenly become judge, jury and executioner of that man.
I hate cyclists as much as the next guy, but running over someone because you disagree with them is antisocial behavior and should end in getting locked up for a few months, or at the very least tar and feathered and exposed in front of your peers. Modern societies have long ruled out that corporal punishment is not the answer to a majority of crimes.

Had a bikefag event in the next town over last month, who the fuck rides a bike on a back ass road at 7am? Fuck nigga im tryna come home from work and they going 10 in the 45, fuck bikes. When i had to bike to work i stayed as put the way as possible not middle of the back road nigger style.

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by US Laws Bikes are considered by any mean s a vehicle. They have to abide by the same exact laws as cars do. Have to stop at red lights, stop signs, can't drink and bike get the same charge as a dui in a car. It might not have gas but you have to abide by all the same rules as a car.

>you might be legally right, you might also be dead

how do you call it when someone unlawful kills someone else?
is it allowed to murder someone because they annoy you a bit?
please kill yourself
nobody wants you in this world

Holy shit. Driver is rl spy hunter

Lol America is fucking huge compared to a lot of countries, to get to the closest town from where I live is almost an hour drive, it'd take literally like 3 hours on a bike at least and then youd be sweaty and unfit for work after riding 3-4 hours in the 100° weather

This is ridiculous. The excise taxes you pay on tranportation-related goods could not even buy you a new driveway every year. If you think that it is a significant contribution to the roads, you better pick up a calculator and start crunching numbers.

>who the fuck comes home from work at 7am
Different people, different lifestyles. If you were not so self-centred, you would not lose your shit over an incident that cost you maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

Don't bikes have special rules regarding lanes in US?

>how do you call it when someone unlawful kills someone else?

In this particular situation? I'd call it a Darwin award.

>is it allowed to murder someone because they annoy you a bit?

Not what happened here, so again, hypotheticals that have nothing to do with what happened here.

>please kill yourself
>nobody wants you in this world

Pot meet kettle.

I would have gone insane on the guy that hops out of the car. Based Tard

He might be a faggot. But you're a little tard.

>who the fuck comes home at 7am
Me nigga
Screamed like the tourettes guy getting raped at them

Also, excise taxes exist mostly because at the time that the government was looking for a little extra revenue to help out repairing the roads, submitting a bill that says "we will ask only motorists to contribute 2% more" passes more easily than "we will ask all the population, including people who refuse to use cars by choice, to contribute 0.5% more to roads".
Also, have you considered how unfair excise tax is? Cars that cost more to repair or have more expensive parts will need to contribute more to that tax than the person driving a $500 shitbox who picks up used parts at the scrapyard.

As a cyclist this is totally fucking deserved, you do NOT ride 2 abreast on a road that small. Get in a ride and go for a ride, dont fuck off other road users by being a selfish cunt

I'm saying the biker is going 15 in standing (still) traffic
>reading comprehension is hard.

Kys incel

>I hate cellphoneusing cagers mostly due lack of knowledge about traffic law. Bicycles must follow the same traffic laws as cagers. Riding on sidewalks is prohibited. Cagers must pass bicycles "at least" 4 feet to the bikers left. So that means the cager is allowed (No mandated) to cross the Double Yellow lines when passing a biker.

>as pathetic as Yea Forums gets
top lel not even close lurk moar plebbitfag

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Good god, there's a lot of hate in this thread. I really hope I never have to share a road with you. I ride bikes and drive cars. I wouldn't feel save in either vehicle around most of you.

Assume everyone in traffic are idiots.

Having the right to go through traffic like a maniac doesn't make you invulnerable. It's the reason you look both ways even when the cars have stopped for you at a crossing.

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If you don't get out of my way i'll knock you off your gay little bike or rip you out your beetle and rape you like the pussy you are.

Aren't you a glorious keyboard warrior.

Right now near my home kid on bicycle get hit by driving learning

I started concealed carrying when i ride for this exact reason.

how can you people not notice obvious sarcasm
leave the internet and never come back you're undeserving of this privilege

Conceal carry a rubber dong? Little bitch. Id disarm you in a second.

You realized that most road cyclist are pretty affluent and they own land. A good bike costs between 3-10k.

>why this was legal,
It's usually not, it's an American thing.

guess he hurt himself in some kind of crash, thats why he can't run that good

This is the easiest way to get real jail time even in cuck hold Scandinavia with small sentences and lots of parole.

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not nearly as annoying as niggers, we should run them over too

off-road biker here
roadies are complete scum, fuck em

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I do this but with old batteries, and to throw at asshole motorists

I ride a motorbike and this guy's just going way too fast. He's in the right sure, but don't trust cars to do the right thing, especially when you're the one who'll end up worse off.

y u so mad tho

These threads always spook me. I'm sure I'm being baited here, but I'm a poorfag and my bike is my only transportation. I stay on sidewalks when I can, and ride in the shoulder of the road where there's no sidewalk. When crossing I always wait until the pedestrian crossing sign lights up, unless there aren't any cars around. In general, I try not to be an ass to drivers. If not for basic courtesy, it just makes it safer for everyone, especially the bike rider. Seeing these threads and all the unjustified hate for people just going about their business who happen to be on a bike (see ) makes me worry that I could end up injured or even killed because some driver tards out at me,for not using the same mode of transport as them.

Clearly you don't know how courts work. You aren't going to get a pay out worth more than the damage delt. If there is damage on your vehicle a body shop will quote it and you will be paid out that much to have it fixed and covered with a rental vehicle if needed. Fucking idiots.

Implying they don't get a cheep chinese boomer bike paid with their senior discount at their local walmart coming with tassels and bell they drive back to their 600 square feet trailer.

It's a diesel, when they floor it

I dont like bikers more than what you do, but a bicycle is a vehicle. Where im from you can get your drivers license revoked by cycling drunk.

Is that what she tell you, sounds like her other boyfriend has a truck

They are litteraly riding double file like there the fucken army, fuck them

I have to try this alternative with old batteries

Really? Is this bait? If you are for real, consider killing yourself first. If you are lane splitting, thats your fault. He was in the wrong for lane splitting. There is absolutely no way you can see someone who is lane splitting and moving that quick.

If you are going to be on a bike, atleast follow the traffic rules you fucking shitbrain. If not, then please be my guest. I hope you lane split like this guy and die from having your ugly stupid pumkinhead smashed in like this stupid faggot.

I seriously hope you die from lane splitting. You are cancer to society.

Complaint that they take up the road. Half of these cunts are riding double file taking space because" ohohohoh Jim I'm gonna beat you hurdurhur" instead of keeping a single line. Just think what if cars where driving side by side like that then slowing down the lane to a crawl

I've been hit by a cyclist and it made some nasty scratches. The car was my company's, but if it was mine I would have been fucking pissed.

>double file like there the fucken army

You're responsible about sharing the road. No hate here my dude

By your logic so is a skateboard a scooter, and fuckin unicycle. At least off they where all on unicycles I get a chuckle

Vehicles hurt, get outta the way, bitch.

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Said the manlet cycler

lol, wut.
Lane splitting is illegal in 37 states. California is the only state where it is explicitly legal. It is not an "American thing" at all. Every Asian and European nation allows lane splitting on motorcycles.

You sir, are an ignorant fool talking out of your ass.

I don't think that's diesel being burnt lean, looks like they're spraying antifreeze onto their exhaust

So skateboards

kek how fucking badly do you think a fucking bicycle could damage a car

this one I don't think is justified

>didnt drive your cars so much

lol, there is it.
racing cyclists are the other side of the angry white man phenomenon. instead of a gun, they get their bicycle out and then cut off every drive they can or peddle as slow as they feel like, like the road was built just them.

diesel is black smoke

Ok I can entirely break your cycler spirit, since a vehical is anything propelled by people, now a gang of skate boarders will ride triple file in front of cyclers at a whopping 5 miles an hour, can't go around because all the cars passing u already, can't go on sidewalk or your breaking the law. Check and mate faggots

it's always justified

LOL look up mountain biking. So yes. The woods.

That dude is going way faster than 15, I just assumed you were talking about my approximation of the slow traffic speed.

If you weren't so retarded you would notice that all cars in that video are moving. They aren't stopped, at all. They are going slow, between 10-20MPH. That's why he's got to easily be going 30-50.

Again, this is easily to prove by watching the end of the video, after the camera hits the ground you can see all the headlights moving toward it from the distance.

Get fucked biker trash.

Legal in Australia too, when the traffic is stopped

Where I live they basically have quasi gangs where there will be 40 or so of them an they ride 4-8 wide taking up entire lanes on 2 lane roads. They become furious when people in motor vehicles try to get on with their lives unimpeded by dumbfuck cyclists. They're shitty and aggressive and feel that they own the road. They will go out of their way to cause problems. They refuse to obey the laws. Then they get buttblasted when they injure themselves and/or others. Seriously, wtf is it about cycling where seemingly only the biggest most narcissistic pieces of shit engage in it?!

Actually it's easy to see how fast he's going as his speedometer is right there. He's going about 35 when the rest of traffic is going about 10-15.

Way, way too fast. Got what he deserved.

Last part is bullshit, they avoid bike paths like the plague, because they think they are so super fast, also they get obstructions often on a bike path, but now they just obstruct themselves, bike paths are to narrow for them, so if there is 2 people biking next to each other they can't get passed. In the Netherlands there is bike paths next to literally every road and they rarely use them.

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fucking degenerate losers

>more than the damage delt
In my country they have to " repair car to exactly same state like before accident" it's regulated by law also i don't want more I want my car fixed


lol no one? in Amerifatland probably not, but EU no issue

you are a loser


>a bicycle is NOT a vehicle
You are either trolling or you're genuinely retarded. How is a literal vehicle not a vehicle?! It is fully designated as a vehicle. Did you mean that it's not a MOTOR vehicle? Because nobody said it was. But it most certainly IS an actual vehicle, you slack jawed mouth breathing turd farmer. For fuck's sake you're dumb

i'm amazed at these videos of car drivers purposefully driving into cyclists
it must be an american thing, i never even heard of that ever happening over here
if the raging faggot drivers ITT saw me pass by them in my glory days of aloof insane cycling, they would have a heart attack

i do not share the road: i steal it because it's made for cars but i'm nimbler and quicker and dont need to stop at red lights or respect silly markings meant for hapless cattle

i'm halfway between a pedestrian and a vehicle and thus can enjoy and abuse the privileges of both
catch me if you can retards
rage behind your little wheels

now i'm 52 and havent used a bike in a long time, but i just bought an electric unicycle
car drivers are just sheeple
these ewheels are next level, it's a gliding sport, you glide upon the street, road, offroad, wherever

maybe i'll kill myself on that thing but it's worth it
see you retards, if you can see me
i wont even look at you, you clumped up animals in your 1000 pounds machines
you fucking herd animals

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Lamp, window, dents in the door and broken plastic bumper?

Brilliant retort , old boy.
Regale us with additional, equally witty jabs, won't you?

Ya fuck people who use their own property amirite?
Fucking tool. Go ride your pussy mobile some more and jerk off your bike friends in their little short shorts, faggot

Lol can’t wait till some 16 year old bitch in her mommies car squashes you like the insignificant bug you are. kys faggot

16 yo's neither drive nor have cars around here, this isnt murrimuttland
i'll fly over the region of my 10 million strong urban landscape and have a ball while you go back and forth from work to home and back again to consume your macdonalds

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>angry white man phenomenon

God damn it i cycle allot when im not driving but this is true more often than id like.

There is this kind of bearded, red faced, spandex wearing, middle aged (even if they are 25), obnoxious entitled asshole who seem to be waiting to get angry and shout at people for the smallest reason. Just chill the fuck out, if you actually nearly get killed by someone you have a reason to be pissed but these guys seem to thrive on being sanctimonious.

Why fucking wear full spandex on your way to work anyway? Unless your competing in sport you dont need your nutsack crushed to shit like that. I cycled around all day for work in jeans and a tshirt, i got everywhere in time.

There are some retarded pedestrians though, anyone else noticed people just walking into the road without looking when your cycling? Its like they think just listening for a car is enough and they just wonder across the road on their phone, i dont really see that when im driving.

I did get clipped by an unmarked police car when i was on acid though, that sucked ass.

This got me good.

Holy shit i suppose it MIGHT happen, if a racing bike hit you at TOP speed head on but its so fucking unlikely its barley worth considering.

Also its very likely the cyclist would be killed or seriously injured being thrown of at speeds high enough to cause a dent.

OP here, do I get a laura of greatly successful threads?