This is the worst possible timeline.
This is the worst possible timeline
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Why is this the worst timeline?
Totally normal lol
Ya know, if you quit being whiny liberal cunts you’d probably enjoy life more. Ignore the orange moron, take up a hobby, go out and have fun, and stop being perpetually fucking offended at everything on behalf of everyone else and you’d see life is gonna be fine without all the worry and bullshit you make for it.
listen nigger
1) not a libcuck
2) not offended
3) every day that passes is another day the world is rotting and the sky turns a shade darker and the food becomes that much more bitter and inedible. I’m just hoping for mass public suicide at this point.
No, you listen nigger!
You’re worrying about some bullshit or another. Just stop. Ignore all the other shit and enjoy you doing you.
None of the crap other people do really matters in the long run, so just you yourself find whatever enjoyment you can and ignore the rest.
just when you think things cant get any worse, you get an openly zionist president for 8 years america fuck yea
Fat Tay says calm down.
You two niggers better listen up!
Get in the FUCKING ROBOT, fat Taylor
Still wondering why this is the worst timeline.
Fuck off fat tay, go eat some more donuts you fat fuckenstein.
Now, you listen here nigger...
Ok... Like to elaborate
::gestures at everything and everyone::
>Please just ignore that we are fucking everything in the ass
>It really makes sense to just allow us to buttfuck you
lol ok
How about you do that instead Nazi fag?
For you.
>things being the best they have been in almost 20 years is akin to being fucked in the ass
I mean. If you swing that way, yeah.
>consider the following
Get it? Swing that way?
It's because you're a faggot soon to be swinging from a rafter.
I'm fine. You're not. That's why I have free time to try to make the world better. You have to grab your ankles and try to remember the good times. :)
>loves jews
>loves trump
Trump's election revealed that the American Voter doesn't have any say and that Government is corrupt and tyrannical.
Vote for an Orange reality TV star that only runs on 1 fucking thing: "Build the Wall" and the Government won't allow him.
Wall: 20 Billion
Total Federal Budget: 3.8 Trillion
You, the American People, are not allowed to spend
I don't think I'll ever understand how people can possibly just be okay deciding to be dumb.
Sorry things are better than they have ever been that's why healthcare is so cheap and nobody complains about anything at all.
i dont get it --
stop these cryptic, space-wasting posts
Americans are retarded and they deserve their shitty fate. It's a third world country. Can we stop talking about America now? Who gives a fuck. They're irrelevant and defeated. Let's move on. America died.
Things are better than they have been in 20 years! Nothing is wrong! Everything is fine!!!
I hear a rumor that the original Ivanka's body is buried somewhere on Epstein's island and the woman working for Trump now is actually a Russian crisis actor.
Says some user on a US message board from some random shithole devoid of Trump.
Go look up all the world superpowers. I'll wait.
Or our great economic status.
Hurr Durr I'm a solipsistic retard. Me so smart!
This is a Japanese image board.
post your bank balance with a timestamp, let's see how awesome you're doing lol
>imagine not being American
>imagine not having freedom
>imagine being forced to watch muslims rape your family
>imagine be (You)
Please just ignore him and live your life user. Stop complaining and go outside, you'll be happier.
>imagine if your president was the king of israel
My entire freezer is full of burgers, there is no economic crisis in America and even if there were I would just drive fucking naked to mcdonalds and order take out like we all do in america. #Mcdonalds Burger Day #NoMexicansinMyDriveThru
back to plebbit
Fuckin lol
Ima Dem-only voter & I strongly agree
w/ DT on the $ 5 [ five ] BILLION wall & immigration,
esp from the 3rd & 4th worlds.
Haha XD Donald Trump is the king of Israel
At the rate it's costing them to build the wall it will cost the entire GDP of the United States for two years lol. It's graft.
You need to stop following shit news.
Crying samefag means you're BTFO. Get out.
You better be on the correct side when shit goes down
Trump loves Jews. He's perfect.
P.S.: it was my Dem buddies in the House,
that obstructed Trump's wall,
and so LITERALLY left America OPEN to this invasion of 3rd & 4th worlders,
that is dragging America down to their level.
“London became the tuberculosis capital of Europe,
due largely to immigration...”
Telegraph UK Dec 2010 . bit***ly
“Experts believe immigration is one of the main causes of the Victorian disease epidemic UK is now facing.”
“… cases of tuberculosis, scurvy, cholera, whooping cough, and scarlet fever are rising alarmingly…
“…there has been a dramatic spike in scarlet fever, 136%, with 14,000 cases last year…”
“the highest since the 1960s, according to the National Health Service (NHS)…’ “
It's been the worse timeline since 1945.
Hopefully we get the plague part 2 over there
>peace at last
Agreed what with Trump sucking Israel dick constantly.
I have fuck all, because I just put into expanding my medical massage business in Florida. After opining 3 years ago, even now during off season, we're more than 80% booked. Not that I'd give you fags any real info on who I am.
And I said the COUNTRY is doing great, because we've blown away expectations on GDP and jobs growth, and our Dow is still ~ 28% up since Trump. Dude got blood from a stone.
Feeding my son breakfast atm, though we're going to the park today.
>I’m just hoping for mass public suicide at this point
Now is the time to lead by example
Weird you have excuses that you're poor when everything is amazing in the handjob business.
No-no, user!! I would never... gosh... I hate Trump! I swear I don't want to suck Jewish penis even though it's every other sentence I say! Awooo~~
>this is you
They're actually doing a pretty good cracking down on that, unless it's an Asian place. Maybe it's because I hire a mix, but I've only heard of three people requesting it.
Then again I bet you live in a place where your mom can happily give a blowjob to some random homeless guy in the street without anyone batting an eye.
It seems like it bothers you that Trump considers himself the Jewish chosen one. Would you like me to stop bringing it up?
No, it's alright. Wouldn't want to ruin your larp/edging tonight.
Trump called himself king of the Jews lol
The sheer vitriolic hatred I managed to create with a screencap and a meme makes me proud, and makes me feel like I should beat the entirety of Capitol Hill to death with zip locked bags full of their own frozen organs until what remains of their insides is reduced to a pulped slurry of gore, then fill a paddle pool with aforementioned gore-slurry and a half dozen live snakes on live television, but mostly proud.
this gay
I'm starting to think that all of this negative press is actually posted by the republicans. Surely the democrats learned in 2016 that exaggerations and silencing the opposition doesn't work, right?
Stop swallowing partisan vomit. The sooner you realize that the "left" and the "right" have identical practical agendas and stop focusing on rhetorical differences, the better off you'll be.
Are you retarded?