About to suck off a random guy in his car that I met online. Im 19, hes 41. What should I expect?

About to suck off a random guy in his car that I met online. Im 19, hes 41. What should I expect?

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To get raped and to have at least 3 STDs after.



wiener in mouth

fucking disgusting. have some self respect you dumb faggot

Probably a peepee in your poopoo

a blue 2004 Ford Focus

He said he is bringing his recent STD screen with him that I can look over and check with his ID so I'm 100% that he's clean before I suck his huge cock. How pushy you think he will be to take my boipucci cherry?

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what does cum taste like? ive never had the courage to try my own.

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if hes a white guy youre less likely to get the hiv, but expect a hard fleshy rod to twitch alot and not get any warning about when he's ready to bust

depends. Most of the time it tastes like semen, but if you're watching yourself suck dick in a mirror, it tastes like nemes.

He‘s right you know

anus. it's an anus.

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HPV in the back of your throat, and throat cancer in 25 years.

protip, there is currently no screening test for male HPV, and 80% of men have it, even if they have no symptoms.

He's cum and gone, even sucked me off a bit too. His cum didn't taste too bad, kind of like salty milk almost

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If you're lucky, it tastes like skin and soap.
If not, vinegar and whatever he ate for dinner last night wafting out of his asshole.

Did you enjoy it?

Did he try to fuck you?

It feels weird on your teeth

Depends what he ate, bitter if he's a meat guy. sweet if he's a faggot who likes his fruit smoothies.
and since he let you suck his cock I'm willing to bet he liked his fruit smoothies!

OP is a faggot

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This guy.

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You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

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how do you know that op isnt a female ?