How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural...

How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural. Americans are fat and stupid as fuck aha don’t care what’s in their food as long as they can stuff their stupid brain dead faces with liquor and fries and salt

Americans are so god damn stupid they just say oh dude it’s the same thing. Everything comes from nature dude. Oh it’s not that bad dude it’s just chemicals

I am NOT eating vegetables for every meal

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds like you're some kind of communist faggot, go live in some hippy commune in the forest if you cant handle some real AMERICAN food

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>Americans are so god damn stupid
>OP can't figure this shit out by himself
you are a real piece of shit.

Get offended lardo, just remember to grease the pan before you fucking eat it kek

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The UK version also contains all that shit they just don't have to declare it because of laws

>OP can't figure this shit out by himself
>America can't figure out how to produce real food without artificial everything, chemicals and high fructose corn syrup
>user is an obese nigger

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instant oatmeal vs "oat so simple"


No, no they do not

OP is absolute right you fucking burgers get dumbed down and literally devolved in so many ways. Its like an alien force wants to get rid of you. Understandable. You are fat dumb ugly and disgusting. You eat shit you dont move you watch degenerate shows and you have no culture besides mass shootings. Nobody likes american abominations.

And how do you know?

ya, but our bottles bigger

america wins again


Seething amerilard, make more excuses for me

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>And how do you know?
And how do you know? You were the first to claim something with no supporting evidence you weren't having oral diarrhea, support your claim or my denying it is only natural as we look at those ingredient lists kek

>no culture
kek. england's modern culture wouldnt even exist without american blues musicians

Why do I get the feeling that the difference between labelling of those two products has more to do with the particular levels of regulation/reporting standards than with the actual ingredients of the products?

Kek leave it to amerilard, quantity > quality especially with food, enjoy your heart condition, clogged arteries and premature death due to your poor health and obesity, kiddo

literally all the 60s british bands were just stealing old blues songs.

All your music is stolen
all your art is stolen
you are all secretly french/german


You literally eat corporate americas industrial waste they have only the cheapest chemicals available to you to consume. This why you look like an abomination. Corporate america sucks you so dry off everything. Health, energy, intelligence, willpower, blood and life. You are cattle you fucking dumb shit do you even feel anything? Fucking cattle

/thread, any deniers are defensive amerifats

Go eat fried butter on a stick. Americans make me sick.

way to take my joke serious. fucking britbongs are fucking retarded

so glad my grandma left that country


At least we are free, do you have a license to post on this board

Dear burgers, see;

all you do is steal from other cultures and claim it as your own.

Because of farmer subsidies. Corn syrup is in fucking everything so farmers can receive their welfare.

>i-i was just joking haha was only pretending XD
Cop out

>how do i avoid garbage
Don't buy it, stupid

all your food is indian
all your music is american
all your hot women are from other countries

face it, the "english" fucking sucks.

Rip, America is lost

srsly kys britbong

your country is shit and will only get shittier now that you brexited

have fun going back to the 70s

Cope and seethe

ya, we're pretty fucked

As someone who has recently moved to England from America, I can absolutely guarantee that this is the case.

At least with American ingredients you dont get these mysterious E numbers. When something American has MSG in it, it will say that. But when something has MSG in England, its called Flavor Enhancers, E621, E635

Fuck that, give me my American ingredient list back

Haha XD I thought we were joking xdddd don't me maaaad


this. America has far stricter regulations for ingredients labels. Many ingredients that are used for the processing make up

Really burgers? I mean, really?

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>bitching about excessive ingredients

Samefagging too hard lad

literally all your spices are from asia
your "national dish" is indian food
your music is just rock (american), hiphop (american), or house music (american)
All of your "supermodels" are Black, East-Euro, or italian (or a mix)

Here ya go

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I thought I was the only one who noticed the amerifats getting dumbed down with their garbage food. Amerifats are not even human any more they are human chattel. Subhuman and disgusting, too stupid to do anything about it just get all mad when people point out how pathetic they are.

>the high fructose corn syrup in my blood
>the chemicals in my brain
>the laaaaand of the freeeeee




Kek why are you so upset are you jealous maybe it's okay

Do you have a license for that offensive comment m8? I wouldnt want you to get arrested for hate speech on the internet.

Say that in 2 hours when all you euros crawl back into your cesspool when the Americans wake up and remind you who's in charge.

Not proof of claim just example of one side, show proof of connection to msg

>At least we are free
this is what Americans really believe.

You are free to die if you get sick cause you don't even have universal health care or get in huge debt and become homeless just cause you got ill, you are free to get shot, you are free to get fucked in the ass daily by your corporation overlords treating you like cattle feeding you shit, while avoiding any sort of real regulations, checks, and of course taxes. You are free to get in huge debt over higher education free in real countries, you are free to vote for one of two options each 4 years, you are free to be too stupid and uneducated to comprehend what real democracy is and why you don't have it.
You are free to being indoctrinated into thinking you are "free".

The amount of obesity there is outrageous, obese niggers majority but also MANY whalelord amerilard white people, ie the people defending their chicken tendies in this thread

Literally google the numbers and it will tell you exactly what you need to know

Ive already held your hand through this too much

Fatty mad mad

I only got one of those (You)'s. I'd tell you to suck my superior American dick, but I don't let British teeth get near my junk, you feckless putrefied mongoloid afterbirth.

>europoors think they're free

Has mommy Merkel let you do your Brexit yet?

Sounds like you are jelly of all of our freedoms, faggot.

I'd rather pay more than get paid shit and have to eat actual garbage amerifat B)
Cry more

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I'm American, I'm college educated and I make more money as a plant nursery worker, I work 60 hours a week in weather ranging from -3 to 100+degree temps, one unpaid vacation a year, no sick days, no health care.
I can barely afford food.
I get sick of being called lazy by the pieces of shit over here, you can fuck off too. I know work, it just doesn't pay in America.


>m-my brother will beat you up!
No he won't faggot he's too obese to walk 10 yards too

Since you're too inept to put 1 letter and 3 numbers in Google, I guess I'll spoonfeed you like the infant you are.

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whats in the "cheese"
i know its just milk and whey, but still, that shit should be listed.

wtf are E339 and E341 (why do i have to use the internet to find out what these are?)
americans have regulations where you have to list ALL ingredients

Try again cunt

More than one person in the world has a beef with UK ingredient standards

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prob because you got a degree in philosophy or some shit.

Okay thanks didn't think there was a connection anyway, bye

That sounds really ableist and fatphobic user. The bobbies are going to lock you up for this hate speech.

lmao british people have such fucked teeth its funny how real it is

I don't know about you but my country's national dish is either Sunday roast or fish and chips according to every fucker I ask. Neither of which originate in India.

Rock comes from country, country Congress from blues, which Congress from African Americans primarily, who got the basis from African folk chants. So you can't really boil down all rock music to American, and hip hop especially. And house? American? AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

No, very few British supermodels are black.

Hoes mad

they should still be listed on the box

why do i have to use the internet to know exactly whats in my british shit food


Isn't that the furfag porn site?

nah, you just realized england steals everything. you have no culture.

get raped some more by the royals you fuking dumb twat.

And you call us europoors, at least we can afford to eat real food.


I'm from the heart of Europe but never in the EU.

There's this thing called an education system, it enables people to learn more than one language.
I know you've never heard of it, but it's quite neat. I'm not a native English speaker. I hope I didn't blow your mind merritard.

This is the point as to why UK labeling is inferior

I blame my European heritage on why I'm an animal. Feels very bad

Nice try furfag, tl/dr

like what?
tell me whats different?
how is america more "free" than england?

I know you are trolling but you are literally making the point as to why UK labeling is bad, because you have to look it up to see what youre eating

Maybe because the U.S requires EVERYTHING to be listed?

Automotive technology. I got sick of people like me walking in and crying while my boss told me to replace and not repair.
Turns a 200$ fix into 2000$.
I wouldn't rob them for my paycheck.
What are you doing with your life?

Coming from the high fructose corn syrup, anti clumping agent, preservative filled cancer risk diet nation kekek

Your reading comprehension still needs work then. Literally nothing I posted was about language.

We outnumber you 5 to 1. Our athletic population outnumbers you 3 to 1. I can't even calculate how many more teeth we have.

>college educated
>plant nursery worker

why do you suck so hard at life, user?

> Pic related it's OP

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about to start medical school lad, going to save peoples lives and shit

>How do I avoid this garbage in America?
by either moving somewhere else or by growing your own veggies and cooking everything from scratch.
In the case of oats, just buy bags of normal rolled oats. they're literally the same thing as the Quaker's shit, just without the sugar and flavor chemicals added.

lol moron. natural isnt better. we made these chemicals for a reasons

See and then cry, seethe, and eventually, cope

>I don't like having strange chemicals in my food
>why can't Americans just use natural ingredients
>luckily my country uses natural e339 and e341

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That's literally the same shit, but different names

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That's why Americans are the unhealthiest in the world.

I don't think you're lazy, maybe just unlucky, or have low self-esteem. You should start aiming higher, maybe you'll be happier. I'm not college-educated, I've built my own tech business, and I take home about $250k annually. America is the land of opportunity, but you've likely squandered yours.

>Reeee quantity over quality
Same way you view your food, why most of your population are too fat to walk a mile kek

Thank fuck I was born in the UK. Fructose contains purines which give me gouty arthritis attacks. Literally could never touch anything sweet in America because you pump everything full of the least healthy sugar substitute known to man and then wonder why you have so much diabetes.

house is from chicago retard
it was invented by gay black people

The UK is bound by the EU food regulations that limit the amount of added ingredients in food and laws that only allow certain amount of calories in food, especially foods designed for children.

One of the reasons Donald Trump wanted the UK out of the EU was so the UK wasn't bound by the EU food regulations and the US can sell food to the UK

Our freedom of speech extends beyond one street corner in London. Also, our law enforcement isn't afraid to do their jobs because its "racist"

im not even saying this to be mean im being dead serious, but there is something off about americans, like mentally they seem off. Like a little dumber on average than Canadians. They don't speak properly, they're all a little slower and a little less educated. I swear im being serious they just seem really off.

>college educated
>automotive technology

choose one, you trade tech knob jockey

>a Brit making fun of anyone else’s food

>calling me a furfag
>sees a picture showing that the number represents msg
>still can't think of anything but their favorite furry website
Die in a fire furfags.

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Nice maemae amerilard, I'm sure you saved it the second you saw it
>This will show the Europeans next time they hurt my feelies!
You're still a fat turd

>I can't even calculate how many more teeth we have.
Every international study into relative dental health puts the UK ahead of America. Keep up with your old tropes, I'm sure it'll help you when you have no teeth left americunt.

>obesity epidemic

Well, actually all these chemicals are natural themselves. Synthesizing is way to expensive, all those chemicals are extracted from Natrium sources like plants, fungi, and bacteria’s

>going to save peoples lives and shit

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Hoes mad

>England steals everything, you have no culture.
Says the person from the country that doesn't share a name with its national language.

Next page bitch

did you respond to the wrong user? wtf

You are at the bottom of the chart but that doesn't mean you're not still number one Americans; In dying early.

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American English you fuck

its different

plus, we have ebonics (black people speak) and its now considered its own dialect


get fucked britbong

we hate your spellinig and made it better and lest aristocratic

suck some moer royal satanic pedophile dick you fucking cuck.


yea this is a dialect and not an embarrassment? Only in America


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porcelain veneers arent teeth

liteally all of you have fake teeth

he's not even posting pictures of his food. all those brands are american brands. they even have to import fucking maccaroni and oatmeal. sad sad sad.

There is literally no unnatural thing in te American version. You can argue that corn Sirup is worse than regular refined sugar, but that’s it

You're a idiot and obviously have no idea wtf you're talking about. You prob can't change oil or know how to change a tire, let alone dealing with a driveability issue with these new vechiles. So, shut up and go back to your corner, bobby.


Google is not the British. Google does not know the British. I am Britain and I, and everyone I know, considers fish and chips to be the national dish. Given that we have no actual, single, officially recognised national dish, I'll take the word of the hundreds of Brits I know over the meme opinion of an American search engine.

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>ITT: people without a clue about chemistry or biology are scared of long words they don’t know


Keep crying and defaulting to your old tropes lardo

good man
though maybe some of our police are sociopaths who just want to shoot blacks... but thats for another discussion

Yes, your retarded labeling system forces people to have to look up what they're eating rather than just putting it on the package like they do in America. Almost like they don't want you knowing everything they put in it so you can pretend it's healthier.

Wrong and therefore homosexual

So many tears holy shit. Why can't you autists just be civil?

all your music is stolen. all your attractive women are from other countries. all your food is shit without spices from asia and south america

eat a dick and realize your country is secretly shit

I got your civil right here, buddy.

House was based on European, and particularly English, electronic pop.

Seriously, EVERYONE imports culture. America is even LESS original than the UK because it imported so much of ITS culture from the UK.

>ITT: Obese amerifats cry actual tears (supplemented with butter fats as it's their body's natural lubricant) as they're picked on for being big rotund lards.

Cool story

Please don't be the guy the freaks out over ingredient labels. That guy is really, really fucking stupid.
You're better than that.

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U 2 bud.

Already disproven in this thread, cope and seethe

>britfags desperate to pretend their country is in any way still revenant
sad tbh fam

An island the size of New Jersey that's full of marble mouthed, toothless inbreds doesnt deserve civility.

Yeah no, we have healthier teeth in general. You keep playing the 'bad English teeth' trope until all yours fall out, coping americunt.

>england invented roast beef
fucking cope dude

all your old recepies are french
all your spices are asian

learn culinary history

The duck is wrong with all of you? Im american and healthy as ever. I eat 100% natural ingredients. Dont get whats the fight in here about. Im not a pleb though, i eat true meat true veggies and organic non treated non processed food. I cook my wife cooks we get fresh veggies and meat from the marketplace. Everything natural so fuck off with your stereotypes of unhealthy american food. This only applies to the pleb class of citizens

Mad mad

>cry waaaah waaaaaaah
oof that's a yikes bud

Maybe but, we still set the trends and your country bites our shit. Haters will hate and the winners win. Seems no matter what America is just better. Sorry truth hurts and all you could go cry to your queen with her dusty crotch? Maybe Mum will make you feel better? Ha. Having a queen in 2019...

fish and chips is Portuguese

>tomatoes natural
>vinegar natural
>fructose natural
>corn Sirup natural
>salt natural
>spice natural
>onions natural
>Natural flavoring natural

Hoes mad hoes mad

>So good we stole it and put our own name in front.

I think maybe you just hate ALL spelling.

>American English
So you're from American England?

Wrong, come on, are you really trying to prove that Brits have better teeth then American's? Lol, check this fuckin guy, wow.

U 2 bud

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Sounds like the sugar saturation in your diet is making you rage...

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Cringed irl, no matter how mad you got you shouldn't have posted THAT kek no wonder other places think we're all autists in America

>Japan - suicide by 35
>Switzerland - milk cows until 80, 3.7 years retirement
>Australia - expect 82 good years, encountered 82 individual types of venomous spiders
>Sweden - Pre-Islam Invasion stats (2015), lets knock it down 30-35 years.
>France - I'd rather be a dead American than a living Frenchman
>Canada, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium - 82 years is a long time to waste
>UK - Just when you thought 81 years of being an international joke was over, you've still got 2 months left
>Germany - Self-hating Nazis should die a lot sooner
>USA - Live fast, die young. Rock, flag & eagle motherfucker.

Hi would you please join our server


Lmao. I literally never think about britbongs outside of these threads. You guys are the ones who literally can't shit up about us. Stay jelly bois.

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Cringe all you want. I fuckin hate that word, only women should use it. A man sounds like a bitch saying cringe, I bet you say that shit irl what a fag.

Hoes mad×2

Every single one of these chemicals they are so afraid of is naturals, and is also present in natural food.

We just learned how to destill them and use them in other food.
Chemistry and cooking are basically the same, just that the chemist is better in it. But there’s no difference if you mix up natural chemicals in your kitchen, or some it is done in a factory



Oh britbong please stop this cringey last resort impersonating an american to backup your standpoint. I see you are of low iq. I cease to talk to you. Brits are left behind stay mad

My kinda town

Why are you doing this to yourself user? You can't really be this retarded, maybe you need some deep breaths? Count to ten?

LOL who hurt you sweaty?

you went to college to learn how to change oil? $20-60k down the hole to learn the same shit my pops taught me when I was 12? My brother went to UTI too, he's the joke of the family, as you are to yours.

Oh, you so got me, switched to another buzz word, edgy, oh no..

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Based and hoes madpilled

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>ketchup is natural

>oat so simple
Congratulations. You're comparing two different products. Kill yourself.

Completely different user, autist.

>chemicals we distilled and altered
>we're all fat and full of cancer and have the lowest average life expectancy

You are the Autist that keeps responding cause you're mad..ah, poor lil fella.

>Food Babe
Oh yeah getting advice about chemicals by someone who thinks air should consist of 100% oxygen

You really no nothing, back to your corner I said, skippy.

fucking cringe dude
stop being an edgelord, the other kids might finally like you.

You just can't stop saying that word. You really are a bitch. Lol, ha ha..

No, I'm not saying anything bad about us, I'm saying you're an atypical low functioning autist and you make us look bad and are why many others make fun of us lol

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Feel free to tell me how we alter those chemicals, because we don’t. They are distilled from natural sources and put into other natural sources.

Exactly the same yo do when cooking, just on an industrial scale.

They do. Americans on average have 7.31 missing teeth compared to a Brit's 6.97. Less incidence of gum disease in Brits, too. Sorry that your century old toothpaste commercial trope is wrong.


>is naturals
You're making us look bad with this shit. Take some more english classes ESL-kun.

>thinks "chemicals" are dangerous
>doesnt realize water could be considered a "chemical"

imagine beeing this dumb

In the US version are lots of vitamins added. That's a good thing

And also the UK Version goes by european law, and in european law there are still lots of things you don't have to write on a product. Due to pharma and food lobbyism

Hoes Mad×π

U know, cyanide is all natural, why don’t you take it?

>corn Sirup natural
Mmm, I love cracking open a corn and drinking the natural syrup...

Are you Americans really this retarded?

>no nothing

Omg, trying this hard. You make me raff..
What other bs do you want to try and make real? Go ahead, I'm listening..

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When americans eat natural food untreated and unprocessed, they get sick from it and hospitalised.


he doesnt know what chemicals are, he just thinks anything scientific must be dangerous. fucking druids, man...

That is not related to food, stupid us retard

Population you, dude.

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check this fagot, sorry im not speaking fatlardo

its 6am. calm down. we're tired. this isnt a fair fight because of the hours

you have school soon anyways, user. go to school


Check my mother fuckin double dub trips, bitches.

I KNOW how to spell KNOW, as in, I KNOW your mother KNOWS how to pleasure my unkempt scrotum in hopes of receiving my greasy American shitspray to coat her face, hair, and jagged, gaping maw. Sleep on that one, champ.

Nice trips but you're still seething nignog B)

is freeze drying "natural"

also natural (comes from trees)

fucking retard britbong


Oh, so mad, so mad. Lol, what a goof.

>still tired
Must not be getting enough nutrients user..

>Feel free to tell me how we alter those chemicals, because we don’t.
You are incorrect.
>In the contemporary process, corn is milled to extract corn starch and an "acid-enzyme" process is used, in which the corn-starch solution is acidified to begin breaking up the existing carbohydrates. It is necessary to carry out the extraction process in the presence of mercuric chloride (0.01 M) in order to inhibit endogenous starch-degrading enzymes. High-temperature enzymes are added to further metabolize the starch and convert the resulting sugars to fructose. The first enzyme added is alpha-amylase, which breaks the long chains down into shorter sugar chains – oligosaccharides. Glucoamylase is mixed in and converts them to glucose; the resulting solution is filtered to remove protein, then using activated carbon, and then demineralized using ion-exchange resins. The purified solution is then run over immobilized xylose isomerase, which turns the sugars to ~50–52% glucose with some unconverted oligosaccharides and 42% fructose (HFCS 42), and again demineralized and again purified using activated carbon. Some is processed into HFCS 90 by liquid chromatography, and then mixed with HFCS 42 to form HFCS 55. The enzymes used in the process are made by microbial fermentation.

Excuse me but it's double dub trips, buy glasses.

>I hate facts!
Cry harder.

look at what im replying to, faggot. multiple conversations are being held here.

learn to unreatard yourself
autism is a choice

Destilling of Natural substances makes them unnatural?

Just asking how, if we take something natural, a composite of all natural chemicals, take some of those chemicals away, makes the remaining things unnatural?

Because if so, than if I make a bolognese it is also unnatural, because with cooking I remove the water to make it thicker (I.e. in order to alter its chemical properties). If removing natural substances from other natural substances makes them unnatural, than everything you cook is by the same logic also unnatural

Let me know when you are going to drop some facts, precious

Lmao, I dropped out. Got tired of building up debt and just went to get a job. Best decision I've ever made. Also, who's we? Do you have a team of people helping you shitpost on Yea Forums?

Corn does not produce syrup naturally. Only by the introduction of human artifice, thus it is an artificially created syrup.

Corn syrup is therefore not natural.


I did. On average Americans are missing more teeth than the British. That is a fact.

literally all of those "chemicals" exist in nature

I know you want it to be a fact so, so much but, it's not. Go to the dentist you crooked toothed fuck.

uh... i still havent gone to bed yet... do you understand how timey-wimey works?

you work in a plant nursery, brandishing a worthless degree in a laughably unrecognized field of study, suffering extreme temperatures, with no benefits, and unable to afford food. Sure, I'll take being "a goof."

That process, however, does not in its entirety. There is no HFCS in nature. It only exists through human artifice. It is an artificial product.

Heavily processed american food is heated so all vital vitamins and nutrients get destroyed and waste gets added to the product to give you a form of saturation but its of inferior quality and mostly will be undigested totally worthless to your body but its cheap and en mass to add to american food. Its called a poor diet.

oats dont harvest themselves naturlly
beef doesnt butcher itself naturally
fish doesnt "fish" itself naturally

see how fun this is?

I don't work in a fuckin nursery, wrong user, user.

England invented America so your point is invalid.

no, im speaking collectively for all the americans in this tread.

seriousy, is being pedantic and throwing insults the only way you brits can debate?

Lol, no we made our own country cause you Brits are boring with a huge stick up your asses.

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well I was having an A-B conversation, and you can get the fuck out.

Well, I was not giving a fuck what you have to say and I'm sure that user feels the same cause, you stupid.

It is, however a fact. Cry harder.

no it didnt.
puritans escaping england did.

"colonists" were also just escaping england.

then a bunch of germans and dutch people came and really helped things get going

all you guys did was try to tax us and lose a war to a bunch of untrained yankees

In the list on recognized countries by United Nations, United States of America is in position of 64th regarding to citizen freedom. There are countries in Africa that ranks higher in freedom than the USA.

And yet Oats exist in nature. Beef exists in nature. Fish exists in nature. HFCS does not.

>England invented America
didnt know england helped sign the declaration of independence, weird...

You are the one crying and bitching cause I won't believe you. God save the queen, fag.

>made own country
>speaks and writes in English

Pick one

but corn does...

everything is "processed". no food is "natural"

"natural" is just a marketing term anyways. and you fell for it...

And just to your north, in Canada, we aren't fat and full of cancer and we eat the exact same food as you and our life expectancy is pretty good. 7th internationally.
It's not the food, it's Americans unbelievable lack of education (as seen by you blaming "teh kemikills") and lack of accountability. Everything's someone elses fault in your damn country.

Ok so, here is what I have learned on this thread.

America has much stricter labeling for food products than the UK.
People from the UK don't understand science.
People from the Uk doesn't understand how statistics work.
The UK is a shit hole that I don't want to go to.

Overall the US is just better in general.
Try again britfag.
Sorry that you hate reality and base all your opinions on tropes.

>all you guys did was try to tax us and lose a war to a bunch of untrained yankees
Lol, yep us stupid American's won the war of independence and your county will never get over it. That's when we weren't even trained. We would totally whoop the shit out of England now and be spit roasting the queen during tea time. Ib4 stupid fuckin word, cringe.

You missed the point, lardass. The murrican one has at least three times the ingredients of bad shit in it.

You know there are other counties that speak English, right? So what was your point, again?

Buddy we've been fucking with agriculture for 4000 years. Willing to bet pic related is entirely new to you.
And your beef comes from farm cows. Guess what. We changed em.
You can't get "natural" food anymore unless you're a nomad.
Stop falling for marketing. Next you'll be buying food at 4x the price from the organic aisle because you think it's better.

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Cope more. What dont you get that your food is a mixture of the cheapest ingredients so big companies maxout on profit. They even use chemicals to make the food look more natural.

doesnt understand that we were a colony til we decided to MAKE OUR OWN COUNTRY

fuck dude. the cope is hard with you. England has always been shit.

I ain't clickin that shit, bitch. I can make up "facts" also. Here's one for you, you are a virgin, right?

There is a reason why the British don't want a fight with the US. They want to call us fat but, ignore the fact that 1 million military members are in shape ready to kick some ass. That's not counting those out of the military or the red necks/hill billy's who are itching to shoot some guns.

You had a lot of help from France bruv.

lol mad

This guy knows

the english are so susceptible to marketing ploys that its fucking sad....

i guess this is what happens when you let a bunch of germans convince you they're your royal family. (the queen is german)

Your founding fathers were born in a British colony with British ancestry and had British accents.
They spoke English (like you do) and their laws and society based on England's.
England was fighting France on its doorstep and didn't have the man power or logistics in the 1700's to take back its colonies.

The world's greatest super power losing to a bunch of farmers... kind of sounds like Vietnam. Faggot.

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I didn't say we didn't. What I said was we won the war and England still has their panties in a bunch about it cause we did it better, fact.

yeah, because fuck england

the french have a much better culture.

Like Australia, Canada and New Zealand?
I got some info. that will blow your mind.

>no u
Nice try relard

Fucking food babe? Really? That bitch that got subway to ban an ingredient from their bread because it is also used in rubber shoes or some shit? She's fucking stupid. She'd want a company to ban using water in their food because its also used in manufacturing of inedible things. -Britfag

Noone's scared faggot.

>The world's greatest super power losing to a bunch of farmers... kind of sounds like Vietnam. Faggot.
Lol, what would you consider winning? Name a undefeated countries military for me. Anyway, that was then and we still could whoop England's ass if we wanted and we can do it even more efficiently today. England is so cute thinking they are better.

Hahaha France.

Op here
I post this every day, sometimes 3 times a day, and it almost always reaches bump limit
I'm sleepy, my replies here were 6 in total this thread

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your country protects pedophiles

the bbc protects pedophiles

the royal family is full of pedophiles

you, by association, are a pedophile

i no longer wish to talk with you.

Someone is a bit heated. How about the fact that our founding fathers created laws specificly to avoid being underneath a power like the British rule.

Maybe the founding fathers found the right time to start an uprising. Probably didn't cross your mind since you're pretty narrow minded. It's called a strategy bitch check it up.

America didn't declare war. Granted they kicked our ass however, at no point did the Senate or Congress see it as a war. Thus the funding and man power was not at it's highest peak. Try again britfag.

Just like Vietnam you say? Funny considering the most powerful country in history came from the American revolutionary war. What came from nam? More rice patties and more shit hole communism? Shame they could have been a great country like Japan or South Korea had they accepted American rule

I lol'd

Goodnight OP, I enjoyed using your thread to piss people off. I love b/.

It is a fact that HFCS goes through a significant alteration process from Corn. It doesn't exist in nature. Corn does, but HFCS does not. Your point was that HFCS was natural, and it has been categorically, definitively shown not to be so.
>everything is "processed". no food is "natural"
Beef is natural, as it can be found in its edible state in nature. So can corn. So can oats. So can fish. They are not in any way artificial, they can be eaten in that state. HFCS does not exist in its edible state in nature. Artifice must be employed to create it. Edible beef can be achieved by nothing but natural processes. That is the difference. You can keep trying to defend your ridiculous position that there is no 'natural' food (in which case how do animals eat?) or that a foodstuff that did not exist until scientists created it in the 1950s is natural, but you are wrong, demonstrably so, and the harder you stick to your guns on this the more silly you look.

So now that your retarded assertion that it is natural is out of the way: it is LESS HEALTHY than other refined sugars.
>It is much more likely to trigger diabetic episodes.
>It has been linked to increased diabetes in the population.
>It has additional health complications compared to other sugars, for example: fructose contains purines, and while these purines are not present in quantities enough in NATURAL fructose sources such as fruit to trigger uric acid buildup, they are concentrated in the artificial syrup enough that they can trigger gouty arthritis.

honestly, we should just send trump this tread so he can have even more reason to Nuke the UK

problem solved.

Member when you lost a war to the fucking leafs ZOZZLE

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>I ain't clickin' on them facts.
Allergic to reality. Got it

i enjoyed pretending to be pissed off

get meta trolled you brit fucks

He's half British hahahahaha

I'm italian and I only eat bio stuff.
This thread sent my sides to space with no return ticket.

When I'll be dead at 80 or so after a life of top tier eating and fucking, only then maybe anglos will start to put a little wit into important things instead of eating shit, but it's going to be hard as it's hard for them to maintain a proper hygiene.

Thanks for the good laughs amerilards and bongs, lmao

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lol still mad

TIL factory farmed english beef is "natural"

1812 lel

yeah, but we all know where his loyalty lies
... israel

Nah, I talk shit about the Brits cause it's fun to see them get all mad. If I were to want a country wiped off the map, it would be a middle eastern country. I have a few in mind.

Ha,ha, almost mad me laugh with that weak shit. Ah, kid, one day you might be a man. But not today.

I'm not from the UK or the USA lol, I pretend to be a guy from both sides just to get each side triggered and biting at each other

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The US has a bunch of nannystate laws that require the listing of all the chemical ingredients in everything. The UK product is exactly the same, they just don't have the laws we do. Next.

exactly, brits are arguing about processed food being better than other processed foods....

fucking sad...

I'm not a brit , you stupid bastard. Who cares wtf you think anyway? This guy thinks someone cares, lol.

nah dude. england has to go. its time
retribution for all the fucked up shit they did over the years

>living free in your mind

I love trolling these threads

literally everyone was doing that. you're not special (just autismic)


I'm italian and I only eat bio stuff.
This thread sent my sides to space with no return ticket.

When I'll be dead at 80 or so after a life of top tier eating and fucking, only then maybe anglos will start to put a little wit into important things instead of eating shit, but it's going to be hard as it's hard for them to maintain a proper hygiene.

Thanks for the good laughs amerilards and bongs, lmao

everyone was trolling... duh.
do you not understand how Yea Forums works

nobody actually gets mad here.
its jsut trolls trolling trolls

You're a retard. You think there is no difference between selective pressures and breeding of vegetables and livestock, and melting a plant down and using chemicals to modify it in an industrial process, into the most cost-effective, least healthy sugar substitute in the world.

Sorry buddy, but edible foodstuffs do in fact exist in nature without artifice, and HFCS does not.

Cringe irl
Pic related it's you

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Whist I understand this is a bait thread and, with 253 replies, OP has been successful, what I don't understand is why OP didn't just advocate using rolled oats and strawberries, thus eliminating the sugar and flavourings.

Just stfu tl dr anyway. Im proof our food is good as im american and healthy in mid 20s. What you gonna do hiw to debunk this? I eat burgers and other american food and i feel fit as never before. Shove ur mambo jambo food degree up your veggie ass i dont care. Just explain to me how i am healthy eating off heavily processed american food when its supposed to be soooo unhealthy. Explain fucker or mouth shut

I'm italian and I only eat bio stuff.
This thread sent my sides to space with no return ticket.

When I'll be dead at 80 or so after a life of top tier eating and fucking, only then maybe anglos will start to put a little wit into important things instead of eating shit, but it's going to be hard as it's hard for them to maintain a proper hygiene.

Thanks for the good laughs amerilards and bongs, lmao

kraft macaronni and cheese isnt "natura" it doenst exist in nature. cope harder fagg

I mean you can keep prancing around like a moron all you like, anyone who actually cares about facts can just click the link and instantly know you're a retard.

I hope everyone in this thread kills themselves to rid the world of their faggotry


You don't even know what that means.

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one step ahead of you, ive been dead for years. my soul is jsut stuck in the Yea Forums server for some reason. this is the only way i can cope with my current existence

cant wait till cloudflare shuts down this hellhole so i can finally die.


There are mcdonalds trucks at the sewage treatment plant. Ive heard its about recycling and reuse

Pastorally farmed beef is pretty natural. And we have more of that per capita than America does. The cow (Bos taurus) is barely changed from 12,000 years ago, when we first started domesticating them.

HFCS on the other hand is dramatically changed.

This argument has been a serries of you pulling tangents, goalpost shifts and various fallacies out of your ass to avoid admitting you are incorrect. Corn syrup is not natural, and cannot, and will never, me found in nature.

Literally not a single day without these peasants uprising and bashing America. Why are they so suicidal

I never said Kraft macaroni did exist in nature.

Things I have said exist in nature
Bos taurus has existed for 15,000 years.
Corn has existed for 55 million years.
Come on now.
>Edible foodstuffs
The entire history of biological life.

make your own food if it bothers you so much. you can buy dry oats and fruit.