So this trap discord group is doing the exact same thing as /r9cute/ and reiko's harem

So this trap discord group is doing the exact same thing as /r9cute/ and reiko's harem.

>They use /r9k/ and /soc/ as their main platform to recruit
>They promote cutting and suicide
>They force recruits to go through HRT (They sometime send you a package full of hormones with instructions)
>They spam Yea Forums with constant "sissy hypno" or "become the gf" threads
>Blackmailing people into self harm or even suicide

Everytime you report a server, another one appear seemingly out of nowhere in just a few weeks later. They've been doing it for years and it's still going strong to the point where robots are actually making threads asking for the link to these kind of servers.
The Psyop is so real that robots got conditioned through the years of being used to that kind of message and are actually acting on it ( taking hrt, cutting... )

Reiko might not be around anymore but he sure as hell started a entire sub-community dedicated to turning all incels and robots into traps.

The state of Yea Forums r9k in 2019 is so bad its literally unbrowseable with half of the catalog being filled with hrt, traps and pink pill propaganda.
Even if you don't care or browse /r9k/ often, these threads are starting to appear all over Yea Forums and even reddit from time to time.

Its actually in the best interest of everyone to end this recruitment campain.

Attached: Welcome to CuteHouse.jpg (3000x8500, 1.82M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yea Forums is being overtaken by tumblrism
lmao fuck this place


This discord sounds like fun


Can we make a discord against this

Anyone up for this

you can't make a discord against this, goes against their shit terms of service, but you can report this hard and tell them that they're building a nesting place

sucks you can't do anything other than that

Lets do it

Who's making the sever

these are literal faggots. I don't hate gays or queers but I think I have an exception on this one. This is what china does to North Korean girls that escaped. These fuckers are the reason Yea Forums is plagued with nudes and cock rate threads. /r9k/ is a wasteland of traps and fags now. I declare war on these abortion survivors.

Not me, all my accounts are locked

Kk add me @hentai.crusader#3887

Link of the server here :

IRC it is then.

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oh look perfectly psychological stable humans cutting themselves, bullying, playing the conformity game and going against their natural design.

wow humans are really progressing im so proud of what we've...achieved.

just leave them be and try to forget these people exist because realistically they probably wish people like myself wouldnt exist either unless i took whore-moans.

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Funny shit. They'll kill themselves intentionally or unintentionally. Any retard or robot stupid enough to fall for the tranny meme needs to swallow that shotgun barrel in minecraft.
OP is better off posting this on /r9k/ not Yea Forums
I see new shit coming from those threads and discord every month no one cares here.


people on discord :go on, cut yourself
people on Yea Forums: don't do that

Yea Forums really turned to shit...

fuck of with your reddit spacing

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why would we want someone fine commit an hero

>mfw you and about 80% of Yea Forums forget Yea Forums isn't just Yea Forums

reddit spacing? i just hate having all my shit jumbled up it feels like it takes longer to read than it actually is because when i say shit that's fucking 10 sentences all combined into each other i legit cbf reading that cancerous excuse for punctuation on Yea Forums unless i asked for it.

I don't give a fuck if it's called reddit spacing or incel spacing i call it punctuation you uneducated nigga i just use it poorly on Yea Forums because idgaf it's an image-board anyway. Fuck off with your new.

forgot my face

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sounds complicated,

Imagine falling for this bait

I don't get it.
Isn't that natural selection?
What would you do against that in the first place?
You can report the threads and discord channels, you can make a counter campaign against it, but I don't see the issue going away like this.

You're at the back end of an issue that's alot larger than a few kids taking funny pills and cutting themselves.
If you have a real plan on how to do this I'd gladly consider joining in.

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I want to add one thing.
Given the current situation, don't you think that that might be subject for the FBI to deal with? Aren't they already on this chan monitoring? Why isn't anything happening in that direction, given that such a considerable amount of people "fall for this" and that the effort behind this seems to be quite organized and consitent?

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You really think glow niggers give a shit about people retarding the population. It doesn't even matter if they are selling and distributing prescription pills illegally, organized, pushing it, they're too busy trying to convince you russia is bad and encouraging the next shooter.

> encouraging people to be trans and self-harm is tumblr
Do you even know what tumblr is or is it just a synonym for "bad" to you

Join it and dump loli pics and shota report it then it gets deleted. Otherwise it won't get taken down

No, I don't really think. I was asking a question.
You might be right.
But now what to do? I have followed this for a while, seen people trying to do something but failed everytime.
Why does that even matter to you?
The people who fall for it are probably already beyond repair.
Nothing a decent therapist could handle but there they go put their trust and their future in some discord group who openly wishes to see you become more and more fucked up.

Cutting is attention whoring bull shit we convinced people to cut for bieber but that was for laughs it's better to get people to an hero otherwise it's no fun

Couldn’t we just report this shit to the fbi or mainstream media? They would gladly take it up. And it would ruin them while showing how ridiculous the left wing agenda is. Sure it might ruin Yea Forums but we have nothing left to save anyways. I hope this place dies so that somebody somewhere can make a new one that isn’t shitty like this. I might open up an LLC later in life when i’ve got some more money and start a new Yea Forums and actually moderate it like it should be moderated

are you giving me a mission OP ?

This is a fair assessment. We could always just make it worse for laughs. Thats what old /b would have done


I think its pretty obvious

What you do is encourage it because it's fucking funny and the less retards i have to deal with as i grow older the better.
Why doesn't that matter to you? Are you a tranny retard yourself who wants to be accepted?
Doesn't matter if they see a "therapist" they'll give them hormones to keep their jobs. Self-diagnosis isn't new it's been happening since teenagers have been around. Let them fuck themselves up.

I get no fun out of this.
Likewise I don't really care, like I've stated earlier it is a form of natural selection and I see no reason to interfere.
If you get into this you're into it because that's what you are, like moths into a flame.
It's just an interesting thing to me. I mean how fucked up can you get?
I always thought I was a fuck up but boy am I a god damn normie compared to these folks.

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If you can't laugh at this you're going to be in for a hard time ahead.
You should care if not your complacent and have no right to complain about trannies advocating for "tranny" kids free bathing suit swimming with no parents allowed.
There is no you're into it because you where born into it. These people are a product of a trend same with the emo kids of the 2000s who cut themselves.
They can always get more fucked up that's what's fun and count your blessings. You might of been like them if you where is school when they where

>If you can't laugh at this you're going to be in for a hard time ahead.
Naw this is black and white thinking.
I don't care about their present and future illness in any particular way other than study.

If you wish to live your life like this then it's your choice.

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Sorry i lost empathy for humans long ago.
Do tell some deaths story that are fun atleast.

you are retarded.

Yeah the tranjews do that on reddit too
Dont even need to login to read their shit
Ofc the adminjews let them

just keep the awareness up
if retards still want to go there and be fags after knowing all this then let them

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Would you say the trannies ruined r9k before the roasties did?
It devolved into soc with 'ask a cunt' threads
Idc tho, the incels moved on to webforums
Just part of natural evolution
The weakass losers on r9k were begging to be rekt but meanwhile MGTOW is rising steadily online and so are the radical incel spaces
Thing is nobody is motivated to do what needs to be done to the trannies, only muslims would be
Basically we dont care


That's why /pol/ is the best part of Yea Forums, no nude, fag, trap threads


Fuck off back to discord faggot nigger

no one cares

They dont do it for the lulz
They're on a crusade against white people

did you just say crusades arent lulz?

You dont get it
There's a slew of toxic jews getting off on getting young goys to castrate and HRT themselves
It's an ongoing race war

Tucker Carlson on tranny discords

You're not wrong

Clown World

the way i see it is like this.
they are predating on insecure people that don't know better. some that actually have mental illness like autism might not see the their intentions until its too late. its fucked. at least it is to me.

Take the cute pill or stay an incel. Sounds fair to me.

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sounds like an ultimatum


>the modern "progressive" movement

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It must be done.

I have an entire ZIP file with me making monarch leave the server. Cute house is a terrible discord. If someones interested in it. I can anonfile it.

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Can I get a discord link? I wan't to see him cut himself

Sure what is it


Aint clicking on that link

why do pngs start at 4?

i mean ok. thats literally what it is, rather a mega upload?

cause ive screenshotted before then. and my software auto names them

damn thats worse English than good old IRC days. lolz discord hipster irc

Can someone get mister metokur on that shit?
Is his twitter still active?

If you want I can pass the contents of the rar (15 png)

So someone quit after that few bla bla moments about some game not working?

What, can't report that shit to the FBI or something?

that made him fucking snap

They already got multiple people arrested but they keep recruiting

wait wtf

He didn't cover the reiko blow up he's not going to give a shit about this. Don't be a faggot asking jewtubers when you can start the fun yourself.

How do you get on to this discord? I’d like to see it for myself.


Actually if ya'll want to know what's actually going on, its an evolution of the divide-and-conquer technique.

If you can provide a little nudging in the right direction, people tend to group up with other like-minded people. The 'nudging' is engineering them into specific but exclusive groups, and then engineering those groups into being less-than-pleased with each other during the best of times. The next step is to engineer one of those groups to be temporarily unpopular to the rest of the groups..they'll really be hurting for allies and support. Which one can provide, and end up more or less in a position of power within that group.

Rinse and repeat with the other groups. No one even has to know you're in a position of power in every group in the end. At that point you make them fight each other, and sip on some vodka while they play games like 'preemptive self defense' and 'killing people I don't agree with is heroic.'

This post is probably going to get me killed, I was already warned once by being dragged out of the house at 3am by a couple of Russians, who proceeded to pull my arms out of the sockets and came real close to breaking them. Wait, maybe that was because of the whole 'pointing out that Russia was spoofing GPS signals to ships on autopilot and causing collisions' thing. Who knows? Maybe it was for the 'pointing out that they infiltrated and pwned a high-volume cell tower in DC so they could spy' thing.

So what's the plan? do we report that shit nonstop or something?

I agree. Traps cucks and incels should all be purged from existence.

Agree to agree

>No link to server
Sure, I totally trust this is a thing that is happening user, and not at all a distraction from all the /pol/bait threads going on right now, haha :)

it goes againts their shit terms of service BUT FUCK YEA we are doing this

it is, i'm in the server, do you want the link?


hit me

Lay it on me

fuck it got nuked, it does all the time, i forgot, lemme try and find the new one hold on

Play stupid games win stupid prizes, anyway if their psyche is so easily broken they'd of snapped anyway, at least this way they're not harming anyone but themselves

>not harming anyone but themselves

This is fucking hilarious

If you do a drug and get addicted who's fault is it yours for doing it or the person that sold it to you? If you get recruited into a gang and die in gang warfare who's fault is it yours for joining the gang in the first place or the recruiter, same goes for the army too. once again if your psyche is that fragile it's only a matter of time before it breaks.

New trap server

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i assumed they are Americans and we know what they do. pew pew pew

Fuck yeah, an anime trap shooter would be epic!

Fuck off moralfag or better kys

God damn

>Everytime you report a server, another one appear seemingly out of nowhere in just a few weeks later. They've been doing it for years and it's still going strong to the point where robots are actually making threads asking for the link to these kind of servers.

yes... we should... start a recovery service... for those that have transissioned... we can have Yea Forumstards......uhh mentor..... these new traps

i volunteer to be the first to help these poor lost souls

Kill yourself guerilla psyop discord tranny, no one wants you here except your gang of goons.

Why won’t the police get involved?

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>thinking the police would actually get involved
Those boomers don't even know how computers work, they wouldn't be able to do shit.


I second this bump, people need to know of this degeneracy and how to avoid it

>server ruins faggots and trannys lives
>some even die
user, what are they doing wrong?

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More like they take people who are vulnerable and manipulate them into transitioning

so we go there, scoop up some traps and bam, ill have a harem of traps in my basement.

unrelated, anyone have a link to that discord?

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>manipulate them into transitioning





Why are they cutting themselves?
Is it because of iron toxicity?

It's because the monarch nigger pressures them into cutting and posting pics of it.

Huh, I actually fapped with Chijo once

Who doesnt?

It was a JOKE?!


What's the problem with them taking out each other?

>Free HRT
>People celebrating when I cut myself
What's the invite code user?

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Kek, as usual, this just proves that traps and anyone who wants to be a trap are just mentally ill/fragile children.

Absolutely pathetic. Who even lets themselves get blackmailed like this? What a bunch of fucking retards.

Goddamn degenerates I hope they all get raped by a pack of wild niggers with aids.





Bump for blackmail and cute cuts ^_^