Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?
Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?
I'd probably buy junk food for my family, it's the american way.
Nintendo switch, no questions asked.
bitcoin honestly
Adult diapers.
Probs on a nice date for the lady. She’s been stressed at her new job lately
I'd buy a nice hand made bullwhip. Thats the only basic impact toy still missing in my collection.
slip it away
for when im homeless soon
I'd turn my phone back on, get an extra month of phone time, and buy some stuff I need for my house like paper towels and cleaning spray, more deodorant, etc.
Check my double dubs.
This would be a good wedding gift for my sub. Well she'll only get the painfull end. But thats what she likes anyway.
It would go toward a trip to the vet for my cat mrs.tootsie
Something is up with her ears and shes constantly scratching them raw.
Add it to my savings/emergency fun bro
save up, most likely. Maybe id buy a mouse pad. I dont have money to spend all of it on trinkets and what i wanna buy costs heaps
costs heaps, so 100$ wont get me there
apple juice ,sugar and jeast
a thicc burger to throw on the ground in front of your stupid ass then i fucking riverdance as i tear up the receipt.
I wouldn’t spend it.
I’d put in in with the stash
>tfw most replies r reasonable necessities, not some weed bullshit
Crack. Just bought $100 a bit ago, its super quality so at least i can stretch it for maybe 3 or 4 hours. But yeah that's where pretty much all my extra money goes these days.
A decent set of sheets.
I’d buy 2 50$ notes. I’d have twice the monies
Gas for my airplane
At least spent it on good soda like Mountain Dew
i would pay OP 100$ to suck my dick in front of his dad
>mountain dew
You should be taken out back and shot.
Rent or baby clothes or somwthing
A little plaque for the dog I had to just put down
food. i literally have no money right now. shits fucked.
id save it prolly tbh. and if i didnt id spend it on weed. but im really tryin to get my paper up atm
Would invest 100 in ramen. Big boxes would store it in my room easily available in reach to boil instantly in long gaming sessions so i dont need to leave my place and go outside for a long time. Funfact do you know you can literally survive a year only on ramen? Never thought either but seems it git all nutrients a man needs cool shit
$40 in pot $30 for tickets to go see field medic with my pops $20 in merch $10 on gas
Ball waxing
I’d spend $30 on the newest Pokémon TCG set Hidden Fates and the rest on weed so when I inevitably get shit pulls they’re a little cooler cause I’m high
Dont do it trust me. I was like you until then. You dont wanna experience it take my advice and skip
puba lort
Probably finishing off my virtual console collection on my 2ds XL.
Chicken Wings and fixing my bike to be able ride to work instead of walking. I'd want a job of any kind more than that 100$ if you are actually some genie.
I'd dump it in the bank like the other thousands a month I never bother to spend in the bank. I'm boring as fuck.
beer or blue redbull, maybe parts of it would go to a bus card for 3 months so I can pay for that when im going to uni soon again
jokes on us really, spending money is stupid and really for idiots mostly. The asians apparantly put 70% of their pay in the bank and save it. It is way smarter than buying a bunch of stupid shit all the time.
Lottery scratch tickets
Retard. Why earn the cash in the first place when not buying cool shit with it? Asians are so fucking dumb literally parking it so someone else can take it. Fuck asian and fuck your example. Why hoard it and dont buy shit with it stupid gooks. Subhuman shit money is worthless in a bank. Lmao at these insects
Id buy updog
Post hole.
Go to the dentist
Order a fleshlight finally and then hit midnight happy hour at my favorite bar.
Petrol or drugs
>the asians
what's it like being that retarded all the time?
Buy a bus ticket so i can make it to dragoncon
I'm the one he replied to,and I just make a lot of money and already own what little I care to own. I used to want shitloads of money when I was younger and now, I just have no interest or life because of the job the made the money to begin with.
Well I’m going to the beach for the weekend so I’d get something for my girl.
I'm gonna need good luggage for moving around all the stuff I bought with this money people keep handing me.
6-10 dollar T-shirts. I only have 3 that I like to wear, so laundry is a pain.
>What would you spend it on?
Two years sustaining membership on Stormfront.
That's right, niggers.
I'm here to post 'nigger' since I can't do it there.
Ha ha fuck all of you niggers.
You can't stop me... nigger.
Bottle of good whisky.
Save up for a gun i want
I like to think I’d put it a side for a PC upgrade, but I feel I’d probs just buy more weed.
Unless you allow me to keep it into my savings then either weed or food