It'd make me sad if my thread actually got the website taken down

it'd make me sad if my thread actually got the website taken down...
we'd be back but i was actually having fun this night
i replied a lot and you guys were helping me feel less alone
doubt it will be taken down but if my autism did that it'd upset me

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Videos of beheadings and actual, literal, child porn haven't got this place shut down permanently, neets and autismos talking about planes definitely won't be what does it

>rabbi whatcha doing

Jews like to post all kind of threats all the time.

>*rubbing the hands*
>posting the thread about shooting
>hehehhehehe the dumb goyim will fall for it
>posting on twitter and news
>look what evil white men want to do.

How are they even finding these threads? Do they themselves browse Yea Forums?

4cucks is the ultimate shill hub with almost no resistance to the attack. 8ch was too strong and the shills couldnt get a hold on the shoahs so they had to shut it down

to post threads and @ cloudflare


What? How do twitterfags find our shit? Do they scout out site like a hawk?

that is /pol/
just remove /pol/ and Yea Forums would be a better place

they come one and look for racist bad looking stuff and probably post it in discords and it gets posted to twitter like pic related
they watch pretty much just pol tho
they think pol is Yea Forums

>they think pol is Yea Forums

>go to Yea Forums
>/pol/tards are sperging out about niggers and how good is trump
>go to Yea Forums
>/pol/tards are sperging out about every single game where there is a nigger, or where you need to kill a nazi
>go to Yea Forums
>/pol/tards are sperging out about every sigle movie or tvshow where you can find a nigger, and about every single movie or tvshow where the president of the usa is portrayed bad
>go to /trv/
>/pol/tards are sperging out about every single travel destination where you can find muslims, jews or niggers

Nothing will be taken down
Jap moot doesn't give a fuck

What you don't understand is that it's not pol tards.
It's the average joe saying his honest opinion protected from any consequences through anonimity.

You nigger shill

I was kinda hoping you'd do one for every board, like /po/

Stupid bitch infinitychan got taken down now we’re refugees
Cloud flare is the most liberal fucking service known to man. Hirohito should move Yea Forums to another service because cloud flare and their fucking agendas come in front of free speech desu

Ive seen screenshots of a guy who made little people cutouts and then put them in the oven

>protected from any consequences trough anonimity.

i can smell how stupid you are from a long distance

Holocaust denial threads are the latest schtick. It's all so pre-recorded and boringly repetitive.

>sjw monitoring Yea Forums: everyone on Yea Forums is a nazi
>user: you are on Yea Forums right now, so you just called yourself a nazi.


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Just get rid of cloud flare. Shit can’t prevent a modern ddos by a long shot. In fact *their* servers died recently and 50% of the serviced sites went offline.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Calm down, idiot. "Your" cringey thread isn't getting anything taken down you fucking newfaggot read the rules or go back 2 reddit.

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what we need is some mass shooter to write their manifesto on /pol/ or something. then they'll do it

it was your twitter account, wasnt it?

you jus tryin to scurr OP
