Did I do something wrong?

did I do something wrong?

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Was it bad I wanted to sex my cousin?

has drinking been a bad choice lately?

Has drinking been a core of my problems lately?

Don't do it again?

Will I ever fuck/get fucked by a guy?

Am I going to self destruct?

will I ever climb at a professional level

Am I gonna pass the exam???


should I fuck malia?

will it be a success?

will I ever get out of this?

would she like it?

Am I moving away next year?

would she like it if i fucked her as hard as i'd like?

has she been hiding feelings this whole time?

is it much too late?

will i want to kill myself by the end of the year?

will i kill myself by the end of the year?

am i going to kill myself by the end of the year?

Will tomorrow go well (people liking me, getting all knowledge I need)

will she ever get up the nerve to come to my house?

Will i ever get caught ?

Seriously man? Will ((((she)))) at least still be fond of me/see me and like me

Nice nice nice thanks 8ballchan.
Will tomorrow be a shitty day?

will it be soon?

Well which is it 8ballchan

will it be before this weekend?

Will tomorrow be an okay day?

What the fuck. Will you give me a straight answer


Haha you got what you deserve i guess

Is he an Incel oh my great 8ball ?

Is it worth it? Will I be happy?

Oh well okay, is he an Incel 8ball ?

I'm probably a better prophecy teller than a fucking nigger ball, correct?

Will I get what I want?

are my original ideas as good as i think they are?

are my original ideas as good as i think they are 8ball?

Will I be able to ghost SC girl but keep talking and chilling with NY girl?

aye fucking bet

is a good a idea going back to wow?

will i get a job this month?

fuck your sources

is the investment going to work for me?

will i get a job interview soon


Will work be a pain in the ass today, oh magic 8 ball?

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would i regret doing this thing?

am I too sexy for my shirt?

should i start working on my thesis?

Is my life worth anything at this point?

Did I get an STD last night ?

Well did I?

is it worth doing?

Will somebody help me with my project soon 8ball?

am i stupid?

Will I meet her again 8ball?

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Will he suffer?

Was she right?

am i funny

Will i get a steady job soon?

Will i get a steady job soon??

should I kill myself?

will i get back to uni?

Is Heather too chicken to ask me out?

Will she text/call me today?

Does she miss me?

is it worth it?

is kobo a better option than kindle?

again mr ball

Will I ever stop fucking random sluts and finally find someone worth my Fucking time

Does (((((she)))))) love me?

is that stuff about my future and my future spouse I don't know about really going to happen?


will i be alone and depressed forever

will i have success in what i want till the end of next year

will i leave this shitty country soon

shit just give me a sraight answer shit trash ball

will i forever be addicted to cocaine

will i come back with my ex

is it a good idea?