im black
im black
Do you find people that fetishize your race's cock size just a tad bit creepy? I would be.
>im black
I dont really think that black dick is bigger than whites. but i do think that blacks have more girth while whites have a longer shaft
I can see that.
Maybe cuz ur a chod an ur projectin whats ur size
Good enough?
a long time since i measured but around 5 when flacid and 7 when erect.
How do you handle being a parasite in a world built by whites for whites, which you only have access to because people want your garbage genes to lower the average IQ of the nation you are leeching off of?
Why didn't you just start with this picture to begin with, nigger?
What's it like knowing you can physically dominate any white guy, as well as know their gf's, wives, mothers, or sisters all want to know what it's like to fuck you?
Could I have a new nigga pass? My old one expired a week ago
What do you think of the whole cuck porn culture and how it corrupts people into seeing your race as sexual objects like clearly fell under?
I haven't done much wrong to be called a "parasite". I'm against gangs and I don't need to steal because I'm financially stable and not starving. I pay my taxes and am in no need of welfare. It's sad to think people still think that all black people are ___ but what did I expect, I'm on Yea Forums. And I'm not really thinking of mixbreeding so no worries. you won't be having my god awful genes anyday.
because i was on my computer
I dont believe blacks are physically superior. all you need is good training to surpass the other.
What's your favorite book?
I think it kinda sucks, I'm not a sex machine, but people commonly think that I have sex very often per week, I only have a body count of 2.
What is the What
What do you do to put up with this shit every day?
If youre not in Africa (everything there was also built by Europeans btw) trying to help your race, but instead living in a used to be white country, yes, you are absolutely a parasitic leech.
If you had any kind of self-respect or sense of pride you would try to help them advance, especially if you are mulatto.
And paying taxes is not really an argument if those taxes go to Jewish controlled governments that just use that money to perpetuate brainwashing and replacement of whites in their own homecountries.
you are a classy individual. that is all.
Stop regurgitating /pol/ bullshit, none of that shit even makes any goddamn sense
If you cant argue against it that makes you retarded
But if you actually want to learn about a great example of black/white relationship go read up on the history of Rhodesia.
You're kinda cringe bro.
maybe you should read once in a while nigger
Not arguing with you, I know nothing can change your mind
I know the history of Rhodesia, it doesn't affect me nor does it have anything to do with what I posted.
With the same logic, doesn't that make Europeans parasitic leeches too? Canada is a european colony when aborignals had already lived there. the same with Africa. Solving your own problems led to far more problems for everyone else. ( I'm not saying you're a coloniser, it's just an example).
Not even the OP, retard.
Historically in a war the loser at best has all their men killed and women raped, at worst is completely genocided. When whites defeated and conquered the entire world, they didnt kill everyone. They couldve and looking at today shouldve, but they thought they could share technology and science with everyone and get along.
What do you think about the basement racists who dwell here in anonymity bcz theyre too much of pussies to show their true colors in public, and are so ignorant that they think whites were first to settle in north america? Do u think they're uneducated zit faced unloved unparented fat broke virgin losers like a majority of the population believes?
I wasn't born in africa and im not a mulatto either, I send some clothes to some aunts and cousins and send some phones from time to time. I still pay my taxes because I dont want to get in tax evasion because believe it or not some black people dont want to end up in jail.
Still makes you a parasite, same as the Arabs and niggers in Europe, besides they dont have to work for their money
When did you realize your place at the top, king?
Fucking on these white women while these whitebois tug on themselves in the corner knowing they could never satisfy her the way the BBC could
Theyt didnt kill all of them becaue they thought they couldve been ued in their fields. If they wanted to share their tech and sciences back then. why were they whipped? why didn't they get the luxury of freedom for 400 years until Abraham liberated the slaves? Even when liberated that still didnt stop whites from discriminating and segregating blacks.
Can i get an n word pass?
Quite honestly, I'm no better. I'm also dwelling on anonymity because I know that I would never actually engage in a verbal argument versus anybody here in real life. I do believe that however who thinks is superior to another because of race,colour or disability is a loser.
Why do you think mass shooters are always fugly whitebois? Do you think all white supremacists are as fucking ugly as the rest? Do you think they have a secret "ugliest virgin" competition?
Wow, you are kind of a loser aren't you?
The shaft of a white guy is longer which mean it'll probably hit the g spot but a black guy has more girth making it also as equally enjoyable because the walls of the vagina is always being touched. both assure a woman orgasm.
What kind of people do you think browse Yea Forums?
That was mainly Jews, shit niggers owned more slaves than whites, even today, whites are the only ones who ever stopped slavery. In Africa you would still be enslaved after some niggertribe killed your niggertribe and raped and killed half of them. And niggers were supposed to be shipped back into their violent cannibalistic shitholes once slavery was over.
I don't discriminate so i guess not but I sure am a moron for having online arguments because it's definitely not impacting them in any sort of way. In the end of the day, we both lose the argument because we just have different opinions. I'm a 100% sure that what I say will never convince a /pol/ browser. There's no point in arguing. Just listen and don't try to rebuttal.
this image is worth reading
What’s it like waking up every day knowing you are nothing but stupid worthless nigger trash?
Africa now lives in corruption in violence because of everything that has been taken from it. It sucks to see each of them killing each other but there's nothing I can really do about it. They kidnapped others to sell them to colonists for bargains back in the day. Living over there was quite complicated when everyone is hungry,mistreated and exploited.
Why are you black?
Point is, niggers didnt built America, they made a couple of Kike plantation owners rich, but America was built by whites, for whites. Niggers just turn every place they inhabit into Africa, i.e. Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore. And lets not even start talking about crime
actually, america was founded to create a new global government
>everything there was built by europeans
try a hut BIOTCH
Pretty chill to be honest
>sourceless memes
Jewish octopuses?
by niggers do you mean all of them or certain of them? Because I never committed any crimes.
I'm not very fond of jail time.
The exploitations you talk about, mostly minerals, did you ever even bother to look up who owned those mines? Obviously not.
And your argument is still trash, bc lots of African countries were left by white 'colonialists' with first world infrastructure. And just a couple years later all the niggers started destroying everyhting and starving again. A minority white population in South Africa stayed there to feed all of you animals and you still just started killing them just to starve again afterwards. Niggers are NOT human, atleast not like whites. Do you ever fucking read the public statements African governments issues? Its like reading something written by an actual 60 IQ nigger, because it is.
Are you black?
yeah, it's cool and all but people still hate on us to this day. but you gotta brush it off.
LMAO, Euros could barely pacify the Native American tribes after their diseases did most of the heavy lifting and wiped out 90% of the population. If everyone operated the way you say, Russians and lots of Eastern European ethnics would be full or heavily Asian looking since the Mongols whipped their pale asses. Only animals kill en masse like you're describing. When humans do it's noteworthy, not the norm.
I'm going to keep it real with you, politics aren't really my thing, kinda bores me, but I'd be glad to talk about anything else. I already know Zimbabwe made a big mistake, that's nothing really new to me. I don't really like african politics because it's filled to the brim with corruption, so +1 for you, nice argument. Oh and I'm pretty sure I'm human, I can speak human languages, I'm attracted towards female homo sapiens and not cattles.
I tend to get defensive and throw out the worst I can at people.
But besides that there is actually a silver lining. In the example of Rhodesia atleast, a white apartheid state that was going incredibly well, lots of food, schools, litteracy, infrastructure. But like you said corruption is always a problem (anywhere really). Neighbouring countries werent so rich and had lots of communist militia forces. Rhodesian colonialists actually trained their own militias (fully blacks) and fought with them side-by-side to defend Rhodesia. They couldve easily won too, by just shutting down the power grid going into the countries that had communistic forces constantly attacking and pillaging them. But obviously the mines in those countries were owned by rich jewish investors and that was that. Also the reason the communist militias always had enough supplies. Apparantly one of the main reasons Rhodesia couldnt hold out, atleast I heard that from an user who supposedly was there. But the silver lining as I said is that Africa already had countries doing incredibly well and theres defintely a way for them to reach prosperity, but since thats not really in jewish interest that wont happen as long as control of just about every western country