Paramedics/Firefighters/First Responders etc. of Yea Forums, how do you handle the stress of your work life and what are some of the worst calls you’ve lived through
Paramedics/Firefighters/First Responders etc. of Yea Forums...
So I was in the army as an MP. I worked as a security guard for a hospital for a bit. Got alot of drugohs every night.
Had a girl come in high off bath salts. Had a pink feather boa around her neck. She was asleep and not responding. They needed to take a piss sample. So I had to hold her legs while the cut her pants off and shoved a catheter in her kootch.
Now I work at a university where the dumb college kids kill themselves over bad grades. The way i cope with this crazy shit is by smoking weed and sharing the fucked up shit I've seen. Makes me have good stories to tell the boys and sound a lil cool in the process. If i didnt have my friends and family i would have sunk into a deep depression.
Not a emt but I work in an ER as a nurse. For the most part we’re desensitized to it. Usually it’s the kids that get to us if anything. We drink and we move on.
You can smoke? You don’t get drug tested? Also yeah fucking kids offing themselves over college is insane nowadays. The curriculum is overbearing to the point where it isn’t worth it most the time. I just left college and got into Paramedics/Fire when I saw I was heading that route.
I’ve heard the children is the worst part. Are you a heavy drinker or do you have any more healthy coping methods
I was a mental health specialist in the Air Force. The most fucked up thing I saw was one night around 2 am we has an emergency call from the Emergency room in the hospital to come get a patient. He had been admitted to the Emergency room with extensive self-inflicted cuts to his arms and they had extracted a beer bottle from his rectum. We brought him to the Psych Ward and he was put into a room by himself for observation for 48 hours. Of course the doctors had heavily sedated him.
Deal with it. Are you a child?
Flight medic here, south africa. >250 flight missions, >18000 pts.
You people have no idea of what stress is.
Lmao you are real mad
Enlighten us if you don’t mind recalling the stories
I'm with the municipal PD. I like to eat donuts and beat up on niggers and beaners.
In your first few years, work, every fucking day, get desensitized. Realise we're all just meat and piss.
Know that this is your fucking job, your not a hero, you get paid to do this, just like no one gives a fuck is n plumber does his job, no one will care what you've done. No one forced you to do this.
I have a medical card so I can smoke. I just dont tell people about it so I dont get caught. You gotta be smart about it. There's alot of people who smoke and are in the military or PD.
Gotta take some pride in the lives you save. Someone can deal with a broken toilet but can’t handle losing their family and you change that
I work as an EMT in Edmonton Alberta.
Worst night ever? Got called to a house where a child was choking to death.
Turned out to be a set up and me and my partner ended up being sexually assaulted by some methheads. Was in counseling and off work for 3 years.
Had to get vaginal reconstructive surgery. Yeah...that bad.
That's b8
Way to many bro.
Usually the things that get you, are the bad scenes in the beginning of your career, your fist family member, friend, coleuge.
There is no god to turn to. Take responsibility for what you have done, and learn from it.
Jesús christ. How do you prepare now in sense of scene safety? Did they book the meth heads?
The worst calls are responding to a suicide. That shit gets you. You’ll always hear the mother’s screaming in the back of your head.
I dunno. Don't really think about it. It's just a job. Seeing people die in front of you doesn't seem to bother me anymore.
The only thing that gets me really is kids crying, being scared. I can empathize with that, just want to make things better for them.
One night we were assigned junkie dutie. Found 12 dead guys on East Hasting in Vancouver.
It would have just been another night, but one turned out to be my sister.
Imagine if you had a gun on your holster.. would things of been different?
How did her vadge look?
I'm always paired with a Male now. O carry a Rambo knife to most calls now, just to feel safe.
The methheads went to prison on unrelated charges.
Bullshit. Doing your job is doing your job. You are trained to fix the shitter, you are trained to attempt to save a life. Its a job.
Of course i take pride, but i force it on no one, and expect nothing because I'm a Paramedic. Over 18000 people i have "helped" 8 said thank you afterwards. (Because im a ALS Paramedic, many of them cant say thank you then and there, they are low level consciousness, < GCS 13/15)
Resident MD who did a surgical internship, several months of trauma. Agree with this poster. You get desensitized pretty fast to all adult trauma. But when its a young, normal person / non gang banger / non druggy, or a kid, or baby, that fucks with you.
Had a kid who just turned 16, driving around on his bday for the first time, didn't wear his seatbelt, hit another car, bounced his chest on the wheel. He seemed fine, was in the trauma bay w his girlfriend. Goes back to get his CT after we clear his primary/secondary survey. Aortic dissection, we end up clam shelling him to try cross clamp his aorta. (You essentially open up the chest like a dvd player) didn't make it. He kept saying he didn't want to die, can't forget it.
Fuck the kids. I just shove them out of the way and yell at them.
I've seen some shit but the worst thing for me is when a little kid gets his dick caught in a zipper. That affects me bigtime. His tears, theyre always crying. Plus you've got to be so careful. Fuck it up, damage his penis and you ruin his future. Don't want that shit on my concious.
I have a son now. He only wears pants that have elastic. No zips. Ever. If he gets them for a gift I throw them out.
You know what im talking about.
Propper training and prep is all you can do, the rest, wing it. Fake it till you make it
Same poster. Idk. Just rambling. Had a 4mo pregnant woman who got stabbed multiple times by the baby daddy, neither made it.
Had a guy who was cornered in his home by police after being reported for raping his 12yo daughter. He stabbed himself in the gut multiple times, then seppuku-d himself, slit both his wrists, and his neck. We stabilized him and saved his life, only to find out about the rape part after. Not like we had a choice in helping him, but wouldn't have minded if that one died. First time I felt that way.
Dead bodies, decomposing corpses, bloaters. Let’s hear it.
Firefighter here.
Worst call was 9/11.
I got called into work, got halfway there, and was like "nope."
I just decided not to go.
No one noticed. I just told them I was there and actively went in the building, escaped before it collapsed.
I'm 47 now. Don't regret that decision at all. Still get poontang on the side when my wife is being a bitch. Just tell bitches I'm a 9/11 hero.
You’re doing a great service man you have the right attitude about it
Most fucked up one.
I was still in my first 6 months as a minesite medic (glorified first aider) when a bloke wandered in from the state Forrest adjoining the site.
Naked and bloody from the waist down.
Hed been out to tend a little dope crop and decided to camp and take some acid for the night.
Went a little loco and cut off his cock, we never found it, either he threw it in the campfire or a chuddich ate it.
Funnily enough he was easy to treat but all fucked up in the head.
Im assuming you’ve gotten a lot of zipper dick calls
Fetuses aren't babies.
Man that one about the kid got me. Sorry you had to experience that
Same poster again.
Gun shot wounds, stabbings, car accidents, it all starts to blur together. I'm headed for interventional radiology now so I don't really have to deal with it any more / get my hands dirty, but its sort of its own intense separate world. I do think over time it messes a little with your subconscious seeing all the trauma, even though it really doesn't bother you after a month or two.
Fuck good on you for living. Pretty scummy to take credit for it tho but such is life
OP here.
You guys kind of are an embarrassment to the job.
Pushing around kids? Wtf??
This. Skeletons too.
Sorry, the fetus did not make it.
Yeah. He was fine until he wasn't. Worst part his gf was a curtain away, listening to us yelling and cracking this kids chest open. And then was still there when it was all silent / just a pool of blood on the ground
She was a patient as well, minor injuries. I rounded on her the next day and she was just completely dead in side. Can't imagine shell ever get over that.
No one cuts their cock off on acid.
It must have been something else.
You're right about getting used to it. I dont want to be calloused to people's deaths anymore. That's why I stopped working at the hospital. It was hard to leave though. It was one of the best jobs I ever had
Oh dead kids can be rough too. Especially if their brother or sister is present.
Had a 9 job. 3mom. Parents got up wondering why he hadn't woken up for his early morning feed. They found him cold and blue.
We were first on scene. Nothing we could do, that baby had been stat0 for hours.
The parents were off the planet. Both of them had no idea who they were or what was happening. They were groaning like wounded dogs. It was eerie. They weren't even human.
But the think what got me was this little boy had an older brother and sister. They were about 4 and 6. Seeing them standing in the hallway wondering why we were there. And why their parents were groaning and ignoring them., trying to get their heads around that their baby brother had died. I had no idea what to say to them. I felt terrible for making and breaking eye contact with them.
Was too much for them and they started crying too. The boy asked me to not let his brother die. Uggh.
Very next job was a fuckwit with a headache complaining that it was the worst thing ever and I was a useless fuck. I could've decked the cunt.
Agree. Even though only 8 have said thank you, the ones that made it i'm sure have thought about all that it took to keep them alive. Every person in their care played a role. Just like for civilians.
Yeah. In my time 3 with dicks caught in zippers. Plus a little dude who slipped in the bath and sliced his dick clean open all the way along with a metal toy truck he was holding.
Yeah when you see fucked up shit, and then have to move onto a next patient who is complaining that their mild pain isnt 0/10, or their fucking care is subpar, it gets to me.
I had to go to a call where a Jewish Moyle accidentally cut a baby's cock off in a botched circumcision.
Everyone was freaking out. The moyle had done one of the ones where he did it with his mouth, so he was all upset because he'd had the baby cock in his mouth and spit it out in front of 230 people.
All we could do was find the baby cock, but it on ice, and rush him to the hospital.
Not in the slightest. I only really drink on those hard days which is thankfully not often. Will never forget the first kid I helped pull out of a cop car. Shot herself in the head and 20 mins later I was talking to the family acting like I didn’t have any info yet. Seeing the kid is traumatizing, seeing the parents cope is… something else
What the fuck
It's funny. Kids are often amazing
> Little Johnny, hold still, we are just going to push your kneecap back in, it will hurt a bit but we will make it quick
> *sniffs* Ok sir I'll be brave *cries*
> Turn to my partner and make sure we keep this kids hand covered so he doesn't see he's also been degloved.
As opposed to
> Sir, if you want me to continue treating you, you need to keep calm and stop swearing at me. I'm trying to clean the gravel out of the graze to your shin.
> Fuck you fuck everyone if I die I'm gonna sue you. Falling off my bike, getting gravel rash and ripping my lycra is the worst thing that has ever happened to anybody ever.
Does that mean what I think it could mean? Can that actually happen?
Ya this guy gets it
Just google degloving injury
You haven't met enough people on acid mate. 99% of people have "regular" trips but there's always that one cunt that does something WAY out of left field. ie: cut their dick off
Never make the mistake of thinking anyone else sees the world through your eyes
I worked as an ER technician in Utah with my AEMT. Had a 14 year old boy come in puking black shit. Talked to him for about an hour as I got blood and ekg. Nice kid. Barely an hour later I was doing cpr on this kid. He didn't make it. Never found out what killed him.
How do they treat degloving? Do you have to find the skin, or do they slowly regrow it? Grafts?
This. Can’t tell you how many times someone’s dropped off a gunshot victim off at our ER doors, we throw them on a stretcher, trying to save someone’s life in front of these people. Then next thing you hear is someone whining cause they’re cold and haven’t been seen yet when they just got there 20 mins ago for stubbed toe.
I don't want to. I'll just imagine instead. I'm a pussy sorry not sorry.
I doubt the acid had anything to do with it.
He probably just didn't want his cock.
>Over 18000 people i have "helped" 8 said thank you afterwards.
I don't buy this one. I do hvac and get thanked every job and if it's extremely cold or hot, they practically worship me for getting them up and running. Hell, some of the old ladies even bake me cookies as I do their maintenance. I would be more inclined to believe they all would thank you if they had a chance, but it's such a stressful situation and after they get whisked off the helicopter, they only ever deal with medical staff while you're back in the sky. Anyone that helps save lives, is a hero.
I’d take a guess and say he drank charcoal to help with something he ingested. Probs was too late
Not limited to hands
Surgery, revascularization, skin graft/ skin flap, replantation. It's major. Often infections hinder recovery.
Usually happens with dog attacks, MVAs. If found the skin is rarely in a state that be used again.
Id say this is fairly true. Most people only care about their situation and not about the people helping them. I’d say out of the 15-30 patients I see a day I’ll get a thanks from 2-5. Most people suck. The EMTs that bring them don’t even get recognition from the patients most the time.
No he walked in to and we didn't give him activated charcoal. I think he started puking up bile.
A different user replying but I'm wondering if a GI bleed. I'm tired though and haven't fully followed the conversation so apologies if I missed something.
Maybe upper GI bleed. It comes up looking very dark brown almost black.
>Dead guys..
>Pick one for your fake story
Probably. It sucked doing cpr on someone i knew even a little, feeling his ribs cracking under my hands. It's alot easier when it's a complete stranger.
A&E nurse for nearly 11 years. Where I work now is pretty placid, small town with really rare OD's, a few Heart Attacks and strokes, the occasional stabbing but thats it. Worst places I've worked have been London, stabbings, beatings, OD's, "falling downstairs" cases very often. Worked in a hospital close enough to Manchester when the May 2017 bombing happened we got any over flow.
Typically, especially if you're a mixed group male/female nurses you get on well enough where everyone is shagging each other or getting pissed together and shagging. Where I am now the lasses I go on shift with invite everyone at end of shift back to theirs for drinks.
How do you get used to when you do CPR and everything just starts getting crushed below
That sounds pretty fucking great jeez.
Crying/screaming children actually enrages me. Probably would not be a good idea to get involved in this field.
Yeh very possible but you cant say acid had nothing to do with it. I mean... he was on acid
I get what your saying dude just being the Devils advocate
for the record I love acid. Best. Drug. Ever
Kids rarely scream. And trust me, they're the least of your problems.
It's the crying screaming adults who piss me off. Most of the time they're only hurt because they're ETOH and fell off a playground swing at 3am.
After about 2 or 3 rounds of compressions their chest starts to feel like mush. No more popping, little resistance. I just got use to it. It helps to know if cpr is being done they most likely can't feel anything.
I work as a doctor in the ER (ED). Theres just no way we use drugs or drink the problems away. At least not in sweden
Bad shit happens, we do our best to help people. Sometimes bad things happens to good people. We do not sit in a corner and mope like some melodramatic scene from a movie. We feel it. We talk about it and then we move on to the next person who needs our help. We do this because most of us are of a sound mind.
Holy hell. Do bigger guys/people who are like 6'4 and have muscle mass/larger bone density get cracked ribs too?
Asking for lol
Better to wake up with # ribs than to never wake up again. I say smash em hard.
Geriatrics are the worst to do CPR on
reframing techniques:
you can condition yourself to endure or neutralize unpleasent things like odors,crushed bones etc.
for example i was disgusted by rotting trash
i picked up a small scent of lemon in the putrid rotting stinch
i reframed it as pleasent memories or thought about drinking eating lemon scented stuff to ease disgust
Even if it feels like mush you only go 2 inches right or does it end up being more
How about a good old pressure wound? They still knock me for six
Doesn't matter how fat or muscly they are. If you are the first or second person doing cpr and you don't feel popping or cracking you aren't doing it right. The goal is to push their chest down 2 inches down.
Not always. For the young, the rehabilitation might go well. For an older person youd be prolonging his death with horrible pains til 3 days later when he dies of a pneumonia anyway..
which part of it upsets you?(perception)
feeling of blood floowing,fear of getting infected
i think i coul help but need more detail
I completely agree, sounds like crushing rice crispy cereal.
Doesn't matter how many people come through with them, it's just the smell, even if I put handsan under my nose, still gets straight through
coping with fear/death:
if you find yourself distressed,try to dissect and understand what is the root of that distress
i overcome fear of spiders in a few steps
under safe conditions i allowed them to get close to me,after i allowed them to crawl on me (wearing gloves)
after that i dissected my fear,i realised the root of my fear was poison,potentional death
i experiented with not deadly breeds
now im comfortable with spiders
The smells you can encounter just burn themselves into your mind
Ideally yes you try to go 2 inches but it gets hard to tell especially if you have been doing the compressions constantly for minutes. Cpr is exhausting.
smell of sweet/iron scent or odor?
try to make food that resembles that taste or odor
be sure that you are hungry
after you have a pleasent memory that you can associate with or remember your disgust could ease perhaps
What caused death? I have a baby at home. You are scaring me, user!
i hope i could help
im proud of you anons
As i said. I work in South Africa. Ungreatfull south africunts. They expect everything, the- you MUST give me , used to hand out mentality
Focking prawns
I dunno mate. When you're in an ambulance you hardly ever find out cause of death.
I just assume it's regular SIDS/ cot death. I've only had one in my whole career, I've been working since 2011. So odds are ok your little tiger will be ok.
Just never take that kid for granted ok. And as per my other advice itt, if it's a boy, don't give him any pants with a zipper.
What's the point of CPR when you can just get a hand ventilator? Especially if you're a medic, you should be able to force air into their lungs with a low risk of them aspirating food, etc.
Blood flow? Air dosen’t matter when your heart isn’t working
cause it isn't over for them yet
Not a Paramedic, but heard a shit ton of messed up stuff from my friend. Worst one he had to take a lot of leave off work because it messed him up so bad. He got called out to a house, nobody waiting outside, so he rushes in to find a guy watching TV and a baby lying motionless beside him. Guy didn’t even notice or care that his baby had died right beside him.
> 3 extra days alive
Could be good for them to get their affairs in order and have family come from interstate to see grandma one last time
Firefighter, got called in to open a door to a house. Cops couldn't get past it, was a high end security door. opened it ut. Turns out the guy hung himself but told people he was on vacation. The smell I can still taste to this day when i think about it. That, and i can't even talk about the process of getting him down without spewing. Getting sick even typing this.
But you deal with shit like that and horrible accidents and all that by talking about it. Mandatory once a week and we usually end up having a big talk every time we come back from a bad one.
use hypnosis to disable your sense of smell for that period
> Mandatory talk
That's great I'm glad you guys do that. I worked for ambulance dispatch. We didn't have that option. Maybe 5 mins time out but we had to justify it.
Most of the time it was 'there are calls backing up, answer them, idgaf you are still dealing with that baby drowning in the bath'
Shit burnt me out and turned me into an asshole with severe problems now.
I never thought of that. I will give that a try.
Yeah man, it takes a fucking toll on you. Especially ambulance dispatch, that doesn't stop. But I live in a butthole of a town in Europe so it's not that crazy. We actually have the time to do it.
I suspect you guys have a good sense of cameraderie. Are egos a problem within your crew? Or is that dealt with straight away?
Firefighter and any call involving the death or severe injury of a young kid sucks so I won't eleberate my worst call. Video games is how I handle stress after a bad day
Post below you is correct. Cpr is someone putting pressure on the heart externally to force blood out of the heart and in to the arteries and the blood in the veins into the heart.
You leave your ego at the door. Or we will do it for you. Sounds harsh, but it is the only way to go.
And the other rule is that no matter what it is that is bothering you, there is no judgement. Goes hand in hand with the ego thing.
Aside from bad calls involving kids the most recent bad call I was on was a guy I went to school with t-boned an 18 wheeler with his work van and burnt to death. Had a5yr old daughter and a 3 month old daughter thathe left behind. To make matters worse his wife showed up to the scene and us and the cops had to drag her away cus the body was so burnt and mangled we didnt want her to see it
The thing I'll never get my head around d is the what ifs.
Like, what if that guy had called in sick today like he was going to? Ot what if he left the yard 5 minutes later? He would still be alive today and the family would carry on as normal.
My dad was a fire chief back when he was alive. My mom told me a story about how they had to break down a door to a burning house, then later found the owner dead underneath the door.
yeah i think about that shit all the time as well, weird stuff man
Yeah I always think about the what ifs too
copfag here. 6 years patrol, 6 years of detective as the sole child/ sex crimes investigator. 3 more years as a patrol sergeant and i want to fucking kill myself every day.
Your silly dad killed the poor old man
what did you experience that made it so bad?
my dad was a copfag for awhile and i know he had to deal with some pretty shitty stuff. It fucked him up pretty bad, this was decades ago and it still bothers him.
it's funny, as pretty much everyone here has said you get used to the gore and stuff. interview a few hundred pedophiles and it's old hat.
the rub is where you deal with the high stress shit, then have a shitty command staff that fuck you and your guys in the ass for not enough speeding tickets, or having a messy desk, or - insert mundane detail here -
you do great work, get the bad guy, then instead of a high five you get an professional standards query.
after the "I wanna help people" wears off in the first 5 years, there is zero reason to be a cop anymore
Yeah that is pretty gay and i know they didn't really have a good program for mental health after retiring. Dad was a cop for quite a long time in a smaller town when i was a kid. He left after they wanted to relocate him after his term of whatever. Glad he doesn't do that shit anymore, he did it all though. Firefighter/Police Officer/Paramedic and he was pretty good at it but some of the shit he has told me is pretty rough.
oh yeah, that brings up a good point, they offer free "anonymous" mental health hours with a counselor, but the "anonymous" sessions get billed under your name to insurance so then they find a way to die your after the bills come in lol.
If you acknowledge you have a problem, you'll be on your ass.
typo: find a way to fire you after the bills come in
>b-but user don't be ashamed to ask for help
How do I handle it? I drink when I’m off but usually do it with friends
Worst I’ve seen? I’ve seen two people die from a flesh eating vibrio infection they got from the most minor of scrapes while fishing. Our trauma surgeons tried their hardest but couldn’t save them
hah hah hah hah haaahhhhh
i get jokes
but that's okay, we're going through a biiig rebrand in my city now:
"premier law enforcement agency committed to delivering unparalleled service."
Drinking, smoking, masturbating as often as possible. coming to realization I'll never have a real relationship with any female. Sleeping at all hours when you're off. Playing video games to the point where you don't understand the difference between reality and fantasy. And looking up to a firefighters because they get to sit around all day and people think they're cool