White genocide is the only way to end systemic racism

white genocide is the only way to end systemic racism.

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Yeah because black people don't discriminate against their own race, they don't kill their own race over almost anything, aren't racist against their own race, don't think in terms of predominately the "black" and "white" worlds which any human would say is racist... they aren't homophobic, transphobic, etc etc, they don't seem to stay stagnant as a culture in America because they definitely haven't bought into all the BS everyone tells them to be then internalizes it all as well as believing it all... then you get to the whole religious brainwashing in America and the fact those idiotic ritual mindsets are STILL practiced to this day which means at no point did they notice they were exposed to these religions in order for pacification and compliance... yeah... black people have some problems but they seem to either not care about them, to close their minds&eyes to these problems, and not want to move past all the things holding them back...

Neither of them look white

She can always go back to Africa.

The only way to end racism is if we all fuckin die. Humans will find any reason to kill one another, racism is just the excuse that we use to understand the bloodshed. But the only thing to understand is that it'll never end until were all dead and the planet reclaims everything we've built back into the core and the earth evolves new life and eventually it'll start again. Life will always find ways to kill eachother despite the point of life is supposedly to live and advance.

Genocide is wrong, but oppression is still a real thing


All bait aside, blacks will never be allowed (mostly by the jews in control) to ever have a majority. Blacks are a modern day “slave”, a tool for an agenda.

No, you're aiming too low, total genocide of the human race is the only answer.
We need to kill everyone.
But not with nukes, we need to leave the planet for the animals.

White bois need to learn their place.

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I don't give a shit about politics, so that's why I didn't include it, that was just general shit that impacts black people. The point was that they have their own shit to deal with that maybe making fun of other races isn't the deviation they should be paying attention to.

This is dumb

the master race will never be defeated

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/Pol/ isn't politics, it's just thinly veiled neo nazis/ white supremacists


This is something pol would agrée on but get defensive if a black dude points ut out

using buzzwords is a solid troll but, only if you also want to sound like an uneducated git

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but blacks are racist


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you both are gay kikes

wtf lol i love chads now


They're Jews you fucking hooked nosed mongoloid

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