Why do the democrats want to ban guns?

Why do the democrats want to ban guns?

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Other urls found in this thread:


1. Stupidity

They think banning guns will stop violent crime. See Also: London

2. Power

They are psychopaths who want to coerce everyone into pure ideological submission. They are unconcerned with actual solutions, they just want control.

sad that you've never (nor will) hold a gun, OP. please do the rest of us a favor and sage your own thread. thanks.

So they can install socialism. Same reason they want hoards of spics to flood the country.

boom boom stick bad >:(((((

Anyway to stop them?

Actually I have, unlike your underaged ass. Likely because your dad is afraid of guns and instilled that fear into you.

Why is Trump the king of Israel? He loves Jews.

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Because of her face

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Well it obviously triggers you, given the fact you love sandnigger cock, and also Israel is the only thing in that toilet called the middle east that resembles anything close to a democracy. Something the left hates.

Yeah, all those European countries are knee deep in blood these last 100 years. What a shame they didn't have their guns. Well, at least they don't have mass shootings.

undoubtedly. the guns are so scary that i have to keep them locked up responsibly in a safe.

You shouldn't take something some quack said on the internet so seriously user

So the Jews are good? And you support Trump's globalism? His tight ties to Netanyahu?

Because they hurt people


Wait the left hates Israel, but they're all Jewish shills?

Why is the right incapable of crafting political arguments that are grounded in reality instead of their own myopic fantasy land crafted entirely from ad hominem bullshit, leading question trash, and propaganda?

I don't really care if you want the truth. I just find it funny how shills are pushing the "Trump loves Jews hur dur" but at the SAME time, if he calls out the left for the muslim cock sucking they've been doing lately, it's "DUR JEWS MUST VOTE TRUMP OUT HUR DUR". You mind explaining that double think?

Hey, you explain it to me. It's the left that is trying to play both sides of the coin.

Donald Trump declared himself "the chosen one". He retweeted someone calling him the "king of israel". He loves Bibi. It has nothing to do with the left.

Except its not "some quack", it's people running for president

Cause they’re scary.

Here's your explanation: it has nothing to do with the left and trump is a globalist Jew lover.

Right, so you all love muslims and Islam. That must be why you're so desperate to flood this country and Europe with brain dead sandniggers.

they don't, you total retard. it's no surprise that american politics are such a total shitshow when the average citizen has an IQ lower than their age

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But it does have to do with the left, since they are the ones who cry about "MUH JEWS MUST VOTE DEMOSHIT AGAINST DRUMPF BECAUSE HE CALLED OUT OUR HERO OMAR HUDR DUR DUUR DUR DUR". So tell me, do you support Omar or not?

Who? I was a Trump supporter because I believed he was anti globalist. That was his entire platform. Now he sucks Jew dick 24/7 and you are ok with it?

They do, you total retard

Oh wait, you're not even American. What shit hole country are you from?

Uhhh Trump said loyal Jews vote Republican. Nobody said Jews should vote democrat. Trump is king of israel by his own admission. Omar hates Israel. Why would Jews vote for her?

Why do you keep repeating this image with loaded question fallacies?

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Nah just stabbings and acid attacks

No actually the left is up in arms because they want jews to vote democrat. But I know if I post proof, you're either going to run away like a pussy or deny it screaming something about drumpf that nobody gives a fuck about. Now tell me which one do you wanna do? Before I wait my time on your nigger loving ass.

you think ilhan omar... the most vocal anti israel voice in congress... is the jews' hero... um put down the bottle

What is loaded about this question sir? Democrats want bans on guns, period. You are denying this why?

Like this?

Trump said loyal Jews vote republican and democrats said it's racist. It has nothing to do with Trump being the modern American voice of Zionism.

But he is opened up his arms to the sandniggers, you would say "OMFG DRUMPF SUPPORTS TERRORISTS". Right or wrong? You hate jews and want them all dead, that's the real reason you're upset isn't it?

Because it is untrue. The question includes a premise which is inaccurate and misleading. Gun control ≠ gun ban. The question is a fallacy.

pls replace mic with a cock

>Trump said loyal Jews vote republican
Which is correct. Your side is calling for jews to be killed.

Most just want common-sense reforms supported by the vast majority of people like universal background checks.
Meanwhile Republicans are so desperate to suck the nra's cock that they desperately push that every (white) mass shooter is just a poor innocent mentally ill victim who shows how oppressed white men are today and we wouldn't have these shootings at all if we didn't have video games like Japan!
No, that last part wasn't a strawman or exaggeration, after the latest shootings, when people brought up countries with gun control like Japan not having these problems, some conservatards tried to deflect by litterally claiming that FUCKING JAPAN doesn't have videogames like we do and that's why our conservative white men keep chimping out convinced that THEY unlike all the previous ones will be the one to trigger the race war habbening.

Isn't the left losing the nigger vote

No it is correct. Your side wants ALL guns banned. Everywhere they gain control, they ban guns as much as possible.

>Most just want common-sense reforms

In traslation

>We want guns only in the hands of people who protect us, the DNC overlords. The peasants will not be allowed guns as we invite niggers and spics into their neighborhoods. And our Judges will rule in our favor, because we tell them too. The police have no obligation to protect you BTW, we've already ruled on that. Now make sure to vote for us next election, or else ;)

I hate roody poos, you retard. I think it's pretty obvious I don't like Jews either. Trump is sucking Israel dick constantly and you faggots are just like welp globalism is ok cuz daddy likes it I guess hyuk. This is why you will lose I'm 2020 because the only real ideology you have is 'not a democrat' it doesn't matter if you agree with them about everything and trump is sending all your taxes to fucking Israel.

Yes obviously? Why would any self respecting white vote for netanyahu's fleshlight?

So send money to Israel so they are better equipped to kill Muslim sand niggers. Just say nigger my friend its easier and correct

Fuck you weak faggots. Your fucking political tendencies sway with the wind. You have no conviction. Tomorrow if Trump says we need to release all African criminals into the states you will be like "well the democrats".

Jews are sand niggers you absolute mongoloid.

You tell me, since your side is screaming them jews to vote for dem democniggas. Why is it since a big deal then, if drumpf is such a kike nigger like you say? Shouldnt that help your team in 2020 if that's the case?

Oh, how cute. You really think you're going to win in 2020, don't you?

So why does your team love them so much?

no democrat ever has wanted to ban guns.

stop being childish.

>Say what I mean, namely shit like universal background checks
>Your retarded ass that can't think past your memes: "n-NO you don't think that! it's just a secret code but the voices in muh head translated it for me and what you're REALLY saying hidden behind every third word is that you only want the Bernie and Cortez to ha e guns!
Lol based retard, work on your self confidence till you can actually talk to people and address and counter what they actually say that you disagree with instead up cobbling together some strawman to flail at to make yourself feel smart.

you greentexted wrong. you're argument is invalid.

You are an actual retard. I'm not a faggot leftist. I voted for Trump. But he has revealed himself as a snake globalist. My team is the republican party. Trump loves kikes now. This is a PROBLEM. You really are struggling to follow what I'm saying cause you're fully sheeped up and cucked by the globalist elite.


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settle down butternips.

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>I'm retarded
>My mommy lets me use his computer

Any adults ready to give their arguments?


Thank you.

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Well now that's just presumptuous. Most people fall in the middle with there beliefs but everyone has a sense of justice so there for hate the left free passing every fucker but appreciate some compassion for the struggling people that actual give a damn and are trying to be honest. Then those people in the middle with a balanced lean right for the letter of the law and reasonable welfare and lean left to put a limit on corporate bullshit and unchecked regulation


>send money to israel
Know how I know you're a kikeshill?

i've got an argument.


your post makes no sense.

there is literally sperm, inside your nutsack, that looks down on you. how does that feel? knowing that a single celled organism feels bad for you? jfc dude...

No shit but they aren't Muslim sand niggers dumb fuck


stop making up fake words to prove your invisible point.

What is this mudslime faggotry?

So they're good now? LOL

>Invisible point
>"King of Israel"



Nah just not Muslim. lesser of two evils Jews killed Jesus lol

You can't control an armed populace that doesn't agree with you.
any other reason is just a fucking lie.

That makes them worse though.

Nope. Democrats have control of a lot of places that are not gun-prohibited. You conflate gun control with a gun ban.

The fallacies in your argument all mount on each other. Loaded question based on false cause, slippery slope. Inevitably if I show you some democrat controlled States that have not and have no plans to ban guns you will resort to special pleading or tu quoque, possibly personal incredulity.

Sorry, I don't speak sandnigger

So more niggers are shot

They are looking out for the white race by disarming minorities

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why doesn't the left live in reality

Wait so if the Jews killed jesus and Hitler killed 6 million Jews....

Because reality has a pragmatic right-wing bias

That makes him good. It makes trump, lover of jews, bad.

I've never understood the whole, durr libtards take gun away. If anything, gun control will make it harder to purchase illegally and adds more accountability towards those who sell and purchase. Make sure to sell to adults, have the people trained in how to use/maintain them, and make sure that they've been cleared to own a weapon.

Nah ya see guys? it's only a little smidgen of your rights taken away. See! that didnt hurt so bad did it? It's over now! gun laws will never have to be tightened again!

>you're argument is invalid
>you're argument
>you are argument
You failed at English. I can understand people fucking up it's and its, maybe even two of the there, their, they'res (again they're should be the one nobody gets wrong), but your and you're are fucking impossible to get wrong unless you are a full retard. Your argument is invalid on account of you lack the mental capacity of an Egyptian excerebration hook.

Most people are retarded.
Do we really want retards open carrying AR-15's at Target?

>Most Democrats are retarded.

Great start with cops on power trips

How exactly does increased legislation make illegal activity less possible? Logically, an increase of legislative restraint would make more actions illegal

Because they're less retarded than republicans...

Because it's actually pretty hard to stage a violent takeover of an armed society.

But why no mass shootings like in the us?

I don't know. Ask the drastically reduced deaths-per-mile of road accidents after the introduction of seat belt laws.

Yeah, that's the point? Why should people be allowed to carry around huge ass weapons for "protection" when a handgun is just as effective for defending yourself? Even then, concealed and open carry entices more violence anyway since they have a gun right at the hip.

unlike a leftist retard as yourself, i can take care of myself. i dont need the government to be big brother for me.

>concealed and open carry entices more violence anyway since they have a gun right at the hip

You know they only count lives saved and not those that die because they were wearing them, right?


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Everyone else isn't though. That's the point, that's why shootings happen, brother

Reminder to grabbers, i dont care about the children, i dont care about the niggers, i dont care about the spics, chinks nor the bleached fags. Shall Not

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i dont care, a few hundred dead kids here or there make no difference.


gj for being a 3rd world country

Sure ? Why would i give a shit ?


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Guns are okay. We just need to ban the faggots that use them to kill people.

Alright dude, we get it, you're an edgy badass

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all those gun carriers in texas did a great job protecting theirselfs

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How many die because they were wearing them? With sources please. Per mile traveled by road. Compare to lives lost per mile prior to seat belt laws vs after.

Legal restrictions act as a placeholder for common sense, which isn't all that common and needs instilling in most of the population.

keep crying about dead kids white suburbanite, il keep my guns.

>Legal restrictions act as a placeholder for common sense, which isn't all that common and needs instilling in most of the population.
t. statist eurocuck


Nice ad hom.

Shame you know it's true. People on the whole are fucking irresponsible idiots.

“If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”
-- Jeff Cooper

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Lol ok dude, just remember not to pull the trigger when you're fucking your gun down it's barrel.

Trips don't lie.

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>make gun free zones
>do your best restrict lawful citizens to carry
>cry about those citizens now not defending you nor your relatives.
think up a better gotcha califag.

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>m-muh ammosexual xd lmao lol.

Nobody shoots up the citizenry like we do!

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>Zones are stupid
>Good guys with guns just get in the way of the responders more often than not
>Can't stop crime, but can make it happen less often than it's being allowed to be

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in texas, none of the gun carrying civilians was able to stop the shooter. so the main argument of those gun fanatics is wrong. also murder rates in europe are much lower than in the us. the us is amongst countries like nigeria and somalia. and dont blame your niggers, in europe there are sandniggers

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>Good guys with guns just get in the way of the responders more often than not
and 10 other things i pull out of my ass to pretend i have a point.

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The alt-Reich really can't meme.

begone husk-of-an-empire subject

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leftie memes 101
>copy right wing memes
>if not, just slam your whole ideology to the meme as a wall of text.

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lefties are a meme

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painting suicides as homicides to boost the numbers, dismissing guns used for self defence by chaning the definiton of self defence to be attacked beforehand, cdc banned from gun research meme again. What a shit citation, rest is just drivel from some dumb whore.

lmao, what it actually says, unlike what the daily claims, is that states with right to carry violent crime rate decreasec 15% less that states without it and only because states without it has a higher rate of violence.


>gun free zone
>wHy DidNt tHeY ShOot hiM ?
eurocucks opinion matters none

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I didn't know it was false pretense hour. Why do Republicans want to ban the 1st amendment?

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They don't.

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>White psycho kills 22 hispanics due to racist delusions of grandeur
Clearly we have a video game problem.

>i dont want to ban guns
>just the ones that are semi automatic, lever action, dual action etc.
pretend all you want.

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I don't know if you're trolling my false pretense or OP's false pretense.

why can’t she stop gobbling cocks?

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>First paragraph,
First off, if you're going to act superior, the least you can do is spell correctly.
Suicide by gun is still a death by gun. That point is just getting across that having one increases one's chance of death by self, accident or a significant other due to domestic violence.

Criminals want helpless victims, and particularly criminal tyrannies. We see Antifa is the face of fascism today, and nothing would please them more than to be faced with helpless victims they could mercilessly beat, rape, and murder.

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>Criminals want helpless victims, and particularly criminal tyrannies. We see Trump is the face of fascism today, and nothing would please them more than to be faced with helpless victims they could mercilessly beat, rape, and murder.
This is Trump's MO.

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>Can't argue the point because it's a fact that most people would benefit from having common sense written into law.
>Let's just call it bad with no reason but muh feefees and call the person pointing the fact out names.

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>Criminals want helpless victims, and particularly criminal tyrannies. We see Trump is the face of fascism today, and nothing would please them more than to be faced with helpless victims they could mercilessly beat, rape, and murder.
You couldn't wash this stain off.

>We see Antifa is the face of fascism today, and nothing would please them more than to be faced with helpless victims they could mercilessly beat, rape, and murder.
Right wing extremist death count in USA: hundreds.
Antifa death count in USA: 0

who are you quoting you tart

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Facts of reality.

>Suicide by gun is still a death by gun

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it's pretty stupid, actually. blacks kill 50+ blacks a day using guns. cops kill 3 people a day using guns. if all legal guns from people other than cops were taken away, blacks would still kill 50+ blacks a day and cops would kill 3 people a day.

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because if they push the issue too far, it could end up going to a federal court and overturn every bit of control they have legislated so far. It happened recently in california with background checks to purchase ammunition

>proud boy death count: 0
>communism death count: 100 million

to add:

if the nation instituted a sweep to collect all legal guns, they'd be sold illegally and it would just provide the blacks killing blacks all day with a billion more guns and RAISE them killing each other.

take guns away from whitey = blacks have a billion more guns to kill each other all day = racist against blacks who can't control themselves.

Source: your ass.

Nobody knows how many firearm owners there are in the US because only self reporting polls for it exist, because we are retarded about keeping records of who has guns because the NRA fought tooth and nail against even the simplest things like gun registration.

Wanna drive a 1 ton box capable of killing dozens of used incorrectly? Gotta register that shit.

Wanna carry a 1lb hunk of metal able to kill dozens when used CORRECTLY? That's your business.

Somehow communism, a political theory, has killed 100 million Americans?

Incorrect. Communism: 0
Authoritarian Statism: hundreds of millions.

Still no argument against the fact that Antifa have never killed anyone in America? Scary terrorists, instilling such fear in you without even one death.

Or because they don't want an outright ban and you know it, just better legislation to reduce the amount of gun death. Because people are retarded and need the law to stand in place of common sense.

>P R O J E C T I O N
user typed out, as they projected themself.

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Just knee deep in muslim pedophiles, that are swept under the rug by a government that doesn't fear its citizens.


>no u
im not the one begging for speech control, thinking free speech is a meme nor bootlicking corporations for stifling speech.

So still nothing then.

It turns out "antifa are the real fascists and want to murder and rape you" is a meme.

Are Antifa violent? Yes. Are they a problem? Yes.

Are they fascists and murderers? No.

>Somehow national socialism, a political theory, has killed 60 million jews?

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>Implying that americucks don't go to jail solely on thot's "testimony"


antifa def is full of cringey "anarcho-communists" tho. basically a bunch of people who know very little about what they think they believe in.

No, German soldiers following the leader of a nation which took the word socialism and made it meaningless, killed 6 million Jews, approximately.

Nazi Germany was nationalist but it was not socialist. Communist Russia simply was not communist.

Both were Statist, and had state controlled (not socially controlled) aspects.

>Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
anti free speech, first amendment.
>Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
m-muh nazis, even berniebros waving an american flag count as an enemy.
>Supremacy of the Military
clamouring USSR and its private enforcers by proudly displaying their logo on a flag.
>Rampant Sexism
beaten more women than a redneck with a tank top
>Controlled Mass Media
again, bootlickers who want private companies to censor all that they deem deplorable.
>Obsession with National Security
desire big brother to make saying a mean word illegal
>Corporate Power is Protected
bootlickers as always
>Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
commie cries "offensive" as he wants to beat you for drawing muhamed
>Obsession with Crime and Punishment
"freedom of speech, not freedom from consequenses" so i can beat you for saying anything i dislike

If it quacks like one, walks like one and sounds like one, its prolly a fascist.

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Democrats want to be in charge and do stupid, racist shit. The grown ups keep telling them no.

>muh not real communism
leftypol reject

Motherfucker doesn't know the difference between communism and socialism, what a surprise. Commiestan is literally a utopia, you can't have a hivemind in a pack of fucking monkeys.

a meme ideology by any other name is still a meme ideology

Sorry, facts don't care about your opinion. Communism is communal (the people, NOT a state) control of the means of production. Russia never had that. It had state control.

Socialism is defined exactly the same way. Engels and Marx used them interchangeably. Lenin assumed a distinction that did not exist. Prior to Lenin anyone talking about Socialism/Communism was definitely talking about the same thing.

Statism ≠ communism.

This isn't a value judgement about whether any of them are any good. It's a fact. Socialism/Communism has never been attempted by any modern nation.

coping commies, one more delusional than the other. i hope you try to impliment the system again so that even more of you poorfags die.

Relativity Theory proposes an amazing way to timetravel. Can we do IRL? Fuck no, because the current propulsion systems aren't powerful enough to reach any close black hole.

Do you understand the analogy?

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>Communism is communal (the people, NOT a state) control of the means of production

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>Why do the democrats want to ban guns?
Because "jews" know that if you disarm the good guys it's a whole lot easier to murder them off by using your orc and sandpeople army who will be armed with illegal firearms.

I understand you should be shot in the back of the head commie. But since you are a chapo fag, you will be sure to join the 40% soon enough.

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>anti free speech, first amendment.
They don't want to abolish free speech.
>m-muh nazis
So identifying fascism as an enemy makes you a fascist?
>clamouring USSR and its private enforcers by proudly displaying their logo on a flag.
The USSR's logo is not part of the Antifa flag.
>beaten more women than a redneck with a tank top
And men. No sexism inherent there.
>again, bootlickers who want private companies to censor all that they deem deplorable.
Not something Antifa has rallied about.
>desire big brother to make saying a mean word illegal
Also not something Antifa has fought for.
>bootlickers as always
Still not something Antifa has fought for
>commie cries "offensive" as he wants to beat you for drawing muhamed
You are confusing Antifa with Muslim extremists.
>"freedom of speech, not freedom from consequenses" so i can beat you for saying anything i dislike
They don't beat people for saying things they dislike, they beat people who want to beat others. Clear distinction if you don't espouse a hateful ideology
>If it quacks like one, walks like one and sounds like one, its prolly a fascist.
But it doesn't so it isn't.

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why is new york city even a thing anymore? it should all just close and leave all the niggers there. wall street can operate from anywhere, like colorado. seriously... ditch that rotten shithole.

>Waaaah I don't like these facts!
Cry harder.

Still not a practising communist.

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Someone needs to get my niggas in Hong Kong strapped.

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>Socialism is defined exactly the same way
Islam and Christianity are defined the same way, but S and C are not. The difference is very subtle - community rules itself essentially, but that does not retract democracy from the process - in fact I would argue that it requires it to work.

Don't try to bring dogmatism into this conversation. Most of modern EU powers and even US implement social policies, redefining the word "socialism".

leftypol is pretty sad, you still mad that that pig whore of yours sucking dick ?

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>Waaaah facts are hard to argue against, let's make straw and homs!

You do understand that i am by no means a commie, right? My country tried to implement the gommunism in the past and failed miserably. That is why this lesson should be learned, not ignored or memed upon.

>The socialist mode of production
From the communist manifesto. Marx and Engels used them interchangeably.

I'm sorry that you have been cucked into believing Statists who want to call themselves by the names of what at the time was an up and coming philosophy, without operating by its principles. Nazi Germany did not have a socially controlled mode of production. It has a state controlled one, in which the people did not have a voice. In Soviet Russia, the people did not have a voice in the state control of assets and means. It was, therefore NOT communist in action, even as it was in name.

You can keep trying but you will never be able to argue against this fact without trying to attack me personally as an attempt to discredit the source, making it both an ad hominem and a genetic fallacy.

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>waah posting
leftypol expelled from 100 websites !

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>Still can't refute facts. Gotta make ad homs! Gotta troll! Deflect front he fact that I have no argument!

>P-please stop pointing out that all I have left is trolling because I can't refute your facts...

>t. plebbit fags whining about muh fallacies.
remember, these are the fags calling for meme ideology.

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>unironically "believing in" a system which is designed to fail and concentrate all of the wealth of the world into the hands a few jewish families
>unironically feeling that this makes you smart, wise, and knowledgeable
>unironically getting a sense of superiority from chanting the "not real socilaism" meme
Wew lad. Big yikes. Wew

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>samefagging this hard

>40% of chapos live with their parents or caregiver.

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I am not calling for anything. I am reminding you that communism as described by Marx and Engels has never been attempted. This is a fact.

Still can't argue the point I see without assuming I "believe in" a system. I am teaching you how to recognise it, and I already stated I am making no assertions about the validity or quality of these systems, merely stating the undeniable fact that Soviet Russia was not communist, it was Statist, and that National Socialist Germany was not Socialist, it was, surprise surprise, Statist.

The clue here is that Statism leads to shit.

Yes I was the same poster in all those cases. But that is not what samefagging is. I didn't post multiple replies to the same post pretending to be different people. Gb2r if you don't understand board culture.


Guys let not forget Jews like Ben Shapiro are controlling the world

These sort of logical contradictions are what make me question why leftists exist at all.

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Fuck off, capitalist pig. Enjoy what little time you've got, by 2021 you'll be swinging

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Every single post linked was a reply to a different post...

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A city with the murder rate half of NYC (which is quite low by American standards) is your example of why guns don't equal homicides?

Holy shit you're fucking stupid. I can see why you're a gunfag.

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Ahahahaha “Nazis made my socialism worthless” ahahahaha what a bitch. It was worthless WELL before they got onto it

Every country has crazy people. Every country has violent video games. No other country has mass shootings because no other country has such lax restrictions on guns and a gun culture that worships violence. Something is seriously wrong with you people that you can't see this.

The US has had almost 300 times as many mass shootings as the next highest country this year. But yeah "mental health."

Pscyhos can't shoot people without a gun, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are. Inb4 "They'll just stab you instead hurr, durr."

Why is the shooter white?

guns will never be banned, keep coping fag.

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Socialism hasn't been ruined, it has not been properly practiced. Don't know why you still want the rich oppressing you

You sure about that? Fucking TRUMP is talking about gun control. Guess what, if TRUMP is talking about it, democrats will do it when they retake power, and they will. Either in 2020, or the next election, or the one after that, but eventually it's going to happen. Clutch your precious big-dick substitute while you can, gun-coward. Sooner or later, it's going to get taken away, and even if you vote R 100% of the time, white males are already only 31% of the population and falling FAST. You can't out vote us for much longer.

Because it's about mass-shootings and >90% of mass shooters are white males.

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Because they want to feel they are amazing people without actually doing shit.

It applies to all well-regulated militias, of which there are currently none, as it was interpreted by literally everyone until right-wing plants on the court reinterpreted it in 2006.

Yeah i guess all those guys saying they were socialists in like 4 different continents of the planet throughout the 20th century, were just foolin’ around lol.

Such jokesters they were

>CSI: Chicago
>white shooter

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Why do you want capitalism? Do you want to keep living a life where you can't afford everything you want/need?

two ways:
1. they want to make people weaker
2. they do not know that darknet markets exist

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Its the fact that i have access to a wider array of food 24/7, than the richest of rich in the first half of the 20th century could have dreamed about in a drug and fever induced psychosis. All because people want to make a profit selling it to me.

Contrast that with your system where people eat their pets to survive and/or line up for 8 hours to get a single bag of rice.

Yeah, such a hard choice.

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Ok miss cortez open mouth and accept my erm benis.

Her nudes were utilized with private means of production. They should be redistributed to the middle & working class for justice!

It's only fair.

Saying words doesn't make it so.

because most gun violence in America occurs in cities that are run by democrats.

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>Contrast with your system
My system has never existed so cannot be compared.

theyre just fags owned by jews they cant help it

So they cant be killed as easily when they try and openly enslave people.

>Yeah i guess all those guys saying they were socialists in like 4 different continents of the planet throughout the 20th century, were just foolin’ around lol.
No, they were very seriously trying to use the name of socialism to suggest they were 'for the people' in order to achieve power, and did not in fact instigate any socialism because they had the state to control things, thus statism.

Socialism/Communism has never been tried. This is a fact.

It can't be tried to your standards. It's a Utopian worldview that ignores basic human tendencies and motivations.

Not necessarily. It requires a large enough group consensus, which if inequality continues to grow will eventually be the only option of enough people.

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God that fucking monkey face pisses me off every time I see it fuck that bitch

Because you fuck your filthy whore mother.

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You went full retard


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But the same people will run it who presently run this fiasco now.

These are so fucking accurate

Nothing nuanced about it. Not one of those regimes even meet a cursory, simplified definition of socialism.

Those regimes had and exercised the necessary power to cease and hand-over the means of production to the workers.

Clarify for me, how that’s not Socialism exactly?

No they would not. They would be the thing we overthrow.

Republicans unironically believe this

Not one of them exercised the power to hand over the means of production to the workers. They seized and held it for themselves.

Trump has actually passed more gun control than Obama did.

Less people less problems fag

Wow really? Hey its almost as if giving them that power in the first place was a terrible idea, because politicians can’t be trusted

So weird though right?!

I have the power to go out and murder someone. By your logic I'm a killer because I have that power.

Yeah because Democrats have NEVER given them any reason to

Lol what?

I don't disagree. But they still weren't socialists.

Exactly the same logic.

They were socialists, the philosophy is inherently flawed, and seeks only to empower people who say nice things.

Its the opposite of pragmatic

But they were not. They had the option to instigate socialism, but did not.

I’m sure they do comrad Ivan.

Why are there so many brainwashed retards that think we shouldnt be allowed to own firearms , people who want to ban guns are living in a fake fantasy bubble that think this world is safe.

No its not you fuckwit. Socialism is a philosophy that seeks to empower the workers (or the ‘oppressed’) through massive governmental power. All these revolutionaries promised that, spoke philosophy of socialism and gained that power.

They were socialists

That doesn’t mean they weren’t socialists.

That's exactly what it means.

If I have the power to kill but do not I am not a killer. I can claim to be all I wish, that will not make it so.

If I have the power to instigate socialism, but do not, I am not a socialist. No matter how much I might name my regime socialist, it isn't.

That is not the definition of socialism. Socialism is defined by the means of production being owned and controlled by the community as a whole. Massive governmental power is NOT a feature of socialism but STATISM.

This, OP. It's all your fucking fault. You and that whore mother of yours.

The government is already in control??

I love you, user. I want you to have my babies.

Notice me senpai

Way to fail, user. Please try to follow along.

You have reached a level of abstraction that, in its lack of clarity as to what you are referring to, approaches pure retardation. Quite an achievement.