Extreme Pro Shitposting Big Leeg thread
Extreme Pro Shitposting Big Leeg thread
new better thread
sage goes in all fields
Our vassals tried to pull a fast one on us
You didn't put it in any tho
Ur just tsun
Oh great. The pedophile is here.
yay cute cartoons!
He's been okay so far
Are u my Mexican bf
sow the dissent and have them all ordered to have their butts fucked for not joining the threads
GarEE, Dexter, and now Sci.
No real vetting here, eh?
speaking of cute cartoons i discovered your myanimelist profile by going through nezi's friends and found that you had rated flcl a 3/10. wtf is wrong with you?
megumin is a huge cutie, she your waifu? if so very good taste my friend, did you enjoy konosuba?
They like having their butts fucked anyway
I am the all-embracing darkness
Idk I don't even remember what happened in that bad anime; I watched it a long time ago
Nice Miku
So ur not Spec?
Make it put on a name so I can filter it.
Right there with you.
I don't really do the whole "waifu" thing but I think Felix Argyle is one of my favorite characters.
Megumin is a lot of fun though. Konosuba is one of the better comedy anime out there, yes.
. . .
I actually just hung my Konosuba wall scroll today.
well just for the record it's not really bad. in fact it's basically the best anime ever tbh.
I should link him the scripts; idk why he hasn't installed them yet
What's ur name
I think it was just a bunch of lol randum and not in an entertaining way, wasn't it? :thinking:
ah that's true, i forgot everyone here is a huge gay that enjoys stuff being put in their butt, how do you attract so many gays and bis?
did felix start your attraction towards traps or is he the only one you like? he is really cute
glad you enjoyed it, i thought it was great even though i tend to stay away from isekais, you watching anything this season?
it is definitely not random and it definitely is like THE MOST entertaining thing ever produced.
Also how do I mute @everyone pings? You're killing my phone battery with links.
Darkness is my favorite character.
The way she gets off on being abused is fun.
Too many different things.
Catching up on Jojo with Tracer.
We just watched Konosuba S1 (my second time, his first)
I'm watching Violet Evergarden, Shimoneta, and I've got several other shows downloaded.
I do this a lot, picking up and dropping shows without finishing anything. Trying to break the habit.
I like the main dude.
He's pretty funny and bounces off the rest well.
jojo is really cool, i like all the jokes but i'm tired of all the fan made memes of it, it got a bit tiring for me, violet and shimoneta are both great shows, violet is so beautiful and shimoneta is an enjoyable comedy, i love anna
that's a habit i never had to deal with, i like marathoning shows to get them out of the way while still enjoying them
Uh... I don't know.
>being too stuck with the brand identity of animus to use any threads other than animus threads
Good job, boys. This is how low we've gone.
I just naturally have that effect on their boipussies
What was the plot, again?
The whole point of the server was to post thread links and @everyone lol
But idk
I'm the One True Alice; what's ur point
I think ur Spec
We do visit the other threads; right now I'm focusing on getting our thing going tho
...I'm not Mexican.
>I yearn from true gender equality, not someone who asks for equality only when it's convenient
the problem is I'm very ADD and will tab out of stuff or just lose interest in general.
I did not ask for this curse. Test threw it upon me.
I'm pretty stoked for a new season. Hard to find enjoyable shows lately.
Why? Why would you not just post with them instead of creating *two* separate anime communities on the board not even made for anime communities. If you wanted to keep the brand it would have been better if you just made your own board on one of the many other chans
It feels like a novelty brand ripoff of an actual genuine quality shitposting thread when you just name it that in the OP
Thread finder lists them that way from all the way back in 2013.
Have you seen psycho-pass?
Well ur part Mexican and part Native American or something, right?
Well u wouldn't be here in this amazing thread if not for it, would you?
Thank u for ur opinion; it has been filed accordingly
I was being post-ironic
What's wrong with posting here Nezi? This place is fine.
This sounds like what a Mexican would say.
You're post-still using that word wrong and you're an ENGLISH MAJOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A bit. I couldn't really get into it. Anime is hard for me to get into. I'm not sure why.
I just use the website to find threads.
you are a very good seducer, you can even revive dead threads, i wish i was that good
makes sense, hopefully you're able to enjoy the anime you're going to watch since they're all so good
oops sorry i meant cato not nezi
But there was no point in making a new thread in the first place.
Instead of posting with the other anime posters on here he decided to, in his words "preserve our identity as a community"
That is the most insular bullshit reason to keep this up that is possible
The last thread was fine too.
Oh I thought you were complaining about us migrating back to Yea Forums.
mushroom penis pls go and stay go
Erio is beyond the scope of human reason.
Would you decry the very God who delivered us unto New Eden? This land of plenty and more? We should be glad to debase ourselves in his reverence.
All hail the God Emperor.
Elite thread
s a m e
I have a better time if I'm on the couch watching it on my TV
I have zero patience on my computer for watching it
Of course not. The flower child just can't DM a thread to a bunch of people unless it is his own, even if there was another already made that he was posting in.
Of all the people who could be god emperor, he is the last one I would support.
i'm not going to explain the story of flcl to you! not that i don't get it i obviously do because i've seen it a million billion times but i don't think that even really matters that much because flcl is mostly great because it's simply the most fun thing to watch on a moment-to-moment level (not that it doesn't also have a great story but yeah also i'm less tuned-in to stories in general than like art or something)
It really is a shame that Nezi is still breathing.
I really like anime that has a style to it. Like the more real looking stuff like Paprika or Tokyo Godfathers. It stops looking so anime and more artistic to me. I think that helps.
Gods are not chosen. They just are.
We must bend the knee.
Erio has always been an attention whore but he's an attention whore that tries to keep us together, I don't really care we are posting I guess, continue roasting him about it sorry for interrupting.
I use that word post-ironically
Also linguistic prescriptivism is a meme
U need to also be spammed with links in case u aren't looking at the website
Me too; then I wouldn't have to do it as much
I am burdened with glorious purpose
Ur a special boi
-rubs ur tummy-
Do u have to have a pretty high IQ to understand it?
I'll be Sansa, then. Give me my fucking crown
The ends don't always justify the means.
I've gone about as far as I can in this roast, I'm the only one who really cares
If I don't look at the site I probably do not intend on posting.
No. No, I am literally zero parts Mexican.
vete la mierda pendejo
Boy I sure am posting in a nice thread!
See, that's being ironic.
I heard pedophile
Some people in this thread do not understand context clues.
All hail. Bran the Broken.
well even i understand it so there you go
sadly i'm too much of a nobody to make threads and have anyone care to respond but i'm helping as much as i can by trying to respond
I agree with your assessment, threads are shorter here than on the other chan, we will be to the next one soon.
I find shaft to be rather interesting in that regard, their animation style is very unique to every other studio.
You can't be in AZ and zero parts Mexican
Erio the broken?
I might give it a go eventually.
Reminds me of MHA.
Mentally yes.
You can't be from North Carolina and be zero parts nigger.
But are u posting right now cause you were looking at the site, or because u were spammed with a link?
Well, race is a social construct, after all
I was being post-ironic
There's a difference
Bebop isn't here
What do you mean? Shroomlord was just throwing a fit to feed my thread with loosh
So ur a genius?
Well I made that channel so people who aren't me could make threads and @everyone
It should at least help
Technically everyone is a nobody and there's nothing but the void
The site.
I hope your head suddenly becomes post-ironic all over some walls.
Why would a society construct spics and niggers?
"race is a social construct"
race contains physiological and sometimes biological differences that can lead to different diseases and medication problems.
LAWL sounds like capers
Shit, I don't want him seeing the future
That is true, yeah.
Sounds fake but I guess I'll take ur word for it
You'd miss me too much
The human mind naturally creates imaginary order to shield itself from the transcendent chaos
>t. /pol/
What? Cato's mushroom penis isn't THAT small
i consider understanding flcl to be my greatest intellectual achievement considering i only have an iq of 158 when typically a minimum of 170 is required. it took a lot of research and contemplation but after all that struggle i finally did it. i guess i was blessed to have the right kind of personality to match the energy of flcl and overcome my low iq.
What's this thread about?
its not political, it's medical, sickle cell disease, look it up
Anything you want.
Have you not seen it?
a cute thread for cute people to talk about cute things
watching SimpleFlips
Goodnight thread.
>erio still doesn't know about the stairsync threadfinder
Looks Photoshopped but okay
I bet u can't understand Rick and Morty with such a low IQ tho
I was just posting a meme response
The real response is that ultimately choosing to draw lines in the sand that define "races" over those things is just an exercise of subjectively placing a grid over what is, on an absolute level, undefined and uncategorized chaos
I have; it's a slightly bigger than that
Whos this cute?
Ur welcome babe.
It's ok if you don't know about it.
Supreme funposting
Anyway how's ur day going, sp*c
I'm just meme-ing
To be fair, it takes a pretty high IQ to understand my funposting
I am blown away.
I'm going to bed.
What's wrong sweatie
Sleep well sweet pupper
i have been working diligently to crack the code of rick and morty hoping to reach an even greater achievement than i did with flcl but i still have a long way to go and in fact i may not be able to understand rick and morty in only the span of my lifetime anyway i'm gonna go watch anime seeya
ur not here w/ me
Sci is a pedo
who is sci
She's Sophie Twilight, your cute and friendly vampire neighbor.
Is Soto going to show up?
Bye weeb
It would be le race mixing if I was tho
Bebop's other persona
Probably at some point; he was glad to hear we're back on Yea Forums when I told him
But it's not like he was posting on animus frequently, so I don't expect him to be here super often
That's okay. Let's make ugly mutts together.
oh ok
well she most certainly is a cute
Oh, alright then. Thanks Nezi.
Interesting how Mexicans aren't considered "mutts" by default considering they're a mix of le native and le spaniard races
The social construction of race is cray
I'm kidding; he's some other oldish poster
Cute girl, Where is she from?
Aren't all Americans, brown or alabaster, mutts?
Erio pls.
That cap is from the anthology tho so it's a different artist from the normal one
Bork bork! -wags tail-
How's ur day going sweetie
Please what? Are you begging for cummies?
Stop being retarded.
>ultimately choosing to draw lines in the sand that define "races" over those things is just an exercise of subjectively placing a grid over what is, on an absolute level, undefined and uncategorized chaos
You could say the same thing about the categorization almost anything. You're either a moron or a subversive rat faced kike.
I thought Erio was Nezi all along.
You're virtually identical.
Is attachment to constructed racial categories the official stance of the right wing libertarian party? Very identity politics
I agree that all categorization has no absolute reality
But yeah, (((da joos))) are paying me to do a psyop here
Bullying is mean
>doubles down on meme responses
At least erio isnt a back stabber
[baseless accusation goes here]
It's a real point put forth in a meme-y way; you just don't like it
It completely dodges any and all nuance just so you can be an edgy faggot like usual.
Genetic differentiation is real, but the racial categories we use were created long before we had any concept of genetics. They are not scientific categories, but primarily social and political.
The category of "white" is particularly prone to manipulation throughout Western history to serve political ends, serving primarily to differentiate "us" from the "other" as convenient.
It isn't baseless when you actually did it. Poor Tracer, Gabby and Test
good good
bored though
You do get upset over those identity categories being questioned, don't you? So this is why u e-date nazis
You're saying something Spec doesn't like, so ur dum even though he can't argue with it
And Gabby is STILL living in his head
U could always just funpost harder
Race war when?
rent free!
How do we categorize "Nazi" Erio?
>tfw a nazi but spec wont date u
You still have Smiles, tsuchi.
How does one funpost
We don't need you and we owe you nothing. You know this and it simultaneously ashames and frightens you.
nice meme
It's been over a year; I wonder if he'll get over her uwu
Well, we're right wing libertarians, so obviously we do it in a way in which we pretend said linguistic categorization is somehow absolute and concretely tied to physical reality. For freedum, of course
I think it might be the other Tsuchi
Try consuming caffeine and then channeling into your posts
Are you unironically accusing me of being (((da joos)))
Oops first link was for
So it has absolutely zero definition then.
brb, time to get energy drinks to enhance the funposting
why do you post this
Words can't be used unless we pretend categories are carved into the fabric of the universe, obviously
Don't drink too many :3
Words have meaning. Otherwise what good are they.
Ulle Britte
Spec go the fuck to sleep
U should just give in and join us
How could we possibly function if we accepted that words are ultimately given meaning by their speakers and don't have absolute meanings that are carved into the universe's butthole
It's not like people would naturally tend towards using words in ways that successfully communicate what's intended to be communicated, right? :^)
What dat mean
He's defending freedum
It means "Pewdiepie's Cat" in Swedish
That is impossible to do from the inside of an oven
That's cray
I wish I wasn't allergic to cats uwu
He's decided that pursuing nazi e-dick is worth it even if he ends up getting put in an oven by a self-hating gay nazi who regrets e-fucking him
It's the libertarian way
I love celeste!
i also wish i wasn't alive
good morning everyone
Want to talk about what's wrong?
Also, remember to eat breakfast :3
The fuck did I do to get these bonus personal notifications, you persistent fuck?
The thread was slowing down so I spammed links to a few people
That's what I figured.
...I forgot who that is.
GarEE is an internet celebrity who Wish got kicked out of college
Bac with sugarfree redbull, mexican food, and chips
>Wish got kicked out of college
how even
Big Dick Energy
Just remembered I miss Mexican food
I should get it ASAP when I go back to America
"All I wanted to do was live my life. I didn't think I ever bothered anybody, sure I'm a bit of an asshole sometimes but that's part of having fun in life, you know? I've had a terrible fucking life as it is, I've worked my ass off to get where I am and I was still working my fucking ass off every damn day, and even though it seemed hopeless I had never given up hope, until now.
This is just too much, way too much for me to handle.
Yeah, we all make some stupid mistakes sometimes....and I made mine. But what's important is I was trying to change, I was busting my ass to fix it. I started going to drug counseling, therapy, anything to help me change my ways, you know?
But some bitch who thinks it's funny to ruin lives didn't care, she didn't give a fuck that she was destroying an entire fucking life with what she was doing.
I trusted her, and this is where it got me. Now I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust someone again.
Me and Wish had gotten to know each other quite well outside these threads, become pretty good friends, or so I thought. It was just a charade for what she had planned.
I let my guard down one night, before I had started going to counseling and therapy, back when I still did the stuff. I was pretty fucking stoned one night and like an idiot I video chatted with her while I did the stuff.
She recorded it all, took video and pictures, and sent it as an anonymous email to my dean and the other higher-ups explaining to them how bad of a person I was. The other day when I try going back to my dorm was when it all hit me. They pulled me into his office, and that's when my future was crushed, all because of what she did. Not only kicked out of university, but my parents won't let me stay with them either because they were told by the school, and my parents are 100% against drugs.
And this was all done by someone you all think is oh-so-friendly.
The witch named Wish."
do eet do eet
I guess I'll be gone for a while when I go on a giant airline trip and work on getting settled back into America in a few days, btw
U and the others will have to maintain the threads without me
BDE every day
Will do, when you garn back??
The journey starts on the 26th
Although I may start being here less til then cause I have to get stuff in order
oh mkmk
have fun while you were in .. indo?
Òkay what the fuck
That's real?
(What had he done?)
If your BDE lasts longer than four hours, consult a medic.
Thailand :3
But yeah, though the teaching job was pretty draining and I don't really wanna do it again
Got to travel around some and stuff though so that was nice
Smoked weed
Except actually it's just a meme copypasta he wrote to troll Wish
that one
lmao that reminds me of the scene from 40 Year Old Virgin where he calls a pill company to ask about having an erection for longer than 4 hours even though he never took the erection pill
Ah. Alright.
I was like... is America really that anti-weed, lol.
Ah right. I faintly remember.
>40 Year Old Virgin
whats with australians and bali
tfw can't become a wizard anymore
garn trip 2 bali w da bois
its just a thing
go to bali, surf, destroy the natives homes, fuck some trannies
Dyschronometria hit like
i dont understand
wouldnt you want to do that too?
I can.
There's hope yet for me.
Wait I fixed it
youre not australian then
achieve the dream for both of us
or go a couple countries over and lewd hu
>tfw lost my chance to be a wizard 20 years ago
I'm actually meeting up with SD tomorrow.
Might see Angel this weekend, too.
>tfw Hu is elusive.
Need me a cutewolf tbh
technically all of us were inside a female at one point so nobody can become a wizard
I bet he wouldn't even meet up with me sadly
hope you enjoy the secks
We need a new thread so people know I'm revy
name works too
but yea
I'd pat a Hu.
Probably never meet though. Too bad.
I've actually met Angel twice before, and still on track to wizardry.
SD though. wew.
Does it have to be sex with a girl or sex with a human vagina or just sex with someone?
Dumbledore wasn't gay by choice.
gonna smash SD?
I don't know nibba I don't make the rules
Fortune u can make the thread
I have faith in u
U guys have to learn to survive on ur own
I'm not saying I'm gonna.
He just made it very clear he hopes there's a sauna at the hotel (we share a room)
While also informing me the Finnish people don't cover themselves at all during sauna's.
Fuck naw dude. I never make threads, and this is fucking Yea Forums.
That's one of the few things that gets me anxious.
If it's sex in general, 20 years ago
If it's sex with a girl, never
If it's p0nos in vaguna, 8 years ago
>If it's sex with a girl, never
>If it's p0nos in vaguna, 8 years ago
How... how can your penis have been in a vagina 8 years ago without having had sex with a girl?
have fun ;)
remember to eat light and carry mints
detachable penis, duh
Trans male