You wake tomorrow with the powers of Dr. Manhattan. What do?

You wake tomorrow with the powers of Dr. Manhattan. What do?

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go to work so i can keep my job, idk when i'm gonna lose these powers

Put my battery acid in some girls eye

Go to the Bahamas

Attempt to observe the world before tomorrow, causing a multiversal crisis that requires me to eradicate all other possible outcomes except for this exact one.

Honestly, this. I could use a vacation and teleporting would be way too convenient. After that, probably make my presence known and become some sort of dictator.

Fuck off to Mars like Dr Manhattan

Cuck myself with 3 copays while working on the race car in the garage

Copies even

Clearly I'm still asleep and vividly dreaming about stupid shit again.

make the master race

Straight up orgy

Go 30ft tall at a women's march with my blue danglers out

Put copies of my blue dick inside the mouth of everyone in the world.

Manhattan deserves his own movie btw

create several parallel earths, divide the races into them, go away for 250 years, check the progress of each. Also I would create a copy of my dick a million times, then sneak them into different types of media across the planet.

make a million copies of myself and get fucking everyone until my abilities make be bored of humans

Create a dyson sphere, providing energy and the means to launch a settlement/terraforming effort of mars and venus

Nuke Japan a third time, they didn't learn their lesson

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leave this fucking planet.

destroy the Yea Forums servers

I suppose the first thing I would do is learn to put myself back together.

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Masturbate then get ready for work.

Make my dick bigger, then vaporize all the bedbugs on the planet

Nuke the human race only

Show off my powers to the world and emphasize to the news that my name is Nigger. That's it, just Nigger.

I'm using this if it happens. Good call.

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Gangbang some broads by myself.

What’s dr manhattans powers besides being a blue god?

Two chicks.

Jack off

I'd leave

Wake up, post on Yea Forums and get dubs