When is everyone gonna stop pretending niggers are equal to the rest of us? I'm getting sick of this shit it makes me nauseous to watch apes walk among us
When is everyone gonna stop pretending niggers are equal to the rest of us...
If you want everyone to know you're an uneducated virgin with a tiny penis just say so. It's much easier that way.
Not soon enough user.
>being a racecuck
Wasn't racist growing up, am now very racist because of interactions i've had with black people.
oh my god yes more
Same user. Plus watching them ruin one of our local towns firsthand
>the rest of us
What do you mean by "us", Peasant?
are you the guy from the "this nigga eatin beans" tweet?
No, just hate black people because they deserve to be hated. Have you ever actually seen a black person? Watched them exist? It's fucking disgusting
eh when its nigger on nigger i dont care, i wanna see someone with white skin beat a nigger to pulp
youre doing gods work user, keep em coming
mark ROUGHalo
russians were getting ready to whop that nigger nigger style, 3 on 1. pay back for their niggery
user thank you i cant tell you how much i needed this. this is the shit i love to see, anything more like this and ill just about jizz. fucking love watching a nigger try to stand up to a superior race
I gotchu bro. That's why I have these
bahahaha stupid faggots acting tough
and its always a nigger stealing it
I Would be fine Being a Slave, it's not my Fault Social Justice Niggers give us a Bad name
3 years, best relationship I've ever had. Bought a ring, who knows when I'll propose. I'll never go back to ungrateful white women. Black women love sex!
Shut ya incel beta cuck headass up. All blacks aren't the same, just because you had a few bad interactions, you're now racist. You see why racism is for the stoopid idiots of the world, y'all don't even use logic. Get rid of those lady parts, & grow the fuck up pussy.
Distinct differences between an African American and a nigger. If you're claiming you love niggers then please, by all means take them all.
>Tmw you wanna play Carmageddon but there's a bunch of protesters in the middle of the road.
Try harder, perhaps I'll consider it. As of right now?
>blow me faggot
>not hating niggers
they're just baiting obviously
Can't tell if this is a fight or dancing or something I'm completely unaware of, and I'd like it to stay that way.
Some sort of urban mating ritual I think.
just because you spilled beans all over yourself and everyone in the cinema laughed at you doesn't mean black people are an inferior race
Nah you're not a nigger user and you don't deserve to be a slave. There are blacks and then there are niggers. Blacks are increasingly niggerish though. You're fine, don't degrade yourself like that you're a human being. Leave that for the niggers
Love that gif lol. Fuck that faggot with a man bun. Go show off elsewhere bitch
>ungrateful white women
>admits that he had bad experience with white women and only then downgraded to blacks
this is just white men going to asia for easy sex cuz they cant get it with real women but you had to stoop so low as to fuck niggers lmao. Please dont propose to that prostitute
>he thinks you can just undo 80+ years of brainwashing
>Shut ya incel beta cuck headass up
literally heard this in a nigger shrill. also, everything you said proved my hatred for niggers is valid lmfao. please kill yourself or at least sterilize yourself
You do realize that there are some niggers on Yea Forums and /pol/, right?
What are we going to do, call them honorary aryans ?
holy shit lmfao
correct, they are regardless. im glad you see
No nigger could possibly survive or even read what is written on Yea Forums, its not in heavy ebonics. thats why they isolate to twitter where they have their delusional racist safe spaces
Sorry meant black people, not niggers, there is a difference
what is this in reference to? and yes, but that divide slims daily
just found a thread by a black dude , check the catalog.
>but that divide slims daily
yep, they come in on occasion before finding their place
I upgraded, who are you kidding lol. Black woman are amazing. And shes a nurse, she took me shopping for my bday and bought me a bunch of clothes and stuff, and a new longboard.
I used to think black women smelled different but now I'm older and realized they smell the same as any other impoverished race, or like my friend Tom who plays WoW all day and never showers.
what a queen
They stay on Twitter because the other social media platforms don't have word limits
is she your social worker?
I bet you like horses too, aye??
Protip: every single one of us is an ape, but only some of us (OP) are retarded apes
Oh ya. She rides me hard about staying healthy
You're right. We aren't equal. Whitebois are inferior.
Whitebois need to learn their place
Looks like Tenda Spencer finally found the thread. Pathetic half-breed.
They won't. All we can do is hope that the changes resulting from the upcoming war will racially balkanize the US long enough for us to establish a more realistic government in which we can segregate and maintain all races and cultures. People are startint to realize what the kikes have done and plan to do, and America, among other nations, has become politically agitated. Hang in there, we're almost at the climax.
Now that's a nigger.
or a troll.
If a horse had an ass like this I might! ;)
I prefer white.
Awe that's sweet, user.
really? are we? the public are just stupid and easily distracted. it's evident that the jews know this by now, as soon as things happen a crisis will emerge, another 9/11 something of the sort, and the sheep will fall in line.
You're missing out!
Taco here, it buggers me a lot to see this threads. In Mexico every black I have ever met was either very well educated, rich or both. They had the possibility to vacation or pay an education on foreign country and speak our language. Seeing this is so fucking alien I can not yet see them like you do. Do you burgers really come across this type of people every day or you are just exaggerating a bit?
Every race has a derogatory nickname for their races lower, poorest caste.
Nigger, spic, white trash, chink, etc.
Over 6k of them all living in poverty within an 11 mile stretch where I live. Their behavior in public is absolutely appalling, and the crime rate is through the fucking roof. Its disgusting.
black pussy feels like wet leather, god awful. sorry you have to stoop so low user, hopefully you nut up and find a real woman soon
that black man was paid by whites to do that job. think about what you just said
buddy that ass is super average, shes just black so the light reflects more. if you have to prove she's hot, your girl's beat
White sluts prefer nigger cock in their mouths
actually got nauseous, so foul and sweaty
think about what youre saying nigger, youre only seeing the black people who can afford travel. just think with your dumb laboring brain, i shouldnt have to explain this to you. yes, niggers are actually this bad. it would seem like hyperbole unless id seen it myself. ive had a nigger deliver me food then try to enter my home and assault me when i yelled at them for not doing their job which is literally to come to the door fmor the sidewalk (called me 12 times instead and then yelled at me because they had to do their jobs) niggers arent human they are scum that needs to die
Only the lowest of white girls who cant get a white man go for niggers, everyone knows this
Sure,statistically the black population is more degenerate, some of it is cultural, which blacks themselves is at fault and can be fixed, but mostly is due to brain structure. It is childish to talk about blacks thought, its just a property of their skin, if we wanna talk black people, we need to include all populations that has a lower IQ than 70, it just so happen that black people fill 90% of this population, dont quote me on that
Please tell me that the rolls Royce was ok
What lol. Wet leather??
Next you're going to tell me breasts feel like bags of sand. Move along forty year old virgin.
the only problem with black people is bigots like OP
if we get rid of the redneck scum it'll be smooth sailing
Do you know if the escalator kid was an actual person
Just a worthless nigger
Im not trying to prove anything. I know she's hot.
Sweat is a normal part of sex. Stop fucking prostitutes and smell won't be an issue user.
ahahahaha fucking retard
This is coming soon
some of the women I loved I enjoyed smelling their body odor. not so much so that I would sniff their armpits but a whiff here and there wasn't unpleasant
Fuck a real woman, black pussy is terrible. Wet leathers not a bad description for nigger pussy
nope, its black people and how they act. time to grow up kiddo
think he was chinese
lmao imagine being this butthurt that you have to fuck niggers that you have to defend what is obviously a shortcoming on the internet. embarrassing
and now trump is walking around calling himself king of the jews like wtf
My entire Google drive is filled with videos of women ive fucked. If you think different races pussy feels different your trolling or a virgin lol.
Butthurt? Lol, nah just sitting at home on call getting paid to interrupt your tiny penis meeting with pics of my beautiful black gf.
Niggers arent human, they are lowlife animals, that can be good as slaves, but if you treat them like people they will start chimping out.
Its no coincidence Africans have never even built a fucking boat, anything that can float on water, they are so fucking dumb its almost sad
I'm about to lay some inhuman dick in you tonight white boi
Imagine being so ridden by inferiority complexes you LARP as a nigger, not even a human, online
I didn't really notice much of a difference between my virgin high school gf and the black fwb i banged 10 years later
both were good pussy, very wet, very tight
actually i think the black girl was a better fuck because she didn't just lay there
Exactly, there's no difference. If a woman is under 40, she should generally be tight and wet as long as you turn them on.
>having a boss
nice flex nigger fucker, i made 140k this summer on my start up and im in college lmfao
different pussy does feel different, black pussy ive fucked always has no texture or grip. latin and white is where its at
>t. someone who has never been outisde before
i bet you havent even seen a black person before.
Why she suckin our penises if we inferior? Huhhh white boi??
why are you wasting money on college if you're making six figures
do you think you're going to be able to apply for jeff bezos' job when you graduate?
because someone paid her money to do it
dumbass nigger
to make my parents happy tbh, and cuz i promised my girlfriend i wouldnt leave. im fucking miserable man i hate it here
Flex? Nah I only make 70k a year.
It's sad, all that money and the only black girl you can get to fuck you was a crack whore. Odd flex but ok, go after someone with class next time. Maybe spend some of that start up money since you can't earn pussy ;)
stop trying to be edgy man youve been nothing but cringe all thread, just leave your ego isnt gonna get anything but more hurt
What a bitch move, just out of nowhere like that, I bet that's how suddenly he swallows dick as well
black girl i fucked models now but alright buddy! you keep at it with your crack whore quickies
The blonde girl is my hero.
lets see what Africa was like in 200 BCE vs Germany in 200 BCE
lmfao GOTTIM ngl i laughed and that guy doesnt look niggerish but who knows
youre the one posting cringe
lmao if this aint proof its time for you to leave. "i know you are but what am i" ass nigger
well im not going anywhere, how about you stop being such a triggered snowflake
Chad move.
>sucker-punching is okay if a white guy does it
t. /pol/tard
yes it is actually. black people cant think and dont deserve rights. they have no future planning skills and they wait for whitie to give them free stuff. we need to enslave them again.
>tfw you're violent and dumb and obsess over killing a group of people
>tfw you call that group of people violent and dumb
Models lmao. I can post videos of me fucking beautiful black, white, Mexican women. It's all the same. Except for white bitches like this girl. They always think they're gods perfect gift to the world and riddled with daddy issues.
no actually they're human beings like anyone else except bigots like you
if we could just learn to get along, we'd go a lot farther but its people like you who have the mental illness of racism that keep us all down
U mad cuz she ain't never service u and da squad like dis??
Can you guys get a room already? Im just trying to post pics of my black goddess
>black people can't think
There are black professors, engineers, doctors, and more.
Your refute to this argument: durr nigger lol
Like poetry.
arguing with /pol/ is like shouting at a brick wall with a poorly drawn swastika spraypainted on it
it's the worlds biggest echo chamber
>black professors, engineers, doctors, and more.
>durr nigger lol
THEY ARE NIGGERS. all the black doctors and blacks with jobs that require thought are doing a bad job and being lazy niggers! every single one of them
if that's true why is Ben Carson the most successful surgeon in the world
>human beings
they are NIGGERS. they arent humans, they are a form of monkey. they dont even look like humans. what the fuck are you thinking. humans are white, monkeys are black and brown.
woah tough guy! nobody cares if u stay or leave just shut hte fuck up
aww i remember saying the same things. youll see in time friend
>Ben Carson
hes a nigger monkey. i bet he gets welfare.
nobody cares dude youre bragging on Yea Forums youre inherently pathetic
sounds like you care, here's your (you)
"if i say it enough, ill believe it too!" youre pathetic bro
Notice how stormfags can't actually debate, and how they back out when basic biology is brought up. While you faggots obsess over feeling like blacks should be beneath you, there are many who are far above you in society. It's almost like seeing this makes them seethe..
Whitebois stay mad because they can never satisfy a woman the way a black king can
Pathetic ass crackas
not even the guy you responded to but youre making a fool of yourself
bait harder whitey
'blacks cant think'
>gets examples of blacks thinking better than you
'uhh theyre still dumb lol'
>basic biology
kike. science is fake fag
prove it
no u
they literally are dumb. i hate niggers so much. i cant stand the thought of black people living on this planet. they are just stupid and niggie and they dont even deserve rights.
look at this retard getting mad on Yea Forums
keep fucking your cracked out hooker and crying you cant have a real woman
yep, logical man right here
i can hear the reee from here
well, basic biology says niggers are equal to whites. we know that isnt true.
so how about jews, by this logic whites are untermensch
Must be tough not having anything to brag about.
Keep calling me pathetic, maybe you'll believe it!
>First one to actually check on him and try to help is another child
Fuck people
Blacks can't think? Well Im thinking about raw doggin some white bitches tonight
What are you thinking about whiteboi? How long you can beat it in the closet?? While you watch me of course, we all know white men are cuckolds by nature.
what do you mean? basic biology says jews are equal and we know jews are inferior and need to be gassed.
big yikes
t. white person
this doesn't follow, jews have more money, invented krav maga, they have nukes, they have their own ethnostate, they have a better intelligence network than any white country
jews are obviously superior to whites
>Im thinking
No tyrone, your dick is guiding you to a hole. you are not using your brain to achieve that goal.
again, i made double what you make in a year this summer and have a white girlfriend. youre a wage cuck who has to stoop to fucking niggers because he cant play in his own league. youre pathetic dude, ill keep saying it because i know you only have so much denial to employ with a lifestyle that pathetic
>every girl getting fucked by a black guy is white trash
we wuz kangs!
whites can fuck, this is why they shoot up schools
I love this.
Cope harder whiteboi, it's ok you'll find an oriental lady to make HAPA school shooter babies with
nigger logic at play everyone, what does this even mean
trips of truth, can't argue with that
since when were we talking about countries kike? stop trying to take us off topic. jews may have more money because they know how to hustle but they are evil and must be gassed to death. i want every one of those slimy big nosed bastards to have a bullet in their head.
this is his cringiest post yet. literal all caps typing talking about not being mad
yeah sit down where you belong nigger fucker, below me
>they are evil and must be gassed to death
>i want every one of those slimy white bastards to have a bullet in the head
cuckasians must die
>whites can fuck
yes, they fuck way better than the stupid niggers do
never heard of satire weissemann?
can someone explain hating jews? so outdated and unfounded. blacks are always bad, jewish people are fine
Darwin's theory is proven.
I bet her pussy is ugly and smelly 24/7
"it was a joke guys!" wow i didnt think you could get more pathetic. to do this to a stranger on an ANONYMOUS BOARD you are lower than i ever imagined holy fucking shit hahaha
>cuckasians must die
last play out of the textbook huh shill? i wish i could just come up behind you with a knife and violently cut your throat open while you thrash around screeching about the goyim
you are correct, hes posted plenty of proof
sounds like you're full of impotent rage
bro ur posting cringe bro pull up
this triggers the whiteboi
they are smelly and the spawn of satan so they must be culled.
just a simple typo, you're grasping at straws here lmao
A white girl who fucks black men is white trash? With such an idiotic opinion you wonder you have trouble with your own women.
I'm thinking about punani my guy it's in my brain I don't feel my thoughts in my dick do you?
im gonna come to your satanic synagogue and shoot you up shlomo. give me an address.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC
>sex is intellectual now
kike lies at the finest
Whitebois will always fear the BBC.
i wouldnt put it past you to be posting from the bunker under the white house
Cry more lol, if your life is that great and you're getting laid like you say then you'd be happier. But it looks like daddy's little golden spoon fed boy cant get laid hahah.
Hey everybody, college cry baby thinks pussy feels like wet leather!
jews are way more intelligent than white people
whites are just blacks without confidence and big dicks
come and find out ;)
Putting another whiteboi in his place
you think their smart because they can hustle but really they are just guided by satan.
Pretty pink black pussy is the best pussy, expand your view boys and become men!
Fuck all races
>this dumb asshole is seriously citing satan
are you a black metal faggot lmao
>white people are good because they conquered stuff
>jews are bad because they conquered white countries
pick a lane retard
That looks absolutely disgusting. I'll stick to Latin and white girls
Asians and Jews are smarter than Whites on average. This is statistically proven fact, how does the stormfag cope?
by threatening violence, even though they'd never dare to act IRL
tl;dr impotent rage
You’re bein petty dude just walk you fatass bitch. I would’ve knocked you out.
Found your ideal Latin bitch. Gross.
I'll stick to sweet pink black pussy thanks
Yeah, that "black people smell" is basically just dried sweat in their hair. My ex wife used to be a lazy piece of shit and would go for days without showering, and her hair used to smell the same.
In spicland they behave because we domesticate and spay and neuter them
Just saying.
jews shouldnt be able to own anything. they deserve to die. did you think jews were equal to whites? they dont even deserve to be enslaved like the niggers
no shlomo, you know all and well what im talking about. John 8:44 fag.
mfw bluepilled tard walks in
youll see in time bud
>because of interactions i've had with black people.
yes, i'm sure it's that and not your profound lack of education and socialization to blame.
I prefer traps over black pussy
>lack of education and socialization to blame
socializing made him realize niggers are inferior you dummy. you cant just read straight out of the shill handbook, you need to apply yourself
This lmao
Its obvious these smooth brains have never actually met any black people besides the hoodrats in public school and they think that's a representative of the majority
It's 2019, it's ok to be gay.
I prefer traps over any pussy.
> says Africa
> means Egypt/Northern Africa, which has nothing to do with Subsaharan Africa
We need to ban Assault Escalators. Or at least, monkeyproof them.
its not racist if you just hate blacks
I heard this without the audio..
>I'm list'ning brew.
today there was this story about how black women make less than white men. this is the picture in the story.
um... black females in calculus? 1%. black females in computer science? 0.3%. i don't mean next week when you START "computer science". you aren't in the major. 60% never get into the major. all those people in your baby beginner java/python course could be there for ANY major but if you ever actually GET in the major, many courses later, you'll never see a black female.
OP from black ama thread, what did i miss?
Tis but a fake
Are there any Affirmative Action niggers?
I love it when the good guys win.
there was that mindless bitch that suggested that because blacks "use technology so much" they should be CEO of google or twitter, etc. they don't even comprehend the concept of programming or any problem solving. they only see the aspect of smiling and celebrating.
And rioting and looting.
Great argument. Concise. Factual. All around amazing. Bravo, faggot!
>this chan won't allow me to link (says it's spam)
Racism is a semetic concept created by trotsky in reference to slavic people who prefered their own culture and had no appreciation for russian jews and their subversive behaviors.
nah it's because in China, anyone that helps an injured/dead person becomes legally responsible to pay their medical bill and can get sued by the family of the person if they die.
that's why in China you regularly see people get injured or die in the street and no-one gives a fuck.
>absolutely based
>Obvious semite.
>he would be proud of his work to confuse you goyim.
Reminds me of Sherlock trying to decide if he should fall forwards or backwards.
Wrong choice nigger.
>Niggers are bad so we should just act like niggers to them
user, the whole point of racial solidarity and superiority is that we are better than them, and thus won't resort to their lows. Yes, sucker punches count, because they are the ultimate nig move. Either be white, be proud to be white, and act like it, or go to Africa with the rest of the nogs.
A new day. Spread your message irl brother.
Jesus Christ, do people even watch their kids any more?
>Majority of black people in PUBLIC school
You tried
Thinly veiled subversion.
Hey, Spaulding's back
I do my best
Why are you so racist?
Look through the thread.