The United States is the best country in the world. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't
The United States is the best country in the world. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't
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SJW is an American thing.
american doesnt have free healthcare
America has loads of niggers.
You're fucking stupid to the point you arrested a 15 year old boy for a little trolling and he will face the consequences of a felony for the rest of his life.
It goes on and on in examples like that brailsford guy and anywhere important having metal detectors.
You're fucking stupid and people hate you. It's so brass and low class we don't talk shit about you anymore. It's simply unbelievable.
Then why do all the republicans bitch about the illegals coming here for the healthcare? Checkmate libtard
You mean people can have whatever opinion they want and the freedom to express it? How terrible!!
U mad
>checkmate libtard
are you says this ironically? jesus fucking christ nigga
they bitch about coming here for healthcare? where? source? also its expensive here either way. No one can afford it
It's not a free country either. In other parts of the world you're either free or the justice system is reasonable.
A punishment of 30 years "in a hotel" is reasonable. 2 life sentences in the terminator thunderdome full of niggers over some petty small mistake is not.
>U mad
youre a faggot
Two faced americunts
it's full of niggers
No they can't. That is why I'm sparing my words with the likes of you.
no it's not. it simply became stylish in the post 9-11 era. people young enough to be raised to feel like we all need a hug were easy to get into the SJW movement. people that felt the whole 9-11 manipulation of the nation with everyone putting american flag stickers on their cars--which were all gone 6 years later--and even touting a "love revolution" and then, the election of obama and next, forced acceptance of homos, before the invention of "LGBT", never cared. i know that was a long sentence but let's just say that if you were old enough, and didn't fall for 9-11 and didn't buy that blacks and homos were acceptable, you didn't buy the SJW movement.
one thing about these shitheads... they ignored mexicans/illegals under obama, and latins were severely marginalized, while obama deported them like a maniac and no one complained and only blame trump for it. SJWs are pieces of fucking shit that just hate successful white people in any way that feels good. celebrities and elon musk don't count as "successful white people".
Looks like someone lives outside of the Glorious US of A
Literally the best argument. You don't think it but here in the rest of the world we don't have to put up with niggers. It automatically makes you trash.
Sorry I dont talk to negros....or worse white people who act like negros
Sounds like a personal choice
i mean we are full of niggers so that means its not the best. we had a black president
You miss the entire point of being white. You made your bed now lie in it.
Everyone Is FAT
wheres the source then, faggot
Americans brought the niggers so you have no one to blame but yourselves. Also, newsflash, those niggers are americans too.
We also don't have a 25% vat tax on every item we purchase. What's your point? It's not free you're still paying for it.
I live here and it’s a shithole. Hope those testicular pains and messed up jaw aren’t too serious because god knows I won’t be able to afford to find out :(
Having lived in over a dozen countries includimg 3 cities in the US, I'd sooner permanently live in Canada to be honest.
Trash is a nice way to call you an Indian.
You're a nigger to civilized people. That was the point the Mexicans were trying to make in the 60s and earlier.
lol i'm a russian immigrant. i get to sit back and say fuck you and your slaves, mexicans and faggots. i don't feel kinship with you, western european whitey. your wimpy douchebag culture can suck my ass.
Lol complaining about niggers when "white" people look like this
Small Penis: The Country
i felt i should add:
it's actually possible to see my reply as proof that SJWs ARE a US thing BECAUSE of 9-11 but that's just why it became big here. it was always like that in say, france, etc where people were doing bombings, or had other issues that made them turn and try to better society but here, it's sloppy and childish and misguided only because of the post 9-11 generation of designer bitch babies.
>lol i'm a russian immigrant
Eww gross
Pound pound pound *
Open up it's the police, we have a warrant for your arrest because you bought a tv! Who cares if it's only hooked to a computer, you didn't pay your tv tax! Enjoy prison!
That's native American behavior.
Take the brownest spic and you got your cartoon right there.
I will find a picture of a Mexican that is a soccer hooligan to necaxa or CA so you can see it.
Your tolerance to trash is unbelievable
Anybody else ever feel like a slight pulsing to your balls? Kinda feels like they’re like twisted or something (I obviously don’t understand my own anatomy) but can’t tell if they get all wonky or if I have like testicular cancer
Oi, you got a permit for that meme?!?
And that's because you're not even a fucking German.
That only covers 1 tv and it's expired! You were 15 minutes late. I'll Smack you right in the gobber!
Anyone that doesn't make white people look flattering isnt "white"
-Says the eurotrash descendant
He's got a butter knoife!!!!!
>I'm a Russian
Youre not white, Vlad. You're the same species as the Mexicans and negroes.
Not with Trump commanding it.
Get rid of Drumpf first and we'll talk.
Thought y'all were moving to Canada? Why can't you keep your promise?
Loud, Obnoxious, Fat, Smelly, and dumb.
With these ingredients combined, AMERICANS were born
Watch this cringe sometime until you find something familiar. Native American behavior redneck not even owning up to it can keep you chad.
You're going through this as a society right now. It's perfect.
When it's over you will be half niggers and Elliott hulse and the rock will be chad.
It's more fun to trigger you on American soil.
You made the claim so to burden of proof is on you. Make your case and let the rest of us decide. Or can't you...
>talks about keeping promises
Kek, its like you're asking for it.
yeah but durr hillery durr
OK Comrad. Work on your english a little more, you dont quite pull it off.
Of course it's a game. No one is a white Frenchman of upper middle class, everyone is brown grow up.
And you can have that as well, nigger.
I know my worth and I know you're a piece of shit with faggots in your family.
Fun fact chinklovers. Khan wasanasong is actually based on a mexican but king of the hill writers decided to not write that in. Or couldn't.
It's like the evil white oppressor/devil had an abortion.
Giga nigga is just a child imitating it's master/owner
You ever notice how early American history is a lot like communism?
Communism in the field not in theory.
Gluttony is a sin.
That was embarrassing
You don't know what a shithole is. It's not a nice or polite way to express yourself on a trading partner.
You've clearly never traveled.
Has a lower average life span than Cuba
is babby having a cognitive-dissonance meltdown?
That's not true buddy, and I'm sorry about that.
It's even worse than that, sweetie.
Some parts are ok.
You're not starving to death. You're comfortable with minimum wage jobs. Unheard of like homer Simpson to frank grimes kind a shit. Everywhere in the world is extremely bad and you were admired for your mercy.
You're ok. The only valid complaint I can think of is racism. To which I apologized for those indian spelling bee kids and refugees from Syria etc. People who are actually disrespectful and abusive and undeserving if that.
I don't do anything wrong with my presence and I have real problems. Frens?
"No one can afford it"
So, you think the free health care would be better? Paying a shit-ton more in taxes to pay for the estimated TRILLIONS. An estimated 30% increase to the federal budget.
The USA leads the world in many things, such as:
Gun murders
Suicide rates
Consumer debt
Waste production
Adults who believe in angels
>Greatest country in the world
Oh yeah and incarceration rates
Fuck Yeah!
so idk about the others which I'm now guessing are probably wrong too in some way.
however the US DOES NOT beat china in co2 emissions.
We'd have a fuck load of catching up to do to ever beat china, you're retarded if you think otherwise.
Now that being said I really don't think I trust the others on there other than maybe mcdonalds because no shit it was made there.
The middle class in the United Snakes has no economic safety net. Other countries, such as Mexico, are commonly deprecated for their high level of poverty but the results of unemployment in those other countries are far less devastating.
During this century I have noticed that the US has managed to export much of their anxiety and economic insecurity, at least to Mexico, such that now the Mexican culture is started to fray at the edges.
I use these two examples in particular because I have lived on both sides of the US-Mexico border since 1960.
I love how the monoligual morons that spout this nonsense have never left their big, fat, stupid, violent country. By every metric available, most of the EU is a better place to live, unless you're a billionaire.
The privatization of the government's most sensitive functions will be the death of the US.
If that.
The schools are safe too
Lol, I forgot that they struggle with their native tongue.
>every metric that blatantly favors the EU shows that the EU is better pog
The electorate has been systematically "dumbed down" for the last seventy years. That's why their presidential candidates are so appalling.
I worked alongside my father in the docks at the ship channel and we've done every business possible from owning a ranch and cows in the farms to owning a jewelry store.
I don't know how people live in Mexico I'm sorry. I've already been there in what i consider international business. In the United states you have much more security.
In Mexico I can't be a salesman or a taxi to survive. I tried to live in Mexico when I was 14.
can confirm: got my glock, bacon, amex, and oxford comma.
It's the best country in the world I don't care about anything else.
>In Mexico I can't be a salesman or a taxi to survive
That's a common pocho complaint. Not just because they're used to fifteen dollars an hour but because Mexican nationals justifiably dislike them. But generally speaking salesmen tend to do very well and taxi drivers get by well enough to put a roof over their heads and feed their families. Not nearly as well as before neoliberalism took over the country, though. The canasta basica that CSG did away with was a very important part of the clase popular's budget.
As for security, that might be an issue in places like Michoacan; in Tijuana, it's mostly just sensationalism to sell newspapers. Not to make light of the feminicidios, but those seem to be as unpredictable as lightning.
I worked. Since I was a child. I walked to get legal paperwork at a beurocratic office like my birth certificate.
I don't sit here and think college is going to put me in a gay company where a corporate daddy will take care of me and my taxes.
I was mr.burns and the only white guy in the village building roads and gospitals and providing jobs.
yah exactly that's what I thought
Of course I can start over from scratch and live comfortably.
Italy is the highest in terms of life expectancy, its also higher than the USA in terms of average happiness
are you really telling me you want to live a shorter, more unhappy life?
Stone was the saddest film I've seen and enty of movies are sad. If you're incarcerated over a bullshit charge you're not free.
If you're living some ugly shit the states might not be for you.
Of course I would like to travel because at the end of the day it's about money.
And if you live here you can be a decent person and model immigrants/citizens and make the best of it. I've never lived in a bad neighborhood.
Your argument might hold water if Rome didn't exist. New York makes women feel unsafe, Rome makes them feel sexy
enough said
The only reason it's as great as it is is because I shoved a firetruck directly inside of my own asshole
>Be American
>Say I hate niggers on Twitter
>No jail time
>No tickets for hate speech.
what a sad life
Oh I understand you want nacho to measure dicks with niggers
haha what a sad life
Why the fuck are people starting fires in the amazon.
it's what Bolsonaro wanted
That's the difference between us, that i do make light of the meme politics of my country. They're gay indios living like shit. I am not living like shit because I'm not like them and their choices. Period.
It was pretty much perfect before it got kiked to hell. Slavery was a mistake also, now you are stuck with those niggers.
The President of the United States is king of Israel so of course it's the best because Jews are the best :D
jews were among the first groups to arrive here
in fact, jews came here when NY was will New Amsterdam
Well they have to be in positions of power and influence before the cancer really starts to spread.
With language like that, I can see why you look down your nose at Mexico.
Understand, however, that Mexico senses your disrespect and that's why you've had such a difficult time with them. Only the fifis are your friends now, and they are fair-weather friends.
The porfiriato is over. The chairos are ascendant.
His old granny Kober was Ashkenazi.
if you're going to move goalposts, just shove them straight up your asshole you disingenuous liar
Like the presidency of the president said he was king of Israel that would be good for them?
A bunch of jews without any power can only steal goyim children and drink their blood or poison wells. Shit really starts going down hill when they infiltrate the government, media and banking systems. It's not "moving goalposts" it common fucking sense.
>blood libel is common sense
here's your (you), you failed to convince me
Well it is run by the second coming of God so you know...
Nigger put us in debt
American working in Italy, can confirm. Just about everything is better than the US. The food is awesome, and good wine is only €5 in a restaurant. Lunch is 2 hours and you are expected to drink wine with lunch. The coffee is 1/4 the price of Starbucks and tastes way better than that piss. People are nice and chill and the women are stunnigly beatiful as is the countryside. Oh, and no one will shoot you. Shit, I may stay.
You're in paradise I can't think of a better place to live. If anything travel to Japan or something.
I think Spain and Mexico are a downgrade to Italy. You can go to Australia or Canada or the rest of Europe. Beautiful countries.
>125 posts
>zero arguments
I have a lot of love for the major cities in the states. Outside the U.S. it's really small and really poor. I don't know how to relate the feeling but I feel safe and comfortable in America.
It's because America is the best country in the world.
I think you should become an Italian.
It’s very capitalist.
Those who don’t have great jobs or health insurance may not think so...
What have you done lately for the less fortunate?
i killed black guy yu rite
Well the USA is definetly a country not sure about the rest.
It's probably the Mexican elitism in practice you're seeing what we talk about when we refer to Europe specifically Rome.
>white patriarchy
no thx
A very American thing is charity and more charity.