Did 6 million Jews really die in the holocaust?
Not saying they did, not saying they didn't. Just asking a question.
Did 6 million Jews really die in the holocaust?
Not saying they did, not saying they didn't. Just asking a question.
how dare you ask this question
What's the holocaust?
It is a long hard road to normalizeing holocaust denial but a goys gotta start somewhere
Why do I get the feeling this is about to turn into an aye ton' thread?
There weren't 6 million jews in all of Europe at the time.
Of course it didn't. It was propaganda to take the worlds attention away from the fact that the U.S. just dropped 3 atomic bombs on civilian cities; along with carpet bombings.
Real number is around 8,000.
150,000 mentally/physically ill/handicap people as well.
Where's their movies?
>3 atomic bombs
3 atomic bombs on civilian cities?
Footage from the 60's said 600,000
Jet fuel can't melt steel girders
how is OP edgy for asking a question?
joos lie
a lot
I fuckin miss this show
fuck off uneducated faggot
Hard to say. About 16 million people died in ww1 in all of europe combined. 60 million peope in all of earth during ww2. so its possible. 27 million russian died but you don't hear them bitching
I wanna cum a load in a consenting Jewish women as to assist them in their repopulation efforts. Please write my email cool dude nienty neitny 9 at fart dot net to hel p me fid one
Read the replies. They assembled.
Looks like I got pwned again :(
Probably between 2 and 4 million
Nope. But Zionists and ignorant Jews push the 6 million figure and recently there was an article trying to push the number to 9 million.
However it wasn't 6 million Jews. This is why Poland has a problem with Zionists and ignorant Jews. Their country has become the holocaust capital meanwhile the imprisonment and atrocities committed by the Nazis to Poles, Slavs in general, politcal opponenents and all the other enemies sent to these camps has been ignored and the Jews constantly play the holocaust card when they dont get their way
don't know; don't care.
But it's said that there's about 6 million of them who are currently alive.
6 million, out of 7+ billion.
Literally, less than one in a thousand of all people is a Jew.
what if the general hatred of jews in the US is mostly xenophobic and fueled by cultural differences, specifically in how jews have no appreciation of fake christian customs like christmas and easter, and then, it's actually jews that make all the MONEY from those fake holidays, and that's what causes dumb fucking christians to hate them?
see, it all evens out.
This is correct. I have non-jewish Polish and Slovak relatives with wrist tattoos from the camps. They never complained, or whined about being victims.
~75 million people died in WW2. Jews are the only ones still whining about it every minute of every day.
Are you claiming to be enlightened?
Nope there are 6.6 million practising Jews in America alone. Then you have to count the non-practising jews, then you've got to count up Europe, Israel and Middle East then Oceania
The real question shouldn't be if it happened.
The real question is if the actions of Jews leading up to WW2 justified the actions taken against them. If you read into it, you'd advocate for extermination too.
I'm the dumbest dumb-fuck who's ever lived.
Yeah, I can't imagine being upset about being systematically targeted and eradicated in an attempted genocide for entirely racist, jingoist ideologies. What a bunch of crybabies lol.
Yep. I'm a Bong and a lot of Eastern Europeans, mainly Poles, emigrated to the UK for work around 2006 onwards and they'd talk about life in Poland and their grandparents brutalised and put into camps and beaten. Totally overlooked and ignored cause America and its Banker cartel wanted their narrative and victim card
>uncircumcised bodies
Nice try kike , those are post war germans that died in the rhine valley camps
6.6 / 327.2 = 0.002017
Literally: Less than a fifth of a percent.
Maybe, probably, but if you were to fake something like that, it would be a lot easier to do when the only form of long range information dissemination is print media and basic broadcasting.
explain, if you can, how some sort of hive mind or conspiracy of jews earned genocide.
blacks and latins in the US are completely worthless--their value is far less than their cost and trouble to deal with them--and proven to be dumb as fuck. picking on wimpy jews is easy, bitch, but are you saying that because a few of them were potentially swindlers, all should be killed is like "vonnegut" or "orwell" fear.
why not just rid the world of the most worthless, rather than the ones that might, maybe, potentially fuck shit up a bit? prove it to me.
that pic doesn't really make you seem like an unbiased source chief
please show me the evidence that 6 million didn't die, or that the holocaust is a hoax
I feel like they make it out to be worse than it is to further the European views of antifascism and antinazism.
Jews exist outside of America user.
Not all jews, but more than 6 million people died in German concentration camps. If anything the Germans took a bigger hit at the end of the war, but they kinda deserved it following Hitler. Not to mention all the people that died in Russian camps.
They only say 6 million jews to fulfill some prophecy from what I understand.
Underrated post
0.00217 x 2 = 0.00494
If you ever get the opportunity, you should kill yourself.
yes and it wasn't enough
Still not adding the rest of the jews. Also I said that'd PRACTISING jews. You're deliberately ignoring the non-practising Jews and ethnic jews.
Nice try kike :)
>If you ever get the opportunity, you should kill yourself.
Nice try, Devil's Advocate.
We're done here.
I feel if if extremists in government get their way, they will enact some horrible cleansing to fulfill their political desires and usher in some new golden age... like the Russians did starving their own people and putting them in camps as slaves. So many parallels.
Only 700k died holocaust is a lie
See now you've just exposed yourself as JIDF.
I am getting so sleepy.
Well go to bed you spastic
Zionists like Donald Trump? He is really into Jews isn't he?
i live in germany
Germans are the dumbest people in Europe who are totally brainwashed
Many groups were rounded up into camps, yet Jews are the only group of those selected for genocide who constantly play for sympathy points. Learn basic reading comprehension, you absolute troglodyte.
Ok, fancy words and acronymism-whatever-the-fuck you are.
Nice try. The question is about the holocaust. You're not spinning this into an argument about Trump
Nice try though :)
Again, go to bed you spastic. If you're sleepy go to bed.
Hmm I wonder if you know that they're taking Jews away, if they ask you if you're a Jew, if you're going to say no, and of that's going to impact the numbers at all. Whether the number is 5 or 8 million, there's not a functional difference. Genocide is genocide and it's what the Nazis wanted.
Didn't Donald Trump call himself the king of israel yesterday? Why do you support him if you're anti globalist?
I'm just wondering why you keep on living.
Is hatred enough to keep you going?
Please. Get a gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger.
Jet fuel can't melt steel girders
Prove me wrong
>Protip: you can't
Yep. totally guilted and brainwashed into believeing the lies. They were forced to watch movies about the holocaust after the war. Movies made by Hollywood directors.
Also funnily enough the lamps and soap which were supposedly made from Jews skin went missing when an institute wanted to test them to see if they really were made of human skin.
remember when trump said all jews vote republican? I thought jews were democrat shills.
typofag obviously made a typo, but typofag is right
>typofag is right
Jews have been "persecuted" for thousands of years, all over the world.
What's the common denominator? JEWS
Simple. So I can spread the truth about the holocaust. I've been redpilling people online and offline for about 5 years now. People are questioning and waking up :)
On the flipside if this is all nonsense and lies. Why aren't you going to bed? You're so sleepy yet you're still here trying to argue when you believe its true.
Weird that Trump a constantly sucks their dick then.
Again you're trying to spin the argument and it's not gonna work user. I'm not American and I don't follow American politics.
I meant to say squeeze. Sorry about that.
>he doesn't understand pop-culture
Oh boy I love this time of night when extremists try to social engineer wider acceptance of their ideology by flooding the internet with their bullshit
Correct! kicked out 127 countries throughout history
Go to bed
it's strange how the poster counter hasn't changed..
Don't reply then? It isn't hard? What I said is the truth though.
I have a hard time believing there were even 6 million people at all in Germany at the time.
Imagine being so cucked that you defend Jews on an anonymous imageboard during your own time for free.
No, WW2 was staged. Notice how all the pictures if dead soldiers makes it look like they are sleeping. No gruesome pictures
(I'll wait for you to change your IP. Gone on and do it.)
Nope there was 3.2million jews in Germany in the 30's. Most fled to America and UK before WW2
why about roma and the other poor fuckers who wander in perpetually foreign lands only to be spat on by our beloved local fools - what have you done to upset them?
Fun fact: good bait.
Also: what the fuck is so bad about Jews? Don't know one who did me or anyone else harm. Can't we rant over bombing mudslimes oder other really dumb fuckers? And to answer op: yes. They died. Horrible deaths.
No fucking shit. Germany is about the size of Michigan and to this day is much less populated. Michigan has a population of less than 10 million today.
I agree with this guy. Lets denie WW2 even happened without proof
it's almost as if we're replying to each other.....
Its called the holohoax for a reason . Why would it be illegal to investigate let alone question? The only "people" that still push this lie are kikes and their shabbos goy slaves . The truth fears no investigation
I did ran across a jew that said it had been 12 000000.
You're weird.
I can do this all day schlomo
You must be new here...
Not bait, Facts.
If you wanna rant about muslims make a thread and I'll join that too but this is a thread about the holohoax.
Read a fucking book you mongoloid piece of shit, you make the rest of us holocaust truthers look like autists
Trump said he's king of Israel and he loves Bibi. He's a globalist.
That’s nothing in comparison to the 6 gorillion that sacrificed their lives to fight the Nazis.
Not an argument
Yep. When you need to make laws protecting your group it's cause your group is a danger to humanity
It must be the gas.
this is retarded even for Yea Forums
Still not an argument you subhuman kike .
Would you marry a Jewish girl, OP?
God damn it.
jews or not, i care about recorded history. last time i checked, your stated amount died in the holocaust. hate or not, plz open a history book. thanks!
It's so fun to read that my dear. Made me sidesmirk. Thank you. It's even more fun to see you bite responsebaits to your own bait. Nohomo
We need to make a picture of him at the bow of the Titanic with Bibi holding him from behind.
>Did 6 million Jews really die in the holocaust?
No, but did it ever really matter if they are Jews? Why do only Jewish lives count? Why can't we hold the Jews responsible for contaminating wells with dead rat carcasses to spread the black plague across Europe as they not only admitted to, but openly bragged about doing? The Jewish people are a vile and degenerate people. Only a handful are worthy of mercy or compassion.
Okay. Made a separate thread yet?
>Jet fuel can't melt steel girders
True, but burning fuel can soften the steel enough to drastically reduce it's load capacity.
Yep, read about the rape of the soviets against German cuties. It was fucking brutal, those girls didn't deserve it.
You're still weird. Arguing against your own side. You must have voted for that GEOTUS creep.
It's the truth? You said it wasn't? Is this hard for you lol
Where did they admitted it?
what's mercy
what's compassion
>please study allied propaganda
So some rabbi kike said something controversial. You expect me to believe that this guy represents the rule, and not the exception? Get the fuck outta here.
It's weird how much you holocaust deniers love trump yet he also loves jews like a lot
All threads are made by me. You are riding on the 4chanhoax
Weird that Trump loves them so much then?
History is written by the victor, not honest men.
That never happened
fixating on jews being a problem is nothing more that a clear sign that you suck at life and are just looking for someone to blame. All religions are shit, but the hate towards that one is both hilarious and sad.
No I wasn't referring to that I was referring to the projections you made about me.
I say again, and? President makes statement about ZOG allies. Okay? Good job I guess?
He has to. He’s the king of Israel after all.
You must be a retarded inbred jew fuck . I mean you are irredeemably stupid .
its over 2%
still not proof you retarded troglodyte, your picture literally means nothing.
Here actually all the jews survived! See, heres a picture proving it. Show me actual proof that there is a hoax. Redpill me.
>still not getting
Traitors will get the bullet first faggot
Do the math, I'm sure you've seen the 6 million loaves of bread meme circulating around before. Virtually impossible to to keep up that process when there aren't 6 million Jews in the first place, and you are fighting a 3 front war against 4 world powers. Whilst constantly struggling to produce resources and units for said fronts, let alone operate several death camps.
Hitler talked about his dislike for jews a lot. Jews were clearly the main target.
>same substandard "no u" kike tactics
I am done with you .
rofl what the fuck?
What makes you say that, and what kind of extremists are you referring to.
not a jew.
I'm an atheist.
ah ok so youre just baiting nvm
Sure thing Ivan.
Oh they did and a good number of them were caught in the act, tortured and killed for doing it. Jewish influence has largely covered this up by rewriting history and telling the goyim how to think.
"As the plague swept across Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating nearly half the population, people had little scientific understanding of the disease and were looking for an explanation. Jews were often taken as scapegoats and accusations spread that Jews had caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells.[2][3] This is likely because they were affected less than other people,[4][5] many Jews chose not to use the common wells of towns and cities[1] and because Jews confessed to poisoning water under torture.[1]'
The New Official Historical viewpoint:
The poor Jews were only accused of murdering millions of people because they were Jewish. They dindu nuffinz.
ah so you're an ethnic kike. Good to know.
There is no exact figure on the number of Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The number usually cited is 6 million, following the testimony of Adolf Eichmann. All serious research confirms that the number of victims ranged from 5 to 6 million.Early calculations indicate a range of 5.1 million (Raul Hillberg) to 5.95 million (Jacob Lashinsky). More recent research, conducted by Prof. Israel Gutman and Dr. Robert Rosette, published in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,Estimates the number of Jewish victims to be between 5.59 and 5.86 million; And research conducted by Dr. Wolfgang Benz shows a range of 5.29 to 6 million.
The main sources of this data are comparisons of pre-war population censuses and afterwards. The calculations also used Nazi documents that included partial data on divorce and extermination. There are now more than 4.2 million victims' names in Yad Vashem.
Watch it! Ivan saved your ass from the Mongolians, French, and Nazis.
wtf. What's the source of that?
rofl what the fuck man. What's next? Kikes were forced to take part in a brutal Takeshis castle course?
Also Clifford's Tower in England
>official version
Jews were victimised and persecuted and were locked in a tower which was set on fire
English people got tired of Kikes throwing their weight around and pullin scams as well as indebting people with ridiculous schemes which couldn't be paid off from the beginning so the English dealt with the problem
My ass is somewhere in Hispanic America Ivan. Ivan saved me from nothing.
fuck the black plague
jews are genociding white people right now and globally by flooding white countries with
brown skinned foreign invaders
is your mom a whore? Not saying she is, not saying she isn't. Just asking a question.
>Just asking a question.
Just asking a question you know will start the Holocaust denial tards spamming inconsistent conspiracy shit like:
>There weren't 6 million jews in all of Europe at the time.
Yes, there were. There were 11 million by Nazi estimates. No source puts the number of Jews in Europe at less than 9 million by the start of the war.
>Of course it didn't. It was propaganda to take the worlds attention away from the fact that the U.S. just dropped 3 atomic bombs on civilian cities; along with carpet bombings.
2 nuclear bombs, America was hardly involved at Nuremberg so they didn't really have any opportunity to propagandise within Europe.
>Real number is around 8,000.
More than 8,000 remains have been found at Treblinka alone.
>150,000 mentally/physically ill/handicap people as well.
>Where's their movies?
No idea, maybe since they're weren't a coherent cultural group who were explicitly targeted there isn't enough of a story to warrant a movie. They are mentioned in nigh all literature on the Holocaust though, along with the hundreds of thousands of European 'Communists' also killed by the Nazis.
thanks a lot donald
>Ukrainians in the USSR never bitch about being systematically killed in the 10s of millions.
>Hmong in Laos never bitch about being systematically killed in the millions.
>Nationalists and Capitalists in the CPR never bitch about being systematically killed in the several 10s of millions.
>Irish never bitch about being systematically killed in the millions
>Europeans never bitch about being systematically enslaved in the 100s of millions by the Ottomans, Caliphates, and Mongols.
>Chinese in the US never bitch about being systematically enslaved in the millions
But Niggers and Kikes make sure their entire lives revolve around their comparatively meager misfortunes.
Spanish would have been replaced by Mongolian if it wasnt for The ‘Rus people. Hispanic people wouldnt even be a thing.
you think each DEAD jew got a whole loaf of bread? Also you think the rest of Germany was Only eating bread from those 15 ovens?
teeheehee someones triggered XD
Reminds me of a story I heard about a Jew claiming he got shot escaping from a death camp, but luckily survived because the bullet bounced off.
na, nothing about me is jewish at all. Just here to point out the insecurities of the people who pick on the jews.
How is your life going, btw. have a good job? in a good relationship? have a good education?
All of those groups do bitch whenever the topic comes up. The difference here is the relative frequency with which retards bring up and deny history. The Jews and the niggers have to defend their history more often against retardation.
Or the kike with the magic pebble that made it so he could survive off of his spit for three years
There was also the "love story" about the two jews meeting and falling in love in a "death camp" then when it was researched it turned out the camp was male only. His excuse was "well I believe it happened so it must have happened"
>Ukrainians in the USSR never bitch about blah blah blah
They actually bitching about that imaginary bullshit all the time, even here on Yea Forums.
jews own businesses and republicans deduce taxes and more importantly, regulations, allowing business to make more money.
Why would Jews ever vote democrat lol?
>America hardly involved at Nuremberg.
Bullshit, America was involved quite a bit with the legal proceedings and trial. The trial itself has been criticized due to a number of ethics broken and lack of laws to actually judge individuals.
>coherent culture group
Slavs, Gypsys, and other groups rounded up and out to forced labor are coherant groups. The Jews weren't the only to suffer deportation, forced labor and killing.
The Holocaust happened however no where near the scale it is blown up to be.
Yeah it's good thanks. Since you're asking I have a small business, like a good jew ;^) and in a happy relationship, currently saving for a house. Also it's a mixed race relationship so you'll approve.
Thanks for asking, kike. Nice try spinning the focus on me but we're here cause of the holohoax. Nice try though.
Filthy dumb kosher scum. The goyim know and it cannot be shutdown
Good point actually.
Well Hollywood is full of Jews, who are liberal Dem shills. But it's the politics as well. By pushing and supporting Dem/Liberal policies they undermine the host nation.
>what are tax havens?
What about the president? Is he a Jew shill when he says he's king of the Jews and milks netanyahu's dick? This shit is confusing.
Doesn't matter who's in office they bend the knee for the kikes.
so what makes you think the jews are lying about the holocaust? Hitler was quite clear how he felt about them and certainly had the means to carry it out.
So why do anti globalist people vote republican? They believe him when he says he isn't a globalist? Are they retarded or don't they really care?
BIG NO!!!!
Not feasible at this time. Just the fact that a human must burn for 3 hours so that he is completely burned. Then calculate how many years they would have needed for 6 million people
I need a source man
Na dann sag mir mal, wann und wo 6 Millionen Juden in Europa gelebt haben
>have a good job?
No I made millions by investing in bitcoin.
>in a good relationship?
I pay escorts for sex. Modern relationships are demeaning to men.
>have a good education?
I have a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science that I will never need.
Except they didn't have the means to carry out the holohoax.
big derp.
youre fishing or retarded if this is your reasoning.
Trump =/= Republicanism.
In Europe, the Balkans, a lot in Poland. Wherever the camps were basically.
Ah I see, I thought you were referring to white nationalists wanting to do such things, when in fact we just want to be with our own people, and decide our own future.
trump absolutely is republicanism
not him but do the math. Prove it's wrong by crunching the numbers and I'll accept it
Nope. Wrong again kike.
No. It was 60,000,000*
I groomed one into wanting me to
No thank you though
why'd you vote for him then if he loves the jew
world war 2 in Europe was all about removing the means that man had in the 1930s and early 40s. It took a lot of effort by many countries including the US to take down the german army.
Sounds like a degenerate to me.
That’s 35 people, maybe. Nice try.
lol we've been through this. I'm not American and you're not changing the argument. Keep trying though
fucking retards. it might not melt it but it'll VASTLY DECREASE the structural integrity of the steel. making it soft as butter
>trump absolutely is republicanism
libtard here. I think it's more like Trump is a caricature of republicanism.
this is either b8 or you're a moron.
Nope. The tied turned in 1943 and Hitler was on the back foot after Kursk. IF he wanted the Jews eliminated he would've started when Germany was at it's strongest in late 1940
not an argument
Just in your mind.
Same fam same. Fuck that shit. Mfw I agree with mudslime congresswomen more than our kike loving president.
it happanad and they moved the bodies to the russian border in fact the whole russian border is dead bodies.
we can argue whether or not he did, but to say he didn't have the means to carry out the holocaust is just idiotic. cant take any post seriously that asserts he didn't have the means.
wasn't meant to be. just an observation.
85% of them do
>no where near the scale it is blown up to be.
Evidence says otherwise. Testimony says otherwise. Nazi documentation says otherwise. Personal journals of Nazi officials say otherwise.
Deniers are just retards screaming conspiracy. Their theories are inconsistent and always btfo by some evidence or other.
Don't need to, nobody ever claimed 6 million Jews were burned. Most were buried in mass graves on the Eastern front. The denier math is based on a false premise.
This man is here, be careful with the pifa
>A few
Jew detected.
It’s their greedy shekel wanting claws that brought the financial world to its knees in 2009. Not one of those fuckfaces saw jail time. & now these pricks ate looking for those who were German youngsters at the time & charging them with what amounts to jews being little bitches from 42-45 like it was their fault. Fuck off kike.
Some jew made up the 11M figure, adding 5M non jews. He admitted it was purely a(nother) big fat kike lie. Wiesenthal, mr lolohoax.
>in fact we just want to be with our own people, and decide our own future...
>... By kicking Americans who aren't white enough of skin for our tastes out of America because we want it all to ourselves like the children we are.
Here we hae some classic kike wordplay here.
>we can argue whether or not he did.
Yeah he didn't. Everyone know's Barbarossa was a massive failure and when the Soviets got their shit together and wen't on the offensive it was game over.
>but to say he didn't have the means to carry out is just idiotic.
Ad hominem to attack me rather than my point. Explain how he had the means when they're fighting a war on 3 fronts, they're blockaded and failed to seize the oil fields the germans so needed.
>can't take post seriously
Now the post is ended with killing the argument. Essentially excusing yourself from the room cause you cannot argue with facts
no math no argument. We're done here keep believing the lie
Umm the gays, handicapped, and black German citizens from the early to mid 1940s would like a word with you.
probably, but I wasn't there so how would I know
Nowhere in jews' actions
Kikery is everywhere, it's a rot. A plague of the mind, body and spirit.
They did poison the wells because that's what they do. You can see them at work doing it every day in each and every country. That's what they are. The plague.
> (You)
>>There weren't 6 million jews in all of Europe at the time.
>Yes, there were. There were 11 million by Nazi estimates. No source puts the number of Jews in Europe at less than 9 million by the start of the war.
And so like 80% of them just went to Germany... why?
>Prove how they burned 6 million people!
>But they didn't have to burn 6 million people so why do I need to prove that?
>nO mAtH nO aRgUmEnT!
Keep being a reaching retard desperate to win an argument by dishonest means.
kek you mad jew? You fucking gay bastard XD
No 6 million jews didn't die in the holocaust. It's a lie. You can tell by the enraged jews in this thread
Not true. Death camp death toll is a bit over 3 million. Number includes polish / Hungarian / Czech prisoners, undesirables and communists.
Read about "einsatzgruppen". Majority of the ethnic cleansing from Nazis were more personal. March people into forest, tell them to dig a big hole , shoot them, kick them in the hole and bring the next batch. They even apparently outsourced the labor to eastern europeans. ( Conscripted Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Estonians )
Before war was over, nazis declared a big chunk of eastern Europe was "free of Jews "
no one owes u truth.
Hillberg admitted in court that there is no evidence of a written or spoken order of extermination
'An incredible meeting of the minds' he called it
They're kikes, they lie, that's what they do
I have a stove made of iron. It doesn't melt. Therefore coal can't be used to melt iron.
>And so like 80% of them just went to Germany... why?
Nobody has stated that they went to Germany. Germany expanded. Very few concentration camps were in what is now Germany. Most were in German-occupied places.
Any other bullshit you'd like to try?
Yad Vashem listed 22 victims made up by a serial liar artist who got caught making them up, she's not even jewish
The holocaust began in late 1941. Allied powers did start taking back significant parts of Europe until 1944. What exactly would have stopped the Nazi's from carrying out the Holocaust in that 2+ year period of time?
Also, keep using "kike" It's amusing that you think it's some sort of insult to me.
I'm amazed they didn't admit they were reptilians
Nah, just laughing at the retard trying to claim a win by ignorance.
Everyone owes each other truth. Each lie devalues the human species.
No they dont. Ever heard of widespread white slavery?
Jews do two things: whining and collecting. A Jew said this. Niggers and other 'minority' retards are brainwashed into mimicking jewish tactics.
Nope. All they have is testimonies. By the most epic liar people in human history.
Your a fucking delusional retard. Please kill yourself and do the world a favor .
So it took them 3 years to decide to start exterminating the jews in 1944 when the war turned and resources started running out? After the blockades, bombing runs and Operation Chastise? Doesn't add up. Kike.
You mad son. Paedojew
>Deniers are just retards screaming conspiracy. Their theories are inconsistent and always btfo by some evidence or other.
yet here you are trying to argue the point :^)
>it happened because i say it did
You rabbi bullshit magic has no power here
Jews lying again?
*checks thread*
Yep. They're still at it
>Nice try spinning the focus on me but we're here cause of the holohoax. Nice try though.
not shifting focus, just a side question. A normal person doesn't bother with hating 14 million people without being a fuckup somewhere. Could be that you're parents were jew hating idiots and you're just not very original and mirroring the beliefs of mommy and daddy.
>What exactly would have stopped the Nazi's from carrying out the Holocaust in that 2+ year period of time?
Also I fucking explained in the post you're replying to. You dumb Jewish cunt. Read the posts before lying please
That's what territorial sovereignty is and it is necessary to the survival of any nation
You have to go back to your shithole, shitskin
jews died, no question about it, after all, war IS about killing your enemies. but six millions.... nigga plez, i buy that version about as much as i buy the "alt-right" claim that no jews died.
jews pissed off the fürher and he bitch-slapped them the hardest anyone ever done through history.
that's why jews hate hitler (it insulted their egos) and why nazis are obsessed with removing that particular stain (it's in the way of promoting their socialist ideology in the mainstream).
...and testimonies from non Jews, and documents, and remains in Treblinka, and journals...
If nobody shows up with the evidence debunking them then they will only grow their ranks faster. I'm personally against further retardation of our species.
>So it took them 3 years to decide to start exterminating the jews in 1944
no, the mass killing of jews started in 1941 and didn't end until germany was beaten in 1945
Can't you still be Jewish and question the holocaust online? Maybe this is not the website for me.
>Uses an æsc
No mass grave of kikes has ever been found. Oh they did claim they existed but when ground testing was carried out they cried out against profanation.
The lolicausst is a religious faith
The left cant meme
This is a worse mental disability than the holocost
Also Oskar Gröning
I think the figure for Russia was considerably more than this, some sources say in the range of 30-40 million. truth is Staling was a crazy motherfucker, so fucking crazy..but the world would have you believe Hitler was a bad motherfucker, when in reality the guy wasnt even present at the meeting at wansee, where the 'final solution' was decided.
Arguably hitler had nothing to do with this it was his cronies, but yet people still connect him to the holocaust.
To reference another user on here, it wasnt just jews persecuted, it was gays, handicaps, gypsy's etc. Its just the jews that got a country out of all this nonsense.
How dare the NAZIs kill lolis!
Your premises are wrong
There is no evidence of intent nor of the means to carry it out
Hillberg admitted there was no written order
>You have to go back to your shithole, shitskin
You have to go back to yours. America isn't a native land for white people. If you're so proud of your anglo heritage that you probably have less of than you think, you should go back to a Angland and the Scandiwegialands and leave America to Americans.
Yeah i watched the lolywood movies too
Again back at it with the wordplay and lies
>not shifting focus
Lies you were but cause I called it out you're naturally gonna deny it.
>a normal person
Ad hominem to attack me instead of the argument as well as trying to set me as not normal or an outsider or the"wrong side"
>attacking family
Again, trying to shift the focus from the argument to personal attacks and get me riled up.
It's not happening user :) It ain't gonna work man. My family and friends are open minded and accepting of others. I don't hate Jews. I hate lies. Genocide is a very real and very horrible thing user. I hate genocide and I hate liars who use genocide to fill their bank accounts and push their politial agenda. Thats why I'm here.
>No mass grave of kikes has ever been found.
Apart from all the ones that have, and were documented. Which you ignore.
I said read, not jerk off to pbs shows.
Only the camps under soviet rule after the war, where no access to the archives was made available, remained as culprits after the dust settled
All the other ones got debunked
Yep and I know all about Jews, their lies and their hoaxes
not him but which ones? Also why did you ignore his point about the ground testing?
lies. It's Yea Forums if you didn't come here to spread lies the thread would 404
No, only testimonies. The rest is more lies by the lying kikes.
Lel there are no remains in Treblinka either, another big fat kike lie operation
They can never stop lying. It's genetic.
Nope. Started in 44. Hitler wanted Jews out of Germany. Himmler was put in charge of the holohoax but cause of relentless allied bombing all the train networks were destroyed so they couldnt relocate the camp inmates. Nor could any supplies get into the camps.
Vaginal ad hominem
How very jewish
Been lying for over 2000 years. Like Hitler said you can back them into the corner with facts and evidnce and they'll just close their eyes, plug their ears and keep screaming
Also parents. Very Freudian. Very Jewish
Genocide is a jewish trick, like terrorism and antisemitism
Right of conquest
Parasites like kikes and their non white pets dont have it
They're just rats and rot
This might be too high, but it was definetly millions. If 6 or 3 I don't know. Maybe 7 but Noone can know it.
Spot on user. Subversive rats
No, Hitler was a zionist and a bolshevik and a ton of high ranking nazis were kikes
Incorrect. Access to all documents from those camps were made available.
Treblinka, Nordhausen, Popricani, Belarus... I'm going to stop and just say you deniers are going to ignore or attempt to discount any and all examples I cite. One man claims to have found nothing with ground penetrating radar, his claim has been debunked by photographic evidence. He was booked enough to claim there was no sign the soul had ever been disturbed. Photographs from 1945 conclusively prove the man a liar.
There are thousands, documented and reinterred. Photographed. Facts don't care about your feelings.
and nowhere does he mention a plan to kill all of them. funny.
It was 16 million goy. I died 3 times in the holocaust.
Æ æ
not an argument. also not a denial either.
...and Freud was an atheist.
Some cunt went there and made noises flapping her meat
It was found to be bullshit business as usual
Agremented by a lot of oy veys and handwringing
> I mean you feel free to ignore all the evidence, it won't make it all go away but it will make you keep looking like an idiot.
Why delete
Sorry buddy, but America is for Americans. America is not a white country. You can't claim right of conquest for a race when one race isn't what did the conquest. We are not alone when we came here and so we have no right to try and kick all the other races out.
Your argument is all over the place. Be less of a salty cunt and improve yourself.
And none of them was the joos that they claimed to be.
You mean neutralized and put to work
AKA forced to be productive
The persecution!
Gonna need a source for the claim about the guy with the ground penetrating radar. Convenient that all these sites were in Soviet Russia which ran a major propaganda war against Germany and the Germans during and after WW2
Someone went there with a team of archaeologists, and dug and documented the dig well, photographically with hundreds of non-Jewish witnesses.
One denialist fag claimed to have used GPR and was found conclusively to have been lying about his findings.
Hmm, which is more credible evidence.
Because I realised you are arguing on the same side against the one I replied to, I had been ready to respond to denial, my bad.
Yes America is white by its constitution:
citizenship is reserved to ''free white men''
Only the kikerats changed this with the results and objective we know and love, which are btw always the same against all great civilizations all throughout history
Feel free to side with the plaguebearers and enjoy the results
Wipo of Burgundy told us that at the beginning of the eleventh century.
Credendum est magis soli
Mariae veraci
Quam Judaeorum Turbae fallaci.
>jewishness is a religion
Kike spotted
Guy with GPR:
>Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves
>or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed.
Photography from 1945 shows holes dug by Polish scavengers looking for valuables.
You know way too much to not be a kike
Go to bed Ben
You'll have another pair of big tits to lie about tomorrow
>free white men
Except the Constitution doesn't say that.
> Wipo of Burgundy told us that at the beginning of the eleventh century.
> Credendum est magis soli
> Mariae veraci
> Quam Judaeorum Turbae fallaci.
Very nice
Thanks user
>knowing things makes you Jewish
Go to sleep denial tard.
>Kike spotted
what's a "kike"
I'm with you on this one but the photo could be anywhere. Just because someone said so doesn't make it true.
The thing about gpr though. The spark behind it is a 2010 for study which confirms there are in ground disturbances consistent with a mass grave with a for as well.
Credendum est magis soli [More trust should be placed]
Mariae veraci [In truthful Mary]
Quam Judaeorum Turbae fallaci [Than in the deceitful Crowd of Jews.]
>Judaeorum turbae fallaci
but I'm not a jew. so I don't get why that's suppose to be hurtful, since I don't hate jews either. As an insult, it's pretty week.
It's from the sequence of the Easter mass, "Victimae paschali laudes". That particular passage was suppressed by the Vatican a while back in order not to annoy the Turba Judaeorum fallaci.
It's cause being jewish is not a good thing. Also you highlighting religion when being a jew is an ethnicity and religion shows jewishness
Victimae Paschali Laudes (unknown translation)
Victimae Paschali Laudes
byWipo of Burgundy
Victimae Paschali To the Paschal victim
laudes immolent Christiani. may Christians offer songs of praise.
Agnus redemit oves: The Lamb has redeemed the sheep;
Christus innocens Patri The innocent Christ
reconciliavit peccatores. has reconciled sinners to the Father.
Mors et vita duello Death and life have clashed
conflixere mirando: in a miraculous duel:
dux vitae mortuus, The Leader of Life is dead,
regnat vivus. yet reigns alive.
Dic nobis Maria, Tell us, Mary,
Quid vidisti in via? what did you see on the way?
Sepulcrum Christi viventis, I saw the tomb of the living Christ,
et gloriam vidi resurgentis, and the glory of His rising,
Angelicos testes, The angelic witnesses,
sudarium et vestes. the shroud and His clothes.
Surrexit Christus spes mea: Christ, my hope, has risen:
praecedet suos [vos] in He will go before his own into
Galilee. Galilaeam.
[Credendum est magis soli [More trust should be placed
Mariae veraci In truthful Mary
Quam Judaeorum Than in the deceitful
Turbae fallaci.] Crowd of Jews.]
Scimus Christum surrexisse We know that Christ has truly risen
a mortuis vere: from the dead.
Tu nobis, victor Rex miserere. O Conqueror and King, have mercy on us.
[Amen.] [Alleluia.] [Amen.] [Alleluia.]
Joos get upset at anything at all. Mention money or hypnotism or dishonesty and they start flapping their elbows and shouting about "tropes" and "dog-whistles" and "anti-Semitism".
WTF it used to be in the Latin mass
Love it user