
what's poppin

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Not shit fren. What going on with you?

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Thats it, go in the corner and think about how much of a piece of shit you are.

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tired n' very sleepy

cute grillers

nice le dubsies

Staying up too late? I feel tired only because I had a lot to drink last night lole.

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she is bb

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fuckin' you're dad

sadly yeah lol


hes dead n_n

Sorry to hear that fren. I have a relative in the hospital right now. Seems bleak...

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kirishima Sagiri!!!

oh well

didn't care about him nor kno him lol


Too bad. I was lucky enough to have both loving parents in my life. I feel for you 4 realz.

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two loving parents and you still turned out to be an anime posting faggot

Crazy right? What can I say? I'm a big faggot like.

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you're vaild user

Thanks fren. Whatcha been up to? Do anything fun or interesting lately?

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going to fan expo in a few days ^^

Hell yeah. Hope you have a good time!

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Such a cute girles

yeah me too^_^¡

You still here Milo¿? I just came back from the hospital. I was visiting my relative there. If so, tell me more about the expo you're going to.

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Bumping for muh fren.

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the fan expo is in Toronto lol

I want to split her open