Is it better to date an ugly chick or be single /b???
Is it better to date an ugly chick or be single /b???
I can't wait to see what response the incels on this site have.
Depends on how ugly and if you can look past it. Also if you want commitment or just a girl to fuck.
Pic related
Depends what you want out of the deal I suppose. If you just don't want to be alone, then you'll tend to not screen people as hard and will end up with someone awful, even if they seem fine at first. Basically, you need to find the perfect balance of personality and looks. But you have to be willing to accept someone whose personality outshines their looks. If you truly like them and get along well, looks tend to not matter that much.
Pretty much what i was going to say. Dont date her if you just "want a girlfriend" but if you actually like her just go for it.
I'm not sure I agree with this. Looks are... well, pretty important.
Sex with ugly girl>Relationship>Single
Oldfag here. Don't get caught up with looks when young. Chicks at 30 look totally different then they did at 20 and at 40, forgetaboutit. Find some chick that's cool as shit for you and is attractive to you.
I think it depends on OP. Personally, unless i find someone repulsive, i can get over them not being traditionally attractive. But if they had a hideously misshapen face and no teeth, yeah, no amount of personality can make up for that. It depends on what you see when you look at them and if you can handle being seen with a girl less than attractive.
This is an interesting perspective. Ur getting me thinking.
Any other opinions out there /b? I really need it.
How do you feel about her as a person?
If you find a girl that will let you do butt stuff, then be with her. Bonus points if she's attractive. If she's crazy, then it's just a temporary thing.
As a person, I'm on the fence. I'd say about 70 / 30 for likes dislikes. I do have a lot of fun with her tho. No butt stuff tho, so that's not part of the math,
Looks like my folks are losing interest. That's cool. Thanks for the advice I got. I appreciate it /b.
Find a butter face or vice versa. Fucking a fat chick is more pleasurable sometimes but I generally lose interest after the first couple times.
I think you dont like her enough to date her. If you're already fucking but insecure enough about her looks to ask Yea Forums, you probably shouldnt set yourselves up to fail eventually by making it a real relationship. Just skip the drama and have fun with her. But be upfront that that's all it is.
That's real. I hear you.
Just be single. Ugly girls are just as expensive to date as hot girls.
Oh, I don't spend any money on her. Vice versa actually.
I can tell you which ones cheaper
Forever outcome?
If so, ugly is better
Otherwise single and improve yourself. Anyone with enough effort can achieve quality.
>95% can, 5% wizards are fucked.
Single is always the best option. Long term relationships are fucking abysmal and disappointing undertakings.
Short term date, and get a stable of slampigs on the side for when you whiff/ need a quick nut.
Depends what you want from your life op
want a family?, a girl is better than no girl, obviously don't get the ones that look like chunk from the goonies, but looks aren't everything, if you're looking for a long term relationship ugly is always better than nothing, and their personality might make up for it, otherwise get a hooker every so often and live out the single life, will be a lot cheaper
Fcuk hot chx. You're options are only as limited as you are. Stay single and date the hottest chix you can find.
Make something out of yourself and you won't have to be cruising the burn ward.
The burn Hamburger lady..
it depends really, how much social media presence does she have?
I have the same trouble as OP
I am 41 and I been talking with this 47 year old lady. Shes not great looking but she has her own place and I could just stop by there when I want and fuck her.
There are a few upsides, I can get my nut off as I please and use all her holes. I can even finish in her and not worry about getting her pregnant.
But I have to put up with some clingy woman calling me her boyfriend.
i don't pay attention to any of that.
Do you think she's ugly, or is she deemed ugly by society? If you're not attracted to someone, you shouldn't date them because those feelings will come to a head eventually, but if they're just not "conventionally attractive" fuck it. Go for it. It's your life.
Works for a bit then you just wanna commit suicide