Almost 19 no job no license

>Almost 19 no job no license
>have 1 friend i talk to over discord he lives across the country so i can't even do shit with him
>Discord friend has tons of irl friends and i feel like he just talks to me because he feels bad for me

Why does life have to be this way? any other bbros in the same situation?

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>Why does life have to be this way?

Life doesn't have to be that way. Sounds like your just a loser, lol. Have fun doing nothing with your life faggot.

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>implying that anyone on Yea Forums isn't some kind of a loser
Whatever helps you sleep at night pal

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Where do you live?

Of course we're all losers, but you cant deny theres varying degrees. Theres a difference between being a married man with a house and job, and being a cuck type loser, than being a 19 year old friendless jobless faggot loser. This guy is a loser even to other losers.

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The "Great" state of florida

>Where do you live?

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It would be stupid to disagree but when i complain about life its just hyperbole. It's nice to talk to people i can relate to is all

You're only 19. I use to think the same thing when I was that age. Was jobless and no car (or license)

Chill out and just work on it, it's not that hard to get either of those. I have friends now (late 20's, early 30s) that still have no job or a car.

Give me one valid reason why you cant turn your life around.

Thanks user i hope i can turn things around

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Where you from son?

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Really? Me too. Maybe we can hang out and suck each other’s cocks. Or play Xbox or something

>It's nice to talk to people i can relate to is all

Yea I understand that, but at some point, especially on this website, it either turns into one big pity party or everyone starts telling you to kys

It just feels endless trying to get my license is hell i need proof of residence and for that i need tax forms or pay stubs things of that nature.And to get those i need to work and to work i need a license. See what i'm getting at?

Never to late to make life changes OP.

Haha sounds good to me how big is your dick?

Like 8 inches

First things first user. You have to define what you want. And I dont mean "a job" or "a girlfriend". I mean what do you want in life. Do you want financial stability? Do you want to feel good about yourself? Do you want to make others feel good? You need to define what you want to do with your life before you can start figuring out what you need to do to get there.

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I live in pembroke pines

I have very few things i care about. I care alot for the nature and fish of where i grew up. But i just don't see how i could put myself through uni to be a biologist

When I was your age I had no friends, no job and I was not studying --> neet with depression
Now I'm 25, got a few good friends, got a gf and I'm studying in Uni in a program I love.
Things can change man, but you gotta make them happen.

Best of luck to you Yea Forumsro

lol josh?

Thanks for that Yea Forumsro i hope i can do the same with my life

Honestly, you just sound like a whiney bitch to me. And I mean that in the most respectable way possible. But I mean you're complaining about something hundreds of thousands of people have done and will continue to do. Its not magic. Shit we're talking even disabled people can get this shit done. It looks like your'e the only one stopping yourself.

First things first. Im 98% sure you dont need tax forms or pay stubs to get a license. All you need is your birth certificate and proof of residency (all you need for that is a literal piece of mail. Don't have any? Mail yourself something via certified mail from the post office). Its really not as hard as your making out to be

The real id act changed that i can't get half this shit without an id

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You might be thinking about this all wrong. Who says you need to go to uni in order to fullfill your dreams. I know plenty of people who skipped uni and went backpacking or camping instead. You can always go back when you feel ready, assuming you go back at all. The world isnt as black and white as society leads you to believe.

Thats a good way to look at things. i guess a big part of the problem is me just holding myself back

You dont need all of those. For fucks sake one of the options is a letter from a homeless shelter. A LETTER FROM A HOMELESS SHELTER user. Homeless people are getting their license before you. Honestly if you are just going to make excuses its not even worth asking strangers for advice that your just going to ignore anyway.

My county doesn't even have a fucking homeless shelter so that's off the table. Tried opening a bank account they want photo id. I get it i'm being a whiny bitch about this but it just feels like an endless fucking circle. b is just a nice place to bitch

>I get it i'm being a whiny bitch about this but it just feels like an endless fucking circle. b is just a nice place to bitch

People like you are the reason why America is trash right now. Do your patriotic duty and KYS user.

Yeah bitching on an anonymous website is what is trashing the country not the people leeching off welfare and selling drugs.

It can be multiple things retard, thats why this country is going down the toilet.

i don't take government assistance i don't really interact with the world as a whole please tell what i am doing that affects the country?

Same position here. My only friend is my girlfriend. I know that won’t last forever so I need to start doing something with my life so I don’t fall even deeper in a hole

I truly hope both of us can pull ourselves out of this hole

Unless your OP, stop taking things so personally. I know absolutely nothing about you and no one every said you specifically was the problem (although Im sure theres probably something). For all I know you may be one of the few productive people in this country, with the exception that your a sensitive little bitch.

Fuck all the fags telling you to kill yourself.

>I have very few things i care about.
Get some more things, then. Or if you're too lazy to do that, double down on what you do care about. You need three hobbies: one that keeps your mind active, one that keeps your body active, and one that keeps your wallet not empty. Like me for example: I like composing music on FL Studio (laugh at me), I enjoy going for a nice walk every morning (a better example would actually be the parkour I do whenever I get the chance, but w/e), and I do freelance writing whenever I can.

>i need proof of residence and for that i need tax forms or pay stubs things of that nature
Just get your parents to get a tax form declaring you to be one of their dependents. I went through the same shit myself not too long ago.

>No license
>No friends

Thank you user really it helps a lot. i'll take this advice to heart. I do have some things i can focus my mind on

I'm sorry user

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try being
>almost 29
>lost license.
>worked every day of my life from 14-23
>divorced at 23
>resume was good 6 years ago
>can't find work
>every year that goes by, "employment gap" makes employers more and more nervous.
>was denied a job that amounted to pushing a mop because I didn't have 5 years experience.
>lost rights to kid.
>can't even afford rope.
>can't afford a cab to a bridge
>can't afford to sharpen a knife
>too afraid to die anyway.
>last time I had an irl friend was 12 years ago.
It gets so much worse champ. Enjoy the ride.

This guy makes sense.

Puts things into perspective i guess

Get a fucking job faggot it will force you to be around other people and some of which will become ur frens and then you can save enough money to buy some rope and then commit sewer side kys nigger scum

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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

That's a fair enough response i get that

lifes what you make it OP, it doesnt have to be that way, do what you want live how you want. you write your own story man your life is a blank sheet and there are thousands of things out there for everyone, you just gotta try.
try asking yourself what you dont like about yourself and your life and change it or at least take steps to change it even if its just getting up and taking a walk every morning its a small but helpful change.

youre 19 dude, your life is just now beginning and the whole fuckin world is out there. sure, a lot of it is shit and wont be nice to you but fuck it dude make your own place in this fucked up universe. whatever youre into just fucking own it.

i got my licence at 20 because of familial issues prevented me from getting it sooner if that makes you feel any better. but once i got it i worked and bought my first car with my own money within a few months. before that i beat my meat 24/7 and played videogames when i wasnt jacking it.

that 1 friend you have wouldnt talk to you if he didnt like you at least a little.

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>that 1 friend you have wouldnt talk to you if he didnt like you at least a little.
thanks for that user it's a scary feeling thinking the only person you talk to could just be faking it

Because you're a dumb piece of shit who won't get up from sitting in Discord on his PC all fucking day and go outside, walk somewhere, do something.
Go apply for a job within walking/bus distance of your house you fucking mong.
Volunteer. Do something.