If the ultimate and unavoidable conclusion of life is death...

if the ultimate and unavoidable conclusion of life is death, isn't suicide just a more efficient way to complete the journey ? thereby winning ?

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sauce pls. And yes, I suppose that's one way to look at it.

the primary objective of living is to keep living

The primary objective of living is procreation.

nah thats the second objective

They are essentially the same. reproduction is man’s best effort at immortality.

Lmao. How did u come up with this revelation ?

Omg humans are retarded

death might be the conclusion of life, but it's not the point of life. if the only alternative to life that you can imagine is sitting around for decades waiting for it to end, then sure, kill yourself. otherwise, try and learn some shit about yourself, your world, and your fellow man with the time you have left, you sophomoric fuck.

>the depression isn't important

I often feel the same way. But if the meaning of life is death. Maybe the meaning of life is to discover the meaning of death

yup totally. you figured it out. you're a genius. time to kill yourself.

Why? This is all pointless if we're just here to die

>you sophomoric fuck

You dont win a game by turning off your console half way through it, jackass.

The journey in between death is the only thing we should care death the conclusion but you cannot be stupid enough to end it for nothing, its defeat the purpose to have ever been born…

Start reading a book, the ultimate conclusion to the book is that It is finite and I will finish, I should just skip to them end then
>troll logic

At least fight for something good before you die

Attached: deserve.it.jpg (1024x827, 159K)

It's not a speedrun, user

I agree but normies with happy lives won't understand

We're gonna die either way, so what the fuck is the point?

Death is an important feature of every species. It makes the species more adaptable to ever changing environment. Your life per se doesn't matter. If you are a useless schmuck.

Being happy what makes people want to kill themselves, they have dysfunctional brain that makes them believe that even if they are miserable or having a bad moment they will not be able to overcome it… everyone is just looking to overcome their problems all the time so saying that not being happy is crappy excuse…

The point is stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop making excuses to not get something good out of this life….

Yes. If you've run out of things that you are interested in experiencing, then there's not much point in waiting to die. But, I mean, there's lots of amazing things to be experienced out there.

I like this anology

Why? If we have a good life we die. If we have a bad life we die.

i was playing mech warrior 2

How do your experiences benefit your death?

True, but to kill yourself is absurd. Unless you choose to take a leap of faith and believe in a religion, the only other option is to create your own meaning in life. Something you must take time and do. The simple fact you are a living being is a miracle, so to waste that is ridiculous. Find purpose and continue to find purpose until you die. Don't waste it.