Just diagnosed with schizophrenia what do?

Just diagnosed with schizophrenia what do?

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Take your meds like it is the word of god itself and also learn meditation and also chanting so you can develop a mantra that helps you sort your mind. No joke and no homo

Dont listen to the voices

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I'm not delusion or anything, but I do see and here things that arnt there, but there always very vague and disappear quickly and the there out of the corner of my eyes. like well this truly get better and is there such a thing as mild scitzo will I ever be normal?

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yes, but only with schizprhenia

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start doing AMA's on Yea Forums like that other stupid faggot

I am schizophrenic. I hold down a job and function just fine. Take my meds and do cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy.

There is a spectrum of severity for schizophrenic disorders. Some people can cope and function just fine. Some people have it very bad and really struggle and need lots of help.

thanks bois you have been a big reassurance and help. since this is /b and all i'm really glad yall didn't tell me to off myself or something

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are you feeling good right now

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Take your meds. Seriously, life is good if you follow the plan. My buddy stopped taking his, went to a dark place and eventually killed himself.

We all are a lil bit schizo, dont worry about it

i probably not that good im just lurker

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Mostly yeah. I can't sleep too well, but I'm pretty content. I have my rough spells now and then but I always snap back. Never gets so bad I end up losing my job or getting myself arrested or anything. Most people do not know I am schizophrenic, when I'm having a hard time they just think I seem stressed out.


yes im pretty good rn

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Goodto know that youre good, hope to see you happy every day


I very hapy now

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Dont take the meds, that is what the mole men want.

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Search for "Lavon Affair", thank me later

Bill Clinton did nothing wrong

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Start smoking. It helps.

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Samson Option.

Fight back. IT's all real. They're just trying to silence you.

Don't take your meds.

They are trying to control your mind! They want you to be passive and do as they say. Dont let they make you another victim of their lobotomizing. You have to break free! You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim

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im not libertarian

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Take your meds, eat beans, meditate and keep positive mindset. You got this bro

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I can not comment on the meds.
But prayer or meditation do work.
If you hear voices in your mind it helps to understand what is really going on.

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This is possible.
But understanding there is a real World battle going on is something that eludes the vast majority of mankind.

The Learned men and men in funny hats are not sharing what they know and instead insist on hiding behind Psychology. While denying the spiritual; side of the matter.

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What's going on is I can't do anything next paycheck.

Fun. Manifest psychotic episodes and hallucinations into art. Maybe bank on it.

Look at Homers picture.
What do you see?



Do you know who they are?!

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Quit spamming your channel for views.