CRT's are called "square box monitors" debate. Also, Lolis

CRT's are called "square box monitors" debate. Also, Lolis

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What about the old giant 55"tvs that were flat screened but had a giant ass back like crt's or "box monitors?" Would those be flat boxes?

Zoomer here
Is there any reason why CRTs couldn't have a rectangular dimension?

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probably not but i feel no one thought to widen the shot

ive literally never heard anyone call tube TV's a square box wtf nigga

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CRT tv's did, but CRT's were limited by the technology of the time.

Okay then "square box monitor" is clearly wrong.

square box monitor, makes sense to me.

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yes it is, which is why no one other than that other op called them square tvs, or box.

ill support this use of "square box monitor"

i think it also had to do with how the gun was shaped on the tube. I think CRT images are actually inherently round but just shot onto squared glass

what i wanna know is, why people referred to them as a two dimensional shape when theyre clearly a cube

If you don't know what a CRT is actually called, sure calling it "square box monitor" would give enough info for someone to deduce what you mean, but it was never used as an actual classification or name of them.

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Projection or rear projection TV.

nice trips. im not hip to the inner workins of crts so ill just take your word for it

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it was a different time y'see everyone either spent their time smoking or buying hats

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>two dimensional
nigga what

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Pretty much. It was one (maybe more) anons from the other thread

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what do you call a two dimensional square?

16:9 CRTs exist, but there wasn't much 16:9 content so they weren't widely produced.

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i said earlier those were called "big screen tv's"

why is this so hard for people?

What do you call a three dimensional rectangle?

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not op, it was

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a prism

ya, they were called "big screen" tv because they were like movie theater quality at the time.

A log

Yes, that too.

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big screen tv

why debate something ive already proven to be 100% fact? the zoomer idiot was wrong.

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i don't think they made CRT's that big. The tech for larger TV's started changing with projection

A square.

Am I being trolled?

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okay, so theyre nicknamed by their obvious appearance. so, most if not all tvs back then were the same shape, save for a few outliers. why then describe the tv and not just call it a tv?

they were not CRT's, they were PROJECTION tvs. get some education you fucking zoomers. this wasnt THAT fucking long ago lol

Don't know, but that tan is amazing

go back to the other thread. were having a different discussion now.

Rear-projection TV's, Each display got their name primarily from the technology used. Hence CRT, Rear Projection, LCD, ect.

you suck at facts

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Literally one zoomer on Yea Forums and one retard on google. Nice proof.

this is how boomers spend their evenings. you must be fun at parties

Be nice user, they probably think a floppy disk is just the "save" icon.

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its not?!

he doesn't call them parties he claims everyone calls them "widdly scadoodlies dancing badoodlies"

a discussion about tv that were before your time even tho they are about 20 years old lol. matter a fact, even in 2006 CRTs were still relatively a thing.

Talking about things we like and posting cute lolis? Sounds good to me.

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nope its the "save as" function. Younguns don't realize that though

Who can have floppy dicks in a thread like this!?

keep making jokes retard. but there is truth to it. biggest proof is everything being called a "app" rather than a "program" because of zoomer influence.

yes they were, although i dont see why you think they were before my time. i still have that giant sony tv we bought in 02, to which i have my nes and snes hooked up to. That fuckin thing weighs like 300lbs.

lol, Nice trips

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>pfft he think they were referred to as programs and not executables or tapes

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those big screen tvs are still very nice, and you can prog get the 50 inch ones for like $100.

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lemme use your tactics really quick

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they aren't before anyones time we still use CRT to this day. But don't tell box guy that

The meds I'm on killed my dick. ;_;

Fuck that, are the meds worth it?

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you see, the thing is. all apps nowadays also count as programs by that very definition. the exception prob being calculators.

resolution is atrocious though and its gonna put off heat like none of your business. If you wanna do something cool with them you can gut it and put in a cheap flatscreen so it looks cool. You could even put a normal sized PC and game console in with it

blood thinner?

But, old consoles look and play better on CRT's, and games like Duck Hunt simply fail to work on modern screens

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Her name is CRT Chan

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theyre still a thing? i thought surely everything was lcd/led now. im sure theres practical uses for crts, i just cant think of any

back in the 90s and even very early 2000's it was only us boomer chad's pioneering the internet and it was great. then at some point in the mid 2000's when boomer fags were born with smart phones stuck up their asses is when the internet became less fun.

and by less fun i mean IMMENSELY censored because of "mah child needs protection from the meanies and perverts on the interwebs" poison that social media has brung on.

which is why im glad i kept my old as "square" tv.

I dont know if they are in real active production, but there is a market for them for old school gamers and computer geeks

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man, i miss newgrounds

no. all you do is replace the projection with something of better quality...

theres mods to original consoles that make them plug in via HDMI. That shit is crazy and even ways to make games like duck hunt or hogans alley work with non CRT.

even some emulators now can mimic CRT

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oh, that makes sense. i thought you were talking about companies or industries still using them consistently

me too. even mini clips was alot more bold and lenient on its content at the time.

fucking this. Youtube killed Newgrounds which was a goldmine for games, videos, music, and pre "meme culture" memes"

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i miss fapping to ganguro girl.

it was a beam of electrons directed by electro magnets. The beam was swept across every other row and the next from over the skipped ones. It lit up phosphers on the screen, which had little colored bits in front of them. Light them up right, and you got a picture on the tube. The tube would be filled with some non-flammable gas. I believe they were under pressurized, leading them to sometimes violently implode when broken.

For sure, I mean they built that functionality into the mini NES/SNES, but many people don't like modding their old gear.

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still made and used in tech where LED/LCD can't be used. I can't recall what for specifically but i know movie makers still use them for post production and other things

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ill never forget playing that one game where you shoot up a school. and all the 18+ games. being a latchkey kid was fuckin awesome back in the days

yeah, I think its also still used in some broadcast and medical equipment. Still, consumer CRT's are pretty much gone.

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are you a god? nice trips, again. Thank you for the lesson.

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For me, it was the hentai Love Hina game, but there were many, many options.

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I think we can all agree that zoomers and their parents legit ruined the internet.

Ya, loli is all we got left.

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shut up boomer

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this. Yeah, old CRT's were filled with a toxic gas, but in more modern ones I think they changed that out. They all are under vacuum and I can attest to them violently exploding.

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did you get glass shrapnel launched at you?

But zoomers are also trying to take away our loli.

but for how long...

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Watch Videodrome. They were called CRTs. Long live the new flesh.

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based gen zyklon

used to enjoy breaking old CRT TV's as well as ripping out the tubes of other electronics as a kid. They mostly pop and the glass is held in with a screen mesh. The toxic powder or what have you comes out like smoke

it more "implodes" given the vacuum, but shit does get sprayed around. I saw it happening so I guarded my face at least. They are also loud as fuck when they blow

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fetishize it all you want but little girls really just are weird and smell like pee and like bad things

That's 'Implosion"

You are clearly around the wrong type

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yeah, I misspoke
I did correct myself here though

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And what do cartoon girls smell like?

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yeah you say that until squirting them with a super soaker causes them to implexplode and your mom doesn't give a fuck what the technical term for your idiocy is

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God I really hope Born to Die makes another game. The first one was rather decent, even if unfinished (at least the one I played seemed like he gave up doing final drawings for the ending), and oh god I hope they get somebody to edit it because that game was littered with horrible spelling and grammar and other text based issues.

"Mistyped". Ok I'm being an ass.

stfu little girls are perfect

Ink and paper

i didnt think self awareness was a thing on Yea Forums

wierd trend with artists (mostly western) not finishing things these days

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Welcome to Loli threads bro
Yo you play Nintendo Switch?

That’s all true. I have a question for you, though. If one were to hypothetically repeatedly point out the number 69 to you, what would you do after she’s told you that she knows what it means?

Dude that’s fucked

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Ahh, I see your mom was one of those types. I've taken apart all our old tvs and did whatever I wanted as long as I cleaned up and didnt get hurt. Noise be damned cause I set a precedent with my hydrogen generator.

fuck yeah i do.

yeah well, I'm obviously braindead at this point. Here I thought you'd call me out for saying it explodes rather than pops.

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Glad to be your first onii-chan

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A square is always a rectangle but a rectangle is not always a square.

found my favorite loli

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Lol, I'm here in these threads pretty often. I play a few things on switch, but nothing recently. What do you play?

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Man I came here to fap not be nostalgic
Newgrounds and Slutty Mcslut lead me here and i’ve been here for almost 13 fucking years

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Yeah, it's unfortunate, but all the important parts were still there. I'd still rather play through Octoberween again than some AAA games that have come out in the last few years.

Born to Die is one of the greats. One can only dream

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Last thread was loli nostalgia thread. This is the shitty sequel

Ehh, technicalities get old. But now I wanna try filling a crt with hydrogen and turn on the HV transformer just for shits&g. Thx for the idea.

haha! pretty much the same. The old internet was a lot more fun, but maybe we're just getting too old

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They’ll never take my Lolis

Still the crazy part is when I was 12 and underaged here I seemed out both Loli and real CP because 12 years old wants to see girls his age.
After like 2013 I figured out real CP was illegal so I just switched to hardcore Loli only
Weird they want that away too.

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No, but you're gonna spend more time and money doing the math on how to direct the electrons, and more money creating non rectangular frames, all to get a picture that cus out the corners.
They actually have not rectangular crt's, but for above reasons they did not catch on

>superior sequel
The last thread was full of western stuff

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where's the urethra

is this GMO loli?

no, the worlds just been pussified

For sure, BtD is in my top 10

i don't blame my parents for anything. We were poor as shit and me and my siblings did dumb things. My brother and I once spent a few days fixing a chain saw just so we could chop shit apart when we were around 10-12

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Are we out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong.

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Im a fan of OttosFoxhole and AS109 as well. Rustle's stuff is pretty good too

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kids these days will never know true boredom like we did

I’m just playing MHGU and waiting on Astral Chain
I do the same thing just physically Alt tabbing between phone and Switch
Mainly MHGU and DQ Builders 2 both huge time sinks

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2nd this
Cell phones fucking blow (..I type on my cell phone). When did offended feelings start to outweigh logic and a stiff upper lip?

Yet another game I need a sequel to. Or at least another game like it by the same folks.

Eh I just got here like 20 minutes ago so I wouldn’t know any better

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Same, walking home from school I'd always look for trashed electronics. TV's, betamax/VCRS, anything with components inside that I could jerry rig and play around with. But, I was one of those kids who cut a cord off a radio, spliced it, plugged it in, and touched both ends just to see what would happen. Those were the days

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Only the best low maintenance genetically modified Lolis for you user
No pee no poo just water and fuck.

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kinda glad about that but sometimes saddened. I only had NES and some SNES and i'd have shit my underoos with excitement if i had something like Steam back then. But i don't see lawn mower go carts or home made pellet rifles anymore. I don't see roving bands of kids with the inate potential and knowledge to start fires.

i wanna say the adventure is different and not better/worse but who knows

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Definitely the children

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Its alright, I'm just happy I was born to have grown up when things were still fun. My kids' generation will be fucked to all hell

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i like lolis


Holy shit yes. used to break batteries open to play with acid, made home-made greek fire, flamethrowers... legit whatever I could get my hand on or make. Got suspended for bringing my kit to school one time

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Dude I spent so much of the childhood fucking around in the woods and on the railroad tracks just making Napalm with Styrofoam cups and gasoline, making spears, cravings my name in trees, hanging out under: Highway underpasses
I just feel like I had more fun back then compared to spending all day on my Fucking phone

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You can’t “like” Lolis
You must LOVE them

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nice try fbi

I love little girls, they make me feel so good

Man when i was with my friends we once found gun powder in an old ranch house. Shit was definitely on trying to force learn the physics and math needed to lob golf balls like mortars for thousands of yards.

I had a .22lr revolver at 14 and my nephews can't even mow the fucking lawn unsupervised without nosy neighbors getting in our shit

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I love little girls, they make me feel so bad

Aww shit you just reminded me of the fire challenge
Remember when you got dared to record yourself lighting yourself on fire?
Oddly enough when I did it didn’t even hurt
I just sprayed my arm in axe body spray and watched the cool blue flames

All it did was shaved my arm for me.

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lol i think even as a kid i wouldn't have done that without some money or a good stack of porn behind it.

we did used to make "parachutes" to jump off of houses with tho so maybe i'm just giving kid me too much credit.

Yeah, I see the same thing with my nephew. I feel bad that all he really knows are phones/tablets/consoles and never will have the chance to really explore. Access to easy entertainment makes kids mentally lazy imho

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im mostly on diablo 3 and red faction right now. im dying to tey that new space fallout game, i forget what its called.

my kids will be there next to yours to face the incoming shitstorm

Same except my gun was a shotgun for when I went deer hunting.
I had that son of a bitch everywhere I went hell I even went to school with it, I just left in my Toyota Tacoma during class
No one thought anything of it.
Now a days you get shot bring a gun within 4 miles of a school

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lol, yes. A friend and I would test that out with all sorts of flammables. Axe spray, lighter fluid, alcohol... anything we figured out would burn around the house or was at the dollar store or what have you. We learned the hard way that unless you have heat-resistant glass dont fill it with flammable liquid and light on fire. Nearly set the yard on fire.

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its gonna fucking suck if i'm old and grey and my kids are the ones who have to fight this retarded civil war thats brewing.

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i made my little brother jump off the roof with an umbrella cuz of cartoons. good times

Yeah when it comes to a computer application, essentially all applications are programs. I suppose technically web apps could be an exception where all you are running is static presentation on your computer and the program is running somewhere else but eh, nitpicking

If that were true, you would have said, "Square box monitors are called 'square box monitors' debate."

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When they're around they make me feel like I'm the only guy in town

I drove without a license and insurance well into my 20's. I was talking to one of my nephews and claimed that the school demanded a copy of their license if he didn't want to be forced to ride the bus

You can't make this shit up

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Outer worlds I think
I’m also hyped for space New Vegas
I’m lowkey mad they haven’t brought Fallout 3 and New Vegas
Like you fucking retards it’s free money!

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The kids are gonna be fighting to exist in a world run by AI.

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How did it start?
Well, I don't know.
I just feel the craving.
I see the flesh and it smells fresh.
And it's just there for the taking.
These little girls they make me feel so goddamn
I feel them up, I can't give it up.

right!?!?! i would snatch them up so quick, especially new vegas. someone needs to tell bethesda to get on that

Same I got away with murder Scott free
Now a days everything is locked down
What the fuck

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betrayed by the wedge in their hands. The machines came and drove wedges into their hearts. The wedge was the most simple tool known to man you see. To see it wielded by the most complex we ever created was the worst insult besides dying

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shoulld i kill myself for being an lolicon

>A Bethesda.Net account is required to play this title please connect to the Internet
Bethesda is beyond incompetent

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yeah but when you do it blame something weird like McDonalds shitty value menu or something

This artist I feel like I've only recently started seeing stuff from, but I love it.


Alke's been around for a while just one of those artists that deletes his shit or takes it down from wherever when he finds it

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point taken

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the worlds better off without me i think. i just take up space. dead end job. pervert. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my only friends are online friends. depression sapped away all my potential. i have no hope for the future.

this is probably one of those statements thats been said so often that it actually has legal explanation behind it so lawmakers can understand why it has spikes on google analytics.

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No, because you can gain strength from the fact that your harmless existence pisses off people who take shit too seriously like and .

cya meng don't forget to let the dog out so he's got a chance

No way
As a dude who’s arrested real human traffickers handling girls as young as 11

Those girls are beaten, raped daily, starved, are forced to get branding like fucking cattle, often have 2-3 STDs and get sold into sexual slavery all without knowing a lick of English and being scared to death of law enforcement

These are just lines and coloring on paper

Fantasy does not equal reality because the reality is far more hardcore I described

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Don't, but if you do go on some kind of media and say that you've got evidence that Trump was elected to stop an international pedo ring run by the Clintons and the feds. Try to shoot yourself in the back of the head. Don't do it though.

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thanks mang
still feel like a totally useless waste of space and depressed piece of shit who should become an hero because he has no hope for the future, no motivation, no drive, no dream ,no belief in any god, no meaning,

im drunk right now maybe ill fell better later.

man fuck trump :/
last time i got drurnk i donated 30 bucks to bernie sanders

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okay but for real for real? gf sis keeps dropping it around me even when I’ve told her it’s inappropriate due to her age and mine. She’ll do bear crawls with her ass straight up in the air around me only. She won’t let me put food in her mouth, though so idk

It's not really to make Trump look better. Just would make the conspiracies more interesting. Really though don't do it there's nothing wrong with cartoons.

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How's life as a glownigger

Dude been there done that.
I hate to say get over it but that’s the truth
Sometimes you’re gonna feel like shit
You just gotta go to work then spend the rest of the day crying in bed then pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep moving
Depression is a bitch but you gotta learn to fuck her

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How old?

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Any other loli drawfags here?
Pic related is something I drew a couple of months ago
Something about drawing loli tummies that drives me crazy

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i reflect most of the visible electromagnetic spectrum bitch.

I see, well, I got a name now, so that'll help.

yaah ultimately i do know theres nothing wrong with cartoon
i also enjoy ageplay ERP ... also nothing lwrong with that
i still feel like im broken or evil or fucked up for haVING fantasties about little girls
ive seen people say anyone who likes loli or defends loli, even if they never touch an actual kid, should kill htmeself

cute and good work! ive wanted to draw lolis but i only feel like drawing loli when im horny
if i jerk off, the desire to drawn lolis goes away
so i never develop any drawing skills

Nice try, FBI

thanks frend
i feel like im not moving though. just treading water. same shitty job for 3 years. no drive for education or anything. no drive to date or improve myself or be creative. depression fucking sucks and i want to die

>i still feel like im broken or evil or fucked up for haVING fantasties about little girls
you are
we are bad people, and let's not rationalize that fact

Not bad I’m now a purchasing agent now so I don’t chase bad guys I work in an office.
Works not hard but I probably gained like 8 pounds from not running around all day

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Some people say Allahu Ackbar and think we should abolish interest and ban alcohol. Don't mind what other people think. Other people's opinions are useful for context but if you let them fuck you up you're less of a person. You've done nothing wrong as it is. You just like cute drawings.

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Yea I fap to my drawings all the time
But getting good at drawing takes more motivation than: "I can finally draw smutt of my waifu!"

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I want to draw Loli but it never comes out they way I imagine it

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Fucked up, maybe, nothing wrong with that. If you could see what's going on in other people's heads you'd find that most people are some degree of fucked up. Evil? There is evil out there, and you ain't it. As for what people say, the people that say it the loudest are the ones that are most fucked up.

we bac

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>Never touch an actual child
Thought crimes are not actual crimes and never let anyone tell you otherwise
Humans think all kinds of degenerate shit
That’s the caveman part of the mind you can never escape ever.
Let death taxes or a race

correction, it was a millenial who was wrong. my bad.

Yep we’re back
What the fuck Cloudflare


Most trustworthy guys on the internet.

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>hanging out under highway underpasses
> I had more fun back then compared to spending all day on my Fucking phone

Well, if you call blowing hobo's and meth-heads in underpasses "fun", i'll take your word for it.

greentext and post age faggot i promise i wont arrest you

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After what happened to 8ch I highly doubt that

Attached: 9ab8eaae1e8ac1c73b2d369d8ffcdff8.jpg (500x900, 80K)

No fat loli this sum bullshit

We were in down South Georgia there was no hobos
Meth heads sure but crack was still a bigger problem at the time


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Still that makes me aware and awful
I’ve already made mini prep that if this place ever goes down I’d have 16chan ready to rock within minutes

Wonder loli is best loli

>Error: Maximum allowed video duration is 120 seconds
This place is diseased.

This place is useful for US gov, several companies and politicians. It's not going down that easy.

Attached: 58f3a74b4fedac4794e9bae3edced7d9.jpg (760x1000, 864K)

I believe it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI doesn’t look for Loli fags for but anti Loli fags like that Dr. pizza faggot.
Calling 2D pedo only to be outted as a real CP pedo

That and honeypot links is how they get the real guys. Just wish they could deal with the new guys that moved in. I imagine they use /pol/ too.

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A causality of war I perceive.
Man I’m tired so I’m just gonna go to bed.
Night user I wish nothing but the best for you.

Cool. My fellow insomniacs will handle the thread. Sweet dreams.

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That's almost all the armed lolis I got, so I'll post something else.

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Wish I had more elves.

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i like this one

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It's art.

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Gonna need an artist sauce, nigga

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good thread

>be cleaning playroom
>little miss 13 comes in
>talks about whatever
>randomly does bear crawls back and forth

>another day
>playing game with bro and sis
>says character was so close to having 69% dmg
>bro doesn’t know
>i say it’s inappropriate and ask if she even know what it means
>she says yes

>months later
>driving her to school
>mentions she was one point away from 69 on test
>uncomfy feeling

I’ve more or less offered her my lap to sit on before. She used to be real slutty when she was younger due to sexual abuse. But idk she hasn’t tried anything physical yet and I ain’t gonna try to evoke what happened to her.