I don't want to sleep

I don't want to sleep
Any fun stoner stories?

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i wish i had some weed to help me sleep

I don't have any i can remember

I wish i had some weed too
And lsd and other stuff

Not to sleep but just so i can get high
High as fuck

Why did you buy a bong that looks like an erect cock?

Underage b&

What's the best way to ask a stranger if he can get me weed?

Not underage
Just haven't been feeling so good
And i want to try lsd again

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Because i broke one
Me and a friend went to buy a new one and that was the only kind of cheap one that felt like it wouldn't break, i broke that one too a few days later

looking to buy? just ask around no need to be afraid if he doesnt know you'll just get a no

easiest way to find some where its illegal is to find someone smoking and ask him if he knows where to find some around

That's a good idea
I'll ask if they smoke first though

That's what we called it
And no one liked it more than me

yeah, like i said, find a group of teens or something, someone not afraid to do it in the open and ask, that's the fastest and easiest way but not guaranteed, depeding on where you are it will take you a few tries before finding it

>turn 19
>weed legal here (Canada)
>buy some capsules (legal version of edibles basically), pack of 15
>No idea what I'm doing, text pothead friend and send him link to them online, ask how many to take, he says 2 should be fine
>Realize later I sent him a link to the weakest version with half the THC
>Friend and I took 2 thinking it was nothing
>Feel tired for a couple hours and then meh out of it, guess that's it
>Friend is asleep in the middle of a pizza place and I'm zoned out
>Eventually drive to 7-11 because hungry, meet up with couple of other friends
>Suddenly my friend becomes a total bitch out of nowhere, says he wants to go home, being weird

I will continue, one sec

That's how a blunt was for me

>Tell him he's a bitch, he's sitting in his car alone, ignore him and talk to sober friend by the slurpy ads
>Talking to him about how the edible did jack for me
>As I say that, shit hits me like a wave
>Dissociate immediately and think nobody can see me because I'm not real
>Running around 7-11 parking lot as friend tried to keep watch on me for what I thought was 10 minutes
>Actually 2 hours
>Chug two big gulps after
>Friend is greening in the lot like dumbass and someone actually comes and mops it up
>Still never been that high

Pretty uneventful story but I hope it was slightly entertaining

What happened next?
You made me remember the time i almost choke on a bit of chicken because it was too dry, and somehow i ended watching what it looked like spiderman far from home
And then i was home somehow

It was awesome!
I wish i could get that high

>buy a couple xanax bars and a half oz of weed
>go home
>take the bars
>get bored
>bust out a big boy cigar
>break it down
>roll 8.5 grams in it
>smoke it all in one go, by myself
>decide to roll another blunt with 3.5 grams
>burn to the head
I was not too happy when I woke up the next day and realized I smoked almost my whole bag in one night

That's really sad
Mostly because you don't remember anything

What's xanax like?

Yea Forumsros I can't get high anymore I'm smoking 30% medical grade out of a bowl and it doesn't do it lasts for like 10 mins what do

T break unfortunately

Quit for a while
Or try the mango trick
Also getting drunk first could help

I just took a 2 week break tho

Take a break until you can pass a piss test, you'll get back to the basics. I stopped for 6 months and came back a baby.

Well it works wonders at therapeutic doses if you have severe anxiety. When you abuse it though, you are awake but you are not actually there. You are essentially unconscious. You may remember a few snapshots of your time while barred out, but a black out is damn near guaranteed. It is likely to make you very impulsive and not give a shit about anything. Hence why I smoked nearly a half oz by myself in a few hours. Because I felt like it and I didn’t give a shit.

Smoke weed turns out weed was laced with acid
Trip out for weeks
End up walking the streets because nothing in life matter so
Get picked up by street dealers who keep injectinng me with heavy drugs to stay in lalala land
Get raped constantly and passed around like a fleshlight for all homesless or any men who feel like it
Hit rock bottom when force tied on sll four and left on the street for randomg dogs to fuck me.
React years later and find a way out from my drug captors.
Weed totally worth it

Sounds fun
Also sounds fun
A bit fucked up though

Can’t smoke acid, doesn’t work
At least let me get past the first line without realizing it’s a shitpost

You can pass a test after around 3 days or a week

> 15/16 years old
> with friends thinking of a good spot to smoke
> go to soccer field complex
> dont want a car to be seen at an empty park, so park away from the fields and jump the fence to get in
> walk to the main part with benches and whatnot
> smoke
> vehicle comes driving into the park
> we think it's the cops
> start booking it across the field towards our car, a good 100 yards away
> friend tosses the bowl to not get caught with it
> vehicle drives out onto the fields
> we realize it's not the cops, it's a small pick-up truck
> friend runs back to get the bowl
> truck starts doing donuts around him
> keep booking it
> eventually all meet back at our car
> laugh our asses off

Next day

> go to soccer fields for my game
> see all the destruction the truck left behind
> "what asshole would do something like this"

That's a good one

Why does that bong look like a dick?

I used to go on walks at the beach, chill in this small cave, hotbox it while covering the entrance with a parasol, and space out listening to psychedelic music. Went good with the ocean waves in the distance.
Really nice on foggy humid days.

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That does sound super nice
I like the sun a lot more though
Being high under the sun and play a bit in the sea must be the Best


Another story

> with the boys, riding down the turnpike to catch a baseball game
> me driving
> burning heavy the whole drive
> get to a toll booth
> the lane I happen to pick has a state trooper just standing there on foot
> get to booth, he tells me to pull over
> fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
> approaches car
> "you know why I pulled you over, right"
> " no, sir"
> "you dont have your seatbelt on"
> "you're right, sir"
> more small talk
> gives me a seatbelt ticket
> "enjoy the game"

Unbelievable a seat belt violation was all that happened. The car had to smell like a pound. I think the state troopers aren't really worried about the little guys though.

I don't know what a state trooper is but could be that he doesn't know what weed smells like

>Be me.
>Be 14ish.
>Hear about a friend moving to Alaska from oregon.
>Plan a going away party.
>Take a 3hr road trip with an older friend to go chill with him before he leaves.
>I supplied the weed after giving money to the older friend to go get a hookup. And we had an abundance of booze.
>Cheap but it was more than enough to get fucked up.
>Fast forward to starting the party and more people starting to come over.
>First time getting blazed and people were laughing while I put my whole mouth over the top of the bong like I was going to deep throat a dick.
>I hit it right the next time and starting feeling the difference.
>Take more hits while the bong is passed around in a circle.
>Laugh at the stupidest shit making correlations and comparisons between things.
>In addition, I beer bonged a 40 old English and it fucked me up fast.

Agreed. Especially sitting on soft dry moss on a fallen tree in a thick forest. Roomy with less draft and the sun beaming through the top.

Idk. I went from a goofy stoner laughing at stupid shit with sarcastic behavior, to chilling in mice places listening to trippy music.


I went from chilling like that to wanting to make big fires and break random stuff

Oh he definitely knew lol.

A state trooper is a police officer that is able to enforce law all over a given state. Whereas a normal police officer would generally only have power within a city.

That's a really good time
What you mean beer bonged though?

its a tube with a funnel so you can drink a whole shit load of beer at once

How you know he knew?
That's interesting, state troopers sound really cool

I thought it was like putting a lot of beer inside a bong, smoke and drink it

Not stoner but I just took a trip down DXM a couple weeks ago. Was amazing.

We were smoking as we were literally pulling up to the toll booth. Plus we were smoking blunts, which tend to have a very lingering odor.

What's DXM?
What you did there?

Wish I could smoke. In a recreational state and job says no. (Random monthly hair and piss test)

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Hair test sucks
That shit can tell if you smoked months ago

You need a new job
I fucking hate people that make those test, they shouldn't give a fuck at all

> in college
> growing a few marijuana plants in the closet
> its nighttime, light cycle is in effect
> bring girl into the room
> sex
> "why are your closet lights on and why are they so bright, user?
> "dont worry about it"
> back to sexing

back when i was straight edge i went to a hair test with hair down to my buttcrack

the people who cut a little bit of hair for the test told me I was "very confident to be taking the test with such long hair"

I got the job

Sex high is awesome, you should have stoped for a smoke

Maybe your hair wasn't oily enough or something
But it can be used to know if you smoked a few months ago

Dextromethorphan hbr.
Also known as cough medicine.
Bottle and a half of pill form. About a quarter of max dosage but I wasn't looking to be completely fucked up. Makes you see nice things in the dark. Can be eye opening.

I was (effectively) straight edge, I had never drank or smoked anything

I partied with people who used but I never did anything back then

She wasn't a smoker. It's pretty likely we were both sloppy drunk though.


Not sure if i would like to try that but i probably would


She would smoked anyway then
And as far as i know most girls will say yes if you ask if they want to smoke

I was waiting to drink/smoke because my brother had a congenital disorder that would eventually lead to organ failure and I wanted to make sure my lungs would be pristine

but he had depression, wouldn't keep up on treatments and once tried to kill himself so the doctors said they wouldn't let him undergo any transplant procedure

so I said fuck it and started having fun at age 25, three years later he was dead

Nowadays I'm glad I waited until age 25 because my brain is lightning quick, unlike some of my poor e-tarded friends

That's why I keep my hair shaved short and make sure my body hair gets shaved monthly. (Work will even shave pubic hair too)

You're telling me, my job is a shit security job that works for a federally funded company, so every contractor that works out of this place takes it.
If you have any suggestions for jobs that pay close to 17/hr plus health/dental/vision then I'm all ears.

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in my country grindr works pretty well, is like a tinder for fags but also drug is sold, i've bought weed once and worked smoothly

I don't know but i'm sure you can find a new job, a better one

What happened to him?
I'm sorry
You were planning to give him part of your lungs?

I don't think that works here
Not sure if it's worth a try

Smoked pretty much every day from age 16-21.

Dont think it effected my wits but certainly my memory. Cant really recollect much from that time period or from childhood. Friends will tell stories and I'm just like.. yeah.. I kind of remember that..

They say that is about the only downfall of marijuana- that it can negatively effect your memory if you're a heavy user before age 25.

Could be bullshiitting, but, idk. It's what I blame for my poor memory.

Idk. Basically I just had a vacuum looking tube ductaped to the 40, then after it was tipped up with the tube in my mouth, the beer was flowing down my throat really fast.
Would recommend.

Sorry to hear about your brother, btw.


I smoked mushrooms once.
I was already tripping face though, so nothing happened.

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I always had bad memory
So if that's true i won't remember who i am soon

Thats fucking bullshit

OP I have a story for you.
I dont know how to make this a green text so bear with me
> be me
> fresh men year of hs
>get stoned all the time because life is shit
>stay after school to smoke with friend
>dab pens are a thing so no smell
>a girl and 2 of her friends that my friend knows comes by and asks to get some hits
> he let's here
> she tells is to come with her when her other
friend picks her up
> 5 mins later
>her friend shows up and we hop in the car
> car is packed so I sit on my friends lap
>a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do
>she had 3 dabs in there
>4 total dabs
> Im a car with 4 girls I barely know and I friend of mine
>later we get paranoid and decide to leave
>the girl that invited us says that one of me or my friend need to leave
> just 1
> the people I hardly know say they want me to stay
>dont know why but I'm down
>we go to McDonald's
>were not easy to notice in the parking lot
>start thinking I'm gonna get a kidney stolen
> one says imagine if we had an orgy
>I say high as shit
Fuck yeah why not
>next thing I know I'm in an orgy
>manage to make it home and go to sleep
>the next day im deemed a legand among the smokers of my school
>still have both kidneys
The whole session lasted about an hour and nothing bad happend.

I want to smoke some too but mixed with peyote

If only it was as easy as sending a resume and starting in two weeks. I need to get out of cuckifornia.

Was looking into apprenticeships, but for what I'd be interested in doing, no idea.

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I ate a couple barrels once, then soon realized I had eaten arsenic.
Some piece of shit sold me rat poison.

On what planet is it ok to drink anything out of a bong

That's an epic win

I believe a light user could pass within a week with dilution method. I've personally passed within 10 days.

Smoking shrooms will not work


That's really bad
I get fresh peyote so that doesn't happen

eventually his lungs gave out

yea it sucks and everything but I knew he wasn't going to live long even when I was a little kid

I remember learning about death, my parents were talking about how it was funny how old people kind of shrink and I was like "wow so you grow up and then you get small and you grow up again" and they were like "no, then you die" and I remember getting sick to my stomach, sinking into the restaurant booth at which we were seated and slowly coming to grips with the fact that I and everyone else I loved was going to die

A friend once thought it would be a good idea to use vodka as bong water. That was classic.

I don't think smoking peyote works either

that seems retarded and random
i say it's legit

reminds me of when we tried "flashing the pan"

basically instead of drinking vodka, you heat it up on the stove with a lid and try to inhale the fumes because it gets you fucked up faster

nobody would take even half a lungful lmao

I like it
It's not good but sometimes it's ok i guess

That makes sense
Everything solves in vodka

bc op is a faggot duh

That's a really really sad story
I'm sorry you and your brother had to go through that
I probably would end up killing myself if something bad happened to my sister

That's also true

I don't know what to say, I mean even after your world falls apart there's plenty of pieces to put back together and eventually it feels like whole again even though you know it isn't

living well is not only the best revenge it's also the best way to honor our departed

It still must hurt way too much though
I don't think everyone can do that
But you're right, it is the best you can do

Everything hurts, I miss all the girlfriends I loved, I miss my grandparents, I miss the sexy boy I once was, I miss the friends who died too soon

This summer I'm growing grapes for the first time as well as Basil, Oregano and Cilantro, in addition to the Tomatoes and Eggplants I've always grown.

The past is never far from my mind but I always look towards the future, it really puts everything into perspective