We must create a massive movement of fake Jewish profiles on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Since Jews shapeshift into whites anytime they want in order to subvert and demonize white people, we can do the same to them. The reasoning and goals listed below.
>Jews are a protected class. Larping as a Jew has the benefit of being uncensored by big tech. It beats the hell out of fashygoyim1488 profiles because nobody will listen to you and you will receive bans. You also have the benefit of labeling anyone who disagrees with you an antisemite or a fake Zionist Jew. Use this to your advantage.
>As a Jew, normies will listen to you, especially boomers and other Jews. You can take the blame for world events and nobody will suspect anything. Post redpill facts about Jews, which include the slave trade, monetary facts, mass media, porn industry, Jewish privilege, the apartheid state of Israel, killing of innocent Palestinians and racist Zionists.
>Being a Jew, you are able to subvert Jews themselves. Since Jewishness is 100% based on supremacism, you can use the same tactics they have used to dismantle white civilization. You can push for more diversity in Israel, support for Palestinians, demonization of the apartheid state of Israel, racemixing, etc. If other Jews disagree, call them Zionists, racists, xenophobes and not real Jews.
>Even if Jews know our plans, it will create in fighting as Zionist Jews will accuse leftist Jews of being fake profiles. This creates even more division within the Jewish community.
>Make sure your profiles as authentic looking as possible, don't use generic photos of Jews off google because you can easily be found out. Use obscure photos from personal Jewish facebook accounts, the more obscure and Jewish looking, the better.
Prominent Zionist Jews are already butt hurt about the influx of impostor Jews, many of them tweeting about it and writing articles. We're in this for the long haul, so be as authentic and convincing as possible.