Getting my frenulum cut so ill be able to pull back all they way good idea or not ? It hurts once its about to pass the tip
Getting my frenulum cut so ill be able to pull back all they way good idea or not...
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Don't you will end up regreting it it can fuck up the feeling and it's there for a purpose that tension keeps you from doing unnatural stuff with it that's going to end up hurting your dick completely and you can have the feeling that you're not hard when hard thare so mini little nerve endings and you're guy you don't want to mess up any of them
I've been thinking about doing the same. In my case, it pull the tip when fully erect and though it doesn't hurt, it feel kind of uncomfortable
Bad idea OP. Do some foreskin stretching with manual methods
Got kik
Wont go beyond that
Has anyone got this done got some questions
anyway yeah mine was like that and then it slowly split and now it's pretty much totally gone but kinda flappy on the tip part... in retrospect, I shoulda had it taken care of.
I dont really know how the sensitivity in an uncircumcised dick is, as I was at birth. But I did have my frenulum pierced like ten years ago and it migrated out, and now I dont have as much sensitivity in that area of my cock. So Id say it might not be worth the risk. But like I said, might be different with it being medically done or something.
Do it slowly and it will get better by the day. Try stretching your foreskin without and with a boner. Do it while you're showering. My foreskin didn't go all the way back and it would hurt if my girl would give me aggressive head or hand job. I've been having sex since I was 17 and now I'm 29 and my new girlfriend finally got my foreskin to go all the way back without it hurting and lemme tell you, it's worth it. Don't cut it off.
how do you do that?
Short frenulum is a thing mate not ebery dick can be stretched
You never mentioned you had a short frenulum. Have you already had it checked by a doctor or you're just thinking you have a short frenulum?
well, my foreskin goes all the way back, it's the frenulum that give me problems. I try to stretch it when I fap or bathe but I see no change
Well then you should get a medical opinion first.
Be thankful you have foreskin and frenulum
i had short frenulum and a bit of phimosis. Sex was mostly not pleasurable. I tried to manually stretch with creams and whatnot... it worked...if i didnt had sex... irritations, microlaceration took it all the way back to day 1. Not worth the effort at all. At some point (i was 24, now 33) i just decided to get cut and it was the best decision of my life. But that's just me...
I know a doctor on this server
ya i went to urologist and he said it seems like short frenulum but it was hard to tell cause it pulls back really nice soft just Hard its to short too, cant really show him that lol
Mine has broken a couple times each year for 10 years, not much left. In many ways sex feels better now but don't go in dry. Hope for a safe speedy recovery. Ps stop posting it.
funny enough, I just bathe a few hours ago and was thinking about seeing a doctor about this
I am. I just wish I can pull it all the way back without the tip being pulled with it
short frenulum? maybe that's my case. Any complications like loss of sensitivity?
>it was hard to tell cause it pulls back really nice soft just Hard its to short too, cant really show him that lol
lol, I just had a thought about this...