Blood-Chan and friends, ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blood-Chan and friends...
Omae Wa Mou....Shinderou~
I'm queen of the underworld, I'm already dead.
My kind of thread.
i'm busy
I can do black and white, too.
What's up, Heulen? What kind of dog are you fucking tonight?
You're never too busy for the feeling of love.
-squeaks and wheels the tea cart into the thread, making sure there's enough hot water for everyone-
We thread 24/7~
We haven't the autism to hold 24/7 threads...yet
true enough, love is always needed
thank you for the water my friend
Needs more NEETS to keep the thread going
I was in school when I started so I was able to but not so anymore :(
:< -hopes you're putting tea in it or it won't taste good-
That's quitter talk.
We must recruit fresh NEETs
You're not allowed to post in my thread
Oh, I'm not quitting by any means
Just saying what would be needed to be back at 24/7 threads
We're not doing bad so far so I mean
Still sounds like quitter talk to me.
>When's the other chan coming back?
- Kyle, 2019
Fresh NEETs for fresh MEAT
neets are gross ugly fat neckbeards i hope i dont have to be friends with them
only if there is green tea, otherwise it's icky
Don't use my words at me.
We should be. But people don't know how to click "start thread" and then copy and paste the link into the server.
But hey, if I have to be the miraculous savior, so be it.
Heulen, your plan to dogfuck these threads to destruction will not prevail.
We could if people learned to click "start thread" and copy paste a link. I guess that level of intellect is asking too much.
"All you need is love", best song ever, baby. Do you love the Beatles? Please tell me you love the Beatles.
Hey sexy baby, hey sexy baby, hey hey sexy babyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
*requests a fresh croissant and an arabic brew coffee with 2 cubes of sugar and fresh froth milk for cream*
Damn you make me hungry.
-brings you a selection of white tea, fermented green, and various varieties of the leaves at different stages of curing!-
But would they have the ability to have other people be ALIVE to post in said thread??
-brings you the croissant but looks at the coffee maker with fear and hides in the broom closet-
Faggot Bebop bans my threads
Luring the NEETs with his MEAT is mostly Erio's tactic for getting new people
You're not going to be forced to be friends with anyone, so I wouldn't worry about it
No ty.
So what's up with you?
um sure, i guess i like the beatles now
thank you friend, i appreciate it
i hope they don't like me, i struggle to be mean to people that dont deserve it
idk, thinking of what I want to do for the rest of the night other than posting. Maybe some game
I'm gonna become a NEET just to make you uncomfortable for liking me
If you have this thing called, charisma. And/or a top hat. And/or a brain. Any of those would do. Do you fall into any of those categories? If you do, congratulations, you can succeed.
Sonata, you don't like coffee makers? They have these wicked things called Keurigs these days, you have got to get one. You could run a wicked mobile cart with one of those sexy things.
Maybe he's upset because he thinks you're cute but you wouldn't finger his ass like he enjoys? That could definitely be the cause.
What's up your butt, honeybunch?
Well tell me what music that you think is superior, then? Music is a message, Djeeta. For example, "All you need is love" is actually a message about spousal abuse. I wish you would learn these things.
Mostly shit? Idk haven't looked in a while
Not a bad plan. I'm waiting for Fuji to finish her thing to do dailies on FF14.
How's Fuji doing these days? Haven't talked to her in ages
You should get her to post again tbh
one post
She's been doing pretty well. I'm actually going to Chicago with her and the guild to see the symphony next month. We're going to surprise Dillon though. He doesn't know I'm going.
And I'm not going to do that. She seems much happier away from here.
Oh, neat sounds fun
Aw :(
ruining your life to make one person uncomfortable is certainly a very admirable
i like whatever music sounds good to me
Aren't you in her server? Come by sometime.
Oh garEE decided to stop pretending to not be garEE.
We were all so surprised.
Oh cool google sync automatically carried over my Yea Forums extensions to my laptop, for all the invasive spying it does, it sure is useful isn't it?
admirable shitpost
Let's talk, Colbs. Let's get over these latent homosexual anger issues you have towards me. Is it because I prefer Jon Stewart over Colbert? We just have to accept those differences.
I play that game too you son of a bitch.
Thanks, nigger.
So what has this day had in store for you, you cute little thing?
Calm down, members of GarEE's fan club. I will sign autographs after the show is over.
Furry is gae
Wow you have a whole fanclub? That's neat.
Colbs, how do you feel about Jon Batiste?
I personally hate him.
I think he ruins the show.
my day has been great, work was mellow so i had a lot of time to come home and relax all day long, yes i am very cute, thank you for being able to see just how cute i am
Literally don't care.
It's him and his 15 personas.
You would be surprised the lengths I will go to for pettyness
I think so? I have a hard time keeping track of all of that shit
I like Stewart and Colbert equally, Colbert has better reaction images sooo
You still have those latent homosexual anger issues over Nezi these days or did you pray that particular gay away?
I don't watch Colbert's new show so idk? It just seems like another "late night host and their band" forced thing that the network makes everyone do
> yes i am very cute, thank you for being able to see just how cute i am
Come join the call you ding dong.
co tam wariacie?
i feel bad for anyone you get a picture of
and everyone around them and you
and myself
He's the peek of attraction, don't you know.
Eeeeeehhhhhh... idk it's been so long
that is very petty but you'll never reach the level of pettiness that the average woman has
I wish I had 15 personas
Yo, it's Akai, I'm not gonna be hanging around after this post (prolly)
Just wanted to say hi to y'all in the thread.
-Akai on mobile
I like to think that real attractiveness is a mix of both physical appearance and overall mannerisms.
So they are about as ugly as your personality is, and you are about as good looking as their personality is.
I have plenty, want some folders?
There Ian.
Ty by menya trakhnul? YA by trakhnul menya. Trakhni menya krepko.
You're gay too though, Dan. So it fits you perfectly. Speaking of, where the fuck have you been, Dan?
You bet your sweet ass I do. Blood-Chan is the president of it. Grim is Vice-President.
You're now a member.
Your character looks like a whore that I got with once when I was shooting up the good stuff.
What do you do for work by the way, my dude? Not something stressful or shitty?
Thanks for caring so much, babe. I'll personally sign your ass with permanent cum when we're done.
Nezi's one sexy dude. Sorry that you can't see that. I'm comfortable with myself, my dude, are you? You should try being more of an alpha male like Nezi. Maybe you would enjoy life a lot more if you did.
Technically, Kirby has more than that. You absorb the persona of every fucking person that you swallow. Guess you just have to set "swallow more" as your goal. Wanna swallow me? ;)
I hope you are able to come back by soon, Akai, my dude.
Dude you really don't have to posture so much with me. You really aren't threatening at all.
Zamknij pizde za przeproszeniem.
Then why are your life points at 0? And why do you look so defeated? Now give me your rarest card.
Ach, rozumiem, towarzyszu. Chcesz, żebym tak mocno zaorał twoją cipkę.
I'm starting to get why people made fun of you for so long.
>Caring about others opinions
>You must be 18 years old to use this website
A to przepraszam, nie poznałem brata Sarmaty. Chwała wielkiej Lechii. I tak, z chęcią chciałbym byś zaorał mój boipussi.
>Wasn't GarEE obsessed with someone?
>Yeah that guy is a total retard
that sounds like a fun experience you had, hope you enjoyed it, i do work for work, i don't get personal at all so i'm not saying but it's stressful at times
Fuckin try me, I had a bunch of older sisters and no brothers
I learned from the best
They're not hard, just make a bunch of overly exaggerated personalities and be as obnoxious as possible
>more of an alpha male like Nezi
Even Nezi doesn't think that, jesus. How delusional
What even is this thread rn?
Some shitty circlejerk
who dis
Im not dan im konata, sorry ms satania
Its like poopwaifu thread
show us what you're made of, let the pro bitch take the floor
this thread is fun times for fun people
>Im not dan
oh nvm
Chcę przelecieć twojego wuja zimą, kiedy on jedzie na bawole
The artwork on my tat is amazing, still holds up to this day. That artist did a great job for back then, looking back at it now.
I happen to see a lot of potential in Nezi. Just like I see a lot of potential in you, Colb. You're a great guy. I would totally knock back a few drinks with you and hang out, you just need to keep an open mind. Where's Kon these days? I miss that guy. I always wanted to hang out with him.
Blood-Chan's thread. She is the queen of everything.
Okay so why are you impersonating Dan? What have you done with him? He was a better Konata then you. I'll give you a chance though. You wanna be New Dan?
Nah, I'm good
I'll continue shitposting simply as is
Vore is shit tier
That sounds like a WHOLE lotta work, and I'm not ready for that
Suit yourself.
It's more like /jp/, /G-fur/ with a hint /pol/.
Yes. I'm sure it's going to age remarkable when you're trying to find a woman to date who cringes at the sight of your radical tat.
Then again most girls under 10 like MLP so I'm sure you'll find your perfect woman. Granted you can pick her up from day care.
How's shit been treatin' ya
Im not impserdonating dan, i dont even know ho he is, i want to be konata
Okay smug asuka
About the same here
Holokaust to żydowskie kłamstwo.
Kościół Katolicki powinien zaanektować Polsze.
I don't just let the bitch out for no reason, there's gotta be something valid to do it for
I also like Nezi and think he's pretty great but your "alpha" thing is so out of place that I'd guess that you have no idea about him anyway
Kon recently moved down near me, he's doing fine. He doesn't post anymore tho
Well then you're a WEAKLING
That's an interesting perspective, and I guess not entirely offbase? There's really no thru-line other than people shitposting to each other that have many years of history behind them
Oh god oh fuck
let's not be bitches and be friends so we have a nice thread with our good friends, i prefer that
We have an agreement, then.
...for now
They can't say "waifu" in the OP 'cause it'll trigger that shitty bot
This isn't waifu ya dingus
For anyone who knows this character, this image should trigger you.
You just chose a shit waifu
I'm gonna grab some Gumbo tonight if the restraunt is open late enough. What do you think. You like southern food, dude?
See, here's where most of you young fellas go wrong though, man. Do you really think it's worth your time to be around the kind of women who judge you and make fun of you for what you like? Life's too short to be around shitty people, man. Especially shitty women.
Find people who accept you for who you are.
We know it's you, Amy.
I now dub thee, New Dan. Tell me about yourself, New Dan. Are you mexican? Do you know how to make sandwiches? Do you like video games?
Chcesz, żeby papież zapalił tyczkę? Jeśli jesteś małym chłopcem, chętnie to zrobi.
I used to be the closest person to Nezi in these threads. You seriously think I don't know anything about him? You have got to drop this grudge you have against me. I'm alright with you, man. I'm glad Kon is doing good. I miss him a lot and it would be completely cool of you if you could deliver a message for me. See if maybe he will add me on discord or swap numbers or something. I still want to hang out with him one day if he's up for it. He was a huge inspiration for me to get out and make a life for myself.
What are yourefering to with "bot", its like the waifu posters, or like my aiutism?
haha trap with bobs
I'm sorry but I cannot post in this thread at the moment, I am at work...
now it really feels like it's 2013 again
Southern food is hella good
Chyba ciebie
Technically it would be husbando so
You might just be that dense, yeah
And I have nothing against you really, I just don't like you when you act retarded and accuse people of random shit
I will let him know you said that, sure
I legit forgot about the whole chicks using their tits to balance their drinks meme
We like blood-chan here
>we know its you amy
>refers to me as Heulen
>15 personas
You're a fucking character. Holy shit.
I'm your father and I say you need to do your homework.
Please tell me it's you. PLEASE, TELL ME IT'S YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, man. The people down here are shit ass honkey tonk rednecks, though. Love the food, love the heat, love the land, hate the people.
Let me guess, you live near Texas?
Palę Marlboro, ty palisz Kutasa.
I'm sorry if I accused someone of some random shit, my dude. Do you want to tell me what happened so I can make it right? I can't fix something if I don't know what's wrong.
Is Emma still around? I miss her quite a bit. Even though she got me kicked out of college, we still cared about each other.
Amy Heulen Scootaloo. That's your new name.
i'm inimitable
but i have no idea who you are
I just can't with you.
No wonder Lucy thought you were an idiot.
Ian is telling us all in call about how Wish cucked you out of school.
That true?
nah, Florida
All I wanted to do was live my life. I didn't think I ever bothered anybody, sure I'm a bit of an asshole sometimes but that's part of having fun in life, you know? I've had a terrible fucking life as it is, I've worked my ass off to get where I am and I was still working my fucking ass off every damn day, and even though it seemed hopeless I had never given up hope, until now.
This is just too much, way too much for me to handle.
Yeah, we all make some stupid mistakes sometimes....and I made mine. But what's important is I was trying to change, I was busting my ass to fix it. I started going to drug counseling, therapy, anything to help me change my ways, you know?
But some bitch who thinks it's funny to ruin lives didn't care, she didn't give a fuck that she was destroying an entire fucking life with what she was doing.
I trusted her, and this is where it got me. Now I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust someone again.
Me and Wish had gotten to know each other quite well outside these threads, become pretty good friends, or so I thought. It was just a charade for what she had planned.
I let my guard down one night, before I had started going to counseling and therapy, back when I still did the stuff. I was pretty fucking stoned one night and like an idiot I video chatted with her while I did the stuff.
She recorded it all, took video and pictures, and sent it as an anonymous email to my dean and the other higher-ups explaining to them how bad of a person I was. The other day when I try going back to my dorm was when it all hit me. They pulled me into his office, and that's when my future was crushed, all because of what she did. Not only kicked out of university, but my parents won't let me stay with them either because they were told by the school, and my parents are 100% against drugs.
And this was all done by someone you all think is oh-so-friendly.
The witch named Wish.
I Wish I had this big of a boner. Maybe you wouldn't be such a retard if you got that degree lol.
>Post pic of GarEE
>Do you think he looks normal
>Guy who never posted before "He looks like he'd shoot up a school"
Doing it once or twice is fine but you just keep doing shit like it. Just stop
I met Wish at AX last year, he's most definitely a guy
Im not dan, if you want you can call me ren
also i know how to make sandwinchess,first bread, next butter, and then jam and cheese, now you put bred again, an now chese, jam and butter again, and finally bread, and if you want you can fry sandwich
Wait ren?
yes, ren
make me a sandwich, i want to eat food that someone made for me
Hre you have
I thought you would have been a good friend of mine who used to post as Fry from years ago. Guess I got my hopes up. Guys who post as Fry are generally pretty chill, though. You want to be friends? I'm GarEE, the king of these threads.
Lucy is one sexy FINE piece of ass.
You live near Nezi and Tracer? You should hang out with them sometime, dude. I would totally take the opportunity to meet up with some posters if anyone lived near me.
So I'm magically supposed to know what instances you're speaking about, AND know that the Emma YOU met was a guy? Come on, man. You're reaching for straws. You're playing out your hate. Let the past go and move on.
I like you already, Ren. You're the new upgraded version of Dan. Dan 2.0, aka Ren. Where are you from, Ren?
thank you friend! it looks very delicious, thank you for not taking off your pants and trying to make me eat your penis btw, people seem eager to want their dicks eaten
i do recall that name.
i'm not caught up on thread lore though so i'm not sure whether i'm supposed to like or hate you.
anyway i'm Eisen. we probably talked before.
Im from the mexico, but im sexully identified as australia even if autralia dont exist
thats hot dog, my penis is not that large
Hey, I didn't ask you to eat my dick, either. I just called you a sexy gay fuck.
EISEN!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, I can't believe you don't remember me!
We used to talk all the damn time. How the FUCK have you been, man????
You're from the mexico? Tell me about Mexico. I was thinking about taking a vacation down there. I wanted to snort some mexican cocaine with some guys who don't even speak english.
No, not "magically". If you don't realize how you've been acting is not great then that's your problem, not mine
wow that's kind of sad but i think there are people that like small dicks so don't feel too down about it
you havent yet but you will eventually i just know it, you seem like you would
Mexico has good food, but its prety danerous, and if persons know that youre foreign the probably gonna try steal you
also mexico has good women but sligtly black
what do you mean?
you'll understand what i meant when you get older