I have an empty place with hardwood floors. What can I quickly buy and throw down on the floor tonight so my girl and I are relatively comfortable and our knees won't get destroyed?
I have an empty place with hardwood floors...
a rug?
What the fuck is even going on with this site anymore. Buy a rug, dude. A fucking rug. There you go, problem solved completely and without need for further thought.
One of those big foam workout mats
you type like a redditor pushing 40. you're also a virgin who has never experienced rugburns
You sound like a fucking retard who has to ask the Internet to answer your retard questions
Only a virgin redditor would think there is exactly one type of rug in existence. Don’t fuck that dude too hard or you’ll burn your weewee too.
Mattress foam
struck a nerve because it's true. virgin confirmed
You can find them cheep some places and you will end up putting them to good use anyway
2 cheap 9 $ yoga mats you just rool them back up wen thare not being uesed
just put a bunch of magazines on the floor
A mattress?
does your girl know that you live in a box.
How do you afford a place and not afford furniture
Is this a serious fucking question?
>you type like a redditor pushing 40
You got REKT, kek
Translation of this post:
"GUYS! I'm having sex tonight. With a girl!
I want to hear your thoughts on this. Validate me. Congratulate me. Be jealous.
I love attention. Pay attention to me."
user i only come here to make myself feel better. call them faggits and move on. this place has become real good for this. real confidence boost kek
A bed
>Translation of every post on Yea Forums
fixed that for you
Nailed it.
Just fuck her standing up? Too soy to lift her? or perhaps she is simply too ham?
Sounds more like a group of Alpha Queers are running a train on OP and his "girlfriend."
>kneepads, faggot, get kneepads.
I kek’d, user
Also, a pillow? Or a towel?
you can get an air mattress at target for like 25 bucks or something
if you're fucking in an uncomfortable room and you don't have an obvious solution then the obvious solution is fuck in a comfortable position. experimentation is healthy and you might find something you like you didn't see in a video
sauce pl0x