"What a bunch of immature children. I want you to panic, bitch. I want you to feel the fear of my power. Oh...

"What a bunch of immature children. I want you to panic, bitch. I want you to feel the fear of my power. Oh..... youre gonna dance for me, sissy, one way or the other. Fuck outta here, pleb, before I shove my fist so far up your ass youll be shitting George Orwell novels and press-on nails for days. KYS pussy."

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Rule 34 on Greta?

>the environment is a ridiculously complex series of interwoven geopolitical and financial issues etc...
>mebbe a celebrities kid with Aspergers can teach us a thing or two
>every single atom of available derp has been allocated to this concept

Smug little cunt.


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if you cant handle the environment at its worst then you dont deserve the environment at its best. id dom you so rough, faggot, youll think its a snuff film.

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umm... okay...

i didn't mention anything about the environment -- i don't really give a shit

but i'd fuck her 16yo cunt red raw

Fetal alcohol syndrome

them polluted genes

You are an immature little boy. Dont panic. But go ahead and panic. Ill crucify your balls to a remote tree in the forest and piss on your face while using a cheese grater on that sorry excuse for a penis that almost qualifies as a clit, bitch.

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gais we need to have a world summit on that island where they tried to do fyrefestival.

we need 2.4 million dollars and a billion dollar yacht. We'll use roughly a small cities worth of carbon emissions and have a little fun on the side but we'll talk about them environments for a few hours.

Don{t make me slap you right now you complete tool.

you're a very strange individual indeed

Can AOC use Uber to get from tent to tent?

not really hes just a displaced reddit pedo. Came here when his little circle jerk got busted

ughh goblin's haemorrhoid /10

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if by uber you mean helicopters then yes. Oh ha ha don't worry about the helicopters burning those horrible fossil fuels. We have 49 diesel generators on island that charge the helicopters batteries. Once depleted the environmentally friendly Nickel Polonium Mercury Acid batteries will be deposited into the ocean. Each battery has a coconut tree seed!

anything else and ill scissor thigh crush your incel brain out into the street and squirt in your neck.

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excellent. excellent. and there will be plenty of mirrors placed strategically throughout the festival grounds for Beto, correct?

Me first ya slagjawed frog princess

yes! and hired actors to speak to him in an exaggerated Italian american accent

that's kinda hot, tbh

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O please she is a slave owned by George Soros

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i got lowkey diamonds too

Hasan Parker, Cenk Uygurs from The Young Turks nephew, just livestreamed that America deserved 9/11.


DO not watch this just dont do it

nothing new

has she got to America yet ?

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absolutely wonderful, youre a saint, you really are. One last thing, theres a 5x5 of Joseph Stalins picture on Bernies nightstand , yes?

yep landed their billion dollar yacht and now flying people from across the world to return the yacht so she can take a 35,000.00 private international flight back when its over.

such environment

Oh my I hope you mean everyone's night stand. You can even take it with you when you leave

Yeah but its a handy barometer to see which craven politicians jump on her band wagon


nah its 1,000,000 gallons of diesel

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lol they dumped their garbage and sewage into the ocean.

the level of environmentalism is incredible

Take a look at sophs version its hilarious

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Just remember though, betos must be a picture of himself. And Warren has asked that instead of a picture, shed rather opt for the dreamcatcher instead.

She is damm right. 6000 years ago Sahara was green. And look at it now

jesus christ that kid has a mouth on her

dinosaurs didn't give a fuck about their environment and look what happened to them

we were attempting to find an original hopi indian dream catcher but settled for one from hot topic. We figured she wouldn't mind/know

she spews only the truth.

Yeah beyond her years somewhat check out the islam vid (which got her banned from youtube)


gotcha I will check it out. I love soph, her old videos were also awesome too.


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No she wont notice. You could probably just tie a bunch of random shoe strings around a dead squirrel tbh. maybe shove a feather up the squirrels ass but either way.

To busy.

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Hurr durr y u dont eat maggots to save the planet

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yeah i only came across her recently but it warms an old guys heart to know there are still kids like her in the world

She's a puppet for a corporation that fucks up the world. Also why are people making a big deal over a kid? If you let yourself get lectured by a kid, shame on you.

Good kid stick it to them fuckers

the squirrels have no faith in her policy and refuse to take part

Thank her parents as well. She is what happens when you show kids the truth. The establishment says that they become traumatized. All bullshit

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I mean it's a good thing that someone is still talking shit.
But she can't go outside because it's so hot she would die.

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she's that result of "muh childrens" mentality taken waaaaaay too far.

kinda like letting emma watson speak on world peace when she's just a mediocre actor

Yup phrases like "gays will never know true love like between a heterosexual couple" may be well and truly out of fashion but its just stating the facts

Yeah she should not try and make the planet more livable.

How dare her.

and a drunk

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As opposed to all the healthy straight relationships?

You can't prove someone is a drunk because they pantomimed drinking a beer in a photo.

but one of them is her dad

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talking about something and using a fuck ton of energy to do it is a net negative on the environment.

I guess she wont fuck that one, then.

Yeah man. Going to America.

We're fucked.


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even if you dont believe in god the stream of love is Sun (God) Man to Woman to Children. Look its that slave they told us about every day

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she drinks so much she destroyed the enamel on her teeth. My friend was PTSD addled from Iraq and it took him almost 10 years to get to that point.

>ITT a bunch of chimps.

Dude look at all the costumes.

even better

How do you know that? Are you fucking magically intune with hot actresses?

or y'know stay where you are and make a youtube video or telecom it

true and to be fair she is a really good drunk but she had her friends worried for awhile

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Then she's a fucking hero. I see.

You're fat.

using the term "hot" a bit incorrectly there but with some simple googling you'll have your answer. Though since google is backpeddling its censorship at the cyclic rate its kinda hard to find anything atm

I used to date her when we were kids.

Stop making shit up.

if you say so pedo

behold your future yank the next Dem government will be a game changer

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She's a result of using kids to further your agenda. It's pretty low.

oh fug here come the foreign /pol/tards to fuck up the thread


never said that she often goes to the bar where my sister in law is manager

now this is made up

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She has a lot of facial characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome

Mods, shut this thread down, immediately!

shes a card carrying aspie

you didnt know that George is the anti Christ ?


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considering he's about 135 years old that may have some truth


Nah come to think of it no one is supposed to suspect the anti christ so it cant be
Tony blair
bill clinton
jay z

Richard Simmons is the anti-christ.

Her in britbong its more of a uniform so we can know who is who like these 2 i know exactly the score before i get near them

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ah but you suspect him so he cant be its gotta be someone that no one suspects

they look like they smell like pee

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it's all so tiresome

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nah they will smell of weed nicotine whatever cheap perfume is the latest craze and you can fuck them by convincing them that you arent interested

shit nigga sign me the fuck up. No wait i mean i want nothing to do with these hoes...?

the really weird thing is this girl is totally the other end of the spectrum rich as fuck went to private school but sticks her ass at you just like they would

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fucking hell. I'm gonna find me an autistic kid to argue for the hearing protection act so we can all have easier suppressors.

>Oi gubnuh! u wan tam dim dong on the bim bang!? ho ho ho wit dem ambalananoopinbom on the dim tom innit!?

you leave our cops out of this

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serious question though. Why are people listening to a literal retard about climate change? Do people not have a better representative than this?

because George is paying out big time to get lots of media coverage

i feel like i'm taking crazy pill.

she's an actual factual scientifically proven mentally deficit person but people are listening to her speak.

this... were all... i mean i think... I want off of this ride

Never laughed so hard

she's a raciss white male user

You thought reality tv presidents would be the end of it ? welcome to the thunder dome

Yeah it's only a matter of time before we start putting brawndo on our crops to prevent global warming

well at least it wasn't a female mafia don. I can only imagine what sort of comic book level shit we'd see

Yeah she is a one off watch her other stuff "gay pride fudge fest" is just poetry

you disrespecting a follower of ma ha mood ?

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no NO!

bad foreigner stay on /pol/

way darker that that i suspect

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And what’s the problem ?

I love the content


no i wont go back too many Greenland jokes and some of the weren't mine

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I will and I’m happy to have found that content
I love it my future kids will be the same

He’s a racist bigot Nazi !!!!!


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you have to go back this is Yea Forums

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i seriously doubt that soph is a Dem

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Indeed I’m a white Male and German to
So boohoo I was born being a Facist and I’m proud of it
Für den Führer und mein Vaterland
Blut & Ehre

Ok but not until the Greenland jokes tail off

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That comment was meant for the other guy

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oi vey a spot the jew thread ?

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scared of a little 34. pussy

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And that very same cross grew up to be anne frank

more tea ?

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you ever looked through any other boards? some can be pretty interesting. If youre one of those guys who posts the anti-2A stuff you should post it there

all hot minus the niggers.
Where's the US btw?

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jesus fuck i meant post it on /k/



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I don't think the US existed for this metaphor. If anything she would have been a dirty angry loli fighting indians and the french

sometimes i have a shufti but mostly i frequent the brit threads on pol and b

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Daddy isnt home yet..

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There were nudes of this chick going around. What happened to them?

Happened a few weeks ago in Poland during an LGBT whatever march
He said he couldn’t live with the fact they marched through the streets it’s against his beliefs

you left the club no queen lizzie the second for you

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Oy oi

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as an american.
that's pretty hot, I'd like to see that lmao.
lol =(

Poles are mostly good lads (plenty of them here in England) they dont do the modern hug a lgbt thing

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Somebody please draw this

Most of them are decent people they try to resist the modern SJW bullshit but one Pole broke into my home so fuck em


Eins of truth

Yeah some of them are a bit too pikey but most work and are way better than blacks pakis etc

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you nave any idea wtf is going on here ?

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>spend years busting my ass in college
>work under the smartest people i can find for years
>experiment with theory after theory
>finally come up with a method to recycle complex plastics into biodiesel
>watch on TV as a literally aspergers kid gets more respect than me
>elon musk says he'll fund my research if i let him call it something stupid and suck his dick

A mistake that was almost fixed?

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keep the faith user

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An ol goy taming spell called 'cleansing the livestock'


really ?

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i mean it i know this produces mixed feelings but i know we can depend on you yo do the right thing

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Get your fuck you Greta bumper stickers! Make sure to put them above exhaust pipes.

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this ones the most fuckable

That’s not even a question of course a European will always be better then some Nigger or other shitskin

Wizardry ma dude that’s why the holohoax needed to happen

The Judenstern is placed wrongly please fix that

Thanks for the red pewdipill user