Does psychopathy make you attractive to women?

Does psychopathy make you attractive to women?

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No, most are incels. Sociopaths can be persuasive but Ted Bundy was also good looking. Thats how he lured so many women to their doom.

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About as much as having a micro penis does

>women want the big dick
Nice meme

Women are attracted to the guys that don’t give a fuck about them. And even most of the normal people have a hard time suppressing that urge/desire to mate.
Psycopaths and sociopaths don’t care and are incapable of giving a fuck about you and your opinions, therefore it’s easier to give just the right amount of attention to get what you want from most any bitch.

psychopathy is a respectable job for a person to have. are you a therapist?

>the rapist

"Dark triad-
The dark triad is a subject in psychology that focuses on three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Use of the term "dark" implies that people possessing these traits have malevolent qualities."

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No, but fame does.

And really he was really intelligent from what I heard

G _ l _ i _

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Ted Bundy was pretty much the stereotypical movie psychopath. Intelligent, charming, extremely manipulative and somewhat good-looking (though hardly handsome as some have described him, his charm and self-confidence is what made women gravitate towards him).

Most psychopaths are either in prison, or living fairly normal lives. Some end up as mass shooters.

In a way I hope so and in another way I do not

And funny. Not many like him.

Yeah, it does. You’ll have women piling up in your basement in no time!

when the two surviving victims were asked why they got into his car. both responses were along the lines of

>" I don't know, he was just good looking"

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Certain types of women, yes. The kinds you want to avoid.

I have a persona that can be described this way. It's not really me as much as my demeanor, but I'd say it attracts a demographic of women. I can't really place a pattern on them, but I'm also funny so idk.

I forget the guy's name, but there was/is this researcher dude who went around interviewing as many serial killers as would talk to him, trying to find some kind of common ground or whatever. Anyway, he said that Bundy could keep his shit together for about half an hour, and during that time he'd be the coolest hang you ever had. After that, though, he'd start to wear around the edges and you could see the real monster start peeking out. Said it was the same with his handwriting-- a couple of pages of the best penmanship you ever saw, clear and concise wording, well considered arguments, then it'd slowly start to fall apart. That always stuck with me, that these guys can only ever fake being normal for a limited time before they start to give themselves away, almost like some kind of fairytale monsters.

Not if I'm anything to go by.

This guy nailed it. I’m just gonna add that actual sociopaths are pretty rare. It’s the complete confidence that women are attracted to bc naturally women have low self esteem, lack decision making abilities and have low confidence (average woman). Within a few months they will be getting the shit beat out of them and cheated on regularly. I’ve been in and out of prison quite a bit and have come across a lot of genuine sociopaths that meet the criteria to a T. Most of them are in fact VERY charismatic and persuasive.