Pinkys daily blog post #8

Same as always yadayada come here if you wanna about anything you want.
I'm getting fucking cigs.

Attached: next time fuckers.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread: yada yada

what's yadayada

are u the german one? if yes then something like bla bla

i went to mont saint-michel today and pet a seagull
ps: smoking is bad for u


oh ok is it austrina? sounds a bit like it's from some sandn*gger language lol

I don't care i'll be dead before I even get lung cancer

no yadayada is englisch yada yada

good morning sunshine
ssss......sssssmonking is bade ffor u...
dubs! wooh!

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do you have some other disease?

I do drugs every day.
I'll get a heartattack or something before i'm 30 lole

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fren.... dond say dat kind ob stuff...

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like I care soooooooooooooooooo i'm getting high rn

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It's depression. The only people who get fucked up every day or those living in despair.

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absolutely right
fuck life loleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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boo hoo muh life so hard babby wanna bottle

i care fren...
dubs! wooh!
id'lel b ok fren.... taeky caer ob babys is easy 1ce u nno how..... ur parents had tto lrn how tto raise u uno...

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 25 - Hitoribotchi no natsuyasumi [WinxBloom1980][A0ECFB02].mp4_snapshot_24. (960x720, 507K)

I hope you feel better after you get to start seeing your psychiatrist again in October. Shame it has to take so long.

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you take drugs because youre depressed and youre depressed because you take drugs. it seems to me you take something out of the equation and youre happy again


I think i'm going to end myself before that.
I had a fight with my friend and now i'm living behind the wall again and only 2weeks made me already fucked up give me 1month and i'm hanging from my door. Also been to psych 3years before and same as always. Even tried twice to kms while getting therapy.
Yes and cutteee diaper too please

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You take drugs because you're depressed so you're not depressed anymore after the drug wears off you take more to don't feel depressed again.

I'm watching Doremi makes me even more suicidal haha lole

What were you fighting about?

id maed me RLY sade but id loleso gabe me alot ob hoep ffor life
i love u fren... i rly hoep u enjoy urslelf...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.04.[640x480].[912823AA].v2.mkv_snapshot_06.51_[2017.07.08_10.44.07].png (640x480, 516K)

fren pls dond talk liek dat... pls try tto nod talk abou ur own s*icide eben as a joek..

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.04.[640x480].[912823AA].v2.mkv_snapshot_08.19_[2017.07.08_10.46.13].png (640x480, 351K)

mind your own fucking business that cunt probably reads it and can go and fuck himself

Do you think attempting suicide is a joke you fucking mupped and why the heck would someone killing himself give you more hope what the fuck

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I'm bored of this shit board i'm going back to /r9k/ and Yea Forums
goodbye you absolute monks.

dats nod wut i ment... i mean EBEN as a joek... bcuz.... ids rly easy tto maek morbid joeks liek dat...... ann loleso... doremi gabe me alot ob hope bcuz ob how down-2-earth id wuz... id wuz sade wid ids massage but id maed id bury beliebablel..

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.02.[640x480].[3C275406].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_14.23_[2017.07.06_03.38.03].png (640x480, 375K)

dubs! wooh!
pls dond ggo fren...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.02.[640x480].[3C275406].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_17.21_[2017.07.06_21.19.22].png (640x480, 416K)

You wanna see my fat wrist cut you absolute cunt.
inb4 cry for help I just watched to many movies and thought it'd would as easy like that

Shuddup idit got it ya punk ass bich?

Can mods delete this thread

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"treid to kill self twice"

niga you fukin failed at killing yourself lollle twice lmao. fukin failure

I watched it it's not sad it's your basic magical girl anime... for depressed losers.
Really sad things are The Wall, Taxi Driver or Apocalypse Now because they actually deal with real life problems and not some education for a toddler like uhhh yeah life can be hard sometimes but you have your friends well I don't have any and never had so fuck this show it's boring

Pink wants to talk but he feels vulnerable. Then he pushes people away. I hope you get to the root cause of your depression Pink. I hope you feel better. I wish you luck fren.

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Then go and try too you fag.
Also our body is pretty good at keeping as alive

I'm fucking off now.
I'm gonna try to delete this thread but if it's not working be the most cunt on this board you've ever been.
Goodbye faggots

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i wudnt call u mean thinks fren....
i dond wanna hurt u or encourage u tto b moar sade i jus wan chu tto hab a nice life..
id builds up tto ids sadeness... ann u hab frens, fren... im ur fren...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.34.[640x480].[1C2C29B8].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_10.42_[2017.08.07_10.58.19].jpg (640x480, 196K)

Time to get #DoremiposterBodyCount trending on twitter

Short blog today.

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some guy who talks one like a toddler on the internet.
I'm talking about real friends not this delusion of being friends

we cud work on beign better frens... i udderstan were nod all dat cloes yet... i wudnt mind growign closer tto u fren...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.17.[640x480].[80CC52C2].v2.mkv_snapshot_07.02_[2017.07.21_11.19.57].png (640x480, 607K)

Cheer up friend. Things will get better.

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i hoep sso...!
im goign tto bed... thamku ffor beign my fren pink.... i appreciaet u alot

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Openly talks about personal life.
>What were you fighting about?
mind your own fucking business
What's the fucking point?

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fuck all of you

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That's what you get when you're "friends" with a mentall ill drug abuser! It's a wild ride kiddies, and it's almost certainly going to crash. But yeah, I'm sure you're childish platitudes will help lOLllelele

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