What causes this?

What causes this?

Attached: iq5-580x381.jpg (580x381, 36K)

Social-economic factors.

Distribution of wealth. Look up redlining and the history of housing. Blacks started way behind the starting line compared to whites

Truth dubs
Inb4 the racism

30-40 year old statistics?

Well lets look at an American time line. Slavery was only really abolished in 1865, but even then we had the Jim Crow era garbage and the Civil Rights movement. If you think the racist people in power became not racist after 1954 you're adorable naive. The rich people taught their kids the same shitty value and while not all of them took it to heart we still have people in power who want to push the southern values from the 50.

There are also things that obscure true IQ statistics, even then IQ is a garbage system to measure intelligence.

Attached: Slavery time line.png (1667x1667, 32K)

This should include the current mass incarceration trend

This is now a get thread.


Social-economic factors, distribution of wealth, racism and slavery.

iq tests are nonsense, and that's coming from an white guy that did very well on his.

Culture. Blacks in the US:
>have generally single-parent households
>glorify thugs
>ridicule intelligence
>listen to shit-tier garbage instead of music, that reinforces horrible behavior
>embrace victimhood and are dependent on welfare
Yeah, some of this is caused by historically racist institutions. The Democratic party, in particular, had huge incentives to victimize blacks in the US-- convince them that they have no agency, keep them dependent on welfare, normalize their shit-tier culture. All this keeps them voting democrat, and keeps them somewhat oppressed.

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years" -Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democratic POTUS, 1963

I don’t think slavery is what makes blacks genetically stupid

Ethnic biases on the test

A mixture of genetics, culture and economic factors.

Dems ruin everything

African (American) breed in an extremely small pool, usually the same city, same block, same hood, same gang/tribe, and often even in the same family because everybody is closely related. This is causing huge levels of inbreeding. They are inherently dumb and primitive. They could not help it even if they wanted to. It is passed on from generation to generation. It is the result of dozens of generations of selective breeding. There are intelligent black people but those are rare exceptions or even accidental mutations because when it happens usually only one of all siblings is intelligent and the offspring of the intelligent black person are usually again dumb even when mixing with caucasians.

Attached: 1560507512536.jpg (470x480, 75K)

all that slavery we did. keeping the nogs from doing anything while we've been busy running this bitch. we knew their real worth back then.

Killing off the Neanderthals was difficult and the process selected for the smartest Caucasians while killing off the dumbest. Africans did not participate and therefore did not gain genetically.


I'll make this really simple for all the retards.
>Why are blacks so "dumb"
They're not dumb in its purest sense. A majority of them simply lack the ability to abstract. They're "dumb" for the same reason Asians are "smart."
>And that is?
Necessity. To gauge a people's intelligence, look at the diet they evolved with. The reason Asians are smart is because they grew rice. To grow rice, you need to closely monitor the amount of water the crops are getting. You need a good sense of time. You need to be prepared for the potential of bad harvest by saving up from the good ones. Compared to corn and potatoes, rice is a very difficult crop to grow that requires a lot of precision.
Asians are smart because intelligence was needed to produce their main food source. Cause, you know, they'd starve without it.
>So why are blacks dumb?
In sub-Saharan Africa, everything is edible. Before the western induced population boom, they didn't even need farming. They would just go to a tree and grab their lunch, any time of the year. They didn't need any form of abstract thinking. No concept of the future. It didn't matter. "Now" was all that mattered because it was always the same.
Blacks aren't "dumb." If they were dumb, there wouldn't be any blacks since they would have died out. They just had their own way of living, which they were quite well adapted to. But that way didn't involve preparation, mathematics, irrigation, insulation. Their only concerns were immediate threats, and it's no wonder they preform poorly in a world where you have to account for so many more variables. They're only dumb en masse under a first world lens. Living with the conditions they evolved especially for over the past few million years, they do great. But if you put a salamander in the desert, it's gonna get fucked.

based and redpilled