Negroid question

Negroid question

Question: why do nigs keep calling themselves Kings & Queens etc. I am (fortunately) not from Niggerland USA so dont interact with them to ask, but why are they obsessed with it.

Was there kings and Queens in Africa.? What is it they are trying do say. There can only be 1 king or Queen per country so how can they all be kings?

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Because they watched the black panther and suddenly think they’re special

Even if they where they have definitely fell from Grace. That's like Mongolians repping gangas Kahn.

They all think they were tribal kings and queens before the white man came and made slaves of them. They refuse to believe that the real tribal kings and queens got rich by selling the people they didn't want to the arabs who sold them to jews who sold them to white people as slaves.

If we are talking black africa, which excludes north africa and Egypt, there were often kingdoms and even some major big kingdoms. Obviously due to the geopraphy and situation they were never as centralized and advanced as european or asian kingdoms they still were pretty sofisticated when it came to trade, arts and philosophy, although most of it has been lost.

The most notable kingdoms would be the Sub Saharan kingdoms of Mali and Songhai, the eastern horn kingdoms like Ethiopia (which was actually an empire and not a kingdom) and the Swahilli kingdom.

Did they invent anything
did they have a written culture?

Nope, vast lands of mud huts
sophisticated my left ball

Same reason some white people call their kind the "master race"... to prop themselves up a feel they are more than the simple world citizen they are. This seems like a question so simple that it doesn't need asking.

Egypt is frequently called "Land of Kings" "Valley of Kings" etc. Egypt is in Northern Africa. Africa is black. Ergo Egyptians were/are black, and so blacks "were kangs".

Shee there's this word your using, was.

literally because of polygyny

>tribal social structure
>limited resources because live like animals, have almost no technology
>because no technological advantage, all resource accumulation is done by human labor
>anyone who can exploit other people around them has a material advantage
>anyone with a material advantage can support more wives
>people who can exploit the people around them have the most children
>these people are de facto royalty because of their status in the tribe
thus you have the lazy, niggardly, dishonest, theiving and entitled behavior of the modern nigger.

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Adjusting for inflation they had the richest guy ever. Mansa Musa would be worth $400 billion in today's money.

Seriously I have been to nigger fb groups to see how the behave and this is the root of their delusions. They go back in time and cling to the theory that since life originated from africa, everyone else is an inferior copy of the black man. Everyone copied them and the white man tricked them and enslaved them and prevented them for "global domination". If you mention something cultural, scientific etc they will come up with theories how the ancient niggers first invented/created it but they will NEVER give internet sause because there is none, and always say that this kind of "knawledge" cant be found on the internet

Well Superior people can't be tricked, the Germans learned that the hard way as well

Also due to the "first human species" on earth arguement, they think they cant be racist(even if they say radical stuff) because they are the first people. They also believe in spirits and shit, they think they can communicate with their ancestors, and think that their very existence as a human being is to get every black "woke" and reclaim their old kingdom in the earth that has been stolen by the "ebol whait mon". I shit you not mates, I have found pretty ridiculous findings in my ebonian research. Black panther has infected the radical nigger mind

>Black panther has infected the radical nigger mind

nah, they were always like that

Yeah but now they feel empowered and spread their bullshit publicly, and sjws trannies and faggots support their delusional cause for an impossible blacked future

BB King
Queen Lahtifah
Duke Ellington
Count Basie

It’s a black think for bling

It’s an expression you idiot

Your favorite search engine will be more helpful (and truthful) than the collection of racist btards

If such info was lost, how can that be proof of “sophistication”, or proof of anything, for that matter.

most hilarious question of the day
hav eyou ever heard of inferiority complex?


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Nigga, please...

see where peace gets you in the ghetto. It's victimizing the weak that make the strong successful

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Only because he had a shit tonne of gold. It's not like he revolutionized industry or some shit.




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Egyptians weren't black tho.. they were Arab lol, and they royalty was all light skinned and used makeup to make themselves lighter.. as dark skin made you look like a peasant or slave

Oddly enough, he was also one of the biggest slavers in history.

You should probably go meet a regular black person. I doubt 90% of the people in this thread have had any sort of conversation with any person of color. It's like you only reading the neo nazi and ultra liberal pages and assuming all white Americans a fat feminists or skinheads

Those people are racist white people. Not really relevant to this conversation but thanks for your input

Behold.. your future “King” on his throne.. lmao, I honestly wish they’d send all niggers back to Africa to rot and die on their shit continent get them out of the Western Hemisphere ASAP please

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Although this is proven false, this is what the nigs believe

The "WE WUZ KANGZ" thing is to do with the unfounded belief that the ancient egyptians were black

>.gg/EMFvMsh )