Genius got like 9 years for that
Hey, he got laid.
That dog's dick has to be mangled beyond any future use
I read an article on this. Woulda been like 4 years but he commuted the assault in front of minors so they tacked on an extra 5 years. Kek.
why did i take that shitskin so long to chain that dog. what a pansy
Little bastard should have gotten the electric chair for attempted murder. fucker is gonna live like a king in juvie jail and just be even more dangerous and out of control when he gets out. Little POS
Always Asian.
did he dead?
Nigs gonna nog
I haven't seen this is ages
what a miserable way to go.
Holy shite the dude walked away
>A forklift driver was cruising down an aisle in a warehouse in Shropshire, England when he bumped into one of the shelves. Moments after, the shelf collapsed on top of the forklift and caused a domino effect.
>In just seconds, nearly every shelf in the warehouse was brought down and the worker was caught underneath it all. Miraculously, he was uninjured.
>It took rescue teams nearly eight hours to dig through the thousands of tons of cheese stored in the warehouse, but they eventually pulled Tomasz Wiszniewski from the mess. They believe he was saved by staying in the forklift during the mayhem.
Is there an extended edition? post more rodent rekts
lmao white boi dropped like a tin of bricks lmao pussy
What a shit thread.
SMH, didn't even go for the elevator door fatality
incel uprising: pupper edition
meh to shit tier thread so far. post moar
If I do will it make this thread better?
fake and gay
why dont you post something better instead of bitching
Bees are definitely real.
I honestly hope a fucking meteor hits this planet and kills us all
lol me too man imagine telling your kids about that shit
Providing he didn't suffocate he should have been ok.
is he ok?
>chinks vs. giant hornets
My money is on the hornets every fucking time.
How can you even construct something so poorly?!
Nope, pure stupidity.
thank allah
W00t dead nigger
fake by libtards
it is actually a hate crime - against conservatives
>rekt thread is die
fucking fags wont post even if they had a mossberg at their head. rip thread
Awww, poor conservatives.
>No exit wound
nah. just saying liberal hypocrites deserve extermination.
That's no fun.
Hell I would of sued. He barely bumped it and everything went down so they where either overloading the shelves or not properly put together. So either they told him to stack that much or managers an idiot either way definitely a work Hazzard. What would have happened if some one bumped it with a hand jack?
You know what's funny about conservatives. They hate Muslims yet they basically have the same beliefs. There closest allies would be Saudis and Iranians who are driven by pure belief in wrong facts
Crazy how he instantly became unrecognizable.
Goes to show what happens when your skull gets rearranged in an instant
It was fake made by some liberal faggots.
If it was real then nothing of value was lost.
Fake and gayed by cnn.
Kinda looks like Arseface. Same method, too.
arseface region 4 used a swordfish head
and a swordfish the movie setting was used
no joke!
Why the fuck does he take 3 shots...? The jobs pretty much done on the first one...
You are a piece of shit, user. Do you find abusing helpless animals funny? Did you giggle when you saw this mouse chained up? What about when its penis was cut off and you could see the fear in its eyes as it struggled in pain? Is that really what you find amusing or entertaining? If so, you need to take a long look into the mirror and reevaluate your life. Being edgy on the internet for attention or laughs is one of the most pathetic things a person can do and reeks of a mental deficiency. I highly doubt you would behave this way in real life or want people you associate with to know you like this kind of stuff, so why bother at all? If you can't control your urges, check into a mental hospital or get therapy.
The person who actually committed this act is the lowest of the low. Worse than niggers who cheat the system and drain tax payer dollars. Worse than inbred rednecks who think car racing is a sport. Worse than furries who jack off to anthropomorphic animals. Worse than skinhead pussies who think they're real nazis. Worse than violent arabs who blow themselves and others up over a fictional book. Really, the only person worse than an animal abuser is a pedophile in my mind because that is also hurting a defenseless creature, although they are human.
If I had it my way you and the woman in this video would be stoned to death and left on the ground to decompose - no burial would be permitted, Antigone style. You honestly don't deserve to exist in our society and i think that you know this deep down. I dare you to share this with your co-workers, spouse, friends, relatives, etc and see what they have to say. Will they be like "LOL user that was funny tell those peta faggots to chill or go back to tumblr" or would they look at you with a disgusted look on their face and say "That was disgusting user, why the fuck do you have this video?" We both know what the answer is and that you won't actually take me up my offer because you're a faggot.
kek owned
have fun being someones bitch in jail boy
is that copypasta or a genuine newfag?
Piss the fuck off
not the actual ending
And thats how it should stay.
try again faggot
lol stupid faggot
>i'll take the bait
what the fuck do you think faggot?
God gooks are disgusting.
now that lil nig is some big nigs pocket pussy for the next decade... keep it real nigga
What kind of weapon/ammunition is this?
I agree, we should kill as many as we can because FUCK EM whiny little bitch boi crybabies
Exited out his mouth
Chinks gonna chink
What's the evolutionary reason behind the knot? It makes no sense whatsoever that an animal should be this vulnerable right after spreading their genes.
I'm assuming it's a cross bow. You can almost see it before it hits. But I could be wrong.
Why are mudslims so weak? If it's not with a bomb attached to their bodies, they couldn't kill anyone
To be fair I'd be pretty cheesed off too
i invented that phrase by the way.
Sauce? What's the story?
I am fapping to this maccabre death!
100% its a bow
Looks like dude clipped the jug and got the heart
Dropped that thing in a few seconds flat
That is a perfect shot. Really impressive and as humane as you can kill anything
You know how you spot who isn't up to speed yet?
They usually don't get conservatives and think it is still cool to be a liberal in public. Guess what faggot, it isn't. People are sick to DEATH of woke feminism's hypocrisy. No one cares. No one wants to hear it anymore. We all know who has been pedaling the victim culture in the West and the loudest narrative isn't coming from the Right.
Wake the fuck up or the left will die.
we lost a lot of good beer that day
Gake and fay kys faggot
It's too late. They made their bed, now they're gonna have to lay in it.
Nice quads
Agreed. Couldn't agree more. I don't think all the corporate weight of social media is going to sway a democratic victory. Everyone hates the femicrats so much.
Good, glad the stupid nibba in off the streets
That is terribly and consciously mislabeled. They hit a set of power lines with that metal scaffold
dude that fucking sucks XD poor dog getting his ass whopped and drug by the dick XD
>It makes no sense whatsoever
Yes it does
They pushed their luck
>accept gays
>ok now accept trannies
>ok now accept pedophiles
Should've just left well enough alone. But they had to keep up their constant attacks on whites, men and heterosexuality. Now, the only solution is the rope.
Drug by the pussy*
Thank you for pointing that out.
You know you're in a shithole country when packs of wild scavenging dogs are literally a serious problem.
>121 replies
>32 images
shit rekt thread.
I would say his eyes swelled shut but honestly I can't even tell
??? broke her legs????
how u watch webm on iiphone?
I FUCKING hate Josh Koscheck! I'm glad he got his brain rattled!
Liberals faking a hanging.
you cant.
You ever been hit with brass knuckles? I'm willing to bet you'd drop like a sack of shit too. That fucking nig is a sucker-punching coward and by far the biggest pussy in that video. Hope his is turned into a wind sock in prison.
Jumped. Did some flips. Broke legs.
is there any way someone can change these isis vids and place nazis and jew in them. i think they would be kinda cool to look at
Satirical representation of life of a beta that got pussy that one time
Skate or Die: Nigger Edition
Literally google "nigger punches kid with brass knuckles"
Perhaps I'm just messed up (possible given I'm in Yea Forums) but sometimes I wish humans had a knot. It'd make sex that much more intimate.
>Puppy so cute
Clean kill
Always shaken, never stirred.
This is bait.
>it was a fucking pole
subhuman criminal shit beasts
Every braaap posters dream.
How does it feel knowing Tucker Carlson was removed from Fox recently for his conspiracy theories and racism?
>What's the evolutionary reason behind the knot?
That's not how evolution works.
they tried the "difficult environment" card but then the court realized that all other hood members are non-violent except him.. bad
Epic thread!!!!!11! One post that was new to me.
>ok now accept pedophiles
Literally no one actually says this though. I should know, since I'm a pedo.
It makes more sense to reject faggots and accept pedos instead because they reject nature.
I might be a pedo, but I only want females. I'm attracted to adult females too mostly. Just as nature intended.
As for trannies... just mentally ill faggots.
I don't belong to any party because both sides are fucking retarded. You included if you really believe anyone in the real world actually is advocating for accepting pedos. The early femanist movements created the concept of age of consent. They aren't going to dismantle that ever.
No one will ever accept me as I am, and I don't care. I'm very much fucking over it. So like every other pedo you know, I pretend IRL to not be a pedo, "I hate fucking pedos" louder than anyone else, etc.
And I say "like other pedos you know" because you personally know quite a few more than you think. Could be anyone. The ones you read about on the news are just pedos with no fucking self control, the mentally ill, etc. By all means we should cull all mentally ill, retarded, and disabled people - useless baggage that humanity would be stronger without. Obviously I'm not talking old people since they worked their share already. But cull anyone who is merely a burden.
What was the subject again?
Ikr that is on badasss niggah!
just have sex with a dog and you have your knot...
no, it was nerve gas
I'm a straight guy, so I'm not interested in getting anal from a male dog.
yes you are
drops him CLEAN with one punch
this demonstrate the superior power the black man!
they kill him because he is the wrong flavor of muslim
>imagine the smell
My favorite part about this is that the penguin appears to be already covered in shit from the beginning. He must be the filthy toilet boy for the whole flock lmao
Kane Millsaps, 17, hit a 12 year old kid
shitskin immigrants talk a lot of shit, yet THREE of them can't fight a limp-wristed nanlet in a leather jacket.
If anything, they should turn on auto-ban for anyone who posts
...fuck now they have to ban me too!
the white kid was oppressing him!
and they thought asian people were smart and evolved.
dude is like
Hurry up and kick the shit out of these shitskins! I have to get to my floor!
Looks like this thread needs some content.
That's pretty obvious when the first shot is of him dancing with the hive removed and no hornets are around. So uh, what's the real ending?
gerve nas
And so, Ching Chong Mike's drumming career was cut short.
went from samd nibber to Oscar Isaac in a attosecond
That's a big pursed lips inhale from me
You can't cuck the Tuck
Nerve agent dart
Why are they clothed?
He suffered from a minor concussion but other than that's he's fine
That smack on the head after has me dying
Nice one user
Overweight, those racks have a shit weight tolerance. Cheapest ones you can buy. Warehouse i used to work at had em.
Why do they live in a mini mart?
I heard it was nova6 but I don't know for sure
thanks crane
Sad thing is these kids only mean a paycheck to them.
I drive a forklift. It it's starting to topple you stay in the fucking cage as it's the safest place to be.The racking that came directly down on top of him to start with probably saved his life
Kek best one yet.get an Android if serious
Dindu nuffin.
I think I finally realized what he's doing and why he's doing it.
Elaborate please
Someone needs to take this guy DOWN
Fucking missed
Bitch, you on tha cuss bus.
I've got one of those lingering around my property. Waiting for him to do something like this and be caught on CCTV so I can watch him disappear for 20 years-life for being a fucking nigger
There was a kid in the first grade who used to do this. Everyone hated him including the teacher. He'd do it at least once a week. It would always ruin our days because we'd be in the middle of an activity or in class and you'd hear him giggling and grunting and then the smell came. He always wore shorts so there would always be some drip on the carpet or in his chair. We'd be escorted out of the classroom and the janitor would show up and clean up the mess. The kid started using diapers but eventually switched schools before halloween.
one of these babies
Don't know for sure but from what I can guess it's someone with down syndrome or something similar fucking a car.
If a Chinee has Down's syndrome... how can you tell, apart from this?
Wonder what it tastes like
He's retarded and he's raping a car.
He drove around in his car to heat up the engine and is now fucking it because he has a car fetish.
Or it could just be
I've seen so much gore but this fucking disturbed me, more than anything else
He LOL'd his face off.
lol retards normies
I'm guessing he didn't bother showing up for work the next day.
The gas can be seen leaking from the frame that it is stored in... electrocution sends people flying you retarded fuckwits.
This is NERVE GAS, for ffs, for the last time go look it up!
It is like their necks are jizzing
Until it goes... click.
Who needs the Quickie Mart?
Not me!
You sound like a butthurt little faggot
That’s one tough cunt
Thanks lads
This is my son
lol every time whites commit a crime its metal illness and fake like they don't ever do anything wrong yet you little dicked whites love being racist and try to hide from it so you won't get your ass kicked.. sounds like nigger excuses to me.
lol those tomatoes lol.
tomatoes with piss sauce.
Let them in. !
trump supporters.
hit that shit lil nigga.
Brass knucks? Sucker punch?
Bottom bitch status confirmed. Hopefully he got his ass "pink socked" in prison.
you think this kid was racist?
disrespectfully dropping black baby on the fucking floor
imagine the smell
no, this is a perfect picture.
The nigger used brass knuckles against a 12 year old. We all know how things go if they are on equal grounds though
This is the same faggot who ate a live frog. Fucking mutant is missing a hand probably ate it to.
Haha stupid fucking NIGGERS can't fight.
What a gent, he lifted his legs up when he got knocked do The blood goes to his brain.
Im not even a nigga but we both know niggers are generally better fighters than whites. Just because you post a vid of a white person beating a black kid doesnt change the fact.
>black kid
you do realize that is the one that shows a nigger beating an actual kid, right? The nigger in is definitely not a kid though
This bro, thanks for saying something and saving me an essay on why these people are beta cuck faggots. They like to see niggers fuck their wives and get pegged or fucked by a mutilated ladyboy and claim to be open minded because they want to be openly degenerates.
She just started walking again
lmao nigger can't even stand up
fucking subhuman
Your son is a nigger
What about the dude in the foreground?
>The nigger used brass knuckles against a 12 year old
He looks like Steve from stranger things
"I'm just going to step in here and... excuse me can you finish swinging? I'll just get in over here..."
just like these this poor oppressed negro
a picture is worth a 1000 words
how much is a video worth?
can't read?
Making a new hole for his bf to fuck.
you can see him nope the fuck out
niggers are a hit and miss when it comes to fighting. They're pack fighters which means it aint no fun if the homies cant have non. Niggers are pretty pussy by nature but huge cowards and tough around other niggers. They run and fight usually throw wildly in fights and hope it lands. Thats a nigger fighter for you.
i need that nigger getting his dick skinned
Da fuck Is wrong with you sick fuck!
Where did the bullet go? No exit wound?
>Fake af
That you’ve got a lot of morals there, friend
For..what? None of this stuff is illegal, just unpleasant, why come here and scream mods when you can just go to another thread. The more you post in this one saying that you only keep it perpetually alive for longer
Bigger dick than me I think. That bums me out.
Darwinism on display
What a fucking chad lmao
buy drugs, sell drugs at profit
take profit, buy more drugs
he is probably receiving electroshock in an institution now
not all dogs have this much of a problem. It's just like how horses are in terms of one of the worst species to live in an evolutionary term. They exist and reproduce some how and carry on stupid. Just like any other living creature
emo rawrd xd at the wrong gurl UMU
>Do you ever feel like a plastic bag.
it's a blank round dickhead
even without a bullet there is still a bunch of gas and propellant coming out of the barrel at high speed
I just noticed that the guy on the ground asked the dwarf if he was okay and you can see him nod.
It's the white man's fault they can't get ahead
Go back to /pol/ faggot
What the fuck happened here
>dude trys to rob mini mart
>puts gun on table
>cashier fucking shoots himself
Did that sand nigger stand up at the end?!
My goddamn lungs
fucking retard, can you not see the brass fucking knuckles?
I see the power in his swing, it's an amazing thing
>son says he wants to kill himself
>dad tells him to kill himself
>he kills himself
i remember hearing in the news that a pitbull raped a 2year old
My man turned into a static prop from GMOD
Nerve gas again. Wow.
The fact that when niggers commit crimes its considered normal but when a white man does there must be something wrong with him says a lot about how niggers are viewed by everyone else. But I guess thats everyone elses fault, right?
Fuck you
First time in a long time I couldn't finish a vid. Yeesh that was rough.
ah brasil
Why do people do this?Not as in Ethically but what do they get out of it.Its like they see a dead child and their like "OOOHHHH I WONDER WHATS IN INSIDE".
>Also love that filename.
You're an idiot. Applying movie physics to reality
I hope that's not a child?