
Grand humor edition.

Attached: 1565829678508.jpg (537x537, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Okay initiative, too late though, the drawfags left.



Attached: file.png (421x227, 23K)

Dammit. Thanks.
We're jumping ship so maybe they'll come back later?

send me those (You)'s my orbiters

Attached: yo.png (844x490, 14K)

Keep it to the last thread for now bud.


reminder to report sticknigger

U N D E R A G E B &

Keep it in last thread. Ignore him until he pokes his head out agai

report him and get him banned for being underage

How're those bi-polar depression meds been treating you today?

I did, now let's have a Stable thread for fucking once.

im bout to get a new playstation with these (You)'s im getting thanks lads

Attached: (you).png (844x490, 16K)

we can't so long as the bi-polar kid is here

>underage b&

Attached: file.png (481x347, 48K)

16 posts, 4 posters.... someone's samefagging.

that's russianfag though

Attached: russianfagaintme.png (844x490, 12K)

imagine my shock

What do you think man

it's sticknigger samefagging to himself to perpetuate drama

>keeps exposing himself
take your meds, kid

Probably not, some causes are lost.
Yea Forums can make do without drawthreads.

Ya caught me.

Attached: file.png (430x248, 22K)

Good, we solved the mystery. Now let's wait for some drawfags.

they won't show up because sticknigger will keep ruining threads until he's banned for being underage.

I said, let's wait. If sticknigger wants to shit up the thread, so be it. The drawfag will be back. They always are.

i can't wait for school to get back in so we'll see less of sticknigger
summerfags are the worst

Requesting her getting fucked.

Attached: 1510251616.dreamkeepers_tekra.jpg (1280x1135, 138K)

Requesting Mei from My Neighbor Totoro (Age 4) wearing nothing but diapers (clean, plain white with pink tabs) and with a cute smile. Keep it clean.

Attached: Mei Diaper Request.png (1570x786, 1.38M)


Requesting a comic of this girl, completely nude, getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>She strips down naked
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad

Attached: Dh0sojxVAAEvNOS.jpg (846x1200, 252K)

Attached: baphomet12.png (441x900, 337K)

>Tfw you actually dream about your request
>Tfw she wanted to eaten alive in my dreams
>Tfw she was more enthusiastic about it than me

Attached: 6.jpg (800x900, 470K)

I said I would like it clean, meaning not wet or mess.

Stick nigger

>instigator trys again to start drama
nigger it was over when it started

you just can't help but bite the bait, cant you kid?

hey yall

Attached: shadow86.png (1188x916, 12K)

hey he's pretending to be shadow again


Fucking stupid little twerp, go back to PornHub or hentai haven

>Not the first post from this IP

it's sticknigger doing his patented "pretending to be better drawfags" schtick

>it's sticknigger doing his patented "pretending to be better avatarfags" schtick

case and point

>patented "pretending to be better drawfags"
>not realizing every other avatarfag does it too

Greetings, gents. I hope you are all doing well.

Attached: hatsoff.png (550x550, 70K)

niggers tongue my anus

The real problem is the avatarfagging. No other drawthread allows this. No other board allows this.

You have a group of people that go against everything Yea Forums stands for, anonymity. They're attention depraved faggots because everywhere else they've tried to post their "art", they've been thoroughly ignored because their shit is boring, poorly drawn, and lacks any sense of creativity. So they come here in one last desperate attempt to form a following. And truth me told, they don't even manage that. Their only following are other avatarfags stuck in the same predicament as them. They interact with each other out of pity.

The avatarfags end up forming some sense of community this way. The problem is, they're all mentally unstable attention whores. They end up shuffling their way onto chatrooms like Discord. It's here where a lot of the problems start. Like I said, they're mentally unstable. The moment someone makes some snide or passive-aggressive comment there, the moment it all goes downhill. Even the slightest amount of criticism is enough to send an avatarfag over the edge. But because they're pussy faggots, they're not man enough to confront each other directly. They have the mental maturity of a high school girl. They start shitting the thread up under user, attempting to turn the thread against the avatarfag that pissed them off. This is how almost all of the drama and shitposting starts.

Sometimes, we'll even get to a point where someone gets doxxed such as the case with YV and several others before him because of the shithead comments they made.

It's to be expected though. Yea Forums attracts the most mentally ill people. This is counterbalanced with anonymity however, to keep things under control for the most part. But the moment you take the anonymity away in the form of avatarfagging or namefagging, you lose that balance, and all hell breaks loose.

Moral of the story. Don't avatarfag. Discourage avatarfagging. Shun avatarfags

Attached: 1566228190643.jpg (640x616, 13K)

sup stain hows ur day

Attached: chicken.png (844x490, 13K)

I like how anons are reposting my copypasta now. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

I’ll just post my sketches here since the other thread is going under

Attached: 0E475B5B-33A2-4E23-9061-CC2306EEF43D.jpg (2493x3807, 1.5M)

sticknigger makes it so obvious it's him with his obsession of "avatarfags"
like is he too stupid or ignorant to realize he's one too?

I require more people to talk about me in any way, shape, or form, it keeps me alive and healthy

Attached: praiselul.png (844x490, 16K)

>trying to take the attention off of him by calling himself obsessed
okay, sticknigger

I see.
It's going alright. How is yours, sir?

Attached: udle.png (600x500, 45K)


sticknigger going full retard again

If you look around.... well..
not so good

Attached: 1565804622490.png (1072x970, 29K)

case and point

do you really wanna see niggers tonguing my anus?

Requesting a two parter if that is okay.
The first frame with both of them looking lusty (heart-shaped pupils/finger in mouth) at a banner/sign that reads "Shota-kun's birthday party" And the next frame both of them sitting naked and covered with loads of cum in a room at the birthday party after they are done.

Attached: 031757a3fd6dea6707cd99c0501a0006.jpg (960x1142, 378K)

checked double dubs approved

I do not.

Nsfw requests?

Attached: Relicidle.png (400x550, 74K)

okay. i won't show you then

I like you.
You're straight forward and always polite.

something aint right here boys


Attached: shani.jpg (960x600, 378K)

Hopefully this thread won't devolve too hard.
Requesting Saki Kurokoma getting impregnated by a shota with a similar design to her.

Attached: image.png (474x512, 162K)

>sticknigger is pretending to be shitstain, talking to himself
the absolute state

requesting you draw mister bean from here and his car with a machine gun on it

Attached: 1511980034930.jpg (2500x1667, 632K)

>being this desperate

take your bi-polar meds, kid


I appreciate that. Cheers.
Well that's mighty kind, but I'm not always polite. I can be rude and most childish quite frequently.
You have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone has heard.

Attached: Stanin.png (800x600, 76K)

If you're up to it,


You didn't hear? Shitstain confirmed himself to have the big gay.

Requesting Sea from Monster Musume Online being impregnated by a crocodile monster guy lover.

Optionally, have a second image/panel showing the result of her impregnation a few months later.

Note: It does not have to be the guy on the right, he's there as an example for what a crocodile monster guy would look like, and he can be either an adult or a shota (preferred).

Attached: image.jpg (1580x971, 313K)

Requesting Tionishia (the horned girl in the bottom left) from monster musume swallowing a 3 inch person as she tiredly lounges around in panties and a bra (or a tank top, or any revealing clothing someone would wear in the morning). A good reference for her tiredness is this picture of rosalina

This isn’t required but it’s a suggestion: I think tio sitting on a couch with a jar full of tinies (2-3 inch people) would be hot. Her thick body, covered by panties and a tank top, would become the new home for the little guys in her jar.

Attached: 2225150C-912B-4BFF-98DE-C31537B6EB11.jpg (911x640, 184K)

I request something very lewd or very wholesome involving webber from DS

Attached: web.png (250x259, 47K)

Stick nigger reminds of the stick billies animation on gamepapa

I am only at the nude level, not sex having level. Apologies.
I had coitus with three females last thread. I am super heterosexual now.
Coming right up.

I learned a new censoring tactic. Check it.

Attached: Pixelmom.png (600x800, 52K)

Christ, it looks like japanese porn but overkill.

shitstain what made you change your mind so abruptly, I miss the virgin and wholesome shitstain please dont do this

Attached: 1565985199591.jpg (480x463, 28K)

>bunmom has been red this whole time

I was mistaken. You clearly have the super gay.

Can someone please draw an emo Loli with no pants and a torn up black shirt please!!!!

Would like to see this girl gangbanged by 3 black guys.

Attached: AgraRef.png (2766x1080, 1.64M)

Saw this in the previous drawthread. Who drew this?

Attached: 1566327978905.png (1000x1000, 396K)

Here you go.
Wholesomeness is a futile effort.
I've shared a few colored drawings of her in the past.
If you say so.
I can't do sex. Apologies.

Attached: Spiderguy.png (800x600, 63K)

Requesting and Asian woman wearing a thong bikini please

Slutty witch please

Yep working on those past requests and will be asking if each person is around when they are done.

A pinup, then?

Thread's back to normal!

Requests? expect high quality shit art

Attached: shit.png (844x490, 17K)

Suno with big tits?

Attached: image.png (416x740, 129K)

Thanks man you're the greatest!

Requesting a boxer vs crocodile

Well don’t rush yourself it’s mora lover btw

Draw me a shark girl similar to pic related showing his tits

Attached: daf.jpg (960x960, 70K)

Thanks for all the requests, but I'm gonna go sleep more. It's only 3:30 pm. Farewell for now.

Attached: Cathers.png (800x600, 78K)

Thanks! Do you need a pose ref?

I like this pic

here u go

Attached: fight.png (1000x607, 20K)

>user chambers a round

here you go

no lewd stuff

Attached: shani.jpg (1000x663, 390K)

>user shoots his dick off

OR here, thanks! fucking sweet!

Awh dang it


No OR. Didn't even know this was a request.
But I love Mr. Bean/his car. And this is just..... fucking epic.

yo, I was just put on game, people mad at avatar users, but its not a big deal, stick figure guys just pissed I guess

Attached: cell.png (1000x1000, 266K)

Don't... it's not the stick figure.

Hey thread ! help me name this thing

Attached: thing.png (850x850, 67K)

requesting pic related and an user kissing with an 8-bit heart above both of them in the middle

Attached: ramona2.jpg (500x354, 32K)


Ugh. Hey thread.

Attached: SPVTW-RamonaSituationLines.jpg (604x800, 163K)

I know it seems over and done, just leaving this for posterity's sake.

Attached: file.png (584x131, 20K)

cunty mcshitcuck

You draw Dragonball Characters pretty good. You got a drawname, or a twitter? Or any sort of art blog? And don't worry about sticknigger, or the guy screaming & shouting over avatarfags. They're just shit stirring for attention.

Dumbass DickSucker

Hey Tri. How you feeling?
>Nice work on Ramona btw.

how you doing today?

>angry cuck still angry

Hi drawfriend

Reminder! Don't reply to avatarfags! Let them samefag till they leave! Direct attention to actual drawfags doing requests!

Attached: 1566228165078.jpg (681x960, 72K)

epic samefag


That looks good

Why are you doing this to promote your shitty art

Hey. Getting sickly.
Sorry for delays...

Thank you, user.

>and rent free
stop samefagging you are not getting another (you)

np it happens

Attached: 123123123.png (424x544, 23K)

Don’t rope me into this, please. :(

It’s alright. Your health comes first. Take as much time as you need, man.

Attached: 7C9B4C87-1971-4472-B09F-6CF8CEBDC740.jpg (733x477, 74K)

its easy to fake your samefagging, mister nigger.

draw mischief from interface

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 189K)


>Also I’m Hispanic. Refer to me as Mister Spic, please ;)

epic fail, screenshotted so everyone can see how much of a newfag you are

Matt Watson from supermega

Attached: 87114cf.jpg (750x1112, 52K)

Dubs of truth

Honorable contributions

Nice ! Say hi Philip

Attached: Philip.png (600x600, 48K)


Philip is a good boy
Is mistake his last name because of dubs of truth?

What are you talking about?

Attached: 56468D78-EF2A-4A2A-A1A7-31121F2875A0.jpg (750x1454, 266K)

Ignore him. He’s only here to stir up shit.

>Mobile posting on Yea Forums
respect lost

Attached: 1566273522571.jpg (1080x1054, 281K)

yuck puck

Attached: wedwffwwe.png (600x400, 88K)

Hey, did you ever do this request?

Attached: 1566171048881.png (826x920, 1.28M)


No cuz furries are gay

Not yet, no...
Saved that picture.
It's next up.

The real problem is the avatarfagging. No other drawthread allows this. No other board allows this.

You have a group of people that go against everything Yea Forums stands for, anonymity. They're attention depraved faggots because everywhere else they've tried to post their "art", they've been thoroughly ignored because their shit is boring, poorly drawn, and lacks any sense of creativity. So they come here in one last desperate attempt to form a following. And truth me told, they don't even manage that. Their only following are other avatarfags stuck in the same predicament as them. They interact with each other out of pity.

The avatarfags end up forming some sense of community this way. The problem is, they're all mentally unstable attention whores. They end up shuffling their way onto chatrooms like Discord. It's here where a lot of the problems start. Like I said, they're mentally unstable. The moment someone makes some snide or passive-aggressive comment there, the moment it all goes downhill. Even the slightest amount of criticism is enough to send an avatarfag over the edge. But because they're pussy faggots, they're not man enough to confront each other directly. They have the mental maturity of a high school girl. They start shitting the thread up under user, attempting to turn the thread against the avatarfag that pissed them off. This is how almost all of the drama and shitposting starts.

Sometimes, we'll even get to a point where someone gets doxxed such as the case with YV and several others before him because of the shithead comments they made.

It's to be expected though. Yea Forums attracts the most mentally ill people. This is counterbalanced with anonymity however, to keep things under control for the most part. But the moment you take the anonymity away in the form of avatarfagging or namefagging, you lose that balance, and all hell breaks loose.

Moral of the story. Don't avatarfag. Discourage avatarfagging. Shun avatarfags.

Attached: 1566109232611.jpg (5000x5000, 1.91M)

Ok, that's great to hear thanks again. I hope you get better and here's a position ref for the request.

Attached: Webp.net-resizeimage (1).png (1336x1409, 1.21M)

please stop posting furry porn get back to fur threads

Attached: 1565984154429.png (283x262, 30K)


If you prefer, yes and specify which requester you are.

Heh, we must abide by the rules, I'm afraid... Philip Mistake it is!

That's some advanced petting technique you got there... D-did you pet someone else recently

Attached: Philip.png (600x600, 61K)

>user sets fire to a picture of John Travolta eating a cheeseburger

>user uses his flaming John Travolta picture to set fire to a foil pikachu pokemon card.

check these trips and chenge its name to
>"time to end this shit..." I think to myself as i load the last mag
i have with me. My heart pounding starts to synchronize with the sound of the elevator as it goes down. Soon it will be all over; one way, or the other, it doesn't matter now

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 23.00.20.png (1072x1098, 653K)

your sarcasm truly hurts me.

Attached: dsacasfafs.png (600x400, 63K)

>user doesn't lock the magazine all the way. It drops to the floor as the door opens....

Reminder to not reply to avatarfags!

Attached: 1566230968799.jpg (1024x594, 86K)

r/ coloring + shading for this picture of Julie Winters (The Maxx). The nightgown and background can be any color you'd like.
>Pic done by eggs
Reference: files.catbox.moe/8egs6p.png

Attached: 41619181c6f5d88bd4bc861be361e87e33c1e47f.jpg (1263x1619, 396K)

Nice dubs ! But it's too late friendo, Philip shall prevail

Smuggo no !
Also lookit your tired eyes, it's time to sleep, I'll do just that

I've exhausted my sleeping capability. I guess I'm back.

Attached: yorp.png (800x600, 35K)


Fap yourself raw and take another nap.

Sooo... did you all hear about the new pedo drawfag?

I'll take the bait. Who?

Very well.
I've been masturbating quite profusely and it fails to knock me unconscious.

Guess I'll draw some Bunmom lewds.

Attached: shitsonstuff.png (800x600, 81K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 23.22.41.png (974x1238, 417K)

Think he means that guy that was painting loli a hot minute back and said he uses discord as an image dump instead of twitter

You still here, DBZ artist?

Who is this sticknigger?
And why does everyone hate him?

When was that?

I’m not gonna out them unless it’s already a thread topic

Then why bring them up?

Pretty sure no one gives a fuck.
Take your drama elsewhere, please.

Cause if they were a topic, it would’ve good drama, and I’d like the dirty deets.

Monkey on Wolf user and this guys Ref seems pretty cool actually. But if you dont like it I can use another

Forgive me for I have sinned.

Attached: woeow.png (400x500, 44K)

requesting a redraw of this cat girl

Attached: 1565735090783.png (1752x3064, 563K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 23.50.31.png (1314x1166, 805K)

>literally hitman
balls dropped

D....does he even notice yet?
Or is the click of the trigger failing going to make him fill his pants with fear?

Attached: ludemom.png (800x600, 148K)

I for one applaud them for not being banned het if it’s true about their age lel, I got wrongfully banned the exact same thread I made a joke, no one needed proof then.... feelsbadman

Attached: C40D2CB2-625E-42A7-8DE6-8E36945170AA.jpg (299x299, 29K)

Attached: sadcaacsac.png (600x400, 43K)


Are you a pedo?

I know I'm bad at drawing plump/pudgy bodies. No need to look at me like that.
She's a bunny, actually.

Attached: kjghjvhb.png (600x500, 44K)

Nah I'm just drawing naked Bunmom. I'm censoring it so you gents don't have to stoop to my bottom of the barrel level.

in what way

She's got little bunny ears and is super fluffy like one.

u mean magz dropped ;D

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 00.05.09.png (1782x1260, 336K)


Morton as a stand

Attached: tumblr_inline_n9jxi6Y6Kw1qzj6d8.png (292x347, 96K)


yeah still here, just practicing my strokes

Attached: chichi.png (1000x1000, 569K)

Requesting a body swap between Mario and Peach like in the reference.

Attached: R24.png (1280x720, 1M)

I find myself in quite a lewd situation. Why do all these girls want me? Sigh. I'm just so popular.

Attached: Cathrape.png (800x600, 250K)

Should I draw or should I sleep now?

Attached: A40D6471-0BAD-4402-9060-0F43582CEA1B.png (800x800, 263K)

Requesting Ponytail (from the Lee Holley comic) playing hacky-sack. It can be done in any style.

Attached: ponytail_hackysack.jpg (1800x1026, 154K)

Requesting the warrior twink in the left pic in the same situation as Red Sonja in the right pic. Please have him say the same thing as Red Sonja. Also, draw him sweaty and he has an erection.

Attached: Warrior Twink Bondage.jpg (2004x1050, 455K)

Is the requester that asked for a Jaggi being fucked by a human here?

Requesting futa rachnera fucking a younger guy while he’s tied and gagged. The idea of her fucking a twink while they’re both suspended in web, unnoticed by the people below them, is really hot. Especially if she teases him “not to make a sound”

Attached: 2DE9BE2F-C369-48AA-AEB3-9116DD0B3275.jpg (956x1846, 741K)

Stain please not Cathie anyone but cathie

Liking your stuff. I asked earlier if you had an art blog or a name earlier. Sorry if I seem like a broken record, but I am really interested in your stuff.

Oh fuck that's hot.

Why, what's wrong with Cathie?

Attached: cathiers.png (800x600, 94K)

Do whatever your heart wants to do

I see what you did there. Because she's in HEAT. Nicely done.

Guess I'll do a Sheepie one next.

Attached: Heynow.png (600x700, 71K)

I like Cathie
I feel cucked

Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS oof TRAPS and FEMALES!

discord gg/kbhWwMB


More please

Lewd chi chi please?

make ears smaller and you are golden

I very much appreciate it, but I have places I upload but diffenetly not enough to start promoting, wanna have some more stuff to show first
sure, gimme a minute, gotta go do something, not sure if I should mark this thread or something in case I don't make it back
I love the giant eats, Toriyama was onto something back then

Attached: bulmaa.png (1000x1000, 613K)

I'll keep an eye out for you then. I would LOVE to get some Bulma lewds from you someday.

Go forth and lewd the world man


One vore request?


Leomon voring any other digimon

naruto vore?

Cathie a best. Cathie > Bunmom > Sheepie > Mousey.. wait you don’t plan on lewding Mousey do you?? Not even you’re that far gone right??Keep up the great work DBBro!!

Attached: CEDA698F-8E9C-4BF8-A5BC-45E51A7C5963.jpg (299x299, 36K)


He actually gets angry over just the thought of Mousey lewds. I highly encourage creating Mousey lewds.

Is this ok?

Attached: F57EDAB0-E957-4671-B21A-25169EAF68A3.jpg (638x876, 151K)

To present drawfags: What're you working on right now?

Your mom

Big wolf girl getting fucked by a monkey guy in armor.

I'd lewd a mousie.
I'd lewd the fuck out of a mousie

Commissions I got from footfags.

My next plan to shit up the threads


Real talk bro. You really need to get a life. Obsessing over some random nobody on Yea Forums ain't healthy for ya. It don't do ya no good either

Attached: 04b9a91ba73da828867b5853cfae23a3.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

My moms dead.
Weird, but you're getting paid for it. So that's good.
I'm updating my tags as we speak.
>Yeah I use 4chanX. Fuck you.

Nah. Fuck off, spitroast

>>Yeah I use 4chanX.
I do too, no worries mate.



Your funeral, buddy.

Attached: eaff8171edfd4ef701b008a12ed51da8854b0338e3ed488eba021d8d8fa81553.jpg (907x718, 49K)

Requesting a group of angels on smoke break while an orphanage burns.

Real talk bro. You really need to get a life. Obsessing over some random Vore request on Yea Forums ain't healthy for ya. It don't do ya no good either

Attached: 1524515023936.png (576x432, 218K)

>His shoulders heavy from battle. Tip of blade resting on the ground, spattered with the blood of dozens. Breathing heavily as your opponents regroup from their initial surprise attack gone wrong. You know you can't rest long. You know you'll have to attack first. Because you know there's going to be... Bolts.... right as one strikes you in the side. Pretty sure your kidney's fucked... you lunge at the first mother fucker to make eye contact and start attacking.
Before long they're all a bloodied heap on the ground. And you're a pin cushion of bolts. "Luckily as long as they stay in you won't bleed out too fast" You think to yourself as you slump against the base of a tree. Getting light headed you drift into a deep sleep. One that hopefully you'll get up from.


Yeah what they said What're you talking about?

What about my prose confuses you?

Sorry about that, good sir.
I love them all equally. I regret introducting Mousey to the threads. I should kept her one of my private OC's. You drew her very cutely. Thank you.

Attached: Sheeprape.png (800x600, 213K)

>Sheepie above Mousey
Literal psychopath

Attached: are you fuckin crazy bro.jpg (600x600, 109K)


i will draw something maybe

Attached: oklol.png (500x500, 83K)

Where does Bunny fall on your list?

Attached: bunner.png (483x600, 58K)

Maybe give this a shot?

I'll take the captain of a ghost ship sitting back with a chalice of some ghost rum as he patrols the foggy seas looking for souls to capture and/or consume.

An elderly man holding a pump shotgun disguised as a cane.


That's legit cool, seconding and you should request that if popo comes back.

I'd be more inclined to Hero than Popo for this one. But I'll keep your thought in mind next I see the freaky frenchman.


Is the wolfgirl monkey armor requester or the bound jaggi requester around?




I await your lewds dragon ball bro

That is nice!

Requesting her giving a blow job

Requesting a battleship off on the horizon firing the big guns in the early morning with the sun just barely creeping up from the horizon.
Bonus points for colour use.

I was just gonna look for you, I'll let you add your own caption, sorry for the wait

Attached: chichilewd.png (1000x1000, 388K)


I absolutely love your style :)

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.32M)

thanks i enjoyed this

Attached: oklol.png (500x500, 53K)

Requesting a zombie stripper doing some fancy pole maneuvers involving limb removal.

VERY nice work on that.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.


>The big bell summons Trinket


I guess I should do Bunny next. Or maybe Bunmom. Hmm...choices.

Attached: postre.png (500x500, 23K)

shitstain x shitstain. selfcest.

fem bimbo shitstain

Attached: oklol.png (500x500, 47K)

Why though. Is that actually appealing or is this just banter?

Attached: Whh.png (400x400, 31K)


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (600x499, 184K)

Burn the hat

Attached: tenor (3).gif (498x221, 1.34M)

Every time I deliver a draw people get buttmad lel idk if I will
Hmm you talk big but you won’t
I like them all I was rating their lewdability lel, yeah I got some I’ll never introduce to the threads!!
cant hear you over all the victories I have over you sozzy!! Jkjk Mousey a cute and Sheepie a lewd!!
Bunny is cute and I want to hug them, wait so are the roles reversed?? Is Mousey and Bunmom the most lewd and Sheepie and Bun wholesome??
I remember drawing on post it notes back in the day.. nice draw!!
Your turn to draw the lewds, I’ll remain the only non-lewder!!

Attached: 79BFD9B1-650C-4358-B57B-B15E3CFAAEEF.jpg (299x299, 23K)

actually appealing, i assure you

thats it stain, youve lost bucket priveleges


>you talk big but you won’t
Yeah you're right.

>Every time I deliver a draw people get buttmad lel idk if I will
Fernando doesn't get mad. Do it for Fernando

Look at all the (You)s I'm getting. Being wholesome didn't get me this many. Plain and simple. I want attention.
No thanks.
Oh I see. That makes sense. And no, everyone is free game to be lewded now. I don't care anymore. I just want attention.
Very strange.
Oh okay.

I'm just gonna go ahead and draw myself having really snuggly and cuddly sex time with Bunmom now. I need to feel loved in drawing form because heaven knows I'll never get to have cute snuggly sex with anyone.

Attached: Turmoil.png (800x600, 116K)

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.4M)


what is the reply or image limit, sorry it's been awhile since I've been here

Why yes monkey guy here. What up?

Why would you want to know that?

Can you draw this cutie sucking dick?


did you draw this just now or had it ready?

That's a repost. He's known for reposting.

oh lmao I'm not a spammer, just a simple drawfag but I thought maybe I'd wait for a new thread to pop up until I start doing some requests.

Coward, betcha won’t do it again lel
F. ernando
Looks like you played the long con, you had to build it up to bring it all down congrats!! You’re finally getting the (You)s you deserve!!
He’s Reposting Royalty, one of the best to ever do it!!

Attached: 94F8B6C0-AEC3-4767-B0A6-DB143A20E454.jpg (299x299, 31K)

well then the reply limit is 300. The image limit might be 150 but it doesn't really matter since we never hit it unless spammed.

I see. Still good, I can't draw for shit even tho I tried some tutorials. I guess I just give up early but yeah. Thanks for explaining tho

>Sniffing intensifies

That attitude won't get you anywhere

>cant hear you over all the victories I have over you
You wanna go? I'm ready, I'm winning this time; don't show mercy with the req either, I have no intention of doing so when I win.
>Your turn to draw the lewds, I’ll remain the only non-lewder!!
Unless a particular, extremely unlikely event occurs, I will never draw lewds

Attached: 2 minutes.jpg (600x600, 82K)

Stop fucking tracing. It's an insult to literally all drawfags. You won't learn anything. Just stop.

Sure, gimme a sec

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.38M)