Could I fix this with stretchung or does it need to get cut?

Could I fix this with stretchung or does it need to get cut?

Attached: Screenshot_20190820-193129.jpg (720x1440, 326K)

sorry bud but that really needs to be cut

Dont ask jews how to fix jewmosis cutting yor dickoff is the last thing you want to do trust me

Have you even had sex?


Yeah with a condom without pulling the foreskin down or without a condom but a bit slower. Obviously it isn't really that intense.

So what else to do?

I’ve had a mate who has serious phimosis and the head was never exposed. He kinda lived through it but I’ve heard he’s been with a few partners.

I’m not interested to know his condition but if I were you and I got the money and the time to rest, I’d take surgery.

But as long as you can keep it clean and drop a load in a cunt you’re good to go lol

I'm just a bit scared from all the story's about how it takes away all the sensitivity.
I stretched it with some steroid creme a few years ago when I had actually issues pulling it back when limb and that was fixed pretty soon, I just never stretched while erect.

Just jew it

Stretch it everyday, a warm bath is a good place to do it.

Mine was like that. I had it cut. The first 1-2 weeks after are a bit annoying, but I don't regret it! It works perfectly now.

When could you fuck again?

My foreskin is tight but not that tight. Still I managed to destroy it like spread chapped lips during drunken sex, now it bleeds almost every time after sex.

Hmm, maybe a month or 2 after. Until then, just increasing harder masturbation worked.

just slowly peel it back every day and itll stretch out
no need for surgery

I did the stretching bit without the steroid cream, but mine was a bit less extreme than pic. It got better, but it still gets tight after a while if I don't do the stretches often.

Worst I had happen as a result was snapping my frenulum when going in a bit dry on the wife. My dumb ass didn't go to the doctor, but it healed well enough. Just a bit more sensitive there now, to be honest. I'd rather that than get it slap chopped.

I think you can lay that idea to rest at the moment. Just focus on other things that are significant.

You can get a surgery anytime, so if you are concerned about the side effects I’d say that you should try all the natural methods like stretching it or something.
I mean if you can fuck with no distinctive pain it’s all good.

But still, dont waste your time on it so much OP.

Haha snapped frenulum was the scariest thing happen to my penis. Instant jolt of pain followed by hour of bleeding. Didn't go to doctor either

they make stretch rings for the foreskin. might want to look into it

only listen to anti circumcision people

once you remove the foreskin your glans become a dry, rough, keratinized sahara desert, that feels almost no pleasure because of the constant abuse of having it exposed to friction with your clothes

I had worse than that. I went to the doctor and he prescribed some creme i had to use every day. After a month I was able to get it all the way back and masturbate and have sex without any pain or bleeding

Steroid cream to loosen skin and slowly stretch until you can pull back completely. Do it while erect also so you can have better sex. The last thing you should do is let some jew cut your dick.

don't get it cut op. Being circumcised sucks. You will regret it.