Anyone here circumcised as an adult? How is the sex different?
I’m converting to Judaism for my wife
Anyone here circumcised as an adult? How is the sex different?
I’m converting to Judaism for my wife
He's doing it for the shekels
Don't do it.
Also if she won't convert for you, she doesn't love you.
Are you taking her surname too?
Fucking nu-male cuck.
when your dick heals you have to post and tell us the diffrence.
Well don't chop your cock, you cuck!
how bad could it be?
what could possibly go wong?
((( )))
I don’t have a religion and Judaism makes more sense than Christianity to me.
You know as Reform Jews we actually have a choice. I can convert without doing it.
Dumb fuck
Both are trash. Islam too. Religion is made for weak & dumb people. So far from the real spirituality. Read books, learn and read philosphy instead. Also quit your wife
Because she enjoys the sense of community and the charity work?
There's a difference between wanting to do charity and be part of a supportive community and being a religious idiot who believes in an omnipotent all knowing god
You can't convert
If your mother is not Jewish, you are not a jew
Sorry faggot, that's the rules
Don't need a fucking religion for that.
How is that an edgy comment
There are quite a few places in Africa that circumcise at adulthood. Thanks to that we have some information. Tl;Dr: It takes ~ 2 years to fully recover the pleasure.
Have a picture.
You're a cuck if you're willing to convert or even believe in a religion, dump your wife and get a smart woman
You’re an idiot
Mutilating yourself for someone? Conerting religion for someone?
If your wife loved you she wouldn't want you to harm yourself
As a former jew, Judaism is just as ridiculous and contradictory, perhaps not as much as christianity but thats because there is less content of judaism, all religions are retarded.
Unless you're also going to adopt and actually believe all the rest of the rubbish associated with Jewish religion then its totally pointless. You'll still go to her fictitious hell, just without your cock jacket
The pleasure never returns to the same amount, there's nerves on the foreskin
There isn’t a hell in Judaism.
There is a sort of hell, although not the same as in christianity, almost all souls are tainted and they pass through "hell", to get cleansed before they're sent to heaven, some are sent for a few days, other for months or years, depending on the severity of your sins
No reason to hack off your dick
All souls go to Sheol to have their sins burned off. So it’s not technically hell. It’s a waypoint.
It’s not the whole dick. It’s a piece of skin.
And I'm the idiot?
How much is the conversion fee?
Your kike wife wants you to cut your dick, goyim?
its similar as far as i'm aware, shouldn't have said hell
The courses? Sliding scale dependent on income. Same for all fees. It’s like taxes
Nerves =/= pleasure. The cheek has a fuck tonne, and people can['t cum from that. Reproduction is important. Which is why when the penis is damaged, the remaining area's start to produce more.
It's like a blind man being able to hear well.
Or, and I know it's self reporting, look at the results via google. I'm getting some lunch. Should be easy though.
Purgatory. It’s purgatory.
Blind people cannot hear better.
Might been wrong, seen reports that the pleasure decreases by up to 30%, the nerves light up just like the penis does when you orgasm
I once made a girl cum from playing with her boobs. So I wouldn’t rule it out.
>palm rubbing intensifies
So we should all cut half of our dicks off so the left over half becomes twice as sensitive?
That's not how it works you retard
Honestly, you should instead be here
No. You should pluck out your eyes so you can hear better
So circumcision is fine because even though it makes your dick lose feeling, your asshole becomes more sensitive?
I can see why you like it faggot
All these fags worried about some dudes dick.
>We will be nice
That must be why so many music lovers voluntarily blind themselves to enhance their music
>abandoning Christ for a piece of ass
I like where this is going. We should all do. Let’s blind each other
What’s he done for me lately?
This is how you will end
>I don’t have a religion
for your health you should probably continue doing this instead of cutting off a piece of your penis for a woman. idk just seems like the most logical reasonable choice
Fuck, fair point.
>Also, apparently learning to have mental organisms is pretty easy
It is the way.
>I’m converting to Judaism for my wife
you moron
Most people who get circumcised later life think sex feels like 3/10 of what sex was before
he had a sensitive penis head and the greed doctor rushed to circumcise him, if i were this kid i would've killed that doctor
Kek, what a retard. 40% of trannies have better mental fortitude.
>No history of mental illness
My fucking sides.
Religion is bullshit don't sacrifice your meat sleeve
>I’m converting to Judaism for my wife
My cousin, and grandfather both were circumcised as adults, due to complications with the foreskin being too tight or something. pain.
They both thought it sucked. and it takes a few weeks to heal properly.
but they were both glad they did it.
They didn't tell me if the sex was better or not....
Well, did it take them longer to cum?
They were yelling "am I in yet"?
Im not circumcised. I wore it off
>mutilating your own dick for a woman