Why did white people create racism?
Why did white people create racism?
Except we didn't.
Every race has its share of racists.
It's been a thing since people lived in caves.
read selfish gene
i would refer to it as tribalism
To keep life interesting.
Racism is human nature.
Pewds is lowkey redpilled and will side with the white race when the war breaks out
We didn't create inferior sub-species.
superiority doesn't exist
I agree. All humans are the same.
Racism is a normal reaction towards a group of certain ethnic/religion/gender and often physical differences generated as a consecuence for bad actions from that group, sometimes exagerated but totally justified, it's been here probably since nomads were racists towards cavemen, then hunting cavemen to farming men, between tribes and so on
if you don't wanna be discriminated just don't be a cunt
White user here. You know if everyone would just shut the fuck up about racism and past atrocities we'd be over them by now. The fact that people were able to ignore this shit and coexist 10 years ago wasn't "white privilege." Or just "privilege" it was people choosing to not feel guilty and accuse each other of things only our asshole parents and Grand parents did. Your welcome.
that is quite simply a lie.
the selfish gene has nothing to do with collectivities. that's why it's the 'self'ish gene. it's about individual advancement. and it works poorly as a guide to how society works.
incorrect, race is constructed
ah yes, countries with shitty education systems score poorly on a test designed for western notions of intelligence. who'd have thought it.
OP, I'd recommend A. Haider's work 'Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the age of Trump'. it outlines how race was constructed originally by the rich and powerful to justify slavery and to play the white working class off against slaves and the black working class. It has clearly worked, unfortunately. He also clearly demonstrates that race is constructed and reconstructed all the time, as groups like the Irish, Italian, Slavs never used to be considered white, until they were drawn in once these groups stopped being (indentured) slaves and slavery became an exclusively black phenomenon (because African slave labour was the cheapest by far).
that is a lie
>Your welcome
opinions discarded.
Well there shouldn't be anything wrong with simply recognizing that someone is not the same. Race, gender, etc but in 2019 I have to be ashamed about having eyes... And a dick in some extreme circles
We had a few extra minutes so we figured ah, what the hell, let's create racism. It's still around so people must like it.
I mean if we all really wanted to get along we'd ignore it all. Sorry that some people think they have so much to blame on someone else.
I visited america a while back and i was completely shocked at how many non whites i saw, just walking you could barely see any white dudes.
Since whites are going to be a minority soon all i can say america is the laughing stock of the world, especially when they say diversity is our strength
Ask the jews thay are the ones that made it dateing all the way back to the days of crist get it right fagot
>western notions of intelligence
Because fuck niggers
that is such simplistic liberal 'i don't see race' bullshit.
nice counterargument.
excellent analysis. just one shred of proof, please.
seems that racists can't back up their arguments!
How come orientals have always scored high and sometimes even higher on a "test designed for western notions of intelligence"? While nogs raised in western nations score lower on average?
>that is quite simply a lie.
No it isn't you fried brain.
>incorrect, race is constructed
You have to be trolling at this point, man. First gender is constructed and now the very thing that defines all of our genes, physical and mental abilities as well as looks is constructed??
Sometimes I feel like this sort of bullshit is what lunatics were raving and ranting about shortly before every mayor civilization they were a part of crumbled. The greeks, the roman empire, etc.