

Attached: fumadores.jpg (980x552, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Those are black lungs from a miner... not smoking dingus...

Don't matter. Both dead.

Attached: 1566230166353.gif (400x224, 1.43M)

A-alright, t-this is a stick u-up!

G-give me your (y-yous) a-and nobody gets h-hurt!

Attached: Laura.png (278x268, 104K)

Attached: heres_your_You.gif (480x238, 443K)


paying for bot posts is pathetic

Thanks! =^_^=
Not much, yourself?
I'm not a bot.

Attached: Laura #101 - NPC.gif (327x400, 12K)

Attached: 190896cf6fde68dd07c61da561b208dc.jpg (563x737, 88K)

faggy thread doomed from the start

Attached: 1tongue.jpg (720x960, 68K)

what animal is that?


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stupid fag

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Looks like ping is eating good tonight

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Attached: 1562465586890.webm (482x434, 1.56M)

i like this song when I look at rekt garbage

Attached: BAAAHH.jpg (1098x656, 285K)

Attached: 1563304992281.webm (384x480, 1.42M)

This is rekt

This is idiotic animal torture bullshit posted by someone who should be slaughtered.
Keep this shit out of wrecked. That crab for example is a fine rek from it's own stupidity.

this one is mine:

Attached: 1565028451758.jpg (410x602, 46K)

this kills the lobster

Die from cancer u pieces of shit. Keep ur dirt out of rekt.

enjoy niggers

Attached: 1556147459714.webm (368x640, 1.32M)

rekt is simply not for you then sweet heart

Attached: 1550012852127.webm (480x270, 621K)

that dude actually ended up getting gang raped in prison, turns our knuckle dusters is considered pretty low for criminals, huh?

that's how you deal with an angry animal, why the fuck do people run away form this shit?

you are the superior being, just grab the cunt and yeet them

I'm dying..... Sick

oh god why

Attached: 1554421703284.gif (267x200, 1.55M)

dogs can actually survive being hung by the neck

allways wanted to know why. some story?

Sweet heart I think you should start thinking about moving to reddit, rekt is not for you anymore.
We will miss you deeply.

Attached: 1550010131575.webm (768x576, 1.95M)

Attached: 1566069636139.webm (856x480, 938K)

Oh ma gahd

Attached: 1312915044363.jpg (559x598, 71K)

Oh no a poor "doggo" fuck off faggot

What on fucking earth

he was supposed to land the wheels and ride down, he missed, he was alright afterwards, just a bit sore after apparently.


too far man, too far

Thanks for exposing yourselves newfags. Lurk more.

I smell lies.

thats how u become hillbilly

God.. newfag.. fuck you. I already was on Yea Forums when u pieces of shit still sucked on mommys tits.

Attached: 1167032884276.gif (300x156, 829K)


It's fake, it's a YouTube parody of that challenge to scare people

le loud hehe poop in my butt

Attached: 1558479926768.jpg (600x450, 109K)

Go back to redit faggot, animals deserve torture

gad dammit you fuckign asshole

i want to fuck that blonde chick

where is too far? not in b/

Attached: 1565024982063m.jpg (1024x576, 176K)

And if u keep being lippy, u little nobodys. I'm going to flood this fucking thread with oldschool Yea Forums

Post accidents, post accidents with animals. One more fucking animal torture. I will flood this thread. And if u start a new one. I will flood this and the following. I will always find u. I got plenty of time, vacation and its rainy.

Attached: 1164564694617.jpg (355x437, 79K)

Attached: toot.jpg (250x250, 14K)


Okay you newfags. Enjoy.

Attached: 1166927811122.jpg (300x171, 18K)

epic win

Haha brave internet hero. Would smash u in real life. :)

Attached: 1099251090760.gif (300x100, 342K)

i want to suck that cock

Attached: 1164477188423.jpg (400x390, 70K)

Get cancer pls

Attached: 1164842496557.jpg (397x459, 133K)

More cancer 4 u

Attached: tigargp2.jpg (628x828, 134K)

More and more pls die

Attached: 1164843559901.jpg (400x333, 24K)

How about this

Attached: 1167246725660.jpg (400x371, 41K)

What kind of birb were the fledglings?
The one who took them looks like a falcon.

ahahahaha thats what happens when one of the pack acts suspect and sick. Fluffy was told not to shit or piss in the restaurant


Attached: 1167755690523.jpg (600x304, 27K)

My lungs probably look just as black. Cool

>people still think this is real

Attached: stop-is-that-san-francisco-poop-on-your-flip-flop-for-california-maps-of-human-waste.jpg (2210x1025, 847K)

Fuck you motherf.

Attached: 1167226082502.png (407x120, 3K)

Attached: 1566148229522.webm (640x360, 1.94M)

Typical nigger, coward ass blindsiding pussy.

Attached: 1562430688363.webm (224x400, 1.8M)

this is why USA is #1. Fuck all cucks

Like that?

Attached: 1167226370633.jpg (604x487, 58K)

dead birbs

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kys

Attached: iby8aslwvhqz.jpg (2340x4160, 926K)

Useless fucking human being

It's how nigras are.

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Attached: 1164841881039.jpg (490x395, 27K)

>one does not simply paint a zeppelin with lead paint


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Attached: 017-03252013.jpg (615x452, 197K)

lol game over and chinks do nothing. USA #1

Want moarrr?

Attached: 1167494294739.jpg (750x600, 98K)

Attached: 1166527861571.jpg (456x352, 42K)

its not USA, thats the story

Wtf happened? Why he pukes gallons of blood?

To be a smart ass you first gotta be smart.
They ARE dead birds now but what kind were they before. That's what I asked.

because their not going to use that thing for sex anytime soon

Like how he used the woman as a shield

It's wine.

What happened to him?

U already got your cancer I wished u with the voodoo puppet and the screen of this thread?

Enjoy mofo

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Attached: 1566247512500.webm (224x400, 1.65M)

Lol craaazy af. Thx 4 explanation

Attached: 1167755989996.jpg (750x600, 91K)

Awww they cut out the part where he turns into a zombie and starts attacking the passengers. Since its China everyone still walks by the bus pretending like nothing is happening.

Aparently the kid with the knuckles is literally retarded

Pretty fucking self-explanatory jackass.


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Attached: 1565991293584.webm (480x360, 1.45M)

He got brain damage from that? The white sucker punshed dude?

Attached: 1564697470099.webm (360x360, 1.97M)

lol that kid
not even able to defend himself, such a loser haha

Fake and gay

Attached: 1566247671289.webm (198x360, 1.22M)


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I don't even know what I'm looking at, someone please tell me so I can be disturbed by it

Real 4 chan

Attached: 1167236584397.jpg (300x225, 60K)

tits or gtfo

You right now

Attached: 1561590911763.jpg (200x313, 10K)

U didnt even get that ur child abuse doesnt rly touch.

TBH the black lung looks much cooler than the healthy lung

Thats how it's done.. newfag.. -.-"

Attached: 1164631412033.jpg (1024x768, 132K)

You right now

Attached: 1553268492112.jpg (766x690, 106K)

Oh rly?

Attached: 1166912724878.jpg (689x566, 284K)

Attached: 1164545375582.jpg (600x305, 36K)

Why does so many faggot come to rekt to complain that can't handle it?
To make us laugh?

Well, that's working.

Attached: 1563225283445.png (693x966, 569K)


Attached: 1535648488322.png (640x640, 189K)

Why post so many idiots no real rekt just stupid animal torture and depend on it being rekt?

Crawl back into ur moms vagoos pls.

Attached: 1164841137592.jpg (1280x1024, 87K)

Fucking LOL

Attached: 731.jpg (600x505, 56K)

Not so much anymore, it's just getting old now, why do people who can't handle rekt even come to Yea Forums?

well deserved little shit


Attached: 1164841056145.jpg (640x480, 52K)

You right now

Attached: 1566250223379.jpg (680x339, 35K)

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Non Sequitur

Because you idiotic 2000+ born shitkids have no idea what 4 chan or rekt is.

Attached: 1167122810318.jpg (267x401, 31K)

Me right now

Attached: 1165064338056.jpg (200x300, 19K)

Shit, they broke it.


Attached: 1566243288996m.jpg (649x1024, 71K)


Attached: 1166925925740.jpg (450x352, 44K)

Actual true story inbound:

>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

Attached: download (1).jpg (224x225, 10K)

Zealot rushing is where it's at

Lalala.. vacation is so awesome

Attached: 1165066850990.jpg (800x818, 700K)

Attached: 1563594572380.webm (854x428, 1.78M)

Kill this man Yea Forums. This is a call to arms.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 66K)

I just finished a two week paid vacation

Lol u saved that ridiculous piece of leg flesh? Hahahha

Attached: 1167159058165.jpg (533x594, 191K)

Actual rapist. He must be punished.

Attached: MvwsuDB.jpg (960x960, 55K)

>You little kids
>Clearly talking to someone who's tired of the little kids

Attached: 1565811277014.png (500x504, 133K)

How about battle cruisers?

Attached: 1167227374401.jpg (750x600, 136K)

Did someone say log thread? Yea it's a log thread.

Attached: logs-oh-have-those-merchant-andy-sixxs-log-of-51715564.png (500x608, 140K)

Don't reply to that shit you moron

Let's get it going!

Attached: ikor4ailxmp01.jpg (266x190, 10K)


Attached: 1564699143209.webm (640x352, 1.75M)

Finally a good log thread. Would you guys suck a fat one out of his ass? I know I would.

Attached: f43.png (418x455, 134K)

this how fucking retarded is op posting an image of lab work and thinking it's "rekt"

abandon thread, op is too retarded to even be on Yea Forums

Fuck yea I would brother!

Attached: andy-sixx-warm-log-of-shit-nevershitlog-andy-sixxs-51715575.png (500x608, 139K)

Attached: 1165277581290.jpg (600x453, 267K)

If you want it to get that far then yeah might as well

except you are the faggot complaining for his fragility here
not us

Keep it going bros! Fucking love a good log thread.

Attached: 8bb.jpg (1500x1176, 398K)

God just shut up jerk

Attached: 1561248666066.jpg (217x250, 7K)

More logs for you frogs

Attached: 2c9.jpg (1597x1202, 131K)

You have to really turtle hard to get that much without hacks, or befriend 3v1 and slather everyone in the end like me

Take the red log bros

Attached: take-the-logpill-andy-sixxs-log-of-shit-51715530.png (500x741, 211K)

Yayaya blabla faggot. Ur face would be flat as a pancake.

Attached: 1167149167262.jpg (572x527, 53K)


Attached: dd1.jpg (700x464, 62K)

Dumping some logs.

Attached: 1d0.png (1200x916, 633K)

The weak should fear the strong.

You are trying too hard to prove yourself, like a retard teenager who wants to impress a classmate.
Why would we care?

Thanks guys, I love a good log thread. Keep it up.

Attached: awwwwho-could-say-noto-this-face-mgiip-com-andy-biersack-imgflip-53650413.png (500x621, 148K)

Nope. Getting desperate?

Attached: 1167227179381.jpg (699x603, 115K)

His stinkys are my dreams.

Attached: shit.jpg (600x646, 53K)

Stop faggot.

Grow up kid.

Just use brute force Yea Forumsrother.

Attached: 1167492428138.jpg (500x400, 79K)


Take your meds dude

Here's the story:

You need maturity.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Wow ok.

Do it pussy

Same fagging this hard

Attached: Tony Hawks Proving Grounds.webm (720x480, 1.29M)

>got a match?
>your face my ass

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 110K)

You can call me oldskewl Yea Forumspolice and I'm gonna fuck you up aaaalll the time now. :)

Attached: 1167220508525.jpg (750x600, 82K)

Maturity. Get some kid. Grow up.

Attached: 243.jpg (920x1211, 373K)

Attached: b8c.jpg (920x1211, 387K)

wrong reply, I guess you understood it was for that retard snowflake

Real rekt. Nice.

Attached: 1167491043524.jpg (393x387, 70K)

Attached: The+rarest+of+them+all_0e73e8_7133063.jpg (1200x1169, 362K)

It's concealing the draw, meant to stop the robber seeing the gun being pulled and shooting first.

Attached: 1565385987056.jpg (750x816, 104K)

>Aparently the kid with the knuckles is literally retarded
>post of a nigger lying in an obvious attempt to dispell what everybody knows--that niggers are scum, lie, cheat, and sucker punch routinely

>Aparently the kid with the knuckles is literally retarded
>implying all niggers are basically at the retarded level of intellect

>Aparently the kid with the knuckles is literally retarded
>implying this is not solid proof that you're not a nigger who couldn't get past 3rd grade

Attached: NIGGERS.jpg (209x200, 38K)

Spawn camping faggot

Late 90s yahoo chat was better than this. You anons suck ass

Attached: Some+lozer_05fcf3_7208244.jpg (750x738, 95K)

Attached: 1565381878386.webm (408x720, 905K)

bet that fucking stinks.

Let's get it on little internet dwarf of 5'4 100lbs.

Attached: 1167160331438.jpg (500x400, 41K)

You're a faggot that's for sure

Fucking retard child. Grow up.

Attached: 1566103867845.webm (640x360, 439K)

Only niggers do this.

FBI seizes your hard drives. How rekt are you?

Are they carrying baguettes?

>that's a paddling

Shut the fuck up you fucking libtard. Grow up.

You will also get cancer. :)

Attached: 1164905867483.gif (350x312, 14K)

Attached: GTFO.jpg (549x660, 71K)

Your local good will usually has a plug in super magnet.


Attached: 1167141032602.gif (400x400, 26K)

Grow up you fucking retard. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: 1563688170591.jpg (288x383, 26K)

What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch? I'll have you know

Fuck off retard. Go smoke another cock

Attached: 1164973781729.jpg (288x374, 74K)


Attached: Front porch chillin.webm (360x360, 823K)

Do you even have any original thoughts of your own you stupid pussy?

You know about the fresh prince?

Attached: 1166926107322.jpg (502x666, 107K)

I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Attached: 1566205984664_1.webm (352x640, 1.83M)

This one is funny, the rest suck.

Are you legitimately retarded? Kys you regect.

How about u do that with people posting animal torture in rekt?

Attached: 1167147481527.jpg (500x318, 76K)

I ignore animal rekt, but I like people rekt. Why would I spam it with rancid pasta?

Attached: 1566014735541_2.webm (576x720, 1.02M)

>over 9000

Attached: 1564978950302.webm (500x350, 1.88M)

Animal rekt is fine. Animal torture not. Animal torture will have as follows that me is invading thread and flood it.

Attached: 1167324588434.jpg (750x600, 115K)

Attached: 8765776658.webm (528x324, 945K)

some future school shooter posting his babyrage

Attached: 9859454564.webm (840x480, 1.29M)



People deserve torture you filthy fuck

I make 6 figures a year and get more pussy than your entire family. I could buy your mom, fuck her, then sell her for parts to China. I've already hired someone to track you down so I can buy your house and take a shit in your bed. Your skills have nothing on my political influence, you better watch your mouth before I excommunicate your ass back to Mexico you fucking liberal pussy.

Orale pinche werco. A la verga. No tengo tiempo para tus mamadas.

any dead niggers

Attached: large.png (919x565, 1.14M)

How did he sleep through that??

Attached: 1565752206546_1.webm (640x640, 749K)

The nigger's insolent facial expression bothers me.

Animals killing animals naturally is sweet. I really like watching those old banned YouTube videos of bugs facing off against each other

Look another faggot that thinks dogs are better then humans

I'm not familiar with that one

Indeed. The animal stuff has no place here. I would love it of those anons would kindly (a) fuck off; and (b) die in a fire.

Because your a newfag. Go back

Attached: 1560005459578.jpg (684x528, 161K)

I love this one. Classic

The one time. THE ONE TIME I LEAVE /pol/
Fuck you niggers

Naaah.. that's also torture cause it is staged. Seeing a lion fight a buffallo and rip his balls of. Awesome stuff.

Attached: 1167745019216.jpg (806x886, 155K)

I'm drunk and stoned mother fucker. I can't remember what I had to eat 3 days ago

wtf is that? a belt?

Kys libtard

Attached: 1562234268411.jpg (363x480, 73K)

Good man right here.

Attached: 1168086903773.jpg (640x480, 70K)

wtf? what's happening here?

Finally instagram attention whores get what they deserve

You are a fucking faggot then.

Attached: Dillan-Sean-Cody-Bottom-Bareback-Sex-Jess-Big-Dick.jpg (700x489, 92K)

I'm. More of a macho man randy savage type of guy. You had to blow some dust off of that gif though kek

Hey b/ros stop discouraging the moralfags that step in here, we lurker would find it less entertaining without the child fights of yours.

when you get shocked your muscles contract which made his hand ball into a fist and he couldnt unclench whatever he was holding

>hurr dur

It's time to bake a marbled cake


Nerve gas


Disgusting neet

Is he ok

did someone say dingus?

Attached: 2019-06-23_0650.png (798x400, 515K)

Fresh meat direct from mothers womb

I am not a big hogan fan either. And yes I had to. This is fucking old gold

Attached: 1167681127357.jpg (1024x768, 162K)

This is why latinos and niggers are the very scum of the earth, close to chinks.

Burn that AIDS

This ain't rekt

What a retard

she made no effort to just unclip the fucking collar

I think he had a parachute and fucked up when he tried to use it

Haha, wasted af

intestinal bleeding

Damn, George Lucas is a fucking savage!

crawl back in the redditdumpster moralfags

There's a difference between cover and concealment newfriend

Imagine thinking that those lungs aren't "rekt"

Someone posting the oldest 4 chan stuff ever..
>crawl back in the REDDITdumpster moralfags

You are seriously less intelligent than a pile of shit.

is this a "new one"? how many vids did they make??
that's the 3rd I saw so far

Yes, fucktard

why are all American drivers so shit

Cuz they are americunts

to be fair, its not her dog, you can see the owner in the background

because we sent only the worst DNA in there to take the natives land



Shekels protected



Story? This is the most fucked video I've ever seen

Marvelous thread

I'd do either?

Nice pents
I'll never understand dog eaters, wouldn't be easier to kill the animal first?


cringe,kill yourself also what you posted sux,justlike you :3