How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural...

How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural. Americans are fat and stupid as fuck aha don’t care what’s in their food as long as they can stuff their stupid brain dead faces with liquor and fries and salt

Americans are so god damn stupid they just say oh dude it’s the same thing. Everything comes from nature dude. Oh it’s not that bad dude it’s just chemicals

I am NOT eating vegetables for every meal

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Americans are fat
I'm American and not fat

>Imagine being so dumb you joined the EU.

The US does have one of the highest obesity rates in the western world though...

>put the commercial standard next to the top shelf posh version
>blame fat Americans
>same shit oatmeal can be found in every UK market
>imply the 7 £ version is the standard

Nice bait m8

True. I'm not disagreeing that some Americans are stupid fat pieces of shit. The biggest reason for that is no one knows how to portion here. It's stuff your fat face till your full. I've never been like that though.
Take that advice OP. Stick with leaner meats like chicken and fish. Less processed and less fat. And just make sure to control your portions. You go out to a restaurant? Eat half and take home the other half for another meal. It's pretty straightforward.

That Kuwait

You avoid it by staying in your own country.

How do you sit on the internet all day and still are retarded

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Agreed. American men are fat and ugly.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the statistics skewered towards blacks and mexicans?

Just avoid oatmeal and ketchup then Jesus Christ. You act like everything in America is just chemicals designed to make them fat and stupid. Stupidity leads to them being fat. So just don't be stupid.

The US has longer shelf life requirements than the UK and most of Europe; they don't tend to keep groceries long like we do...

Plus, we got thousands of miles to move shit; Europe barely has a hundred in a lot of countries...

>doesn't understand the methodology of ingredient descriptions are mandated by law and the laws are different in two different nations

You can't even tell me the same cereal is made in multiple different ways depending on the country.

Europe is a joke of a continent at this point. Between the mudslime rape trains, making mean words illegal, and having a coalition of countries which is entirely useless. Tfw when Russia or China gets bold I bet my fucking life that the EU caves like the French do at any sign of military conflict.

The ignorance in this image staggers me.

The oatmeal on the left is fortified with vitamins and minerals, as are nearly all American cereals.

The oatmeal on the left is not.

Somehow you're conflating this with obesity

Tell that to Mexico and UKs child obesity epidemic that’s worse than USAs

Europoor is scared by a longer ingredient list. Likely too stupid to understand that the same ingredients are likely in his oatmeal. His shitty country just doesn't have to say it's in there.

What a thread.

Jesus fucking Christ you’re all retarded

ya'll niggas posting in a /pol/ thread

Poverty is obesity now.

simple, dont live in the united states

Why are Americans so easily triggered? atleast our countries isn't full of niggers, inbreds, low IQ people. Oh and our free healthcare is amazing. How much are you in debt to your government? think before you speak amigo.

Except we also have the one on the right too, moron.

>americans are fat
>17th on the list of most obese countries
My what? Only 9.8% higher than UK with about twice the population. Check your facts kids.

95% fat = 100% Beef!

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amerilard logic

Shut your cock hole yankee! I have a contraband butter knife, known here as a knick-gapper, I will right squiggle you!

Its called pride, just because your country doesnt know who it is or wants to be anymore doesnt mean America wants to be mellow about you faggots talking shit. We actually give a fuck about our country, or atleast try to.

Dumbass, thats actually pretty solid logic. If you have 500 people and 100 are fat but i have 1000 peaople and 200 are fat, statistically youre fatter.

you know both of these problems are fabricated and artificial, just like your food, right? if your poor excuse for a union was anything like a naturally created nation or state it wouldn’t be big nor the shithole it is today.

Statistically youre retarded. Both of those examples are 20%

yes that is exactly how percentages work mr steve

How do I avoid this in amerilard? Can I order the U.K. versions online

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Careful now. I might call the bobbies on you and get you arrested for that foul language.

You know what a sand-nigger is or are you just playing dumb?

They aren't you're just looking for an excuse to be races

No shit, the point was they have less population with less the 10% lower obesity than the US. I.E. they have more fat people per capita than americans who have more people per capita with only 10% higher ovesity rating. Heres a better example, 1/4 of their lower population is fat, 2/5ths of the US are fat with twice the population. If we averaged our numbers to match populations the US would have less fat people per capita than the UK


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How do I avoid this in the land of the fat and home of the stupid

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Dont eat it, or buy organic stuff like annies.

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Dont eat it dipshit

High fructose corn syrup in your ketchup, kek HFC isnt even a thing in the UK or Europe. Keep making excuses up, but our food standard laws are far, far stricter than amerilard.

Same picture and similar thread yesterday. Im in america and you can go to the healthy section of the grocery store and get whatever you want. Or go to a Whole Foods or Trader Joes. We have the very best and the very worst foods. Just make good decisions and dont be lazy

>how do I have self control

How do I find more of this stuff. Eating just vegetables is not an option. Worse than cancer

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Stupid europoors cant hand the greatest country on earth and the freedom to eat chemicals in our food.

Weak b8 m8 but I replied to st8 my disappointment so you get a 2/8

Theres always a health food section with organic food at 90% of our grocery stores as states. Dont be a complete moron and stop being lazy

Nah, there’s some pretty fat white people in the south.

Thats not the fucking point is it you idiot, the products are identical, the american version is just full of extra short cuts and chemicals.

Fuck, I’m American, and I’m cringing at your dumb ass shit. Don’t like it? Don’t visit.

imagine having to actively search for food that wont make you obese. The absolute state of amerilard.

Blacks particularly make up a large majority of the obesity epidemic in America

Oi don't 'ave a self control loisence

I’m American and this guy is full of shit.

Probably sleeps with his gun under his pillow and drives a truck with the American flag stuck somewhere.

Go join the army and shoot up a Walmart or something, faggot

Its in the same store you buy this garbage from. Dont visit fast food chains, go to a local diner. Im 6'1" and 180lbs, i eat healthy foods from the same places that serve garbage.
>imagine being so fucking retarded you cant control your impulses to buy bullshit.

I live in a small town we don’t have that and even if we did it’s literally cut in half. That means no resteraunts. I only get 10% of food options in stores. And it costs 8x as much

You mad, europoor? Bet you're overweight kek

Oatmeal = serious business!

Former marine actually and how am I full of shit, you didnt support your statement

Oh hey it’s this thread again. I hope Cambridge user comes back

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Then you're a poorfag

You're calling people stupid, asking how to avoid shit food, and post a picture showing ingredients. Um, think you might want to read the ingredients to know what to avoid? Dumbass

Stop missing the point, I can get heinz ketchup in the UK thats relatively safe and healthy, yet the same identical product being sold in the US is cancer in a bottle, the only reason they do this is because focus groups in the US hated it without high fructose corn syrup. How can you let that shit happen and just say, oh ignore 80% of the things int he grocery store and just go straight to the expensive health food aisle!

I’m on probation for being black. God traps me in my small town. God attacks me sand traps me here so I suffer and can never leave

>I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals and...
Shut up retard

I know I fucking hate Americans. I FUCKING HATE AMERICANS

Google simply Heinz, it's the same price

OP is obviously hamming up the im a stupid american act to bait you guys, the point is why are there differences in ingredients, why is it allowed, why do you not care that you're being low key groomed into only wanting addictive fattening products.

> More people per capita
This might be too retarded to be bait

user if you consider ketchup healthy you might be an American in disguise

Not expensive, not in its own aisle, right next to the other product, as close as they are in your tard images kek. Silly europoor, food isn't expensive

No im not. I have to fucking avoid cancer like a plague and spend hours looking and spend 100s if dollars more to just have shit made out of plants

What is your point then? Im surviving and not eating bullshit by not buying it. Just because it tastes good here doesnt mean it has the same taste elsewjere. Ever had any brand food items in europe? If not, your claim is baseless and youre wasting your time. Dont knock it till youve tried it user.

US version taste better, it has onion powder and natural flavoring

Would you fuck off

Its a superfood when compared to the high fructose amerifat version,

Welcome new friend

Both versions in America, you're now deflecting, the first sign of your defeat

>thinking hfcs and cane sugar are different
oh you sweet summer child

I would rather have all my food have a health standard than be like hurr durr it’s got more salt and sugar over here



You guys are so fucking dense I give up.


Nobody cares

Typical of the English to surrender to an American

They are dumbass, cane sugar is literally cane sugar, most sugar you get (granulated) are beet sugars, HFCS is sweetener derived from corn. Are you that fucking stupid?

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>only pretending to be retarded

Then open a company that produces these items and sell them. No one has a gun to your head forcing you to buy anything.

>I'm leaving because I lost
Ok? Bye

We couldn't care less.

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Don't buy trashy food then. You can get anything you want in the states. Quit focusing on name brand garbage. Fucking retard.

>glucose is different that glucose
oh no, it's retarded

Im embarassed for you. Dont say shit if you dont know what you are talking about


I'm not fat

You don't. Our country is governed by lobbyists and there's nothing we can do about it. It's why nobody will ever trade with us fairly, lobby groups just get regulations changed every few months to require more and more bizarre chemicals to slow down imports.

It's also why our food chain is so fucked. Corporations don't give a fuck about safety, so long as the food takes long enough to kill us we can't sue. Especially since our judiciary is a political body instead of a legal body.

someone read all the articles last year pushed by corn syrup lobbyists.

I blame the government

God you are a fucking fat American retard

Just start a global food store aduuhhhhh I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU FAT FUCK

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>I have no argument
Ok? Cool

I work as a butcher in America.
English have some of the worst meat in the world.
You want to talk about not knowing what in your food. You fags dont even know what farm your meats coming from. Much less the breed, and you seem to give it whatever grade you damn well please. Working in an english butcher shop was the most nauseating thing in my life.
I can only imagine what your factory's look like. So knock american food all you want for having preservatives and shit in it. At least our FDA is some of the best in the world. I wouldn't eat European food with a gun to my after what I saw.
Fucking unmarked boxes, mold under tables, a half cleaned saw. Using the same knife for chicken, beef, and pork.
This is why so many euro pigs are sickly looking. Hod knows what you're actually putting in your bodies. I'd rather be a fat fuck than riddled with parasites

Thank god someone who hasnt had their brain deformed by HFCS. This is exactly correct, the land of the free it is not.

monosaccharides (one sugar molecule) or disaccharides (two sugar molecules). ... The two main monosaccharides are glucose and fructose. The two major disaccharides are sucrose (composed of glucose and fructose) and lactose (which is made up of galactose and glucose)

ikr, i hate the taste of actual tomatoes
natural flavouring is my favorite flavour


Thats it double down retard


I see fat whites everywhere I look. They’re built like mayonnaise jars

Ok, looking at my Canadian bottle. Product of USA, prepared in Canada. Is Canada getting a different product from the states? Why would they do that?

it was a mistake to not have high schools start already

I'm not giving any of you the benefit of the yous your desperately craving

This is why I love going to butchers. It's real meat without all of the growth hormones like you get at Walmart. I love you man.

whats your argument? That two seperate products created and refined in two sepearte ways to create two chemically different products are somehow the same?

>I don't have an argument but I have insults

How do I find all this shit in America tho? Like just healthier more natural off brand. I am honestly just boycotting these companies. Even if I lived in the U.K. I wouldn’t eat them. If all they want is permission to kill us all with cancer to save 12 cents them fuck them. I am not eating their shit if we literally need the government to step in and tell them not to give us cancer

American food standard laws are completely fucking destroyed. Its too unhealthy to be sold in canada so heinz creates it seperate in Canada.

and all are sugars processed the EXACT same way in a human body

we aren't talking artificial sweeteners here, we are talking carbs, calories, energy.

american here that still eats shit but has seent the light
go watch this documentary and then you'll understand whats happened to our beautiful USA and our waistline

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see for full grown man tears

we are not all fat and ugly dude

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Meat is fucking disgusting anyways to begin with and that was probably just one store

Also what does it matter if you use the same knife?

>glucose still isn't glucose did you know

>All these fannyflustered Anglos

HFCS is highly concentrated and in liquid form. Its NOT processed the same way.

Yeah every boomer is dead from cancer caused by fillers. Thats why they are still sucking up the last bit of social security leaving us jack shit later. Thats like saying cats need people to survive, though they have done it without us for millions of years.


That’s exaxtly how the people are here!!

Yeah okay I know it’s shit but... like you had them there little Debbie snacks? DELICIOUS!

>american bait
just as artificial as your food

Are kidding? Bacteria will kill you. Also if you think meat is disgusting then you just haven't prepped it and cooked it right.

>meat is disgusting
Alright, just leave you fucking pussy.

>all of these butt-blasted amerilards

I don’t want my fucking body working overtime to force fucking chemicals out when other countries just don’t even allow the shit

You get 50+ chemicals a day. Children are born with 30+ chemicals found in their body. Only in America

>but is still glucose so as long as you use the correct amount this has no bearing on the topic we're on
Ok thanks for clarifying

Then move.

It is natural in most cases

US Law dictates that -EVERYTHING- has to be listed, even shit that sounds like it's not supposed to be there

ps humans have been eating over half the shit on that list since before we knew what it was, including anti-caking agents

Cats are awesome. They've followed humans throughout the silk road all the way to the west. We didn't need to domesticat them because they did it themselves.

I will beat the fuck out of you and set your house on fire and rape your family you stupid fucking pig fat American. Lay down like a pig fat fuck

>Thinks an American company actually produces a better product for UK and isn't just lying.

>cats taste awesome. ftfy

Completely out of arguments huh? That's okay, it was fun toying with you. /thread

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>the internet

theres only one real way and that is to make your own food , even maybe grow your own?

thanks for the you, it really helps me kharma

kill yourself redditfag

OK gummo

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this is a typical wank , sorry yank .
it's so easy to get the 2 confused.

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>drinking simple sugar is different than eating a spoonful of sugar

nah, that's okay, but I do appreciate the yous. only need a few more to earn my Yea Forums pass

see for your (You)

They have to just to sell there

kill yourself faggot

Man even the food here isn’t real, it’s all GMO shit

I bet you are a 13 yo pussy. Youre kinda funny though


Your body does NOT process all sugars the same because not all sugars are the same


You don't, it tastes better for a reason.

99% of "chemicals" with spooky complex names in your food are either something natural people have been eating for millenia or artifical stuff that has been tested a lot to make sure it's not harmful to you. The appeal to nature thinking is just plain wrong. So is fearing scientific names. People don't like having l-ascorbic acid in their food, but love vitamin C. And it's the same thing.
The really bad thing you should avoid and is present in both versions is sugar. It's harder to avoid sugar in the US and it's the reason they're much fatter on average, but if you hit one of those whole food markets you should be fine. Don't buy instant food because it's bound to cointain sugar. Avoid bread, in the US it's really hard to find European style bread because they always put sugar in it.

Not heirloom vegetables or farm raised live stock that isn't pumped full of chems

(OP) #
>Americans are fat
If you get off your ass exercise you can stop being so worried about what you eat


Every country has it's unhealthy shit and weird food laws.

Always cracks me up that Americans need their chicken eggs washed, thus destroying the natural protection layer against bacteria. That's why eggs don't need to be refrigerated in most of europe for example.


>cane sugar is healthier for you than corn/apples/beets/etc
oof, someone is not going to pass their life science course this semester. hope you are ready for that GED

OOF somebody drank the fucking kool aid

this one faggot alone is going to get me enough yous to qualify for my pass, sweet

That's pretty ignorant. As long as you don't live in Chicago or any major city you can drive a mile outside of town and get a ton of fresh farm eggs super cheap

yikes, using "oof" unironically

eggs are disgusting , their little more than a chickens period

Kill yourself

Correct cane sugar is the least healthy KEK

Isn't it a pain in the ass having to type all of those numbers? I don't even know who you're talking to

Dude this shit is ducking rediculous it’s so hard t find this shit and i just want pre packed food I have to become a chef to avoid cancer

or you could keep your own chickens , fresh eggs are a whole lot better than store bought eggs

Hell yeah they are

Go to farmers markets, or ask around about farmers selling their goods. It's terribly hard. I'm sure there are localized forums online


>not terribly hard

lmao it's going to be kind of sad when you spend your entire life following some strict diet and still get cancer

here's a protip for you: everything causes cancer. like you. you're giving us all cancer with your stupid bullshit.

really appreciating these yous, guys, keep it up, just a few more for my Yea Forums gold

Yes, obviously I was referring to regular eggs you find at run of the mill grocery stores.

nice, I need more though

>Also what does it matter if you use the same knife?
everybody gangsta till the diarrhea starts


Don't forget to let this faggot starve to death

Exactly I want premade shit not just have 5 options of food for life I can’t even have cereal in America

Pfft fuck Yea Forums. You can't buy a gold account anymore. You need crypto shit to purchase it now. Fucking God damned slants.

Especially since they get their (You)'s regardless of his desperate efforts brought on by his total annihilation and failure

Yeah people are lazy and will just buy what ever is convenient

Fruit and veggies are basically a plants semen y'know

Better stop eating alltogether

Make it yourself, are you retarded?

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I haven't eaten cereal in over 20 years

this guy is so generous with the yous, I feel selfish taking them all for myself

Nobody cares about that shit. I respond to my yous though because it's a conversation

well there is this indian guy who claims he hasn't eaten for years , I think it's called sun gazing , apparently they get everything they need from the sun

Well yea, that goes without saying for 95% of the planets population.

My comment about eggs was merely a jab at one of the oddities in food regulations. I'm sure average americans would find it equally hilarious (or gross) that europeans don't wash eggs before selling them.


You know you're just getting denied at this point

You're giving us (You)s but we're not actually giving you any lmao


This shit doesn't kill us, it makes the last 25 years of your life a bag of shit is all. It's not about the length of your life it's about the quality of it.

You're messed up dude

see who is getting buttfrustrated

yikes, doesn't understand yous, no wonder you don't have that Yea Forums pass

If I were Indian, I'd stop eating too.

if your poor excuse for a union was anything like a naturally created nation or state it wouldn’t be big nor the shithole it is today.
>naturally created state
>Scottish and Catholic Irish jammed into nation through oppressive military acts
>Flemish forced to be in Belgium
>Polish towns “transferred” to the Slovak Republic
>Catalonians forced to be in Spain
>Spaniards on the southern tip of Spain are British subjects
>Territorial battles between Russia, Georgia, and the Ukraine
You should seriously go fuck yourself.

Not me. I don't eat the egg shells.


just giving them away for free now, especially since dubs are worth twice as much

But it’s 98% of food I have to avoid

Go sell your stinky linkys and buy one


Don’t eat fast food, tubby

GO back to Britain you bloody cunt !!!

It's like dog food for humans

He cares, that's why it's funny to keep him going

I just think it's funny how delusional he is

see Butt doctor analysis: buttfrustrated

he just told you where to buy your stupid hippie back-to-nature granola products in any American grocery outlet and you're still bitching why exactly? because unhealthy foods exist at all? are you that fucking triggered?


It's also ironic because this is an anonymous image board, but you can point him out in any thread being a retard

The dog food is healthier in the U.K.

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I'm going to earn my pass from this thread alone, nice

see who can't count and thinks those are both dubs

Man you should see some of the dog and cat food you can buy even here in the states. It looks way better than some of the trash people buy for themselves.

it's really not that hard unless you're illiterate and can't read labels... which you must be if you're this utterly terrified of accidentally eating corn syrup. gods. the horror.

our food literally has ingredient labels listed on it in clear print. it takes .5 seconds to fo a cursory readthrough. why is this so hard for you?


>afraid of food dye
I’ve got some asbestos and arsenic crisps to sell you. They’re all natural!

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I think this is true especially for the ketchup. The EU version is rather vague. Spices... Ok got it. It have da spice init.

Just stop. That shit is just confusing and retarded. Screw that dumb ass

reported to FBI for calls to incite violence

Are you American?

please do me a favor and spread these back out, they count more when they're in individual posts, thanks

You keep searching fast food restaurants for ingredients. That’s no way to eat healthy, lardass

I can't stop, I've never seen someone take the same bait this many times. I have to see how far this goes.

In the rest of the world it is! Everyone in America is fat but not in other countries

you're destroying our discussion replaying to that idiot


come on, I asked you to make that 2 posts, not one :\

can you please stop? this shit kills threads faster than whiskey kills my stepdad's erection.


Don't even bother replying to that user. They'll get bored after a while




Your discussion is faggy welcome to /b
Make a new one this is mine now

fuck off, you're killing my thread

can you guys just trade kiks and go suck eachother off already? you're shitting up this thread for the rest of us.

fuck your thread nigger

You sir are fucking deluded
You're a fat bastard waiting to happen if you're not fat now. I've got got perfect teeth and a foreskin before you come back with your retard shit.

>jealous foreigner can't go 30 seconds without thinking about the US

I mean could it be a difference between the USA's FDA requirements on disclosing ingredients being different than whatever the U.K. might have?

The high fructose corn syrup is certainly a sticking point because most other countries (including Mexico) ban sales of foods with it included. The oats for instance on the U.K. claims just freeze dried fruit and natural flavors. The American breaks all the foods down to chemical names which are still natural but are processed heavily into individual components. The U.K. versions might have the same things they are just not required to disclose the whole breakdown and are able to just call it natural ingredients.

The ketchup, other than the controversial high fructose corn syrup, basically say the same thing. They just say it in different words but amount to the same thing.


These Euroniggers have a false sense of superiority... they're eating the same chemicals as the Amerifags are, but the companies in Europe aren't required to list the ingredients as precisely as in the US.

Plus, dont those Eurocucks need to purchase a license to read the ingredients on a label?

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see 807592204
see Don't care kiddo

Cry more, lil faggot

No thanks

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Are you saying you cook teeth and foreskin for ingestion?

you sound retardddded

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Strongly agree. The only thing worse is American women.


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America, Das Schweinland :)

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hey user. amerifat here. why so angry? we're not all like the retard stereotypes you see on TV. i always admired your culture and wanted to expatriate to the UK. this place sucks.

btw i'm not letting those bastards cut my son. we're not all savages here.

1. Both of those are sold in America and the UK.

2. They have the same essential ingredients, except the left one is more exhaustive in listing them. Vitamins are named. Sodium sulfite is involved in freeze drying.

3. You're a dumbass.


Look at the subway photo it’s just America


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My suggestion is that you remain on your dreary little socialist island and try not to commit any thought crimes in the process.

>I've got got perfect teeth and a foreskin
>tfw you’re insecure about your teeth because all your countrymen have shit teeth so you think bragging about your teeth is a good thing
You really showed him. Maybe you can brag to him about how you’re less gay than most of the guys you suck offf

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HAHA I actually sympathize with you.

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And the “dried apples plus strawberry flavoring” vale “strawberries”

Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard

Pig fat American

Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard Retard

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hey now, we're not all horrible. just mostly.

What an embarrassment


Found the little bitch

you do know that we brits are on average fatter than the yanks?


these autistic fucks are ruining Yea Forums, I'm done, I'm going back on reddit, you guys (and gals) don't know how to have a normal discussion without turning it into some autistic penis showing contest or cis-porn

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The difference is in labeling requirements. They sell the same shit overseas but they're not required by law to put all the chemicals that go into the process on the box. They're still there though.

Want to avoid that shit? Take an hour a day and make your own meals from scratch.

holy shit you delusional worm, do you think europe is some continent full of beautiful people?



Of course our food is labelled you fucKing cabbage, we had all our ingredients labelled well before the US.

Hahahaananabdhwnanajahababahahahah baaaaaack to reddit!

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>penis showing contest
you'll be banned in 2 minutes for your misogyny

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Holy fuck did they even teach you biology or chemistry in tard school

Yes of course I do, do you not do it like fat gut fuck bucket

um? all i said was not all american women are horrible. you pulled the rest out of your own ass.

KYS you insecure faggot

>cis porn
Faggot, see

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Foodbabe is like the Alex Jones of food

lmfao. why so angry kiddo? summer camp run out of fruit snacks?

Be me. Americunt. Just got back from gym and about to eat 3 pieces of fish and a salad I made at the salad bar in the grocery store next to the gym. 6'1, 191 lbs, carved out of granite. 5 ultramarathons, about 10 marathons and a fuck ton of other races under my belt. OP, your post is garbage. But I have to read something while I eat, I guess, so I'll monitor your thread. Also, I own my own law firm, so I can skip out to the gym in the middle of the day (or go running), and I can look at Yea Forums in the office. I'm free, baby!

Also, Europe sucks. Trump is great. And you're a cuck who hates whites, even though you are white. A total joke, clown, loser. Lol.

Brilliant, you're the 1st person from the US who I've ever witnessed talking sense. Move somewhere where there's hardly any pakrats and you'll love it

Ill have to pass

Id rather go buy some mcdonalds, go beat my children at home and watch judge judy thanks.

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Look at the subway picture. It’s America

I am aware of that issue and that is one example but doesn't invalidate my statement.

>insecure foreigner still can't stop thinking about the US every 30 seconds

Are you kidding? Plebbit is worse than this. Everyone here is a genius compared to the idiots on that fuck stain of a website

There are literal stores that are organic in america. Jesus youre dumber than an average burger.


Surrrrre amerifat, nice LARP

Nice trips

thank God this shitshow is autosaging now. off to page 10 we go.

welp, my work here is done, I derailed this thread from 100 posts in

see you all tomorrow with the same OP

To each their own. It's not my place to tell one how to live. Hit your kids once for me

murkan here, agreed
100% larp
it was kinda believable until the "I OWN MY OWN LAW FIRM" part, so cringe

90-95% of firms are partnerships

What's the average wait time for you to get a medical appointment without going through a private company?

it's over bud. the thread is over.

mummy is proud of you champ

What's you're a nigger

>Oh and our free healthcare is amazing
you forgot those quotes around "free" and "healthcare"

we pay

>not full of inbreds
You might want to check your history books

thank, babe, meet you in the incest thread in 5?

Deflect. I win.

congratulations on what was surely a resourceful use of your afternoon, spent filling in captchas and pretending to be retarded on the internet.

>filling out captchas

I don't think you understand the benefit of a Yea Forums pass...

White Americans need to stop pandering to all of those ethnics and eating their food. They're pretty decent people the white folk are. It's when there's ethnics about that their standards drop. I like American sluts just the same as euro sluts.

Hoes mad

Not that user but I haven't had to fill out a captcha once this entire thread.

i'm an american my dude. i'm just letting you know the thread is autosaging. it's done. no point in starting a discussion just to be cut short in 3 minutes when we fall off page 10.

you're welcome to keep wasting your time though.

It’s not just subway retard

Fucking slants. Why do I have to buy it with crypto now. Pisses me off

In America Organic and Natural mean two different things. Organic means it was grown using non-chemical fertilizer, synthetic pesticides, dye additives, or industrial solvents. Natural means pretty much nothing in the US and can be added to just about anything if you can even barely prove it is "natural".

How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural. Americans are fat and stupid as fuck aha don’t care what’s in their food as long as they can stuff their stupid brain dead faces with liquor and fries and salt

Americans are so god damn stupid they just say oh dude it’s the same thing. Everything comes from nature dude. Oh it’s not that bad dude it’s just chemicals

I am NOT eating vegetables for every meal

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I'm never giving up tacos or burritos

If a thread gets a ton of replies it stops being bumped? That is literally retarded. Why?

How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural. Americans are fat and stupid as fuck aha don’t care what’s in their food as long as they can stuff their stupid brain dead faces with liquor and fries and salt

Americans are so god damn stupid they just say oh dude it’s the same thing. Everything comes from nature dude. Oh it’s not that bad dude it’s just chemicals

I am NOT eating vegetables for every meal.

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He's talking out of his ass. He probably typed sage in all fields like a retard

God fucking damn it dude I just wanna be healthy without reading 8000 labels and going broke

We are hitting the thread limit though

It is page 6 even with a lot of replies

look at what page we're on idiot. past 350 replies the thread can't be bumped. if you were here for more than 2 hours total you would know this. fucking summerfags.

But I like this thread

I didn't say it was only Subway. Where did you learn to debate that retard is a suitable retort?

I use the catalog. Pages mean nothing to me

you talk like bogan trash

I just said it's hitting the limit. Keep up

lurk moar newfaggot

Organic is better so just stick with that just avoid things that say Natural or All natural unless you wanna do research. Also sticking with whole foods is always a good rule to go by. If it doesn't come in packaging your probably safe, especially if it is labelled organic.

Butt doctor analysis?

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Cry moar bud

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Go back to Facebook retard

frustrated this place has been utterly overrun with summerfags like you. but school will be starting soon.


How do I avoid this garbage in America? I just want my food to be natural. Americans are fat and stupid as fuck aha don’t care what’s in their food as long as they can stuff their stupid brain dead faces with liquor and fries and salt

Americans are so god damn stupid they just say oh dude it’s the same thing. Everything comes from nature dude. Oh it’s not that bad dude it’s just chemicals

I am NOT eating vegetables for every meal

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School has already started. We're just surrounded by morons now

First two are me, third is another person who recognizes that you're a buttsore summerfriend

>Yea Forums isn't international and has millions of traffic. There's only one 3 people here

Sook, bawl

But I don’t see shit in America and all I have is a dollar store

>page 9
It's been a pleasure baiting you all. Over 100 of the replies in this thread were me.

Even my town of 7300 people has a farmers market on Saturdays

You can thank all of they gay, and trap threads for that

Town of 2,000 here, same we have more than one too

u mad lmao
frantically F5ing

We have 2 dollar stores in my town

Check out those markets bro. Get some good heirloom vegetables

Why upset?

fucking lol faggot
it's not about quantity it's about quality

you are not a master baiter if the fish are just toying with you
I wish I was so simple minded my only metric for success was getting people to reply, then maybe I could qualify for tardbucks like you do

That is a very low amount of options for food

I doubt he knows what that means. He doesn't even know how to reply

Calm down samefriend it's okay, enjoy the rest of your day kek

Not really. We have tons of farmers that sell vegetables and dairy, and at least 3 butchers that get grade a non chemical pumped live stock

i think you might be coping

get a job

Oh goodness maybe I shouldn't have revealed I was over a quarter of the thread, seems like you guys might cry yourselves to sleep after this...

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I'm sure he is totally a masterbater

I don’t wanna eat like the Amish tho


the only thing you've revealed is that you suffer from low-functioning autism

Don't get hung up about it. Once this thread dies I'll forget all about it

>replies 40 seconds later
like i said, frantically F5ing. so bootyblistered lol.

It's not Amish.

umad, dang

Umad, ggez XD

retard alert

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Absolutely fucking disgusting

No u. Go eat a tub of whip cream before you have a heart attack