I have a question for you yellow fags

I have a question for you yellow fags.

You seem to be against any and all porn on Yea Forums but the loli and shota shit doesn't seem to get spammed at all.

Fucking why?

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I can attest, you are wrong. Every shota and loli thread gets spammed with spiderman and "kys fag" etc.

Checked. What about yellow?

Honestly haven't seen any in those threads. I think it's because the yellow faggotry happens in waves, and shota/loli threads that last for any real amount of time aren't as common as the regular tiddy and cock threads. May also be the fact that those normal porn threads actually have boards of their own that they really should be on, whereas shota and loli literally have no where else to go because literally every other board has banned them. But they do get spammed to shit, usually by self righteous dumbshits with nothing better to do than harass people who like sexy cartoons lol

not in a very long time. And to OP, its because we belong here, normal porn have normal porn boards and has no place in Yea Forums

random noun
ran·dom | \ ˈran-dəm \
Definition of random (Entry 1 of 3)
: a haphazard course
at random
: without definite aim, direction, rule, or method
subjects chosen at random
random adjective
Definition of random (Entry 2 of 3)
1a : lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern
b : made, done, or chosen at random
read random passages from the book
2a : relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence
random processes
b : being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence
a random sample
also : characterized by procedures designed to obtain such sets or elements
random sampling

This is Yea Forums. Yes this all has a home but no one said Yea Forums was safe from porn
>harass people who like sexy cartoons.

Go fuck yourself

Take your loli and shota shit to the deep web. Thats where it belongs.

I love asian women but it's hard to jack off to them, you know? I see slutty white women and I'm like yeah, she's getting her rocks off, but when I see asian pornstars I just think wow what a waste of someone who could have been wife material

Then you post it on Yea Forums because it's for random shit

See OP? Self righteous dumbshits with nothing better to do.

There not wrong tho. As for being self riotous, some might just call them right

In what way are they correct?
You have a collection of boards, each with a specific goal and topic in mind, and they all ban a thing that you want to post except ONE which is listed as "Random" and is intended as a catchall for anything that doesn't have a dedicated board
How is it wrong to post your(banned everywhere but here) thing on the random/catchall board?

loli/shota/guro is only allowed on Yea Forums. everything else goes on /porn boards/

well, since Yea Forums is for random stuff, how can you complain about spam? Its random afterall

C'mon user, you know that's a moronic argument. You're better than that

Even though Yea Forumstards are barely human even we still have some standards. It's like eventually when you get busted for fucking a kid and go to prison. Even convicts consider you bottom of the barrel.

>Yea Forums is for anything random
>Yea Forums isn't for random stuff -I- dont like
look at this logical dissonance

yellow fags? is the OP a white fag or a black fag? what fag is the OP?

No one likes that shit unless your into it. That's my point. It's not a roll or get thread. Its dirty 3rd world subhuman shit and there is a whole area of the internet for you to trade your shit content before the FBI kicks in your door and hauls you off.

>Yea Forums is for everything! anything goes!
>except pedoshit, that has no place on this sacred ground

I love that setting cats and dogs on fire is totally cool here, but cartoons that depict sexual things you don't like are "bottom of the barrel". Pretty fucking stupid honestly. And liking shota/loli art doesn't lead to fucking kids. Much the same way as playing gta doesn't lead to shooting real life hookers. They are not the same thing.

Now you finally see the light.

do you jerk off while shooting hookers in gta?

Of course. Im a gentleman of taste.

imagine not being able to appreciate the beauty of children

The cat and dog shit isnt what were talking about here. As for the loli and shots shit. Yes it is bottom of barrel. The only thing keeping you out of prison is that the content isnt real people. But I assume soon you will get board of the toons and graduate to the real thing.

a true intellect

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if a little girl doesn't turn you on you are gay

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>user compares enjoying watching lolis getting fucked not leading to fucking real kids to shooting hookers in a game not leading to shooting hookers in real life
>argument being made: enjoying fabricated content does not lead to real life action
>hurr durr, do you jerk off while shooting hookers?
great argument there

So wheres the argument for you being "right"



Keep defending that pedo shit user. This will all deff hold up in court

loli can only be posted on Yea Forums. If you’re really gonna try and opppse loli being posted on Yea Forums, you’re pretty retarded. Porn makes sense, there’s other boards for that. What yellowposters should do honestly, is try and get loliposters to rally behind the common understanding that their rights will be protected if pornposters are spammed or limited in some way. You’d get a hell of a lot more yellow posts if loli was supporting

Attached: 1C659761-EC1E-4965-9983-764DA8B0DCFD.gif (540x304, 1.34M)

psst... it actually does

Attached: lolibooru 55906 1girl animated ass backpack bag brown_hair butt_crack dimples_of_venus futabasha gif (715x397, 966K)

Where's shota

>pedophile rights

what a normalfag reaponse, get odd my board normie

>right to post cartoons*
Fixed it for you

as legit as any other fetish right. Like being gay

>the exact reason why I stopped yellowposting
seriously, as long as you’ve got people like this in yellowposting threads, you’ve already lost a good amount of people who would be willing to help.

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>the right to molest children

Some of you philistines have no sense of history and no sense of scope.

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the first one wasn't made for pedos to jerk off

people should stay on the topic of the thread even if it’s a random board.

even spammers don't want to be in those threads

>molest children
>cartoon pictures on a screen
how exactly does this work?

the girl in the picture is literally holding the boys dick. 9/10 Yea Forumstards would ejaculate from that so its basically masturbation meaning that there are sexual not artistic depictions of children in that painting and therefore, faggot

Look at that poor girl getting molested...

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>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Troll posts
Looks like the rules disagree with you

oh yeah really fag?

cause they're not allowed on other boards.

Honestly, i feel like the lewd anime boards should just allow shota and loli there. It's fucking arbitrary, dumb, and obviously problematic that they don't.

it should be illegal zero tolerance for pedophilia

I agree! lets ban -all- fetishes!


yup! just sex in the missionary position for procreation !

+1 internetz

Purge the earth of degenerates

why are you on Yea Forums....