I'm not addicted to weed, I just gotta smoke it a few times everyday so I don't get completely insane
What about you?
I'm not addicted to weed, I just gotta smoke it a few times everyday so I don't get completely insane
It helps me sleep
nigger, that's what every addict ever says. i'm not addicted bro i can stop whenever i want.... not addicted but also don't want to stop ye mane das it
this. its hard for me to get more than 5 hours of sleep a night without the marijuanas
helps me calm down after work
You can't get addicted to weed or lsd. There no chemical addiction in the. The guy is a burn out he just believes he needs it.
>not addicted
>but i HAVE to smoke it
Sure bruh.
I vape it less than once a month, when people are over & up for it.
You can get mentally addicted to weed. LSD addiction is indeed next to impossible, because your body builds up resistance to it insanely fast.
lovin it
Great argument, you sure got me.
at least i'm not the brainlet who hasn't got the obvious joke
that and you can get addicted to basically anything. for instance behavioral addiction is a form of addiction that doesn't require the substance to directly alter the chemicals in your brain
but i'm really not addicted
we get it u hate stoners :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::astonished::expressionless:
Bruh, did you legit not get that we're playing along?
>in b4 that 'i was only pretending' pic
Need it to not feel completely bored or anxious or depressed. I've had issues with booze and sometimes drink for weeks straight, but I can stop drinking and white knuckle it as long as I have marijuana to smoke.
Imagine thinking addiction is only chemical and therefore excludes being addicted to just activities you enjoy. Why are we so fucking dumb with words? Addiction = something your dumbass can't stop doing. OP is addicted to weed.
you get me so well
Thought I had it under control, was kinda productive even while high. A long time I even thought I am more productive while high compared to not (I'm a programmer and I could easiely programm while being high)
But some day I realized that everything was going downhill, very slowly. It started with me just not cleaning up my apartment anymore, started to make terrible life management decisions, sleeped to much, worked to little. Also a tone of really small errors and mistakes started to accumulate. I had to keep up with my job which resulted in a tone of stress, and I got sick a few times shortly after (Back pain, infections, etc.) as a result of that stress.
Now I've stopped smoking and have to now get my life back on track and fix the last 3 years of being continuously high.
As soon as you are more often high than not, stop (or reduce it), because you might not notice it until it's to late. It took over 2 years for me of slowly fucking up my life till I realized how bad my situation was, because it is very gradual.
Kinda sad, because back when I was only smoking sporadically or only on evenings it was fun. But I fear if I start again I will become a mess again
try getting a hobby or eating a better diet.
You're conflating addiction with dependence.
dude weed! XD
No. I don't smoke. I chose to be lucid.
>What about you?
I don't belong on a cross
lmao weed! dis thred is now a weed thred lol no non fortnighters allow xdxdxdxdxd
I've recently got into cooking, me and my girl try new things, helps. Her not judging helps so it's getting better now little by little
but on some real shit weed can be addictive, as anything else can when the right balance between habituation and chemical dependency has been struck. With weed you won't have massive physical withdrawals but with long term use your brain and body eventually acclimate themselves to reflect and accommodate your habitual patterns. Even though weed isnt that bad as habituation is the main route leading towards dependency/abuse, it should still be taken seriously. I luv weed but you can't introduce a substance in your life everyday and say that it has not become a part of you. And if its a part of you that you either can't physically give up or you just don't want then that's dependency. If you are experiencing issues because of dependency that's addiction. Some people let weed hold them back.
cooking is one of those little things that can make a massive impact on your life and health. I shed weight when i can make simple meals
I just quit 3 weeks ago.
I liked it very much tho, but it just made me doubt every decision.
duuuude... dude weed tho :(
420 (:
Imagine thinking chemical addiction and mental addiction are even related fucking kek
Any cokeheads in this thread I could get advise of. Half just under half a gram want to get the most out of it. How long do I have to wipeout before tolerance drops?
Can you kys or something of that nature faggot, Christ I hate summer
lol i kan see u don't fortnight and chill with them dank weeds. Just relax bro ur gonna mek it
i don't smoke every day, but most days. i work more than full time with a manual labor job with a lot of stress, so i usually smoke about an hour or two before i go to bed, just a bit to get nice and cozy, watch a bit of youtube and then sleep.
it takes me about a month and a half to go through 5 grams of weed.
i admit that i don't like being a "smoke weed erryday" dude, but it really helps me relax and deal with stress. i would also say that im in a much better place since i started to smoke weed, i've started working out regularly, started taking better care of myself and taking more active steps towards making my life better.
itt people that argue weed is completely harmless are the same kids who drink zima and mikes hard lemonade thinking they're hard
You guys missed the obvious joke
lol drug addict
but lol dude
weed tho?
>hey, guys, i smoke weed
>its legal here, so i smoke weed
>weeds legal here and it isnt there, so i smoke weed
>why dnt u smoke weed?
>it cures depression
>lack of apetite
>athletes foot
>fungal infections
>it vaccinates against ebola
>improve mood
>bowel movement
>promotes hair growth
>regrows liver
>regrows kidneys
>regrows hymen
>regrows limbs
>it has no negative side effect
>smoke weed
heckin yeah my fellow fortnighter!
Yea Forums blazeit bro fist
topslels anons i smork the weeds and toke toke muh niggas lel.
btw if 99% of pot heads didn't act like this i wouldn't have a problem with it
Weed tho
ha ha lol weed!?
Fuck i wish you were just being facetious. But this shit is true as all hell
He’s conflating addiction with withdrawal.
potheads lol: Like alcoholics but fatally allergic to truth and honesty as well as work and hygiene
I used to smoke weed several times a day. I was definitely addicted.
Hell, I still would if I could, so I guess I’m still addicted, just deprived.
Shit got so much easier when i finally got away from all the dealers in my area. I spent a few months arguing with loved ones that i didn't have a problem until i realized i couldn't fucking operate without it. Now i smoke from time to time but i don't use it to waste time i could be doing productive shit like i used to
It is a bit of a struggle to get past the crash
can't seem to get past the withdrawls
Yeah, that's true. Just try to smoke every day for a week and then stop for the next week. Second /third day is the worst... You gonna be nervous, not willing to talk to anybody, and in general shitty mood. But there is a cure. WEED! WEED WILL CURE US ALL!
burn pans, pots and skillets every day! Fuck u, mom!
eat a dick stoner.
For me it was 7 years straight , 12 to 19 , Soooo much stuff occured in those years , but all of it feels like it never happened at all. I am above average in my intelligence , I know this because I've taken an ASVAB , Union Test , etc. The problem is now that I'm allowing my brain to mature by giving up weed , I'm realizing I never applied myself in school , I took it for granted and just wanted to be a hoodlum and get in trouble doing stupid shit. I never had guidance to teach me important life lessons , I've always had to figure things out for myself. Please if your reading this , do good in school, give up weed and let you're brain mature properly .