I'm gonna kill myself soon...

I'm gonna kill myself soon. I'm going to combine formic acid and sulfuric acid to create carbon monoxide and sit in a confined area so I will die of carbon monoxide poisoning. I don't want to be alone when I go, should I call 911 (911 operetes cannot hang up on you if you call and commit suicide so they have to listen to you die,) or should I Livestream it?

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why not both?

Sound painless, it's pretty good.

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that's peak pussy. Why not pick up a gun and rush a south African embassy or something equally wild. Rush a trap house or a project building lmao. It will be wild and the history books will speak of you for eons.

>The bhoy who sparked the race war -

just imagine that

You can believe what you want, but imagine if the afterlife is even worse than actual life. If i was you, id dedicate my (already fucked and useless) life to MAYBE find a way to be happy after life. You dont have anything to lose anyways, it can only be better.

Just fucking live stream it you pussy don’t listen to the others DO IT.

I don't believe in any God. I know death is dreamless sleep for all eternity. I don't care. My life is not worth living.

Hi CIA nigger

Well as i said u can believe what you want, but life taught me that today i can be convinced and tomorrow i doubt. Im sure im not gonna go without contemplate all possibilities, cause if im wrong im fucked for eternity, and 20?30? maybe 50 years of suffering arent anything compared to eternity...

Do you not have a bucket list? If you kys you're proving your a bitch and degrading yourself to a big slab of meat.

Hi coward nigger. You won't even give us a show. 2/10 American, just further proof the wrong bureau is in charge.


>you are a being of immense spiritual power
>this physical plane is a jail
>you were sent here to learn the lessons you need to control that power
>this is gonna take a long time
>it's impossible to kill yourself
>quantum suicide is a thing
>believe me I've tried

It aint gonna work OP

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you sound like a weak bitch who can't cope. Get a job, save up cash and go fuck genetic waste indigenous women in mexico. Trust me. You haven't had a blowjob until a 3-toothed mexican high schooler does it.

>I spend time in the gulf alot

I bought the stuff online, waiting for it to arrive now. Sorry bruv, you'll see the stream in like 5-10 days.

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I have a job nigger, I work 50 hours a week in an understaffed retail store so I work my ass off for minimum wage, I can barely pay my bills and saving is next to impossible. Currently gettingy A+ but it's all do pointless.

hurt the mexiboys feelings. Not my fault your women are for sale.

Daily reminder than present perception is not the same than your future perception.

If you're serious about this. Do some hallucinogens. I wouldn't do opiates because then you'd just get addicted and live an even more shit life. But get some lsd and dmt. You got nothing to lose and maybe it'll make you happy, who knows.

Also Mexicans are fucking nasty, I wish I had that Ben Garrison picture of the typical latina: overweight, probably pregnant with her fifth kid, a massive gut, no ass, no tits, and thin chicken legs. Literally the worst body type I can think of.

lmao not if we swat your house bitch. Those sound like you're listing off accelerants to me

that's the point. You dump entire loads into them and move on without guilt or remorse for what could be. The real fetish is knowing you're possibly creating a life, then abandoning it. Ughhh I could feel my balls turn at the thought.

Look it up, it's a rare method of suicide I'm guessing you failed chemistry in high school?

I dont like you i miss this fucker

Does anyone know of a good streaming site with no max user limit?

you're living all wrong lad

FBI won't care if I conveniently leave out the suicide part.

>confuses quantum suicide with being a pussy that simply didnt do it

I'm pretty sure the FBI knows that detergent suicide is a thing and know that those chemicals can't do anything dangerous. You're so fucking retarded it's painful.

What the fuck can I do? Boomer parents told me to go to college, get a degree, and here I am working retail.

>5-10 days.
Yes, OP.
This is not very smart of you.

I mean i held a pistol to my head and it misfired.

Three times.

i got really high once though and repeatedly died that moment, might be true o well

maybe your tulpa was like, SWOOP NOPE

No you don't have a job you product peddling Jew. Drop selling and be the change. You are a thing fetish pornographer.

it's not. try some pychedelics.
like dmt, or better yet ayahuasca. theres so much you don't know. if you kill yourself, you are in deeper shit than you started here

Take your meds, got that word salad going on bud.

Unironically do it faggot, and post the link here

Damn we have the same exit plan! Chemistry FTW.

I will, don't worry. Sorry for the wait I just wanted to prepare before hand.

Use your shitty existince to shoot up a pride parade

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This is actually a tempting idea. I would shoot every tranny I see. Gays are alright but trannies are the real scum of the earth. Only problem is I've been admitted to a mental hospital so I can't buy a gun.

And the crowd goes...

thats funny they let me buy one

Maybe I'll try....fuck user there's no one I hate more than trannies,if I could kill a few before I die I would feel pretty accomplished.

ugh is summer done yet?

you edgy cunts need to go back to brat jail.

Thanks for the bump, newfag.


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Thanks again.

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lmfao, so you wanna force a 911 operator to listen to you commit suicide? just livestream it so nobody has to watch and you can die alone like the pathetic little piece of human excrement you are

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I thought my thread was gonna die but it's saved. Based newfag.

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this isn't drained bro, legendary member out soon

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when are you gonna kys user? I have to go to the hairdresser at 18:30 CEST

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i mean if you are going to off yourself user, can you atleast give us a few pics of your boipussi before that, you look kind of cute

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i would let the carbon monoxide build up before i went in there, also place many signs warning about the carbon monoxide in the area to warn others about the deadly gas furthermore be aware it could take some time for the carbon monoxide to take effect, so i would try to find the happiest parts of your life and replay them over and over again remembering every vivid detail...but then again you probably shouldnt an hero now that im saying all this to you.

FFUCK...ok change of plans I wait for legendary member then I can peace out.

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Day after day after day

one day it will all cease, user

If you live in the USA, you are in a cultural third world. That's why your life is shit.

go shoot up a mosque and say trump told you to do it. at least that way your life will have some meaning.

You just get help user call a suicide hotlin number we care about your well being

I live in CA. Probably worst place in America.

I hope you wake up with brain damage and are forced to live your life as a vegetable, incapable of even communicating your own suffering let alone having a chance of killing yourself. You'll get to see everyone you've known and loved suffer as they visit you and take care of you, knowing that your actions are responsible for it all. The ultimate punishment for people who are selfish enough to kill themselves.

Do it. Unironically I did that during D&G. Kept waiting and waiting for it to come out, and by the time it did I found reasons to stay. Maybe it works for you

You’re so lucky you don’t live in the middle of bum fuck no where, appreciate what u have 1st world problem cuck

lol ever heard of detroit or west Chicago? Dumb fuck

Nah I've got a DNR order. Oh and orders in my will to not do unnecessary procedures to keep me alive. Nice try faggot. If you had to live in my life you would blow your fucking brains out.

Exactly. Its like you were never born in the firstplace.

user, always know that user(plural) cares for you. The apex of personalities across this image board may cause you to feel forgotten or hated, but you are loved. Trust me.

You need a goal, man. You live in a country led by people who don't give a fuck about its citizens, there's no social net whatsoever. That's why you feel lonely and worthless.

Seriously, you look young. You should go in British Columbia for a month and plant trees. That sounds like some hippie ass shit, but you'll meet people your age looking for themselves. That's a real, grounded, noble goal.

Don't let your shit hole kill you.

OP , if you are reading this.

Dont mind these losers on this board. They are useless people who actually would be better of dead.

You are probably ill mentally or in a tough position. Do not kill yourself, your parents gave you your life and you should be careful about that.

I know plenty of people who wanted to kill themselves, and tried, but the police and medics were faster. They are happy that it didnt end that time they tried.

Look forward to things in life and do something worth while. Dont listen to these LOSERS that do nothing in life in this thread. They are really useless people that hate life, themselves and everything around them. Why do you think they are here?

I feel for you. I wish you the best and please dont kill yourself.

Inb4 some incel faggot commenting that i care too much or something, or the classic "DUrr THiS iS b newfag Xdddd". Ive been here for many years to watch you degenerates, believe me. I know what B is and I know that if you werent anonymous you wouldnt dare to say shit, you pathetic weak white faggots.

What part of me do you love the most?

I agree, but life isnt over just because you live there. Please get a goal in life and dont let these losers in this thread tell you what to do.

Your life matters. Remember that. Your family/friends loves you and you will hurt them by committing suicide.

Get a dog, a cat or just chill out. Take some time off. Focus on you.

believing in an afterlife in 2019

OP I was in your situation. I attempted suicide and it made me realize a lot.

Since life is meaningless, and there is no god, and you will never experience living from another perspective, it only makes sense to squeeze as much happio out of life as possible while disregarding everything else.

Your life is a movie and you're the main character. What kind of shitty movie prematurely ends with an early suicide? Make a list of everything that sounds remotely cool you'd see in a movie.

Are you good at racing cars?
Have to climbed a mountain?
Tried psychadelic drugs?
Killed your enemies?
"Broke Bad?"

I'm going to get rich quick or die trying, and if I succeed I'm going to establish a small island nation and extort my citizens for money, then kill whatever major politicians I don't like and settle down in a foreign country. What's your movie about faggot?

Nobody cares, faggot.

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Remember to heat up the mixture of Formic and Sulfuric acid, else it might take too long, and you might survive due to slight draft.

If you heat it up, the production becomes something else!

90-100 Celsius will do.

Ref: Chemist.

I don't care what you do just leave a note for emergency services telling them what you did so that they don't breath in the fumes while trying to rescue you.

Give me your ig so i can see it


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>imagine if the afterlife is even worse than actual life
If anyone considered this seriously then we would be having conversations about allowing people to be born not die. Of course you probably have 3 kids and you never thought about this possibility so stop trying to scare user.

you can definitely buy one. its illegal in my state but that doesnt stop anyone. just go to a different gun shop


you're a cuck, try harder fag

>Well as i said u can believe what you want, but life taught me that today i can be convinced and tomorrow i
you're a faggot that's scared of life, god doesn't exist, hes a fag, try harder cuck

You're a fucking coward cuck, try harder next time

Op i know its probably too late to buy other stuff, but consider the exit bag method, painless, you just drift to sleep and don't wake up, its fairly safe as its contained around your face also