Why is there no liberal outcry over Bill Maher openly praying for a recession? A recession will fuck over poor and non college educated people.
Why is there no liberal outcry over Bill Maher openly praying for a recession...
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Because poor and non educated people are Republicans
First you would have to take Bill seriously
Poor and non educated whites maybe. Niggers are definitely democrats.
Leftists labeled Maher a white supremacist, of late. Can't have any wrongthink.
Bill Maher is a goddamn asshole who needs to be #metoo'd so hard he loses everything, unfortunately I think his dick is constantly so flaccid he's physically incapable of ever molesting everyone.
i'd possibly care if i actually knew who he was... i've heard the name but i've got no fucking clue what his opinions are, he appears to just be some random old fucker.
You think poor black people vote? They don’t and that’s why Democrats keep losing
>needs to be #metooed
I don’t think you know what they means
pretty sure its the unequal value of votes in the presidential election that's fucked the democrats over in the last 30 years...
im poor and i know a lot of poor people.
they don't vote.
>it's all rigged!
>nothing's going to change so what's the point?
Black women are a solid voting block.
>A recession will fuck over poor and non college educated people.
That's a good thing. Maybe conservacucks will finally learn their lesson, for voting against their self interests.
Cry more you faggot fuck
>keep losing
>citation needed
cause he's a god damn comedian and everything he says can be safeguarded by the veil of "comedy" as plausible deniability.
I think he thinks it will get rid of Trump.
i mean, didn't dems win the house last cycle? and didn't they loose a presidential election twice even though they won the popular vote?
>fake news!
>pelosi stuffed the ballots!!!
it is interesting to see how much trump ranted about the 'deep state' until they got him elected though...
Because no liberal actually gives a fuck about what Bill Maher has to say.
Because most liberals don't watch Maher. He's a jackass.
He cannot get enough of the Jews and Israel so what do you expect?
which is funny as fuck since the neo-nazi openly support him. he's bringing them all back together.
No shit, right? He's been a dipshit for a long time. The only credit to him used to be the guests he'd let on the show. And even then, he'd fuck up conversation with his controlled narrative.
Yeah I'm not sure why the anti globalist brigade like the proud boys etc support a major Jew lover like Trump but they don't really do things that make cohesive sense anyway. They just desire chaos for others since they have chaotic lives. They can't really think.
It's because leftists don't give a fuck about centrist shill bill maher op
>which is funny as fuck since the neo-nazi openly support him
put down the crack pipe, retard
Pedophiles are a tight group. They got shot on each other, so they don't throw stones.
Maher used to be okay at best but since Trump got in he's been insufferable. He'll attack anyone save for corporate Democrats, which isn't surprising. He legit sounds like a republican when he talks about Israel, too. He's a fag.
Uh you deny that white nationalists/supremacists support Donald Trump? You're fully fucking cucked. Trump Justification Syndrome is strong with you huh?
>centrist shill bill maher
He's pretty damn left wing, bud
The only way you could be more left wing than him is if you were a literal Communist
Neo Nazis like David Duke support Donald Trump which is weird because he absolutely loves the Jews.
hurr durr ok disinfo fag
Yeah the 1000 KKK members in a country of 350 Million support Trump because he's the only guy who wants to limit immigration a little bit
Go away, Government shill
Actually they do.
The Democrats have figured out how to hijack their votes by using absentee ballots.
Only Trumptards believe that god grants prayers
Those are the same people who vote against their own interests. Fuck em
Also every white supremacist on 4ch talking about the day of the rope loves Trump. Everyone calling for a civil war because of the jooooz loves Donald Trump. Just like Donald Trump fuckin looooooves Jews and Israel.
The group of people wanting a recession are the people who want America to fail.
Specifically, Trump to fail so they can regain power.
China wants this and is using their economic power to force it at the expense of their own economy and people.
Think about that for a hot second.
China wants Trump to fail.
Because what Trump is doing to China is working in favor for America.
diggity zig
ziggity dag
get the fuck out
disinfo fag
what is that supposed to show?
Start damage control mode for Trump tanking the economy and blame it on China. Go.
Holy shit, Democrat and Government shills are out full force today
it's not.
the trade gap with China has increased under Trump and goods have gotten more expensive. winning!!!!! ???
Yes you are.
Because poor people are majority republican, all the southern red states will be hit hardest. They are also the same morons that voted for the piece of orange shit so I hope the recession comes so they have their lifted truck repoed and they get evicted from their trailer when they lose everything. Stupid fucks get everything they deserve!
Libs only cry over political correctness and their welfare and it has to specifically mention one of those or they won't catch it
>have different economic theory and don't want to pay for infinite welfare and nonstop immigration
>HuRr DurR yOu voTE aGainSt uR oWn InTereSTs!1!
Why do people who hate Jews love Donald Trump, the ultimate Jew sympathizer?
Why do people get all tied up on the popular vote when we the US is a republic not a democracy. That's like being upset crunchy peanut butter has peanuts in it when you only bought jelly at the store
Guys, I really want infinite welfare. That's my platform. Infinite welfare. Vote for me.
You're a fucking moron. No where does he prays for a recession. He an atheist. HE DOESN'T PRAY. He just say a recession is the only way you illiterate fucks will drop the 500 ib cheetoman.
You "think"? He explicitly says that's it also and totally worth it to get rid of Trump! I kind of agree
Cope uneducated retard
Because calling for a recession doesn't CAUSE a recession, numbnutz. The trade war on the other hand does seem to be increasing the risk of a recession. Why is there no common sense conservative outcry over that?
the shit about trump being pro israel is a pretty good point. for real why would anyone so against israel support him?
Duherpyderpy trumpy dumpy poopy scoopy bad man hurka durka
The United States is a democratic republic hth. Your distinction is meaningless. By the people for the people.
You clearly don't watch the show, or know anything
That's three words in a row that don't mean anything together.
he called you out lol
I don't know goy, but darn those dirty jews
Bill Maher is center as fuck. What are you retards talking about
Cope seethe
Because even if there is one, he's not the one fabricating the recession you mongoloid. I get the whole you should want your prez to do good so your country can do good mentality. But that's just a mentality, neither he nor any haters are the ones making the moves to lead us to a recession, and that's just the bottom line. I'm not going to blame Bill Fucking Maher for a recession just because he wished for one, I'm going to blame the one that was responsible for keeping us out of it.
Anybody in this thread who hates jews, how do you cope with Trump sucking netanyahu's dick and crying about people being anti Israel?
This guy got BTFO and is resorting to magic words. Every reply is more desperate XD
Not even american, burgerfag, hearing about your fat retarded president regardless of the subject is just tiring after a while, you guys are so asshurt over supporting or not supporting him that you've become true fixed dialogue NPCfags
Maher is an atheist. He doesn't pray. Your assertion is as stupid and retarded as you are.
Cry waaah
Dumpy luvs him some joos. Why can't stormfags admit that?
Cringed irl
>when fags who don't make money or pay taxes complain about "welfare"
>got BTFO
Baaaack to reddit
Why are you doing preemptive damage control for Trump tanking the US economy then?
Thanks for the shekel wagecuck, back to work now
this shit is going to get responses until the thread dies
excellent work op
What part about what I said resembles damage control to you, I just posted incomprehensible nonsense kek, is this your typical level of debate in burgerland, are you on the spectrum?
>this is u
Yeah that's some genius level debating right there Nigel.
And you cop out, what else could I expect kek. Onto the next thread, farewell young burg
Boy I wonder if it's the same two guys posting 13digitjpg.meme. This is my first day here, is this normal?
>mfw you can't answer the question, and get this defensive
Total victory, g'day hamburg
Government is spamming Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a way to try to get it shut down
HBO is a luxury that most poor people cant afford.
Thats why you dont hear an outcry from poor people.
They cant afford pay channels.
You're still here and you're still gonna be here be you are disabled and have nothing better to do. You say you're leaving cause you got owned so hard? Ok?
Why does Trump suck Jew dick all day and why do people who hate Jews love Trump so much? Maybe your 'outside' perspective is valuable lol.
Don't worry I'm leaving now, other guy couldn't form an argument so I'm bored
Decent bait, clicking post then catalog tho, you're boring
imagine having this pic
just take a moment
imagine being that fucking gay
How's those blinders working out for ya?
Still here fam. You said you were leaving. Bye bitch.
Holy shit is this thread accurate to how amerifats discuss things, fucking kek at least one of the two autistic kids left, now the other one will fall asleep /thread
Bill has been huffing car exhaust fumes since the early 70's
It was a Government shill spamming this thread, retard
How do they discuss things in the Sudan?
Latinos vote. You crazy man.
>paranoid republican
He may be a dick sneeze but he's not the one responsible for keeping us away from a recession.
republicucks btfo
>thinking I'm a republican
Confirmed out of touch shill
He's just another Jew in the media doing what Jews do.
Because we're not conservative sheep who fall in line rather than think for themselves, and we learned not to take him too seriously years ago.
>Because poor and non educated people are Republicans
what planet you living on? because it defiantly not earth...
>A recession will fuck over poor and non college educated people.
No it will fuck over Trump and that's the idea.
>actually I'm independent
>i ride Trump's dick like Ivanka
>also I said I was leaving cause I got BTFO and I'm still here
low information voters vote Democrat
>Because we're liberal sheep who fall in line rather than think for ourselves
fixed for reality
Read this post in Mario voice for an entertaining experience.
New study said 59% of republicans think college is bad for America up from 36% in 2012. Yeah low info retards are repubs. They trust the fucking Bible as an ultimate authority. Extremely cucked.
It will fuck over poor people but take his chances as collateral damage.
a recession WILL occur before the election. the game is rigged. the NWO will ensure an undesirable economic/political climate whenever they are surprisingly beaten at their mock elections to ensure a victory at the following mock election
Wow you really had to do it to him huh. He will never recover from this epic narwhal no u
you guy are so stupid
get I hope this buss driver of the bus we are on crashed and kills us all, boy that will teach him
gee I hope the pilot of your plane crashes killing us all, boy that will teach him
You hope america fails, because REEEEEEEEEE trump
that is a special kind of stupid
Said the sheep following the herder right into the recession pen.
mario voice makes this post much more readable
the jew loving herder remember trump loves israel
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account
Heavy blow does not equal America failing. And one man is the one who WOULD lead us to failure whether the bus passengers want him to or not! It's all up to whether the driver thinks it's a good idea to nose dive off a fucking cliff.
That #metoo shit is over, once the libs figured out they couldnt get Trump on anything it ended. Spacey even got his charges dropped and pretty much all the people who were accused have basically gone back to their normal lives.
Because Bill Maher is an asshole? It's a widely known thing. If liberals were to bitch and moan about every little thing he does that's dickish and mean spirited that's all they'd talk about.
The question you should be asking is why is such a smug elitist asshole on TV as a face for "the liberals" when they all wish he'd go away. It's almost like some sort of corporate oligarchy is trying to paint liberalism a certain way...
Bill Maher is a racist white supremacist because he wants a recession, which disproportionately affects black people and he wants black people unemployed and homeless
You wish trump was that powerful. The economy is not dictated by trump. Were all of the billions in bailouts to private banks that we inherited Obama's fault? No. What's coming is not trumps fault.
Which I find hilarious because so many repubs in places like this hate Jews and don't like how much aid we give them daily. Yet when Omar and the Tlaib share these sentiments all a sudden it's not right. It's not like it used to be but we still love to blame the Jews here.
>new study said 59% of republicans think college is bad for America up from 36% in 2012.
yea, i know at lest a few people with 4 year degrees that work in positions that could be had without a degree
and its pretty common. not to mention the schools are being used to indoctrinate kids
>Yeah low info retards are repubs. They trust the fucking Bible as an ultimate authority. Extremely cucked.
in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.
-Hillary Clinton Wikileaks email
turn the the news
turn brain off
be told what to the think like sheep
-the Democratic party way
Bill Maher triggers the right just like Hannity triggers the left. It's kinda sweet, actually.
I'm p. sure the reason he can be called a white supremacist is that he refuses to hire black interns for pay when he will do so for white ones.
They were Bush's fault and they took place under Bush. Please try to keep track of facts.
you want america to get fucked
you want people to lose their jobs and their homes
you companies to go out of business
people to starve and die
just to make trump look bad
>galaxy brain
Shareblue and Media Matters realised the russia scandal wasnt enough to brainwash the sheep. Their tactic now is to focus on racism and the shitty economy obama illegally left us. See passed their lies. Bernie Sanders was enough for me in 2016 when they stole the election from him and threatened his family. When will YOU be fed up, patriots?
You're really sad. I feel bad for you. Believing the "left/right" paradigm and defending it, perpetuating a lie.
Trump hates poor people. He knows what he's doing in these trade spats. He knows opportunity rises from ruin. He knows the best chances come when the economy is shitty. Unemployment will rise, that includes blacks that entered the workforce due to Obama era programs. But at least all poor will be treated equal in this case.
He's going to shit in your house then follow up by offering his cleaning services and you're going to lap it up.
These are their talking points. Remember, brother. These people are paid to shill. I'm waking ya asses up on my time, on MY dime. Ya feel me.
Talking points
Except that, like most conservative viewpoints, your "fix" makes no sense and is just another bumper sticker slogan for a retort.
Hannity is kind of an idiot, but I'm not sure he actually triggers anyone. Maher is way worse
Fuck that guy, he's a total asshole.
Bumper sticker slogan is a buzzword for Media Matters. Wake up people, THIS man(or bot) is being paid to push a globalist agenda.
Liberals don't pay much attention to Maher. He has some liberal views but he's more of a libertarian than anything.
Oh no a disinformant feels bad for me for stating facts. How will I ever cope? Bailouts took place under Bush.
He's praying for a recession because he's touches kids and he's hoping his shit doesn't hit the fan
>He's going to shit in your house then follow up by offering his cleaning services and you're going to lap it up.
at least my software will still be free, right?
>Wake up people
Alex Jones has logged on and he's off his meds
Ok friend. May your chains rest lightly upon you.
Do not feed the shills.
you imbecil think him wishing for something will make it happen? A recession will fuck over redneck magatards more than democrats so maybe they will not vote for orange ape next time
>prophecy fag
Because Christianity is a joke lmao.
Alex Jones is a disinformation artist hired by the CIA and disenfranchised by his own manner of doing for the globalists to make the awakening seem crazy. Just as his job has always been. Your shilling days are over and at least half of the internet is well aware of Cointelpro tactics. Let me speak to your supervisor shill. You arent doing your job right.
Next time you go to vote I want to to ask yourself one very important question. Ask yourself "What would Hunter Thompson do in your situation?" and then do that.
In most cases it involves running for sheriff on the platform of eliminating in-city roadways
>Bill Maher
>openly praying
Yeah about that..
I don't give a shit whether he looks bad or not, dicksneeze. You're the one hell-bent on how he will be perceived.
I mentioned it's the bus driver behind the wheel, whatever the fucking passengers say doesn't mean shit, how the driver handles the bus means shit.
I want a president who stops selling delusions of strength and grandeour as he fucks up our interests and money in trade wars. China isn't paying shit. We're paying our own Goddamn farmers to keep them afloat.
In fact, you know what? If you support someone who leads us to financial ruination then
>YOU want America to get fucked
>YOU want people to lose their jobs and their homes
>YOU want companies to go out of business
>YOU want people to starve and die
This isn't Roosevelt opening up the Panama canal for American national interests. The country is going to feel the effects once Christmas comes to pass if someone doesn't stop posturing.
Nope. Just read a bit of history.
Bill Maher is in Epsteins little black book btw
Or, OR!! He's a snake oil salesmen.
He makes a lot of money off of supplements and a tonne off of ads.
He's a businessman, he's found a niche, and he knows how to rile them.
There doesn't have to be a conspiracy for everything. This one seems pretty obvious.
Unlikely. He strikes me as a closeted chubby chaser and those are rarely pedos.
I see how you aren't blaming Obama, and agree the president doesn't have much to do with the economy; but the bailouts were all under republicans.
Republicans love bailouts and economy stimulus packages. Bush even did the whole "give every tax payer a check" move to try and stimulate the economy. This is a really good move but doesn't always work, especially if people are broke already. It just goes to debt which usually lands back in the bank pockets.
But still, it's kind of surprising as it seems to be a liberal move, but it's republicans historically who do it.
A country that doesnt have a strong manufacturing and blue collar infrastructure falls.
We can't continue to offshore all of our production to China, fag
Alexander Hamilton wrote an entire essay about how important it is for a country to manufacture it's own shit. It's literally a matter of national security and geopolitics. If you have to buy shit from another country, that country has you by the balls
>Republicans love bailouts and economy stimulus packages.
I know when I heard Yang talking about more welfare and giving everyone money and then read about Marx talking about equal distribution, all I can think is "these dirty republicans"
Because prayers have no power.
Alexander Hamilton wasn't dealing with fucking Russia and China, we weren't a superpower back then either. He didn't have to deal with a population of 300m+, nor did we actually need other countries to manufacture parts or whole products in his time. Til the day 3D printing or the sort revolutionizes manufacturing then any attempt of America trying to manufacture everything itself will be dealt with a harsh reality of expenses. Imagine having to factor in American wages to basic products, kek.
Another country would have us by the balls because we trade with each other and get raw resources from them? Love how that worked out for isolationist Japan. If you think isolation would lead us to prosper again you need to be made aware this isn't the 1800's, and we still traded back then anyway.
You said it yourself, the president doesnt have much to do with the economy.
What's coming isn't trumps fault.
>all bailouts happened under Bush
>ok friend.
ITT: A bunch of fags that didn’t hear the comment or the context, but have opinions falling out of their assholes regardless. OP is a faggot, Maher was saying that this administration has been abusive in its efforts to stimulate the economy, by cutting fundamental regulations like clean water, endangered species etc. FFS the head of the EPA is an oil industry lobbyist.
What he was saying is, at some point our heath concerns need to considered along with our economic ones and this administration only cares about money. If it takes a recession to get these greedy fools out of office so we can restore a balance, he thinks that’s worth the cost.
OP is a faggot, a dumbshit and a shill.
>All bailouts happened under bush
Where did he say that? Did you sleep through the 4th grade reading comprehension lessons? Or is English not your first language? Pretty suspect.
you dense child
You believe Democrats and Republicans have different functional agendas or that one "side" has a different effect on the economy. Grow up. Stop perpetuating a "left/right" paradigm that doesnt exist. It's just factually wrong what you're saying.
Bullshit. Youre adding proper context to the maher hoping for a recession, but its typical rich white jew logic to argue its worth the cost when maher isnt living paycheck to paycheck like everyone else.
And if youre not living paycheck to paycheck, congrats. But hoping the weakest among us get fucked over because Donald Trump sued you a few years ago and youre still holding a grudge, you can get wrecked.
K, lol
You are hopelessly stupid. Take your angry frog memes and retreat to another corner of the internet, under some rock with the rest of your misinformed, propagandized and hateful fellow incels.
Almost like Trump doesn't support Nazi adgenda. Wierd.
Because he's a fucking comedian, who gives a shit what he or any other celebrity says. You people are fucking morons for hoping to get useful economic/political information from any of these assholes, regardless of which side they're on. They know nothing, accept it and ignore them.
Because it was ages ago.
Youre a stupid nigger if you believe that trash post you wrote. Maher has done a political show since before your mother started sucking cock to pay your diaper bill. People used to watch the daily show with jon stewart for political news for a decade. Plenty of comedians arent morons.
Really smart post.
Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor
Us steel plants r laying off 200 more workers ..any questions?
yeah, because of white people and republicans.
who cares,even if there was a recession.trump's supporters are already poor so why would they be mad
he wants those people to blame trump for the recession and not vote for him in 2020
So his supporters are poor and Corporate millionaires at the same time?
your right,because blaming hillary,obama or the news media is any better
Because the left has no moral values.
i never said his supporters were corporate millionares.wealthy businessmen hate donald trump just as much as the rest of us do.look at trump's business record,why would any successful businessman support him
>Latinos vote.
Even less than blacks
at least they dont pretend to preach about conservative christian values,but support a guy who brags about grabbing women by the pussy
>the game is rigged.
Because recessions don't just happen after 11 years of expansion.
lobbying is to blame
I dislike him as much as the next guy but being this delusional is what got him elected in the first place.
nah, it's because of their low IQ.
nope,im being realistic.95 percent of trump supporters ive seen are uneducated and poor.so im guessing he figured since the educated people would look at the fact he's been a democrat most of his life and not even bother with him,even more now since he's obviously anti gun
I consider myself pretty liberal, and I cant stand his bitch ass.
im not even a democrat and id rather have bill clinton then obama or trump again
The exact same sentiments from 2016 haven't changed in some I see. Try peeling back the layers sometime.
Specifically, who is keeping us from a recession and how?
>praying for an illustration of consequences prompted by garbage decision making from president to hopefully allow the retards see with their own eyes the damage they're doing to their country is bad
We've reached peak Trumpkin
after obama and trump we might as well be in a recession.they both cant run an economy worth a shit
Right, Obama pulling the country out of a recession is the same as Trump throwing it back into one. Those are identical because the word recession is used in both cases.
Because leftism has no principles other than the ends justifies the means. As an ex Obama voting leftie, it takes an amazing amount of orwellian double think to stay a leftist once you're exposed to real political philosophy.
Citation needed!
obama made the economy worse,not better.start looking at reality,not the dems fantasy land with obama
parent companies of the nets,,know damn well,they all face declining viewership,declining ad sales,declining nielsen ratings,,maher included, the guys who do the books for their taxes declare a loss,a tax write off for them, paying salaries to the elites from other profitable
areas of the respective LLC mega corporations.
then again,go figure the majority of obama's supporters were poor black people and they seem to think he made the economy better.when you've lived in poverty your entire life.you couldnt tell the difference anyway
Who's the party that reached for russian assistance in the last election?
So, you think the country was worse off in 2016 than it was in 2008?
also this
I just think its funny how people defending Trump's economy are saying, "Oh well we almost hit 3% gdp growth this year, thats not bad!" They didn't even hit 3% with a 'great' economy on top of their massive corporate tax cut. Obama hit 3% growth in his first two years DURING THE ACTUAL RECESSION.
To be clear, Obama was far from perfect like any president, but there isn't a single defense of Trump and everyones defense of his economy that holds water.
"He's going to win with tariffs." Said no real economist ever.
coming from the person defending obama,go back to talking about how black your president is for 8 years but calling other people racist
obama was horrible,but trump really isnt any better
the only difference between obama and trump is the fact you can openly criticize donald trump without fear of being called racist.unlike when people said stuff about obama
>So, you think the country was worse off in 2016 than it was in 2008?
I called you a moron because you implied the above statement is correct.
Moron is an accurate descriptor.
exactly, obama caged and deported illegals and the liberal left did not make a single noise.
The problem isn't deportation it's the concentration camp for toddlers, for the fuck of sakes. How are you this fucking dense and the Earth is still spinning on its axis?
Still clinging feebly to that lie. Disgusting that seemingly intelligent people won't take 30 minutes to research and discover the truth about that hoax and attempted coup.
so you called me a moron because your to stupid to realize how much worse obama made america?
oh right,another trumptard who brings up immigration like its suppose to be some really important thing
how about the economy? how about the constitution? thats what i look at,not your mexican whining
>hurr durr,the economy was great under obama!
even though it wasnt
The man brought it out of a recession when the housing bubble burst. That's really fucking impressive. The Big Short made it really retard friendly to understand what happened, give it a go.
So, we weren't experiencing the 2nd worst financial disaster in the US history in 2007?
Cicero, Locke, Montesquieu, Hamilton, Madison, John Jay, Samuel Adams, Thomas Payne et al...
He pissed off the racist republicans. That was unfortunate.
Trump fucking loves Israel and Jews huh? Seems like it might be hard to reconcile for a white supremacist Jew hater.
Yeah. That's a list of authors. Do you know what a citation is?
Fuck bill, I'm pretty sure he sucks dick all day long that's why he's always having to clear his throat
Migration is directly tied to the economy. You have a child's conception of the world and political philosophy. If you had any self awareness, you'd be ashamed of posts like this.
>Migration is directly tied to the economy.
> political philosophy.
I thought we were talking about the economy, now it's political philosophy?
>If you had any self awareness, you'd be ashamed of posts like this.
It's like the think their reflection is a portal to the other side where the libtards live.
Again, you're a child, trying to make a shallow semantic argument. Wealth of Nations, Road to Serfdom and plenty of others are both economic and philosophic works.
The Neo-Cons may want that, but the vast, vast majority of the Republicans do not. Its the Democrats who want to import third world laborers/voters by the millions every year. Anything to destroy western civilization.
>Wealth of Nations, Road to Serfdom and plenty of others are both economic and philosophic works.
Okay, and? Just because there are works that tie these ideologies together doesn't mean they're the same thing. Your position is that because there are books that use these pairings to make a point you can hop from one to another whenever the fuck you feel like it?
No, that's not in the same galaxy as my point, faggot. The point is that regardless of the field, cultural, economic, political et al, many of which are tied together, interwoven ("politics is downstream from culture) your ideology isn't just shitty and based on deconstructionism like Neo-Marxism and Post-Modern Critical Theory; it's an epistemological disease. It rejects logos in favor of pathos, and then calls it ethos.
Perhaps, but policy is made by the 1%, who lobby both halves of our one-party system for the same purpose, and to the same effect, which is to mine the world and everyone in it, for all it's worth, until it's dead of exhaustion. The only difference is the narratives representatives use to sell themselves.
The answer to that is a return to the principles of Classical Liberalism and Civic Nationalism to stop the globalist corporatocracy from destroying nation-state sovereignty and stealing the prosperity of the citizens, not Marxism.
Oh,I don't have an ideology that have I shared with you. I jumped in mid conversation because your phrasing was retarded.
This is my first point of contact. I guess you're right, reading upwards would have been helpful. So I've done that, here are my findings.
>obama and trump are samezies
>only if you're a moron
>lol what a child philosophy and other conflated bullshit
>that's a retarded way to phrase things
>shallow semantic argument books exist that address these two points
>well that silly just because books exist doesn't mean you can use ideas interchangeably
>no everything is interwoven and your ideology is deconstructionism
How do you make these statements without knowing what my ideology is?
No, I am trying to stop you from conflating different concepts just because there are instances when they are connected doesn't mean they are always connected.
>it rejects logos in favor of pathos and then calls it ethos
Why would you describe Trump to me in this light? You're on his side.
The recession is coming way. Trump took credit for a good economy, he inherited. Presidents do not have that much control over the economy, good or bad. Trump is destroying the country's social fabric, while undermining the long-term economy with his budget deficits, he has worsened with tax cuts to the rich. At the same time. Trump undermines the short-term economy with his ill-advised trade war with China. Trump is a cancer that need to be cut out before it's too late.
You asked how migration is tied to the economy. You're a child, or simply not cognitively equipped to comprehend what I'm saying.
He isn't touching an argument against sense
>You asked how migration is tied to the economy.
Your response was literally I read two books that explored these ideas, therefore I can use them interchangeably whenever I want.
That's retarded.
>cognitively equipped to comprehend what I'm saying.
It's on you to communicate effective. It's never on the listener to decipher your autism into coherent points. This entire time alI am trying to do is understand what the fuck you're saying while you spend your time calling me a mentally deficient child, which screams intellectual insecurity by the way.
No, I'm phone posting and didn't list economics for time, which sent you into a faggotry-laden sperg out being obtuse and pretending not to understand me, I guess in an attempt to delegitimize my point (which you still aren't able to comprehend).
That's because you're not making a fucking point. Unless your point is "Hey, I read a book that addressed these two principles I understand them to be interchangeable in conversion like "soda" and "pop."" Then my response is this, that's fucking wrong you retard. If you're making another point I am all ears, make it.
McConnell and the pugs first statement after the election of Obama was that they would do everything in their power to make sure Obama had a failed presidency.
Illegal migration (and legal migration, as we take in 1.5 million foreigners legally every year) has negative economic, cultural, and civic ramifications. Stop being obtuse, faggot.
I don't think that Marxism is the answer either, but control by the globalist corporatocracy cannot be undermined if the law has no say over the sources of campaign financing.
No it doesn't. Immigration is always a positive for the economy, stop being a retard. Do you want to work in a field for 14 hours making 4 dollars an hour? Be my fucking guest, no one is stopping you. Globally speaking all the first world countries are taking in new man power that exceeds the natural birth rates because Capitalism is structured to grow exponentially with no glass ceiling. Our current population growth cannot maintain natural growth of the economy hence the positive of immigration. What fucking world are you living in?> I am all ears.
Not at all. You can't just say things and pretend they're true.
Not sure what you’re trying to say given that you’re outcrying in public as we speak. The public is not some intangible thing, you are a part of it. If what you’re asking is why is there no public outcry from the people who agree with him then you answered your own question.
Why do they always target food factory workers for raids when they start thinking about unionizing? Why don't they punish employers of illegals? You're totally right.
Uhhhhh it doesn't need to be underminied when capital will always empower capital.
Speak plainly, retard. We've been through this already.
I'm agreeing with you, calm down.
Oh, my bad.The "totally" threw me off.
I get it. I tell these fags constantly to just say what they mean instead of asking this leading question implication shit. I thought you might read it as a dig because I phrased it hat way but got lazy lol. *fistbump* you're doing the noble work here fam, namely attempting to educate the willfully ignorant.
Hopefully you're right and our masochism is of some value. Cheers.
Leftists dislike Bill Maher, liberals love him for some reason though.
He says the things other people are afraid to saaaay mmmmmkay. New rule no more criticising him if you aren't rich mmmmmkay?
underrated dubs of truth
He’s a house nigga!