Other urls found in this thread:
would be cool but they probably have good enough OpSec not to leave evidence lying around in their house, the only good course of action would be extraction + torture to gather intel
Who did she expose again?
I don't know and I don't want to type the question in a search engine
Civil war when?
So many incels. Too little chicks who fuck autistics
She can't even figure out how to send an email. What makes you think she can figure out her paper shredder?
we're just getting started :^)
I think there will be a civil war in 4-5 years
are you prepared ?
God willing.
You're scaring me OP
It's scary to confront the truth
It is farther off than that.
Seems like we are already done
Why do you think that?
When businesses go out of business, they call it the "death spiral".
Everyone can see problems happening but do nothing...
Then they realize they are in a death spiral and by the time you realize it, it's too late and it accelerates really quick.
Voters voted for a 20 Billion dollar border wall...
The total US budget is 3.8 Trillion...
The Government won't allow the people to spend
Everything takes longer than you think. In 5 years, things won't be bad enough for a large amount of people to sacrifice their life.
We are already in it.
Half of this shit you're posting is hypocritical to what you're trying to purvey. What's to say shit like this isn't brainwashing propaganda in itself?
>Everything takes longer than you think
I know.
The 4-5 year estimate was already adjusted for that.
Imagine where you were 2011. Did anyone realize that Donald Trump would be president in 2016?
Worlds change fast in 5 years.
It's time to turn your computer off and walk outside because the two are entirely different from each other.
the nature of the information in question is different
>oh look this kind of thread again.
As a chink, here's what I think is the fundamental problem of you people.
You don't feel proud because you were never taught to be proud. Not many westerner whites actually understand the greatness of Greek democracy, of the Roman Empire, of what your accomplished in the Renaissance, and then the great Industrial Revolution that followed.
Japan, when introduced to those ideas, where so infatuated with them, they risked a civil war and betted their entire cultural on westernization.
But you people now, don't know them, don't want to know them, and are not taught to be proud of them.
A civilization without link to the past and without anything to unite the populous will fail. There's a reason Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese can still read their ancient writings, but very few westerners outside scholar circle can read Latin. Your civilization currently has no root, and no purpose. Everything you do is to glorify others, but not yourself.
Also as a chink, that I am Deutsche poster is scary. It is reminiscent of old communist propaganda posters almost to a fucking T. You people shits on communism but never learned why communism took power and what kind of methods they used. You are vulnerable to the same strategies and you are getting brain washed.
Imagine intricate miles of sex dungeons and smuggle tunnels in that place
>95% of news has Left Wing Globalist agenda
>95% of movies has Left Wing Globalist agenda
>Websites getting banned from the internet for "wrongthink"
>Google censoring and deboosting "wrong think" sites
Propaganda is when you are intentionally hiding information to suit your own side without acknowledging anything else.
NPR, PBS, CNN, present themselves as unbiased "because we only report the facts".
But they intentionally don't report all of the facts.
So if you are only given some facts, you draw your conclusions based on those facts. That's biased at the least, and propaganda at worst.
It's like saying
Fact: you like cookies
Fact: there are no cookies in the jar
Fact: you have the easiest access to the cookie jar
And then I get pundits to say all these things for 24 hours a day and they never give an opinion nor say you stole them, but the unstated implication is that you stole them
Its because our colleges and schools were all taught by Left Wing Cosmopolitan professors who value Post Modernism, Nihilism and a Trans Humanist philosophy over anything else
>cites no evidence
Left Wing Mainstream Media News
>New York Times
>Washington Post
>Huffington Post
>Daily Beast
>Buzzfeed (Owned by NBC)
Which ones are Right wing?
Tell me how the news is "unbiased" and "has journalistic integrity"
Amazing. Assuming your infographic is accurate, deeply concerning that Jews in the 1940s would want to undermine German culture and war potential. That must be what helped Hitler rise to power!
All this is seriously fucked though. Fuck this gay clown world
This is probably accurate though. Pollution is proportionate to wealthy and consumption and is probably omitted in poorer shitty areas.
Not sure why this triggers you.
Why is it always black men white women? Are there ads with black females and white males? Why do products think consumers want this?
Big yikes
Kek. Interesting fact: in lots of these Arab areas they don’t let western journalists roam freely and they keep out journalists who report negative stuff. So they’re just fed a constant stream of local propaganda and report it like dogs. Journalism about Gaza is a prime example. Lebanon and Syria too.
Serious rage. Why is this anti white racism ok and even cool now? Can’t wait until these “people of color” and self haters get what’s coming.
The fact that demographic change is happening doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy.
Extremely gay
>Voters voted for a 20 Billion dollar border wall...
>The total US budget is 3.8 Trillion...
>The Government won't allow the people to spend That's a tyranny.
100%. Dems don’t care about democracy. I didn’t vote for Trump (but will in 2020). But he won fair and square. They should let him deliver his promises.
Doesn’t surprise me at all. How can we get whites to see their racial identity more?
I admire your dedication OP
You're a good man OP. Expose evil
here's a better version though, explained a bit for normalfaggots
What the fuck
Eating bugs is more eco friendly. Cows take a lot of room and food to make a pound of meat. Bugs a lot less. Plus less animal cruelty. Obviously I’m never ever going to eat them, but we’d be better off it OTHER people started eating them. For example we could outlaw meat in China and India and make them eat vegetarian or bugs. Good for the planet
You are what You eat
>locally sourced
>Cows take a lot of room and food to make a pound of meat.
Breeding insects on the same scale+ for population increases would eventually net the same area impact as cows.
further closed cycle farming is becoming more and more financially viable
and last if you accidentally release a herd of cows you just have some large stray mammals to watch out for. If you accidentally release a swarm of insects you cause a plague
This post is 80 IQ tops. You can breed worms or caterpillars on boxes stacked to the sky in a warehouse. I’ve bred worms for fishing. And they take like 10% the food to feed for the same amount of meat. Like you can get 1 lb of high protein bugs for less than 2 lbs of food. For cows it’s more than 10 lbs.
Your point about accidental release is good. I assume you’d have to raise bugs that couldn’t survive in the climate if they got out, like farm tropical bugs indoors in Alaska. Or ones that don’t eat crops and would just starve to death. But yeah that’s a good point.
>You can breed worms or caterpillars on boxes stacked to the sky in a warehouse.
Do this to bugs and youre a hero
do this to chickens and youre a monster
Natacha Jaitt said in 2019 that director Pablo Yotich and Maximiliano Giusto drugged and raped her. She attended a judicial hearing in the related case, which would be her last public appearance.
Yeah. But it's better to be having them here tha somewhere outside shooting up something.
It's a shame their containment chan was nuked, now wd must endure all this retarded refugees
Yeah funny how that works.
Use a hammer on a nail you’re a carpenter, use it on a baby you’re a monster
Gas cockroaches you’re an exterminator, gas Jews you’re a monster
Drive smallpox extinct you’re a hero, drive elephants extinct you’re a bad guy
Bugs aren’t chickens. People are very inconsistent about animals. Personally IDGAF about factory farming morally. But it isn’t ecologically sustainable, especially as meat consumption in poor countries goes up.
most large scale beef ranches use land that isn't normally used for habitation in the US and have contracted agreements to use overburdened silage. The argument of cattle taking more food and water to make equivalent amounts of protein is true but it doesn't take into account that technology is closing the gap for bug farms in regards to protein.
also you could theoretically make more money raising your worms as feed for chickens
bugs are still animals. It only takes a skewing of the portrait to turn PETA against worm mongers
>But it isn’t ecologically sustainable,
most people that believe this live nowhere near actual farms. Pollution of rivers and water tables by large scale animal farms occurred because the human species had never been down that road before. Its becoming a regulated thing now
You’re right about ranch lands. But there’s still a large carbon footprint and it often uses water. And I don’t know what percentage of beef in America comes from ranches but I don’t think it’s a majority. There isn’t enough pasture or scrubland on earth to provide all the beef people will want by 2050 or 2100.
We don’t really have a shortage of land for homes in America, I’m more worried about preserving forests, grasslands, etc. Brazil is the prime example of this problem.
As for silage, bugs could eat the same silage and make more meat. I’m not sure what you mean about technology closing that gap.
Yeah, I’ve thought about other angles on bug farming, like BSFL for chickens or fish. But it’s a lot of hassle and I have a day job.
Personally I think everyone should eat less meat and very high quality meat when they do. But good luck weaning people of 99 cent Big Macs.
this is the kind of nigga who thinks the govt is a trustworthy resource as long as they claim things that he agrees with
We miss you uncle Carl...need you more than ever.
>And I don’t know what percentage of beef in America comes from ranches but I don’t think it’s a majority. There isn’t enough pasture or scrubland on earth to provide all the beef people will want by 2050 or 2100.
the majority of beef supply in the US comes from within the US. For other nations within the americas i'm not sure either but i'm fairly positive most south american nations have large scale farms themselves. In terms of land use we have no idea of what technological advancements we'll have by 2050 or 2100. It doesn't mean we should just ignore it so a mixture of all things is probably best but it literally isnt as bad as the news makes it seem.
> I’m more worried about preserving forests, grasslands, etc. Brazil is the prime example of this problem.
Brazil has its own problems that brazil needs to solve that don't involve large scale ranching.
>I’m not sure what you mean about technology closing that gap.
GMOs increase crop production on silage with less water use.
>Yeah, I’ve thought about other angles on bug farming, like BSFL for chickens or fish. But it’s a lot of hassle and I have a day job.
what i'm getting at is the same argument that people use for sustainable energy. its not just 1 solution that will fix everything its going to be a mix of many things.
>But good luck weaning people of 99 cent Big Macs.
you can't control people and no amount of additional laws are really going to help anything but feels. Work with the idiocy of mankind or be swept away with the flow
Does anyone have an answer for what to do about this? We've known that the Jews and the rich are crooked af and have done way worse shit than the supposed Holocaust.
What the fuck can any of us do when we have the police and the Alphabet boys (CIA, FBI, etc.) that are a part of all of this shit? Everyone knows whenever someone mysteriously dies from an overdose or drowning in their tub that the police that did the investigation are from the same group that murdered the person. The entire idea of being a vigilante is just us daydreaming.
why not do what they did in the west when they realized that peanut farms were causing so much damage and make people allergic to beef?
I agree with most of what you’re saying. With the right economic incentives (eg carbon tax) the free market will find the best solutions. And a mix is best. Renewable energy is a good analogy.
My point about ranches is that I think most beef in America isn’t sustainably raised. I don’t know much about beef but grew up around chicken farms and in my experience the happy chicken cage free stuff is much more expensive to produce.
But if people are willing to eat bugs why not do that too? I’m not talking about outlawing meat. Just saying that if more people voluntarily eat bugs we might all be better off.
Lol interesting theory
i know . . .
>I don’t know much about beef but grew up around chicken farms and in my experience the happy chicken cage free stuff is much more expensive to produce.
i live around beef ranches primarly and have a friend who's family of historical beef masters since the 1800's. The sustainable ranching problem was only recently brought to light and mostly by the ranching industry themselves when they started noticing the cost to feed compared to others.
I think if you want people to eat bugs you would have to do what MSM has done for years. Make TV and Movies about how good of a person you would be for eating bugs. Make people like kim kardashian eat bug meats for the insect whopper. Start mixing it with soy and sell it in california with an eco green name like "Life Style Supplement"
Christ, that kid is fucked.
>Why is this anti white racism ok and even cool now?
Wasn't it already revealed that some twitter accounts are just doing it to enrage the other party to get a continuous divisive narrative because clickbait articles make tons of money? The west is being shitposted to death.
Food trends aren’t always MSM conspiracies. People used to think lobster was gross because it’s essentially a bug. It was poor people and prison food. Then it became a delicacy. Trends change. And bugs may be lower cholesterol.
Yeah there’s truth to this. Bots (presumably Russian) shitpost on both sides to wow chaos. But I’ve also met a lot of people who think and talk this way. And you see these articles on slate etc. not calling for white genocide, but demonizing whites or taking glee in declining white population
what i'm getting at is big news likes to sensationalize things for them drama bucks. Sustainable cattle ranching is a relatively new topic but theres progress being made yearly.
give it a couple hundred years and we'll have massive grain satellites around planets being teraformed by armys of farting cows and shitting chickens
>Then it became a delicacy. Trends change. And bugs may be lower cholesterol.
nah what i'm saying is "how do we force the change faster". I'd eat bugs if it were presented right or maybe even if it were in my protein as most people i know will eat the most foul tasting shit if it promises them gains
>met a lot of people who think and talk this way
Remember when Yea Forums used to spam CP here to fuck with the raids from ebaums and gaia? Then the pedos thought they were in good company so they stayed. It's kinda like that. The shitposting attracted retards like flies to shit. Typical useful idiots. I don't have the links anymore but some independent journo revealed that these radical left clickbait sites are usually owned by old money conservatives who only care about the profits and don't really care or think about the division they're causing because it isn't affecting them.
do you mean how every other thread is a /pol/ thread or just normie porn and when you complain about it all the newfags just say its always been there
I mean when we got a deluge of cp threads after the fact. This was before /pol/ or /news/ was a thing.
We can actually do something about that problem. We need to get out on the street as one collective power. After that it would be kind of messy shit (something similar to yellow west movement in France). Two countries need to do rioting at the same time, and that actual state of vandalizing and tearing down those devils who are in high places of manipulating machinery should simply start chain reaction on the whole U.S.A. Every single person in the world (normies) are watching yours next move in behavior over your government, which is a enormous plus, because that is going to fire and spread to the whole world. Imagine something like this:
U.S. have started a massive riot
Europe have seen what they are capable to do
Next weak there is a huge riot in whole europe
Asia have seen what everyone can do when they are in collective power
Asians are starting to riot . . . ETC
I want to say that everything is on U.S. to make that glorious step forward. It would be a lot of victims for sure, but it would also bee a better future for next generations worldwide.
The best and most dangerous weapons are often just as dangerous to the wielder.
As soon as you said chink, this is what came to mind
ARGENTINA ES CONTROLADA POR JEWS. La mina se metio en una red de pedofilia y termino asi.
Translated for everyone else
>Argentina is a great place for Jews. The locals here will give up their children for some corn
I don't know if those are piglets or shaved puppies.
I’m talking about meeting people in person. Outside. Off the Internet.
I encounter far more anti white racism than probably any other kind. Antisemitism is number two, mainly from the left and Muslims. Just my experience.
I'm only posting this link because I've been threatene with doxx, please join discord.com\invite\bFeKS6z
How to adopt Argentinian babies with good genes and shut culture?
piglets its a tradition in china to snuff out a young life before you start your day
well hello there mister federal agent
don't ask me ask argentinanon
whats up brother
Bro the protein density of insects is fucking crazy
Even compared to meat, its way better
Like I said, man: useful idiots. Retards that took the identitarianpill and are now nothing but idealogues. It's gonna be hilarious when whatever cataclysmic event they're looking for happens because from what I remember, people like that usually are the first on the wall because they've served their purpose for the regime.
yeah but if i walk into a united or walmart i don't ever see insect protein. Any company that wants to make insect protein meals or the like is trying to sell their wares based on the save the environment feels which results in people just ignoring it.
ffs i was buying some lime scale remover earlier today and put the bottle of CLR back on the shelf because of the big "women owned business" label on it. I don't give a shit who owns the company it shows a lack of priorities
Where is uncensored?
Today OP was not a faggot.
At least I’ll be out of uni in 5 years
> Will somebody please think of the multi-billion dollar mega corporations and cite sources when you chat shit about them when we all know what’s happening
That's because you are asking us to sacrifice ourselves for a possible better future. That would also mean that we are pushed beyond our limit for what the government and companies are doing to us, and a lot of us are not at that limit.
The largest problem, though, is no one seems to be doing anything right now while the riots in China are taking place. Trump is sitting on his fat ass scratching his balls with our hands, while the rest of America is fighting among each other for who needs to be scratching his balls. What about the other countries? Does no one really give a shit, or is it media manipulation making it seem like no one is doing anything?
>sacrifice ourselves
In our world not single nation have accomplished anything for the own benefit of peoples without sacrifice, you have a plenty of examples in the history books.
>pushed beyond our limit for what the government and companies are doing to us, and a lot of us are not at that limit.
One day it will happened to all of us, it doesn't matter when, and that is probably the main thing that most of human beings are not able to see
>no one seems to be doing anything right now while the riots in China are taking place
Most of peoples don't care enough, because this is not happening at their living or working places, tomorrow it can easily be us in that state of riot
>media manipulation
This is also one of the biggest problems, everyone is looking at MSM, and yet no one realize that it is all completely like a simple trick, like those magic from the clowns in circus. It's time to wake up from those degenerative state of mind, and do something for this beautiful life who could easily fall apart in every sense
Except pe da phelia amirite?
Hah, and now at this moment i'm 100% sure that you're fed. At least i was written the truth, and i will always write and speak about truth until the end
Who is this?
This one hits hard. Smart dude who could clearly see the weaknesses of our society.
Individual people have the capacity to be so very smart, but collectively, "people" are gullible and manipulatable because they have no power.
>Individual people have the capacity to be so very smart, but collectively, "people" are gullible and manipulable because they have no power.
this man watched MIB
sorry OP but you've lost me. some of the stuff you posted is credible, but lots of it isn't, including this one:
If I didn't know any better, I would almost suspect that you're trying to push a narrative here.
Hmmm... whatever could it be?
ah yes, the "there is no world conspiracy :)" conspiracy theory
this one was actually quite scary
Ever just wanna get righteous?
Wasn't Sagan a jew himself?
She wasn’t Argentine she was a jew
It blows my mind how freaked out and retarded the west is about this
Literally a staple part of our diet for the extreme majority of our existence, and still fairly common in most parts of the world
It's like getting freaked out about eating meat or yams or something
His parents were jewish.
Carl was agnostic.
He wanted us to have a better world.
He was a good man and I believe he was murdered.
What's the story behind this ?
>The fact that demographic change is happening doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy.
Not saying it's a conspiracy, but it's clearly only happening because of the laws of the country.
>Why is it always black men white women? Are there ads with black females and white males? Why do products think consumers want this?
The first people were Jewish tho so QED jackass
>That must be what helped Hitler rise to power!
Actually...it is.
Jews have a culture of revolutionary spirit.
>or is it media manipulation making it seem like no one is doing anything?
this obviously
You’re totally right. I agree 100%. And we know exactly why that law got passed. Prejudiced congressmen were worried a merit system would favor Jews and Asians so they based it on family ties, thinking Americans had more family ties to Europe. It’s textbook unintended consequences. The laws need to change NOW. Decades ago it was already too late. And for some reason ($$$) republicans in Congress wont stop it.
Acting like it’s a Jewish conspiracy is counterproductive. It needs to be a mainstream American movement to end this.
>And for some reason ($$$) republicans in Congress wont stop it
It's because floods of immigrants mean the housing market can remain artificially inflated.
It also means cheap labor.
It also means Democrats get free votes.
The government doesn't want to solve the immigration problem.
(Other than giving amnesty or allowing more immigrants in)
It's not a strictly Jewish thing. But when Jews are only 2% of the population yet they are vastly overrepresented as Congressmen and both Democrats and Republicans are owned by Israel and the Jews...
You have to start drawing some obvious conclusions...
Being called "Racist" by people who don't understand isn't that bad.
That's what's holding you back from drawing such an obvious conclusion?
If so, you are a coward.
Why is our moral compass in our modern times so fucked up?
The worst thing you can call someone is "Racist". That's the measure of pure evil in our society?
Not rape or murder or lying or degeneracy. But "Racist".
"My country is going to shit...but you know what! At least Jimmy Kimmel can't call me a racist!"
I wish I was better at writing jokes, because that is a hilarious joke concept
Thanks for making me rage based /buddy/
This thread is pure gold
I have a feeling it's going to be a bumpy ride in a few more years
Brb, getting this one discharged
So many government shills on Yea Forums it's nice to see this one
>Prejudiced congressmen were worried a merit system would favor Jews and Asians
What? No retard.
The US was like 88% White and 10% Black in 1960
They werent worried about Jews and Asians
They moved this law because they wanted votes.
JFK had a campaign commercial were his wife spoke in Spanish to attract Spanish speaking voters to vote for JFK
I agree with you about everything but the Jew thing. Big business wants illegal immigrants for cheap labor, for consumerism, to depress wages, etc etc. and liberals want the votes. It’s just a bunch of independent selfish decisions. Plus idiotic well intentioned bleeding hearts.
Filename. This guy gets it.
Read up on the history of the act. They wanted to remove the quotas for ethnic origins because they were “racis,” but the family unification rules were specifically meant to keep America white. There were almost no Hispanics in America outside border areas. Wouldn’t be the first time a law backfired.
>Democrat Rep. Michael A. Feighan (OH-20), along with some other Democrats, insisted that "family unification" should take priority over "employability", on the premise that such a weighting would maintain the existing ethnic profile of the country. That change in policy instead resulted in Chain migration dominating the subsequent patterns of immigration to the United States.[17][18] In removing racial and national discrimination the Act would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S.[19]
Source: en.m.wikipedia.org
The old immigration laws were passed to keep out Jews, Eastern Europeans, Asians, and Italians. They were hardly thinking about black and Hispanic immigration at all.
Silence and a bad memory isn't seeming so bad now is it.
>Trusting wikipedia on anything remotely political
That entire site labels anyone right of center a "White Supremacist"
It's because you added keywords that are usually used for racial searches you nigger.
It’s a function of lazy search algorithms. People only specify “white” as a keyword when they’re talking about race issues. If you google couples, teens, kids, European people, etc it’s mainly white.
There’s incredible propaganda in America and Europe against the white family. is the scariest post ITT. But the google search results are probably a coincidence/red herring.
>liberals want the votes
They also want the consumerism, depressed wages etc too. They just pretend they aren't for corporations when they are worse than the Republicans.
Democrats use government regulation as crony capitalism to help their big business donors stifle competition within the nation.
Republicans deregulate to make sure their businesses can get better profit margins.
This country is run by businesses both on the Left and Right.
If your business can do better with less regulation, you finance Repubs.
If your business can do better with more regulation, you finance Demos.
That wiki page is actually red pilled and talks about chain migration and demographic shift. But fine, here’s another source saying the same:
Do you have any source to support your claim for why family unification was put in the bill? It was put there by conservatives. They fucked up.
gas yourself
Incredibly based. Totally agree. And Republicans pass a shitload of regs to help their friends too. Look at a state like Texas where you need a license to cut hair or paint houses, bills passed by Republicans to protect incumbent businesses. Trump’s shockingly cronyistic unfortunately. I just meant that regarding illegals the Dems do it for votes.
You guys complain about this shit yet go around spamming NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER
You deserve to be wiped out
Imagine a world where it would be socially acceptable though. Can you imagine if someone called for black genocide? Can you imagine safely putting your name on such a tweet? With a BLUE CHECKMARK?
Whites are already the global minority by like a ridiculous margin, I really want this meme to die. Why do white countries need to have billion person populations? Why cant we just have our low pop high resource utopia while the rest of the world (which fucking hates it when we interfere anyway btw) can have 30 kids and burn through their resources as fast as they like and live in poverty, why do we need to let them in and celebrate their culture that is causing poverty in their own nations, it's like giving money to a friend you know is only going to spend it on frivolous shit, he's never gonna pay his rent or child support or even use the money for education or taking out a business loan he's just going to fuck sluts and party until the booze Is gone and he's got 5 kids. Fuck this nonsense for real, its bullshit. We gotta bring in more people so that the government can have more tax payers paying their wages in 30 years. Meanwhile the job market is drying up and automation is becoming more of a thing completely erasing menial labor jobs. Shit sucks so much
Put me in the screen shot
It's CNN. Just sydh and move along.
Good post. But you’re a racist
Human-pig hybrids made for the purpose of organ/medical tissue farming. This batch didn't come out right so they have to kill em
Actually they’re half man half bear-pig
Civil war when?
Now that we are aware of this, whats the next move? besides violence obviously.
When you elect a guy who wants to build a wall and it's
hol up
god I hope so, but the same needs to happen in europe as well
did she died?
no, agitative is the correct word.
Is there an unedited?