How long until pedophilia becomes legal?

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It already is if you don’t get caught and if you do get caught just pull a Jeff E.

The Marxists have been trying for years

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Hopefully soon so I can fuck the 11 year old that comes to hang out with me

At this point, honestly won’t be surprised to see that happen in my lifetime.

if the Democrat have their way soon
cant put them in prison for it if its legal

If she has hair on her pussy, it is called hebephilia. That should be legal already. If there is grass on the field, you can play football.

It will be part of lowering the voting age.

I haven't seen it but based on how developed the rest of her is I'd be willing to bet she's got hair. She's pretty developed and likes to sit close to/against me so I can feel her boobs. A year ago she was trying to hold my hand and would sit on my lap but that stopped when she started sixth grade. Probably going to rub one out to the thought of her now

If Trump gets reelected, less than 5 years.

>Republican president currently in office has fucked multiple kids.

>Republicans call the Democrats child fuckers.


"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Romans 1:24-27

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You lefttards have some pathetic delusions. Considering killing yourself. You're not going to make it through a lifetime of republican presidents.....

politics doesn't define my life like it seems to define yours so i'm good thanks. it will only be up to 5 more years and then some Dem will be in office. it's a cycle.

Never because consent can’t happen

Children can say yes and no and they have all the holes they need. All the tools for consent are already there.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Berlin in the late 20s.................

>haha you see politics don't define my life I'm actually quite the moderate better luck next time haha
Does all of that cognitive dissonance give you a headache or anything?

Or vice versa.

A child can not decide for themselves about anything. If they were left to their own devices they would only eat candy, never go to school, and play with fire. Children can’t make a rational decision and therefore can’t consent.

Ok... Then why can the change their gender? Children can "decide" to do something if we decide it is something good.

Neither can Democrats.

>Scientists say gender identity forms at a young age
>How long until pedophilia becomes legal?

Dude are you smoking crack? these two things are totally unrelated. If you don't believe me, write to the scientists that are mentioned in the article if they believe their findings mean you should fuck little girls.

I bet they disagree

>these two things are totally unrelated
Gender and sex unrelated... Ok...

What if I write to then saying that I identify as a little girl and that it is only natural for little girls to want to explore each other's bodies? Only a literal Nazi alt-right bigot would deny a person's natural desires just because of the body that they were born in


>Gender and sex unrelated... Ok...
Nice strawman faggot. I didn't say gender and sex are unrelated, I'm saying gender identity and the question about the age of consent are totally unrelated.

If you disagree than please feel free to elaborate how gender identity influences the age of consent. Should the age of consent be lower if you are trans? if so why?

Yeah well the leprechaun researchers have speculated for years that there may not actually be any gold at the end of the rainbow, but jews and other money grubbing activists have rejected their findings.

Because old bill sure liked them young

dude its like legalizing weed. you cant deny a little girl the right to fuck because she will just do it illegaly somewhere else and then she might get hurt or some shit


>What if I write to then saying that I identify as a little girl and that it is only natural for little girls to want to explore each other's bodies?

Fuck you are stupid. Who thinks you can identify as little girl? I mean come on, do you actually try to make a real argument or are you just writing your farts down?

This my friend is the largest strawman humans have ever constructed

>dude its like legalizing weed. you cant deny a little girl the right to fuck because she will just do it illegaly somewhere else and then she might get hurt or some shit
And this is related to gender identity in what way exactly?

Person without a collage degree doesn't know shit about science - the post

> write to the scientists that are mentioned in the article if they believe their findings mean you should fuck little girls.
im just saying that those scientists would fucking agree with me on that

>I identify as a little girl and that it is only natura
I'd say Great! Assuming you don't mind me identifying as a child killer and choking the shit out of you, tying you up, and burying you up to your neck next to an ant hill. You know, because I "identify" as a child killer. Don't worry, you'll only suffer for days, maybe a week. Unlike the children you molest and damage for life.

>Who thinks you can identify as little girl?

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Have you asked them? I mean really, most scientists are happy to answer questions about their work (as long as you are polite). If so feel free to publish their answers here

>okay then why can't they summon meteors to destroy the earth

don't go full retard

And this is what happens when you base your entire ideology on propaganda rather than the pursuit of fact.
Reported for thought crime against an oppressed transgender transage transethnic minority. Enjoy prison

I'm sorry, i thought we where talking about scientists, you know because the thread is about scientists. Shure I can find a crazy person who believes in anything. Just ask the crazy dude who thinks he is the reincarnation of napoleon

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