ITT: Tell us your favourite movie(s) and other anons judge your taste

ITT: Tell us your favourite movie(s) and other anons judge your taste.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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pulp fiction

Fast and the furious toyko drift

Last Samurai

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Lost in Translation
Blade Runner
Das Boot
and 12 monkeys

Rashomon is my 10/10 movie

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One at the time niggers

>ITT: Tell us your favourite movie(s) and other anons judge your taste.

>ITT: Tell us your favourite movie(s) and other anons judge your taste.


I judge you're a fucking retard.

great choice - though 7 samurai is probably the better feudal kurosawa movie

don't really agree with 12 monkeys in there - but that's subjective. good movies

generic as fuck

wouldn't say favorite but waterworld is first that popped to mind then Logan.

shawshank redemption

You like to pretend to do stunts on your bike, and quickly turn to see if anyone watched, and when they didn't you circle back around and try again.

Attached: huurrr_durrr_dumpty_dum_fuck.jpg (298x359, 11K)

Full Metal Jacket


Hot rod

do or do not, there is no pretend

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not a movie

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cool film, actually laughed while watching it

ice ice baby

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shawshank redemption is one of the best movies ever made, but somehow most people don't like to think of it that way

the 'totally rad show' guys once tried to determine their collective fav movie by using an algorithm to compare two movies against each other and choosing one over the other - until they come up with a complete ranking

shawshank came out on top and everyone was shocked. they even went back and redid some choices because they couldn't accept it

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the game 1997

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pedo nigger

That’s because it’s like an 8/10 on everything but not a 10/10 in something.

No Country For Old Men
The Big Lebowski
I, Tonya
Les Miserables (2012)
The Witch

>les mis instead of Millers Crossing

Just about everyone thinks of Shawshank as one of the best. It was the Academy not recognizing it that has colored that narrative.

Macgruber, he's a fucking genius.

Attached: fuckin Macgruber.jpg (1395x2100, 1.06M)

If i wanted to make a full on Coen Bros. list I would have.

Underrated as fuck

Fight Club. Fuck what you know, what you think you know and just let go.

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>20 year old who is just now coming into his own

Patrician taste.

>way older then 20 and I prob banged your mom. I could be your Dad, kiddo.

then just sad

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>adult cuck who says he’s the next Tyler Durden to justify being a beta loner

Blues Brothers

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>user that likes to project on other user's cause he's mad he has a small penis.

Says the hippocrate on 4chin.


most people hooked on action/horror movies and they want their fix from an adrenaline rush

Just showed my gf this and she’s obsessed. 10/10 movie

Double irony.kissmyass.jpg.html

You like the idea of fucking kids but not the idea of prison rape and shanking so you watch movies a tug it to satiate your pedophilia.

never seen it but it looks good

I have too many top favs so I’ll list some off

Back to the Future
Halloween (1978)
Evil Dead II
Die Hard
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Star Wars (just the first original one)
The Burbs
The Blues Brothers

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i like crime movies about the mafia and hitmen

So you pick the most cliche and pedo driven one?

Now shut up kid and post movies. Cause like irl you're taking up space.

it has an 8.6/10 IMDb. Not everyone that likes this movie is a pedo. You seem to be the one that see's it as a pedo movie, maybe that says something about you

I have a thing for late 90s early 2000s futuristic sci fi movies.

Equilibrium is one of my favorites too

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I'm not sure if it's my favorite, but I still laugh my ass off and sing along to the songs and love watching it after so many years.

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I’m not even the same guy that was calling you out before, clearly many of us can see that you wanna fuck kids and like shit movies


Translation: poster is an immature, self-important dipshit.

The legend of Ron Burgundy
90% of the time it works everytime.

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>using IMDB to back up your claims

Another faggot appears.

Came here to post this.

>not realizing that the public decides what they like

well it's more accurate than rotten tomatoes. what else am i supposed to use?

>user that's so butthurt he lost, he can't stop trying to look cool
Translation: (you)

quads of fucking truth


Attached: Brazil.png (907x510, 682K)

It was just a joke friend.

>thinking you won when you lost from the get go

Translation: Always you

The first DVD I got myself using a voucher I got for my birthday

This would be an awesome "check em" gif if that were on his left hand.

They live.

You’re probably a sad boomer

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That is a good fun movie
>"Im a dapper Dan man"

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>another faggot appears
This post made me laugh. I don’t know why. You’re alright in my book. Watch diddler movies till your hearts content.

nice digits

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

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Mah nigger. Love me some Gilliam

Underrated as fuck.

That’s what your music does Dewey, it kills people. Kek

gr8 fuckin thread

>not realizing IMDb ratings are influenced by the studios who release the dogshit movies these days

Fuck yeah

I've been halfed. Never though I'd be halfed in a matachee fight. And the wrong kid died.

>being a retarded conspiracy theorist.

Stay away from this shit Dewey, you don’t want no part of it.

it has been worthy of some keks

ITT: shit greenposting

Ive always thought this was a criminally underrated film.

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Nice trips

It really is. The only downside is that it was plagued by some production troubles and it came after Carpenter was shunned by the studio system. Imagine how much more amazing it would of been with a rounded budget. Fantastic flick. Nigel Kneale would be proud.

And you never bought drugs. Not even once.

nice dubs. this is now a get thread

The Thing

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Can you two faggots shut the fuck up. You can’t even write, kid.

>despite of having

Fucking kys kek

>believing astroturfing isn’t real
>calling other people retarded
I bet you trust the ratings on Amazon too dont you, you dumb faggot?

I really like 7 samurais too but I think Rashomon has something more about the story. It just hooked me in another way.
(Sorry for bad english)

I always thought you were gay and this proves it.

>can't construct a proper sentence on top of being an imbecile

>being somehow even more retarded

Fight club

"Donkey kong?"

Easy money
Can I call you Dad, now?

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>No u

Body Double
Out of the Blue
Straw Dogs

>being hit with asperger syndrome so hard without knowing how to made a proper reply to certain user
get fucked in the head . . . sperg

>Not realizing you're being responded to as the child you are.

>not realizing that you're too idiotic to hold up an actual discussion with

Sling Blade

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Kek, kid deleting his post like a fucking autist.

Type more words

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Nobody makes me bleed my own blood ! Nobody !

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I’m 28, could be that I prefer good filmmaking as opposed to try hard bullshit?

Don't need to. You communicate in grunts.

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Type more words

the Monkees in "Head"

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Jacob's Ladder.

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My nigga

Office Space
When you come in on Monday and you're not feeling real well, does anyone ever say to you "Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays"?

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I got to time to feed your delusion of control.

They’re remaking this unfortunately

Type more words

Nah man.. nah... I believe you’d get your ass kicked sayin’ sumthin’ like that.

Smokey and the bandit
There's no way, no WAY that you came from my loins.

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>Silver Bullet
>Big Trouble in Little China
>John Carpenters The Thing
>Army of Darkness

Attached: Silver-Bullet-poster.jpg (800x1136, 192K)

Haha, sure "master".

>trips checked
I'll tell you what I' d do, man, two chicks at the same time, man.

Type more words

I can't understand why they would try to recreate perfection.
I know Hollywood has no imagination any more but this is fucking ridiculous.

1000% this

Even Smokey and the Bandit 3 is fun

They Live and Hell Comes to Frogtown are fantastic

It’s cast with a black main character.

Sure thing. I mean, you keep doing it too so might as well too.
>literally falling into own bait.

It’s “you’re” dumbass not “your”!

Type more words

The water boy
Bobby, deh ever catch dat gorilla that busted outa da zoo and punched you in da eye?

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What are you, five?

The hell you say? It's called autofill, dumbass. Go back to poking your asshole.

I am.

What a complete B'Stard!

It is tho

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clockwork orange, oldboy, audition. the mask is pretty good
favpurite recent movie is probably shane blacks nice guys

Old but gr8 nigger commedy

I tried to like this film, very last scene really got me but hard to rewatch.

muh nigga

If you liked nice guys, please tell me you’ve seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It’s a better version of nice guys

Who gives a fuck?

I’m five because I stated a fact?

Type more words

Transexual babysitters 1 to 3

Fuck, i forgot to post pic

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Obviously the people people who made the movie dumbfuck.

Animal House
This is Spinal Tap

i think russel crowe and gosling have better chemistry than downey and val kilmer, and i prefer the setpieces

And yours is Endgame I see.

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You actually responded! Thanks for the laugh.

Dumber and dumberer
There's gonna be chicks all over us. It's gonna be so faggy I don't think I can stand it.
Highly recommended and underrated

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Rocky horror picture show

>and then im gonna take off your dress hhhhh
>and then im gonna take off your bra hhhhh
>and then im gonna take off your shoes hhhhh

Actually kys


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Don't be asshurt cause you don't have a sense of humor.


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Because it doesn't matter.

>implying dumb and dumberer or tag is remotely close to funny


That's your opinion so I guess you are right? And speak for all? What a sad fuck you are.

It obviously does to the people who made the film you fucking retard.

No u

Piss off survey cunt, why not start by telling us yours. You survey monkeys are seriously retarted, what are you from india or pakistan?

Duh, moron. We're talking about a logical audience response. WHO GIVES A FUCK?

Joey, have you ever been in a turkish prison?

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Cool response.

>I’ll smear feces all over myself and when someone tells me it’s strange I’ll just give them the opinion speech

Fuck your fucking mother you fucking white devil

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>all female Ghostbusters
>it’s being recast with all women
>”WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE” as you clutch your pearls
>entire point of the remake was it was done with women


I take that as a compliment, given that I'm not a nigger sack of shit from india or pakistan.

WHO GIVES A FUCK? Don't watch it and it won't matter in the end. Doesn't change anything in the end. Stop feeling victimized by a movie.

Kids like you will never understand

The question was asked why it’s being remade. The answer is to recast it for # diversity. Art is giving way to identity politics. These remakes a fucking nauseating. I don’t want to see all black “Goonies” anymore than an all male “Steel Magnolias” or “Fried Green Tomatoes”. Race and gender doesn’t matter until it does.

This is the last common sense concept I’m holding your candy and feces covered retard hand and you walking you through.

I just won't cry over something that doesn't change what I love and in the end is totally irrelevant.

Type more words

great flick....i lived with the dude who made it....funny guy

Doesn't matter, you absolute chimp.

Of course.

>Who gives a fuck what I say in a post. Move along and don’t respond to it.
Lol you’ve got shit for brains.

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Cannonball run
Where the hookers?
Hookers, man! Where the hookers?

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Interstellar is amazing. Anyone else agree?

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Call a chimp a chimp and it'll chimpout.
That's a simple fact.
Look it up here

Only when I saw it in IMAX on salvia/weed brownies lol the seats were shaking from the bass, fuckin dopeeee

The Green Mile

>women have titanic
>men have green mile
This film always gets me no matter what.. when John at the end say please don’t put the mask on, I’m scared of the dark... fuck you man

Simple jack

Must watch

Changing the narrative, i see.

Perriers Bounty
In Bruges
Some Mothers Son
The Devils Advocate
Michael Collins

Johnny Dangerously
You lousy cork-soakers

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Blade runner, heat, the big short, fargo, fantastic, clerks.

Pineapple Express
Pulp Fiction
28 Days Later

I don't have any "favorites" there are ones that suck but a lot that I like, too many for a stupid list for some marketing faggot.

Son of the mask :)

Hell nah, I ain't pee on nat girl. No no listen, here's the story she was in the way when I was peeing she walked past.
Booty sweat baby, drink booty sweat.

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I take my coffee black, like my men.

Shits lit if you're high as fuck, it's like being in space^2

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Leon The Professional
Falling Down
Pulp Fiction
The Big Lebowski

I'm not a movie or tv guy in any way, that's about all I ever really enjoyed.

Watch this one

Man, revolver was fucking horrible. Way too pretentious focusing on ego. Only worthwhile thing about that film was Ray Liottas acting. FEAR ME

>leon the professional
fucking pedo

Hot Shots! Part Deux
Now I will kill you until you die from it!

Attached: hot-shots-deux-screenshot.jpg (580x379, 66K)

A Scanner Darkly
The Unforgiven
Barton Fink
Miami Blues
Public Enemies
Falling Down
Blood Simple
Come And See
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex
7 Days In Entebbe
Cecil B. Demented
The Falcon And The Snowman
The Old Man And The Gun
Summer Of Sam
The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
The Searchers
The Man Who Wasn't There
The Departed
Apocalypse Now

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Nah, it's totally plagiarized from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey

Those are two actors from 28 Days later, right?
That reminded me I enjoyed that one too.

Idk I like the presentation and all, I really enjoyed it.

Made me laugh.

Men at work
There are several sacred things in this world that you don't ever mess with. One of them happens to be another man's fries. Now, you remember that, and you will live a long and healthy life.

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What’s your fav movie then faggot?

I just saw this one recently but the original Russian Solaris is pretty good.

The Big Bang Theory

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French Connection, "never trust a nigger"

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My fucking nigger 10/10

Hard to pick a single fav, but here are a few I watched recently that stayed with me
>man from earth
>my dinner with andre
>one flew over the cuckoo's nest
>12 angry men
>rear window
>singing in the rain

they are already posted here fatdumbfuck
i can't really tell which one of these are my fav.

The Russian Solaris is really bizzare and it blows the shit out of our American one with that boring clooney faggot.

Space balls
I bet she gives great helmet.

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George “head tilt” Clooney

And now you know that evil will always prevail because good is dumb

Legendary french movie 8/10

Childish badass movie : 7/10

Legendary : 9/10

overrated movie, wich only relies on a final twist : 5/10

Mainstream plebe movie : 3/10

Classic : 8/10

Classic : 8/10

Good one : 8/10

God tier : 10/10

Retarded childish movie, with shitty story : 4/10

I think he tried a presidential run, that didn't go too far.

It's amazing

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I can see your Swartz is as big as mine.

>this fucking bot who shows up in every thread like this

Attached: bestmovie.png (720x960, 440K)

>this fucking bot
>actually believing the bullshit about bots and troll farms
>being this retarded

The thread is about judging eachothers. Try harder.

I'm the pretentious faggy type who loves the Kaufman/Jonez/Gondry circles. Also love Coens, but Lebowski is overrated. Raising Arizona and Fargo tie for best, IMO. O Brother and No Country are also great.

Straw Dogs
Synecdoche, New York
Boss Nigger

Okay. You’re a fucking faggot and a little bot bitch. how’s that, mr NPC?

This movie is so fucking wholesome.

No Caddyshack here?
"The World Need Ditch Diggers Too"

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Breakfast Club
When you grow up... your heart dies.

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Most people don't believe that Boss Nigger is a real movie.

Adaptation is phenomenal. Actually an insane screenplay lol
>Millers crossing

Only 5/10, well goddamnit, i'll never post that again

The sad thing is that most of these movies couldn't made today, they wouldn't get through the politically correct test or focus groups and lawyers.

You must feel ashamed for having posted this.
Now go to your room and think about what you've done?

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too bad for them, it's a treat

Dirty work
Wet hot American summer

Barton Fink

This is England
Green Street Hooligans
Layer Cake
There are a lot more...

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I saw that on Dark Vault of Public Domain.


Hey everybody, we’re all gonna get laid!

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Paul Blart 2

Hell yeah!


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Man on the train (2011)

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Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

are we doing documentaries?:

The Wonderful Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl
This Film Is Not Yet Rated
Land Without Bread
The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Capturing The Friedmans
King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters
Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter Jr.
A Life In The Death Of Joe Meek
Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the '70s Generation
Black Box BRD

This is my favorite film. It has a 17% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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has a 54% metacritic and over 80% on rotten tomatoes. one of the best movies i have ever seen

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one of the best movies this generation

Seven Days In May

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Fast Times at Ridgemont High

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That user bagging the leon guy is gonna love you

I like spaghetti westerns


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Check out Ace High
Ace High - preview - Terence Hill Bud Spencer Eli Walach

Blackie The Pirate Trailer Terence Hill Bud Spencer

All the Way Boys - Bud Spencer & Terence Hill

The Medusa Touch

I will be amazed if anyone on here has even seen this, but it’s a great movie!

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Dirty Harry

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Dubs don't lie on that one.

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Have I ever told you about Sammy Jankiss?