Found this picture on my wife’s phone. How fucked am I?

Found this picture on my wife’s phone. How fucked am I?

Attached: 422E7F84-5171-496B-A0C7-8F6A8AE517D7.jpg (3000x2250, 722K)

Depends. Is that your wife holding that thick aryan dick?


is that her ?

See if she’ll share it with you. It looks like it would be really fun to suck.

That appears to be her freakishly long nipple yes

And is it your dick she is holding?

Well, that's proof she cheated. You should be able to get out of the marriage with more of your shit.

Record her admitting to it and you've got yourself a slam dunk.


haven't you had an affair while married?


Well, that sucks. Sorry bro. Try to get the hell out of that marriage asap.

karma. move on. if you love her keep her.

A few of them.

You are about as fucked as that dick at the time of this encounter.

It gets worse

Attached: 356009BE-0810-447A-BDC4-FCA3AA619606.gif (540x960, 1.98M)

A few of them

omg I wanna see him cum and I wanna see her face. This is better than porn to fap to.

What the hell is that dick

No it dosent. OP is larping faggot. Her you go

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Now suck nnghhhh

Not op here. But this is the girl op is posting.

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A mighty thick one.

Ugh nvm

OP is a larping faggit

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Go on

Sure I'll dump. Fuck you op

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Are you literally shaking right now, OP?

Shaking? Hes larping.

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Not yet

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Suck my dick you pience of shit op

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I've dumped my load. OP is such a shithead.

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not as fucked as I was when I found on my ex's phone

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From the look of your wife its probably for the best unless youre as unattractive as she is then i guess youre fucked.

Very, that guy is gonna wreck your ass.

Attached: yXICN_d.jpg (400x619, 42K)

Fake and gay

Anyone got more wrecked cunt chink?

Eh, her best days are over. It's all down hill for her from here anyways so cut your losses and find something younger.

Old chinks suck the best

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Too bad about the infidelity, but whew lad, those nips are superb.

sorry bro. Dump that slut and go on with your life
don't forget to save this picture, to have proof in court!
do you have kids?

Will you fags read the thread!

Evidence of infidelity can get you out of a bad marriage.

I will refer you to


Got vids? Got kik?

about as fucked as she was that night so, gaping

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

Attached: Laura.png (191x274, 61K)

Who's got vids of this old ugly bitch sucking and fucking, she turns me on

So she is more fucked that you...