Could Atlantis ever had existed?

Could Atlantis ever had existed?

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Yes, but it's probably not the futuristic hi-tech metropolis some people imagine

No. People in ancient greece already knew that it was nothing but a myth. There are several known cities from thousands of years ago that are now underwater but none of them were some high tech utopia


Yeah, why not? The specifics are just misinterpretations.

What do you think about the Richat structure and it being a possible location where Atlantis could have existed 12,000 years ago?

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I agree, it could have never been a high tech Utopia, Utopia itself can not exist due to the nature of humanity

In my opinion it could have been a civilization that was wiped out alongside others 12,000 years ago during the Younger Dryas period

Which caused the said flood in which Atlantis was sunk and erased any advancements by an ancient civilization

Attached: 56777_web.jpg (400x233, 16K)

Wrong. Humans are fine, cowards aren't human.
Most places are beautiful free of anything student-like.

Atlantis has been done over many times. Essentially anywhere nice. Needs to be destroyed once cowards arrive. Probably along with everyone that met a coward. So the whole city, everything, completely destroyed. A beautiful end, free of corruption, never being corrupt.

The rapist parasites destroyed. Atlantis again supposed as perfection, built so.

An idylic, peaceful haven. Some games are untouchable as examples of it. Perfect. Best as memory, never visited again. Maybe all best like that, treasure it while you're there, don't stay long enough you're bored, don't take anything to it but yourself, time away may not be entirely you as you return.

Take the memory of it with you, perfect, remembering the best. Build it again, or enjoy it again found elsewhere. Things safe in your memory, best leaving before somewhere is destroyed so it never feels it is, always still there. Maybe true because parasites miss out on paradise, having not reached where you breifly enjoyed, met perhaps on the way out and fought or fixed so they wont destroy such if they visit.

Slightly more likely than a flat earth.

>Im 15 and think stupid shit because im bored and have nothing else to do: the post

Theres literally nothing (despite being a circular geographical location) that suggest us that Atlantis was that. It could be if we take knowledge that the zone was a jungle back in the last glaciation (12000/14000 years ago) and that the sahara desert could have given place to multiple advanced societies.

>dont forget that Troya was a mith until some decades ago a guy discovered it covered by the sand.

Japanese before animu (school idolotry, stupid cartoons) tried for ideals.
Artists should, maybe always, try to make ideals. To bring precious things forward and make a paradise for them, enjoy characters, problems arising from their inability and natural consequence. Have faith in humanity making it right somehow. Or already right because of humanity, just somewhere to pass through, confronted with more complexity, helped to another direction, readied to it. Hyped.


ok bot

Interesting idea: Immunity to cowardice. Simply decent enough to pay attention exclusively to what matters. Traitors completely and utterly neglected.

Attain ability to exceed the best, expect it into existence. Rescue things to it. Repair the rest of them that isn't perfect, or will be unable to perceive perfection. Give them human ability.

If cowards amass jealous and deprived, cut yourself off, leave behind your future. See what good is in them, find nothing but horrors done. Hate amass exponentially, give them something in yourself to try to defeat, all they do inneffective. As they flee, finding nothing to sustain them, look to eachother hungrilly, then step in between them. Their greed eaten until they are somewhat human. Able to exist without ruining.

>fictional landmass described by Plato for the purpose of making Greece look superior in the eyes of the gods

Yeah, sure. And all those dialogues in his stories actually happened too.

Also this

Atlantis never existed. It was a philosophical question posed by Plato and he said think of a THEORETICAL city we'll call Atlantis. But dumb fucks that have never opened a book started thinking it was real.

100 years from now :

"Did Florida really exist?"

Cowardice is not fact. Degredation isn't history. Art isn't final except perhaps when it is perfect. To call it false then instead of a foundation, and to throw it away is treason.
Such continues, parasitism upon such only does at expense of such.
Attention seeking that prevents the ability needed to rescue.


It was the Wakanda of the Europeans.

Just a fairy tale.

And this.

We must consider the option that we dont know about many lost civilisations in our past. Atlantis could be just a utopia for the ancient times. Not a super tech place full of ufos and aryans.

Could isn't the real question, it's should it.

I think it's better if it can handle ANY newcomer. If all can overcome the trouble to acheive a life that is good, maybe gets better as they all do. Enjoying differences, maybe people have different tastes.

In games areas with their own flavour, own feel, connected with others, sharing common things, works. Where people there are trying to acheive more of what is already there. Futuristic cities look more interesting with different people, maybe trying to be different. The difference making people appreciate places too, maintained by people who belong there.

A bit of diffulty works too, has a place abbandoned, so who really loves it stays with it.

The antikythera mechanism is proof of it .

Fairy tales have more truth than critics. More history than centuries.

>even though i know nothing about anything i better type up some chicken shit to make people think i am smart

That movie isn't a fairy tale, it's a formula, made to gain favour from it's fools.
It's flattery. Falsity for cowards to further attack, discect, experiment, ruin and replace.
It's from throwing things away. Essentially a talentless presentation to kids that the presenter can break the rules and they can too if they surrender. Like plagarised beautiful music used as background for politicians to preach so record producers can profit.

in my opinion yes, but there is also evidence that atlantis also could be located approx. 3000 meters deep in the atlantic ocean. don't have time to go into the detail but you can search for Dr. Sam Osmanagich. He had some good point why atlantis could be located 3000 meters below waterline.
