How do I shave my pubes without them getting rough and itchy once they come back?
How do I shave my pubes without them getting rough and itchy once they come back?
You cant
You can limit it by using shaving cream "for intimate areas".
the best way I have found to get rid of unwanted hair in my nether-regions is to soak all of the hair in 2% or 3% milk for 20 mins and let a cat lick it off. There sandpaper tongues rub all the hair away and also exfoliate the area reducing irritation
Fresh razors, and talcuum after
Don't shave against the growth of the hairs. Trim before shaving. Use shaving cream. Use a powder or moisturiser after shaving. Use hair removal cream. But you will mostly get a couple rough/itchy spots, but these help.
Why do you want to shave it bare you faggot? Trim them a bit that's all
use a beard trimmer or hair clippers on the lowest possible setting
you won't be completely bare but pretty close, and the hairs wont have to break through the skin so no ingrowns
I have not shaved my balls or dick once in my life. I can't help you user
I have a better question, how do I shave without cutting my balls off?
LMAO no one is still running a Razor through there shit right ? LMMAAAOOOO im dieing
you have to be a different kind of animal
wait for real? never even trimmed it?
Well I'll be damned.
to be fair the first few times will always be itchy and rough, but if you keep shaving them after a while you it won't be itchy or rough anymore. If you really don't want that, i would tell you to 1) do laser removal (hair won't grow and will grow weaker after 6 to 12 months) or 2) use a hair removal cream made for pubes (important that it is made for the genital area). (this last for a few weeks before it grows back)
Shave and then use hydrogen peroxide on it
Use Nair
I want to lick and suck this dick for hours!
Cirepil Blue Wax
Lasts about 2 weeks.
You just need practice user, after a few times it's not bad at all, keep doing it long enough and like once a week and it'll be totally normal and you'll never get itching or anything. Been doing it for years
trim u stupid monkey
straight razor (freshly sharpened and honed) shaved with the grain (Pointed towards the shaft) Even works with the scrotum if you have a nice stretch consistency.
General rule of thumb of with a straight razor. Always aim the razor at the dick. Don't be afraid to go too far for success.
tl;dr cut your penis off.
use cold water, shaving cream, and go with the grain.
it wont be as good as if you did the oposite but thats the price you pay
Trim don't shave
Just burn them off with a propane torch.
You don't, you get it lasered off and don't ever worry about it again.
I sugar, like waxing. I have to use a brush to exfoliate and use tendskin every day during the week that the hair is coming back through the skin, otherwise I get terrible ingrowns.
Stomp a tranny to death
Yet here you are. In a shaved thread...
Nair hair remover